the false-images being destroyed which deluded Adam creates – Is.2 – the moment when the 144,000 enter the rock –

the false-images being destroyed which deluded Adam creates, Is.2
— the moment when the 144,000 enter the rock —

the·word which he-perceived Isaiah son-of Amoz on Judah and·Jerusalem and·he-becomes in·last-of the·days being-established he-shall-be mountain-of house-of ieue in·summit-of the·mountains and·being-lifted-up from·hills and·they-stream to·him all-of the·nations
The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the last days, [that] the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it

  • – ‘(enemy-) nations;
    term used as ‘guim’ (goyim); in other chapters, when the context is about Sekht-áaru, we use ‘horus-spirits’; but in this chapter ‘jerusalem’ (earth) is addressed – suggesting that these first lines relate indeed to an earth-situation.There is made a difference between ‘people (who are treated positive) and the ‘nations’ (which are judged), yet the timeline presented here is already “during the Interval”, when still adamites will be born on this earth (and in this type body) but also canaanites – we consider the term ‘guim’ used for the latter groups, in that timeframe [and only in line 5 is starting the theme of ‘how to reach this described situation’],
  • – ‘mountains’; the multiple as -im could also be ‘double’, where until now the spells address “their rule over the double-mountain”,

we saw several times the theme of “who will close the stargate”, and how “judah has to go on a journey to lay down like a lion IN that gate”; that this chapter is ‘concerning Judah’ must imply that at this point in time, the (difficult) attribute of Judah is won back – since the chapter is about the 144 entering in there;
“the word / which / he – Isaiah – perceived /, son of / Amos /, onabout / Judah / and jerusalem (earth) /; and it becomes (to pass) / in the last of / days /, (that) it shall be – established / the house of – the mountain of / IEUE / inat the top of / (both) mountains /, andas being lifted up / from the hills /, and – all of – the (enemy-) nations – they stream – to it /;

and·they-go peoples many and·they-say go-you(p)! and·we-shall-ascend to mountain-of ieue to house-of Elohim-of Jacob and·he-shall-direct·us from·ways-of·him and·we-shall-go in·paths-of·him that from·Zion she-shall-go-forth law and·word-of ieue from·Jerusalem
And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem
that ‘Jacob’ is mentioned here [as all adamite-souls, in this body, who will enter eden] shows that during the Interval still souls will be born in this body – yet not under as harsh conditions as our reality is now,
note how it writes ‘she the law’, where “love” is the main theme,
“and – the many – peoples – they go /, and they say /, ‘go you! / and we shall ascend / to / the mountain of / IEUE /, to / the house of / the deity of / Jacob /, and he shall teach us / from his ways /, and we shall go / in his pathways /, thatbecause / from tsiun / she – the law – shall go forth /, and the word (in the right order) of / IEUE / from jerusalem /;

and·he-judges between the·nations and·he-corrects to·peoples many and·they-pound swords-of·them to·mattocks and·spears-of·them to·pruners not he-shall-lift nation to nation sword and·not they-shall-learn further war
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more
“and he judges / between / the (enemy-) nations /, and he corrects / to – the many – peoples /, and they beat / their swords / to plowshares / and their spears / to pruninghooks /, (and) nót – an (enemy-) nation – he shall lift – the sword – totoward – an (enemy-) nation /, andfor nót -furtheranymore – they shall learn – (how) to war /;

house-of Jacob go-you! and·we-shall-go in·light-of ieue that you-abandoned people-of·you house-of Jacob that they-are-full from·east and·ones-consulting-clouds as·the·Philistines and·in·children-of foreign-ones they-are-slapping-hands
O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and [are] soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers

  • – ‘slapping hands’, H5606 saphaq ‘to clap’, either the hands, or to strike the thigh (in grief); for us an unknown act; in Lamentations 2 the act is presented as “to be enjoying someone else’s misery”, and considered previous line, it must be an abominable act, as bad as witchcraft; likely indicating a rotten nature;
  • – ‘therefore (that)’, kiy ‘that, because, for, if, surely, except, yea, doubtless’,

we consider that now the chapter takes a turn to right now – Jacob is invited to walk by the light, in order to enter that stargate [Judah’s attribute in line 1]; but now he dóes, this earth is quickly getting Darker – by all kinds of matrix souls? The timeframe of this verse must be starting after the exodus, and up until now,
“house of / Jacob (present ad-souls on earth) / come you! / and we shall walk / in light of / IEUE /; thatbecause / you – the house of Jacob – abandoned / your people /, that / they are replenished / from the east /, (namely?) andby the ones practicing witchcraft (soothsayers) / as the Philistines (white-half-giants) /, and as – the children of – strangers – clapping their hands together (enjoying another’s misery?) /;

and·she-is-being-filled land-of·him silver and·gold u·ain and·there-is-no end to·treasures-of·him and·she-is-being-filled land-of·him horses u·ain and·there-is-no end to·chariots-of·him
Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither [is there any] end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither [is there any] end of their chariots:
there is no – eye:
another u-ain here; the next term H7097 qatseh (ts-term), ‘after, border, brink, brim, edge, end, infinite, frontier, end (of time), etc’; we chose ‘infinite’ here but the colour could be adapted, later on;

  • – ‘treasures’, H214 otsar (ts-term), likely of the eden-gate,

text starts to address what the reason is for their stolen richness, through their raising of the cherub-wheel at their new-root; which somehow supplies things for adam (the ‘he’ in this line) to create by,
“andfor she – the land of him – is being filled / (with) (eden-) silver / and gold /, andby the – infinite – eye (cherub-wheel) / tofor his treasures (by eden-gate) /, and she – the land of him – is being filled / (with) horses (spirits) /, andby the – infinite – eye (cherub-wheel) / tofor his chariots (constructs) /, +

and·she-is-being-filled land-of·him forbidden-idols to·deed-of hands-of·him they-are-bowing-down to·which they-madedo fingers-of·him
Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made

  • – ‘idols (forbidden idols’, H457 elil; likely the doubling (el-el) is Negative, (double-deity); H500 Elaleh, a place, who will mourn (so negative), ‘eluwl’ and ‘eliyl’ “good for nothing”; compare ‘allah’ as al-el-ah, literal ‘allah’, H427 as ‘oak’ (the tree of their behemoth-M-realm);

in a later line, ‘the rats and bats are worshipping the doubled-image’, so we gather it is ‘spirits’ here; spells use the advanced-beautified-soul”, which is the image of “the most-beautified-soul-adam”, the ‘they’ in “they-madedo” refers to the multiple fingers – not to a 3d party,
“and she – the land of him – is being filled / (with) doubled-images / toas the work of his (=adam’s) / hands /; and they (spirits) are bowing down / to which – his fingers / (they) made /;

and·he-is-being-bowed-down adm human and·he-is-being-abased aish man and·must-not-be you-are-lifting-up to·them
And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not

  • – ‘mean man’; how in Edom’s name comes here ‘mean’..? H5375, ‘nasa or nasah’, ‘to lift, carry, take’; many forms, 650x;

though indeed ‘to forgive’ is also listed under ‘nasa’, there is neither any ‘mean’ nor ‘great’ in the original text, yet KJV even in their version makes no Sense; because context shows that ‘to raise up’ is intended, following the ‘being brought low’;

  • 2) we wondered first how ‘male’ was addressed to someone else, yet last line mentions “them”, so we must have two aspects of the same theme – our preference is ‘masculinity’, as the type he is under, right now; we left the terms, in blue, above;

“and he – the adam human – is being bowed down /, and he – the male (‘masculinity’) – is being brought low /; and (it) must nót be / (that) you (=144,000) are raising – them – up /;

enter-you! in·the·rock and·be-buried-you! in·the·soil from·faces-of awe-of ieue Yahweh and·from·honor-of pomp-of·him
Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty

  • – ‘rock’, tzur (ts-term), closest to ‘tsiun’,
  • – ‘hide (be buried)’, H2934 taman; bit negative (teman of Esau) but because ‘to hide’ is the antipode of eden’s nature;
  • – ‘dust’, H6083 aphar; close to ophir (lit. ‘gold-dust’, stardust, as in Is.14 “I will make a (new) adam from ophir”); this dust is from the ground adama, Gen.2; and close related to ‘nostril’ -aph;
  • – ‘majesty (pomp)’, H1347 gaown, difficult g-cluster; evenmore so because of the 2nd part ‘uwn’ (Õn) here; even in prophets usually ‘pride’, as negative; we don’t understand how a term as this got here;

the ‘you’ in previous line is the same 144,000 as in this line; it is definately not a negative “for fear” but a positive ‘awe’, and apparently that can only be taken when ‘covered in (gold-) dust’, after having entered the top of the mountain,
“enter-you! (=144,000) / ininto the rock (eden-mountain) / and be you concealed / inby the (gold-) dust / +
from facing / the Awe of / IEUE /, and from the splendor of / his pride /;

eyes-of haughtiness-of adm human he-is-brought-low and·he-is-bowed-down highness-of mortals and·he-is-impregnable ieue to·alone-of·him in·the·day the·he that day to·ieue of hosts on all-of proud and·being-high and·on all-of one-being-uplifted and·he-is-abased
The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the LORD of hosts [shall be] upon every [one that is] proud and lofty, and upon every [one that is] lifted up; and he shall be brought low
it seems that IEUE will start to act upon adam, only after the 144,000 entered; and the theme of “the adam male is brought low” appears 3 times in this chapter, stressing it’s importance; we are not sure why the multiple ‘males’ is used here, we think it is a mistake [as in the third time this line is being repeated], because to us it seems to be linked to the selah-rock mistake, see next lines; therefore we are confident enough to keep the singular (as ‘masculine’); yet we don’t understand well why the ‘literal and figurative highness’ is inserted here – we know from BD that their corn-sheaves of 9 cubits are higher as ours – if he (adam) creates their ‘images’, line 8, it should be related to ‘height’ as well; perhaps that is why the Philistines are mentioned, as well;
context last line:
we tried several times, but the line keeps on having difficulties – the core meaning must be “that IEUE, is now raising-up all óther (adm-) males, because of bringing him (adam) into being low”;
“the – haughty – eyes of / the adam human / it is (being) brought low /, and – the (literal and figurative) highness of – males (‘masculinity’) – it is (being) bowed down /, and he – IEUE – toas he alone – is exalted / in – that – day /, thatbecause (of) / the day / (of) IEUE of / hosts / onupon / all of / the proud /, andfor the being high / andas onfor / all of / the one(s) being uplifted /, andby he (=adam) being brought low /;

and·on all-of cedars-of the·Lebanon the·ones-being-high and·the·ones-being-uplifted
and·on all-of oaks-of the·Bashan
and·on all-of the·mountains the·ones-being-high
and·on all-of the·hills the·ones-being-uplifted
and·on every-of tower lofty
and·on every-of wall fortressed
and·on all-of ships-of Tarshish
and·on all-of displays-of the·coveted

And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, [that are] high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills [that are] lifted up, And upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.

  • – ‘on’, H5921 al, ‘upon, in, over, by, for, both, beyond, through(out), etc’
  • – ‘pictures (displays)’, H7914 skiyah, ‘conspicuous object – picture (dubious)’; said as same as 7906 Seku (secu) ‘city near Ramah (=new adamite throne), Secu being linked to ‘a great well’ there (doubled sh-pool?); 7879 sek ‘prickles, pricks’ 1x; sok ‘booth, pavillion’ 1x; different cluster – 5520 sok ‘lions den’; cuwk ‘anoint’ 8x (turning into sukkoth); we find Akk. sakku ‘deaf, imbecile, helpless’; sakkû,’rites’; sikku, ‘messenger hostel’; sîku ‘a designation of bread’; sukku ‘chair, throne,seat, chapel, treasure, treasury’; ^sukû ‘pole’; conclusion: unclear term; yet why it would not write just ‘idols’..?

this section is as an “accusative list” of all the things adam made for them – because immediately follows a repetition that ‘he will bow down’, line 17;
“and onfor / all of / the cedars of / the Lebanon (‘white realm’) / +
(as) the ones being on high / and the ones being uplifted /,
and onfor / all of / the oaks of / the Bashan (M-realm) / +
and onfor / all of / the mountains (d-mountain?)/(as) the ones being on high/,
and onfor / all of / the hills / (as) the ones being uplifted /,
and onfor / every – lofty – tower (mgdl) /,
and onfor / every – fortressed – wall /,
and onfor / all of / the ships (constructs) of / Tarshish (‘dimensional-wideness’, beryl)/,
and onfor / all of / the pleasant – displays (?) /;

and·he-is-bowed-down haughtiness-of the·human and·he-is-abased highness-of mortals and·he-is-impregnable ieue to·alone-of·him in·the·day the·he and·the·forbidden-idols completely he-shall-pass-by and·they-enter in·caves-of rocks and·in·tunnels-of soil from·faces-of awe-of ieue and·from·honor-of pomp-of·him in·to-rise-of·him to·to-terrify-of the·earth
And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day And the idols he shall utterly abolish. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth
in line 10 was ‘to hide’ (etmn), following the type stanza as there,
then here should be a similar term as ‘to hide’;
instead of searching a word as ‘holes’ (anyway that is impossible for ‘dust’);
we think we have here one of very few slippings in the oral tradition,
where a word was remembered thought to need to be related to ‘caves’;
see last line for this theme;
it is unlikely that ‘this earth’ will ‘tremble’; because “that day” will be very Dark for earth, and isn’t the same timeline, yet; so this trembling must be ‘for another land’;
“andbut he – the loftyness of – the adam male – is (being) bowed down /, and he – the (literal and figurative) highness of – the male ‘masculinity’) – is (being) brought low /; andfor he – IEUE – toas he alone – is exalted / in – that – day /, and the doubled-images / he shall – completely – replace /, andas (=when) they (144,000) enter / ininto the caves of / the rocks / +
and [to be concealed by] / the (gold-) dust / from facing / the Awe of / IEUE /, and from the splendor of / his pride /, (and) toso – the (matrix-) land – to tremble – inby to arise of he (=IEUE) /;

in·the·day the·he he-shall-fling-away the·human forbidden-idols-of silver-of·him and forbidden-idols-of gold-of·him which they-madedo for·him to·to-sworship-of to·mole rats and·to·the·bats
In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made [each one] for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bat

  • – ‘mole’, H2661 chaphor; likely a stepdown from Chaptor, city of philistines (half-giants), who received then these images for them; but solid etymology for either of three is unclear; mole and bat in Akk. are different terms;

we see in spells constantly the descended-hebrew-H-house borrowed ‘for 30 silvers’, here it appears that “to make images” is related to ‘silver’; [in order to make images of gold – as the stolen word of the Watercourse],
“in – that – day / he – the adam human – shall fling away / the doubled-images / of the silver of him /, and / the doubled-images of / gold of him /, which / (were) being made / by him (=adam) / +
tofor – the mole -, the rats – and tofor the bats – to bow-down to /;

to·to-enter-of in·fissures-of the·rocks and·in·forks-of the·crags from·faces-of awe-of ieue and·from·honor-of pomp-of·him in·to-rise-of·him to·to-terrify-of the·earth leave-off-you! to·you from the·human who breath in·nose-of·him that in·what? being-accounted he
To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. Cease ye from man, whose breath [is] in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?

  • – ‘from’ min (or min, Aramaic),
    ‘of, from, before, after, because, therefore, out, for, the, partly, among, whether, etc’;
  • – ‘accounted’, H2803 chashab ‘to think, account’; (skillful workman 9x) (considered 13x) (devising 13x)

context mistake:
the mistake of line 17-18 is repeated and even extended here;
[“tops of the ragged rocks” and “forks of the crags”] are contextually Impossible, since the first term used is H5585 saiph ‘cleft’ – but that is the cleft where Edom hides (Obadiah 1), the word itself linking to ‘marshes’ (as Sekht-field etc); while the 2nd term, H5553 sela, is “the rock” but then of Oreb-Horus, this time completely leaving out the ‘to hide’. We are not sure what happened here – but considered the importance of the thrice repeat, we choose to delete both terms because they are contextually wrong. Eventhough the line could suggest ‘and you will also go to the rock of the serpent-hand’ (which is possible), there are just not enough available words to can use thát context. Evenmore so, by each repetition a previous line is added to the repeat, as if creating a careful composed meaning – therefore we are sure about our presented line;
thrice repetition:
very rare in scripture – the only one we are aware of, until now,
is Haggai 2, “from this day onward (I will bless you)”,
and, considered that the theme there is “the foundation of the temple being made”, we consider this chapter immediately related to that [and restore original intent of line];
last line:
we can only read it like “you stop adam, who has breath in his nose!”,
in context of “when the 144,000 are completed, this will happen” – and we declare this the Legal context of (this and all the) chapters about this theme, so far. compare how they will see adam and be astonished (page and page);
several options, see note above;
“toby to enter / ininto the clefts of / the rocks (of the eden-mountain) /, and [to be concealed by] / the (gold-) dust / from facing / the Awe of / IEUE /, and from the splendor of / his pride /, (and) tofor – the (matrix-) land – to tremble – inby to arise of he (=IEUE) /;

stop you! / toby you / [from] the adam human / who(se) / (eden-) breath / (is) in his nose /, thatbecause / infor what / he (has) been devising…?” /.

legal; 02.05 loNe