second half Ezekiel 27

27/12/17 first version


Ezekiel 27 – second half



we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,
note #:  

2nd part Ez. 27

Arabia and·all-of princes-of Kedar they ones-being-merchants-of hand-of·you in·butting-lambs and·rams and·he-goats in·them ones-being-merchants-of·you
Arabia, and all the princes of Kedar, they occupied with thee in lambs, and rams, and goats: in these [were they] thy merchants

  • ‘arabia’, from ‘abar ‘dark, night’; perhaps no coincidence “1001 nights”; we remembered another apocryph, Esdras (seems valid), but has no interlinear we found so far, 2nd, ch.15 “where the nations of the dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots, and the multitude of them shall be carried as the wind upon the earth, that all they which hear them may fear and tremble”; the book also has a rant against ‘Asia’ (as Mu), we ‘d love to see the original if it’s there;
  • ‘princes’, H5387 nasiy; (not sar-) ‘prince, vapour (mist)’; we could assume “son-constructs”, when in line 35 are king-constructs, but context seems to suggest “spirits”,
  • Kedar, said from H6937 qedar ‘to grow dark’ (moon will go dark); Akk. kadaru ‘reed fencing’, kadrum ‘wild, proud animal; gifts, presents’: elsewhere “root qdr as ‘dark, gloomy”; root kdr ‘attack upon’; but very poor root; context as “Nebuchadnezzar (Thoth) will destroy his own region Kedar” (Jer. 49:28); we choose glyph ÁKHT, ‘island of the horizon’, as glyph AKHET- and AKH- (to flourish) by context,
glyph pic: the rather strange ‘akhet glyph’, as 1/3d of the year; the “moon (month)” here as ÁBT’, which is exact this “matrix-day by the Eden-night” (as complete Inversion) — we still are trying to get that theme more clear; perhaps KHEDar refers phonetic to aKHET..?
merchants: 5503 sachar to 7837 shachar ‘tuat-dawn’,

note: we saw in a previous page how “the battering-rams (lambs) are being devoured”,
note: hand’ as executive region (inbetwen eden-hand and serpent-hand TCH-T?),
“the matrix-Day by the eden-Night (Arabia) / andfor all of / the princes (son-spirits) ofby / “the house of the Horizon” (ákht); / inby – they – the battering rams (=lambs, ad.originals) – the ones being traded ofby / the hand of you, / andfór the rams (matrix-dualism) / and he goats (matrix-monkeys) / inas them / the ones being traded of you;”

ones-being-traders-of Sheba and·Raamah they ones-being-traders-of·you in·principal-of every-of aromatic and·in·every-of stone precious and·gold they-gave fairs-of·you
The merchants of Sheba and Raamah, they [were] thy merchants: they occupied in thy fairs with chief of all spices, and with all precious stones, and gold
merchants: 7402 rakal
note: unclear line, because we’re not sure how to interpret; ‘sheba’ is negative (yet close to Watercourse), so is Raamah as ‘thing of thunder’; thunder usually ‘speech’ as glyph KHER- and QERÁ); envisioned here “false words and preaching of scripture”..? With as result that the eden-gems (in stargate?) are continuously owned by matrix?
“the ones being traded ofas / the words of the false w-course? / andfor false preaching? , / they / (are) the ones being traded ofby you: / they gave / you merchandise / (being) the main of / every of / fragrant spices, / and inas every of / precious / eden-gemstone, “

Charan and·Canneh and·Eden ones-being-traders-of Sheba Assyria Chilmad one-being-trader-of·you
Haran, and Canneh, and Eden, the merchants of Sheba, Asshur, [and] Chilmad, [were] thy merchants

  • ‘haran’ H2715 chor ‘nobles’; 2734 charah ‘get angry’ (many); chere ‘dung’ 1x; choriy ‘anger outburst’; Akk. harânnu ‘way, road, caravan, far-away lands’, several har-, and hur- ‘hole’; Hurrian not found; context that “Abraham’s brother as whiteness was there”,
  • ‘calneh’ or kanneh, see amos 6 page, probably the KHETEM-seal,
  • ‘assyria’ land south under their rule
  • ‘kilmad H3638, no one knows; we found Ass. kullumu ‘to weigh, balance, hang, suspend, press, yoke’, suppose the -l drops [like calnek and kanneh] we have ‘kummu, sanctuary of goddess Ningal’ who is the feminine inside (attribute) of her consort Nanna; we just don’t know, neither by context atm;

“the ones being traded – (being) “the dimensional-whiteness in the other land”, / and the seal-doorkeeper / andas the garden of Eden, / the words of the false w-course?, / the land south (under matrix-rule) / (plummet place-T?) / the one being traded ofby you; “

they ones-being-traders-of·you in·things-consummate in·folds-of amethyst and·embroidery and·in·depositories-of apparels in·the·lines ones-being-bound-up and·cedars in·trade-of·you
These [were] thy merchants in all sorts [of things], in blue clothes, and broidered work, and in chests of rich apparel, bound with cords, and made of cedar, among thy merchandise

  • ‘clothes’, gelom ‘wrapping’, to H1563 galam ‘fold together’ 1x, golem ‘unformed substance’ 1x;
  • ‘chests (depositories)’ H1595 genez ‘treasury’, 1596 same; no other, Akk. gînû, ‘regular offering, fees’,
  • H1264 berom ‘variegated cloth/many colours’ 1x; no root;
    Akk. barmu ‘speckled, multicoloured, to anoint, smear on’,
  • ‘cords’, chebel, must be wick-H’-related, line 8,

“they / (are) the ones being traded ofby you / inas the precious things, / inby the folded together (?) – lights of eden-sapphire (7), / andas the variegated (embroidery) / in the storehouses of / speckled / in the cords of wick-H’ / the ones being bound-up, / andfor the cedars / inas the thing of merchandise of you,”

ships-of Tarshish ones-singing-of·you market-of·you and·you-are-being-filled and·you-are-being-heavy very in·heart-of seas
The ships of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy market: and thou wast replenished, and made very glorious in the midst of the seas

  • ‘sing’ H7788 shur ‘journey’, unsure; shur ‘to watch (like a hunter)’ 6x; shur ‘wall’ 4x plus 3x;
    7794 shor ‘bull, ox, cattle’ 60x; but the line suggests a verb? or did they make a verb, therefore needing the ‘ones’..?

note: so compact are all the lines, that with 1 uncertain word it affects the whole line; we agree the ‘being filled’ falls out here, and is not good there, standing separate,
heart-stargate: north-gate of inner-court
ka bulls: ‘cherub (wheel)’ can be a link to shur- as ‘bulls’, where these are also “strong constructs”, but the first part of line refuses to run,

“the ships ofby / the the place of the beryl (wheel of the cherub), / (being) your (Ka-) bulls / (as) your altered-merchandise, / and you are being filled, / and you are being – very – heavy (and glorious) / in the heart-stargate of / the mixed-eden-dimensions (seas); “

in·waters many-ones they-brought·you the·ones-rowing you wind-of the·east he-broke·you in·heart-of seas
Thy rowers have brought thee into great waters: the east wind hath broken thee in the midst of the seas
note: though appearing contrived, yet the line like this, fits inbetween both others; problem is the “he-broke-you”, where the term itself is definitely Eden’s;
“they come in – inas the – many – eden-waters, / the ones causing – you – to roam about. / (being) the spirit-breath of / (heaven’s) East, / he broke-apart (fór) you – inas the heart-stargate offor / the mixed-eden-dimensions;”

wealth-of·you and·fairs-of·you market-of·you mariners-of·you and·pilots-of·you ones-repairing-of gap-of·you and·ones-mixing-of market-of·you and·all-of mortals-of war-of·you who in·you and·in·all-of assembly-of·you who in·midst-of·you they-shall-fall in·heart-of seas in·day-of fall-of·you
Thy riches, and thy fairs, thy merchandise, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy calkers, and the occupiers of thy merchandise, and all thy men of war, that [are] in thee, and in all thy company which [is] in the midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the seas in the day of thy ruin
note: the ‘battle’ perhaps as pun on glyph “battle in the cemetary below” (in top lampstand), NETER KHERT ÃHÃ,
“and your merchandise – (being) the wealth of you / andas the altered-merchandise of you / (for) your ones rubbed in with salt, / andby the wick-H’ handlers / (being) the ones repairing of / the damage-fissure of you; / andfor the mingled-ones ofby / the altered-merchandise of you; / and all of / the mortals of / the battle (below) of you / who / (are) in you, / andas in all of / the company of you / who / (are) in the midst of you, / they shall fall / inby the the heart-stargate of / the dimensions, / in the day of / your fall;”

to·sound-of outcry-of pilots-of·you they-shall-quake common-lands
and·they-descend from·ships-of·them all-of ones-handling-of oar mariners all-of pilots-of the·sea to the·land they-shall-stand

The suburbs shall shake at the sound of the cry of thy pilots
And all that handle the oar, the mariners, [and] all the pilots of the sea, shall come down from their ships, they shall stand upon the land

  • ‘handle’ H8610 taphas ‘to lay hold on, seize, handle,
  • ‘oars’, see line 6,

“the ruled lands (by you) – they shall quake / (being) the cry of distress – to sound ofby / your wick-H’ handlers, / and they (the lands) descend / fromas the ships of them, / all of / the ones rubbed-in with salt – (being) the ones seizing / the oars, / all of / the wick-H’ handlers / the dimension (sea) / to / the land / they shall stand;

and·they-make-heard over·you in·voice-of·them and·they-shall-cry-out bitterly and-they-shall-bring-up soil on heads-of·them in·the·ash they-shall-swallow
And shall cause their voice to be heard against thee, and shall cry bitterly, and shall cast up dust upon their heads, they shall wallow themselves in the ashes

  • ‘dust (soil)’, H6083 aphar; used for ‘made adam from dust of the ground’, where ground is adma; used for ‘scrape off chalk’ as whiteness, for ash as substance of body, etc; glyph SHÃ,’sand’, but “lights of eden-willpower by the eden-sh-pool”,
  • ashes’ H665 epher, related, but now as Negative (note how different number range)

Zoroastrianist fire-temple; the members use white-ash for ‘purification rituals’; the fire deity here is Mitra, from Rg-Veda,

note: bit mysterious line [save we understood right, ofcourse]; we do not want to go ‘all chakra’ here, to not go diffuse realms — but there may be some ‘star’ floating above their heads (see amtuat) causing the covering around their beings; this is the only interpretation [though vague] we can make of this line, compare néxt line,
“and – over you (=we) – they (spirits) make to be heared / inas the voice of them, / and they shall cry out / bitterly, / and they shall (cause to) ascend / the (dimensional-) light-particles / onfrom / the heads of them, / inas the (dimensional-) died-light-particles (ash) / they shall wade through;”

and·they-make-bald for·you baldness and·they-gird sackcloths and·they-lament for·you in·bitterness-of nphsh soul wailing bitter
And they shall make themselves utterly bald for thee, and gird them with sackcloth,
and they shall weep for thee with bitterness of heart [and] bitter wailing

  • ‘for you’; line telling different context as ‘for’, H413 el ‘against, motion towards; because, etc”,

context note: they lost the adamite-soul as their battery inside them [theme in many spells]; the amazing picture shows here that now there is an inversion of ownership: they lost the grip upon the adamite-soul (that is what they are bitter about), we left the term above; and also now they are being enclosed by their own created blind physical bodies (which they made fór the soul), save that now having been removed from that sackcloth any stolen eden-aspects; read – they become the Apes again which they were, before Eden; –‘bald’ same word, just second time suffix -ah, ‘thing of (object)’, remember they stole the head, specifically;
note: we inserted the context of the word ‘mourning’ behind it (in brackets),
“and – for you (=we) – they make bald (the covering of the head) / (being) the bald thing (the non-covered head), / and they gird on / the sackcloths (these physical bodies of ours) / and they lament / forover you, / in bitterness of / the adamite-soul, / bitterly – mourning (for the loss of her);”

and·they-lift-up for·you in·plaint-of·them dirge and·they-dirge over·you who? as·Tyre as·still-one in·midst-of the·sea
And in their wailing they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and lament over thee, [saying], What [city is] like Tyrus, like the destroyed in the midst of the sea?

  • ‘wailing’ H5204 niy ‘appearantly wailing, from naha’; H5106 nuw ‘to forbid, to restrain, refuse’ 8x; naah ‘pastures’; na ‘raw’ 1x; 4994 na ‘please, now, I pray thee; prim.particle’, 400x, since niy- is closer to na- as to nahah, must be the former,

“and they lift up / for you / inas the ‘please’ of them / the lamentation, / and they lament / overtowards you: / who / (was) as Õn, / as the one silenced / in the midst of / the eden-dimension (sea)? “

— addressing Õn again —

in·to-go-forth-of fairs-of·you from·seas you-satisfied peoples many-ones in·vastness-of wealths-of·you and·markets-of·you you-cenriched kings-of earth
When thy wares went forth out of the seas, thou filledst many people; thou didst enrich the kings of the earth with the multitude of thy riches and of thy merchandise

note: ‘peoples’ used here in general (not ‘background people’), probably because also earth is included here, the “kings” likely as also ‘the kings of the east’, the 200 million,
“inby to come out / your merchandise / fromfor the mixed-eden-dimensions, / you physically satisfied / the – many – peoples / inby the vastness of / your wealths, / and the altered-merchandise of you / you caused to enrich / the kings of / the (matrix-) land,”

now being-broken from·seas in·depths-of waters market-of·you and·all-of assembly-of·you in·midst-of·you they-fell
In the time [when] thou shalt be broken by the seas in the depths of the waters thy merchandise and all thy company in the midst of thee shall fall

note: the ‘shall fall’ was already adressed in line 27,
therefore in this line something more concrete must happen – compared to next lines,
(it is) being broken – at that time / fromas the mixed-eden-dimensions / inby the depths (deep) / the eden-waters / the altered-merchandise ofby you / and all of / your company / they fell / in the midst of you,”

all-of ones-dwelling-of the·coastlands they-are-desolated over·you and·kings-of·them they-are-horrified horror they-are-disheartened faces
All the inhabitants of the isles shall be astonished at thee,
and their kings shall be sore afraid, they shall be troubled in [their] countenance

  • ‘afraid’, likely a pun upon NESHEN, “tempest” as well as “to horrify”,

note: words with twin-meaning have been used, and perhaps for reason —
the term for “tempest” is also “horror”; and for “astonished” also “desolated”;
ofcourse the romantic, understandable line would be “..and the kings are horrified” etc —
but problem is then, that “the dwellers in the islands are mere astonished”, yet just ago they fell! both can be possible, but for context we choose the second one,
countenance: what we use in spells as ‘[an-] face’, the visible character of rule,
face: the ‘faces’ lacks the usual faces-of, thereby can stand alone here,
“all of / the ones dwellings ofat / the islands / they are astonished (desolated) / over you, / and the kings (-spirits) of them / they are horrified / (over) the horror, / they are agitated / the faces; ”

“all of / the dwellings ofas / the islands / overof you – they are desolated, / andas they the king-constructs / they are (being) whirled-out / (by) the tempest, / they (are) the agitated – matrix-countenance;”

ones-being-merchants in·the·peoples they-hiss over·you decadences you-become u·ain·k and·there-is-no·you until eon
The merchants among the people shall hiss at thee; thou shalt be a terror, and never [shalt be] any more
note: ‘the eye’, and context: again we find here the u-ain , as in previous chapters appeared, but this is the first time a ‘you’ is glued to the phrase, as u-ain-k (we left it, above); technically, it is not true that ‘you shall be no more’, since the dragon “will be loosened short time”, that is, after the Interval; and the term itself, as “be no more” is contextually improbable —
were that true, then why need the interval?
note: same line (35-36) in Jer. 19,49,50, there also said as ‘Babylon’ (Õn region); in Revelation, earth is but a subsidairy of Babylon the great –
note: it does not appear that the ‘to hiss’ belongs to the matrix, so who hiss are former victims; line also because of the unnatural “ones-being-merchants” here, opposed to previous usage,

“the ones having been the merchandise / (namely) inas the peoples, / they hiss / over you: / you (have) become – the place of Terror / andby the eden-eye / until / the aeon.”

——-end Eze. 27

second half 27/12/17 loNe, first part
was difficult Sir,
first half