Tag Archives: eyes

BD 144

https://www.etana.org/sites/default/files/coretexts/14900.pdf the treshing floor (sep, off.:'the beginning'). existence. eternities / millions (h'eh'u). sacrifice in general. body-garment (shes). this. light. of [=by]. servants,slaves. to become,was (áu). he,his. existence. masterholder (nebt). eyes ('people'?). speech. [eyes of speech?] noble spirit. he (set-glyph). to become a spirit. that which is ('reality', ntt). boundary (tcher). the cemetary below. of [=by]. […]

PT 357

592c] thou. speech. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] Set's. existence. [in] the Eye. [is] the protection (netch). [of] Horus'. existence. [for] the beautified soul.; 592b] the westerner (horus-spirit). who is. in front of. existence. [in] this. thou. name. of.: – thou. speech (and nature, kher). [by] Horus'. Torso (eye, south). which is. before/in front of. + (next […]

PT 568

1433c] the sky of earth’s. existence. [by] the staff [of] the East. his. root. side. [for] the prisoner (ús). they (ad.souls). give.; (root side of the staff, see next) 1433b] the sky of earth. existence. [by] his. root. side. [of] the staff. [of] adam-within. [as] the staff. [of] existence. [from?] the two sycamore-trees (neHt, hebrew-H, […]