Tag Archives: coffin texts

CT 205

  CT 205   main theme: the 7 torches providing   the creational-word for the matrix   longer chapter ; very readable , but not an easy theme introduction : ‘essences’ , ‘lights’ and ‘words’ : … please remember that “the 7 torches” link to “words (‘lights’) of eden-willpower” bringing forth the eden-lights wherewith (eden-) concepts are […]

CT 223

  CT 223   main theme: the energy-field (as ‘egg’) around spirits — fed by words … just when you thought that themes couldn’t get more bizarre … introduction : … we had the theme of ‘the egg’ (SUH’T) before , see previous posted spells ; to right , a depiction of this concept , […]

CT 258

  CT 258   main theme: the two eden-ram horns (Adam speaks)   the two horns (in the corrupted Daniel 8 chapter) : … Daniel 8 presents ‘the ram’ as “an eden-construct” , informing us about “on shorter and one longer horn” – and see left diagram (as two axis carrying both stones – in […]

CT 256

  CT 256   main theme: Adam sold out the eden-gate  (Adam speaks)   … still the Adam-series ; short spell but very readable ; source text : open a new window if you want to read the original glyphs as paralell text : click and goto page III-366 of the PDF , always reading […]

CT 255

  CT 255   main theme: Adam has ‘sold out’ the 7 eden-Torches  (Adam speaks) spell overview : … very readable yet a difficult theme : subject is still Adam in this series – to the hand (‘Damascus, eden-stone’) belonged a concept called ‘7 torches’, which are “goddesses related to the eden-word of willpower” ; […]

CT 133

  CT 133   main theme: Râ (our sun) : I exist by (dew of) the eden-tree   short chapter – introduction : … part of the previous posted series — Râ , outwardly ‘our sun’, exists by the (now-) matrix-gate and the Nile leading úp to that gate – though the latter is not […]

CT 146

  CT 146   main theme: the birthsceptre and the abuse of our female Originals ;   before you read : … this chapter contains graphic themes – just so you know ; yet this is a complete confirmation of the Amos chapters , in which the female Originals are constantly abused by the bull-spirits […]

CT 147

  CT 147   main theme : Horus ruling the (stolen-) eden gate ;   understanding what was said in this spell : … we are not here to present smooth smokescreens as a slick readable text containing mystical Nonsense (we leave that job to others) ; the truth is that many concepts inhere are […]

CT 148

  CT 148   introduction : Horus speaks (the two stones , the stargate, our Originals , and creating spirits) … to be fair – even after six years of trying to make Sense of the themes in the Spells we did not get a full grip upon the entity named ‘Horus’ , which was […]

CT 257

  CT 257   main theme : Adam speaks (shorter chapter) this spell – how we know it is about Adam ? : … we know that the Egyptians (as spirits) were infatuated with him , while the used terms and syntax support that it is indeed about him ; 2) for diagrams about ‘the […]

CT 160

  CT 160   main theme : the king ( Thoth) of Mystery-Babylon speaks ;     II 388 (introduction , 1 coffin) c) the divine light (‘probably Râ’). [for] (matrix-) existence. divine things to follow. , (in order) for. (matrix-) existence to become new (-un). ; b) [and so by] he (‘Râ’). [to be] […]