Is. 63 — ‘where is the one causing My people to ascend ?’ —
[line 1 upcoming]
for-what-reason adm red to·clothing-of·you and·garments-of·you as·one-treading in·winetrough
Wherefore [art thou] red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat?
- – ‘red’, here as -adm; glyph T’EMÍA “deep-red garment-body” (as opposed to ÁNS, the red for the fish-soul), “the red (clothing) alike-adam by the new-hand”; line here suggests “a mixture between their (stole-) white, and adam’s body”;
- – ‘clothing’, H3830 lebush ‘garment, clothing, apparel’ 33x; labash ‘to clothe, to wear’; not used in Genesis (but only after the fall) so appears matrix-term, stepdown to Laban ‘white’, (the “clothing them” in Gen.3 could be ‘they got this matrix’ genitals-type body”…);
- – ‘garments’, H899 beged ‘garment’ 217x; 898 bagad ‘treacherous (as Õn does)’ 48x; no further (root -bag ‘spoil’ 1x ?) or -gad+ba-prefix (solarplane) ? likely, Gad (one of 12 of the 144,000 as “the attribute returning the fortunes of whiteness from matrix”);
- – ‘winefat’, H1660 gath ‘winepress’ 5x; g+the, g-cluster, said from – nagan but is serpent; we saw also Eden had a “winepress – for essence of their dual realm”, see page;
there is *no* questionmark in this line, the “for-what-reason” is ancient saying for “that’s the reason why”,
“for whatthat reason / the blushyness (of the adm-man) / (is) tofor your (matrix-white) garment-body /, andas your (treacherous) garment-bodies / asby (it) (being) treaded / in the winepress (for she the dual-realm) /;
winepress I-trod to·alone-of·me and·from·peoples ain there-is-no man with·me and·I-am-treading·them in·anger-of·me and·I-am-tramping·them in·fury-of·me and·he-is-spattering gore-of·them on garments-of·me and·all-of clothing-of·me I-sullied
I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people [there was] none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment
- – ‘winepress’, H6333 puwr-ah ‘winepress’ 2x; -pur ‘utterly take’ 3x; Paroh (pharaoh); para ‘uncover, strip’ 16x; 6499 -par ‘bull’ 133x; as Ka-double bull, because nót used as describing the one cherub; Pharaoh was about ‘masculine’, so is ‘bull’; leaving no other option as the winepress deity SHESMU,
- – ‘with’, H854 eth ‘against, with, in, him, me, upon’;
- – ‘treading’, H7429 ramas ‘trample’ 19x (-ra as ‘evil’); remes ‘creeping things’ 17x (bugs etc); the weird is that it’s mentioned in Gen.1, yet Ez.8:10 addresses “the creeping things at their bordersky”, read – Kheper beetle;
- – ‘anger’, H2534 chem-ah ‘fury, wrath’ 122x; into Chemosh, the Ganesha of india, previous Moabite; one step from -Cham (Canaan); chom ‘heat’ 14x;
- – ‘blood’; H5332 netsach (ts-term) ‘lifeblood’ 1x; but real blood is the -dum cluster; netsach ‘forever’ 44x; netsach ‘distinguish, preferred’ 1x; natsach ‘to oversee, to lead’ 64x; nets ‘hawk (2x), blossom (1x)’,Horus and blossom, spells often use “blossom” of “eden-words”, nats-ah ‘to struggle’ 11x;
- – ‘sprinkle’, H5137 naz-ah ‘sprinkle’ 24x; no root; n+az matrix-power; -na ‘raw’ 1x; No ‘(left side of) Thebes (egypt)’,
- – H4403 malbush ‘garments, attire’ 8x; m+lebesh (m-realm), per line 2 previously; H3830 lebush ‘garment, clothing, apparel’ 33x; labash ‘to clothe, to wear’; not used in Genesis (but after fall) so appears matrix-term, stepdown to Laban ‘white’, (the “clothing them” in Gen.3 could be ‘they got this genitals type body”…); also ‘heart’, emending into the torso ÁB, outer-court;
- – ‘stain’, H1351 gaal ‘stained, defiled’ 11x; g+el (into ‘wheel’ gal), (gaal, redeemed),
ain – eye of man-kindcontext:
in previous posted chapter we had the “chariot of man-kind”, as house of the horizon ÁAKHET;
this has to be similar theme, just a bit differently worded; in interlinear, the eye and man are connected by the “-“, making it one concept;
garment-bodies context:
as a “fabricated different type body”, as mixture of theirs and eden-aspects;
veil context:
see for the “whiteness (white-light)” lines below; this ‘white’ which was stolen by the matrix and transformed into ‘hostile white’ (see previous posted page); the “white-light” itself, as quality, should be a dimensional-light, by which (part of) their bodies (garment-body) is being designed — but this white-light is now taken back by IEUE;
textglyph context: this winepress is their “hewed-out one”, said cursed who is doing that; compare the (diagrams) where Enki hews out that pool; glyph SHEMSU is Tricky, comprising several meanings together, but in CT often depicted as “vineyard glyph”, eventually with knife; BD 17 describes it’s nature as “[by] he. the willpower (eden’s). to bring”, to right; |
“(but) the wine-press (of the Ka-bull Shesmu) / I have trodden (for to conquer) / toby me alone /, andyet – the eye (cherub-wheel) – (of) (mortal-)man (-kind) – for the doubled people (Canaan) – (being) withagainst me /; and I am treading them (to conquer) / in my anger (nostril) / and I trample them (Kheper) / in my fury (over Cham) /; andso it – their blossom-of-eden-words / it is sprinkled (matrix-power) / on / their (treacherous) garment-bodies /, and all of / my (‘white-light’) dimensional-Veil (fór the m-realm) / I cause to be defiled (by capturing the cherub-wheel)/;
that day-of vengeance in·heart-of·me and·year-of ones-redeemed-of·me she-came and·I-am-looking u·ain and·there-is-no one-helping and·I-am-being-desolated u·ain and·there-is-no one-supporting and·he-is-saving for·me arm-of·me and·fury-of·me she she-supported·me
For the day of vengeance [is] in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come And I looked, and [there was] none to help; and I wondered that [there was] none to uphold:
therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me
- – ‘vengeance’, H5359 naqam ‘vengeance’ 17x; neqe ‘pure’ 1x; naaq ‘groan (of pharaoh)’ 2x;
- – ‘redeemed’, H1350 gaal ‘redeem’ 115x; nature different as the “to save”; in line 3 we had 1351 gaal ‘stained, defiled’ 11x; g+el (matrix-essence+deity); here as “matrix essence by ascended cherub-wheel”,
- – ‘to look’, H5027 nabat ‘to look, observe’, naba ‘prophecy’ 114x (‘bubbling up words’),
- – ‘wondered (desolated)’, H8074 shamem ‘desolate’ 86x, relating to ‘name’ (shem);
- – ‘uphold’, H5564 samak ‘lay hands (upon)’ 48x; as concept; -sam ‘fragrant (spices)’ 16x (positive); no further root, but likely emending into -shem (name);
u-ain eye context:
again so treacherous, the “and there is no one to help”, see next,
chapter context:
IEUE definitely needs the eye, as “the precious instrument” (see page); note how “the year of the redeemed ones” is the same event as “having the eye back” – in this verse is declared how IEUE will do that: namely “by his arm”, strength, and next verses relate how first Christ will come down, in order to bring about the 144,000, who will be “those who part the mixed-dimension as Moses did in his time”: see next lines, – a character-concept as “fury” is always a “she”; continuing in next line,
“thatbecause / the day of / vengeance (pharaoh groaning) / (is) in my core /, andfor – she – the year of – my redeemed ones (144,000 escaping matrix-essence) – came /; and I am looking / andfor – the helping – eye (cherub-wheel) /, andas I am being desolated (no name) / anduntil (?) – to lay hands upon (spices) – the eye /, andbut he – my arm (power) – is saving – for me /, andby to lay hands upon (it) (spices) – (for?) she – my fury (over Canaanite-Cham) /; +
and·I-am-trampling peoples in·anger-of·me and·I-am-making-drunk·them in·fury-of·me and·I-am-bringing-down to·the·earth gore-of·them
And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth
- – ‘tread down’, H947 bus ‘tread down’, 12x; no further root;
- – ‘anger’, H2534 chem-ah ‘fury, wrath’ 122x; into Chemosh, the Ganesha of india, previous Moabite; one step from -Cham (Canaan); chom ‘heat’ 14x;
- – ‘bring down’, H3381 yarad ‘go down, bring down, etc’ 380x; into yaar ‘forest’;
doubled peoples context:
used word here as (omim) ‘peoples’; while f.e. in line 8 is used (om) ‘people (of me)’: there is no reason to go multiply an already multiple-term, therefore we consider the -im also here
to mean “doubled”, not mere ‘multiple’; referring to the Canaanite types (earth’s elite, etc) who made a pact with Sheol (underworld glyph ABT’U), see page; compare with “the horus-spirits will get drunk” in the dream-vision (see page),
“and I am trampling down / the doubled-peoples (of matrix) / in my anger (dimensional nostril) /, and I am making them drunk (by sorcery) / inby my fury (over Canaanite-Cham) / and I am bringing down (the forest of Tefnut) – (being) their (matrix) blossom of words – to the land (earth?) /;
kindnesses-of ieue Yahweh I-shall-mention praises-of ieue as·on all which he-requited·us ieue and·much-of good to·house-of ishral which he-requited·them as·compassions-of·him and·as·many-of kindnesses-of·him
I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, [and] the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses
- – ‘lovingkindness’, H2617 chesed ‘kindness’ 247x; chas-ah ‘refuge’ 37x; chus ‘pity’ 23x; unclear what can be the reason for -chas; no further root;
- – ‘mention’, H2142 zakar ‘remember (and go act upon)’ 232x; in the sense of an old promise now to go realize;
- – ‘praises’, H8416 tehill-ah ‘praise’ 57x (but el+el?); tohol-ah ‘error’ 1x; tohu ‘formless’ [of earth in Genesis] 20x; te+hale-ah ‘beyond (time and place)’ 16x; hala ‘outcast’ 1x; hillul ‘praise, festival’ 2x; 1984b halal ‘praise, boastful’ has many entries but no page; according to prophets the term must be positive [is the -el+el related to the -galgal as returned cherub-wheel ?]
- – ‘bestowed’, H1580 gamal ‘weaned, yield, to bore, ripen, rewarded’ 37x; gemul ‘recompense’ as ‘that which a person deserved’ 19x; gome ‘papyrus’ 4x +el ‘deity’, see Gamaliel story;
line context:
the “praises” (tehillah) we fail to see; for “womb” see next lines, as “birthing creations”;
“and I shall remember (to realize old promise) – the kindness of – IEUE /, (being) the praises (=?) of / IEUE / as-on / all / which / he – IEUE – recompensed us (stolen by papyrus+deity) /, andas the great – (eden-) goodness / to the house of / the powerful deity (ishral) /, which / he recompensated to them (stolen by papyrus+deity) / as his mercies (by eden-womb for to create) /, and as the many / kindnesses of him /;
and·he-is-saying yea people-of·me they sons not they-are-dealing-falsely and·he-is-becoming to·them to·one-saving in·all-of distress-of·them to·him distress and·messenger-of faces-of·him he-saved·them in·love-of·him and·in·sparing-of·him he he-redeems·them and·he-shall-transport·them and·he-shall-assist·them all-of days-of eon
For he said, Surely they [are] my people, children [that] will not lie: so he was their Saviour In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old
- – ‘lie’, H8266 shaqar ‘to lie’ 6x; sheqer ‘vain, false’ 113x; root -sheq; shaq-ah ‘to water (give to drink), to drink’ 61x; glyph S-UR, make great speech; shaq ‘legs’ 1x (of Daniel statue); -sh is part of the Watercourse, hence “false words”..?
- – ‘saved’, H1350 gaal ‘redeem, stand in place of’, 105x; present-cherub-wheel-related,
- – ‘bare’, H5190 natal ‘to lift,bear, raise, lift up’ 4x; nata ‘to plant (eden garden, etc)’ 58x; nat-ah ‘stretch out’ 237x;
- – ‘carried’, H5375 nasa ‘lift up, to bear, sustain, to carry’ 653x,
0 AD context:
note how the past-tense is used for this timeframe (because the chapter is about the present);
people and sons:
ofcourse He died “for all of the adamite-souls who will enter eden”, but the mentioning of “sons” (144,000) was to give a possibility to stop this matrix – because this would never end when every soul but after his physical death would see eden;
papyrus context:
not the usual word for “to save” is used, the third time, but as “to be merciful”; and we consider it related to the 144,000: because it appears that this mercy consists of the “being able to war the papyrus deity matrix (that which you and us do now); referring back to the sons who will not speak the words of the Watercourse falsely; in last line is used the term “to carry”, as -nasa, but also “to beguile” -related, perhaps that context was intended, if so, then forced to add (to) or the like,
“and he says: / surely / my people / (to be) they – the sons / (who will) nót – (be) lying (false words of Watercourse) /, and he (Christ) is becoming / toas the one saving – them (sons) /; infor all of / their distress (narrow place) / to him / (was) distress (narrow place) /; and the messenger (-angel) (Christ) / inas he the face (of IEUE) / he saved them (peoples) / inby his love /, and inby (being) merciful to them (against papyrus+deity) / he / redeems them (for to take back cherub-wheel) /, andfor he shall lift them up (and plant them) /, andfor he shall carry them (through the Lies) / (to) all of / the (eden-) days / (of) eternity /;
and·they they-rebelled and·they-grieved spirit-of holiness-of·him and·he-is-turning to·them to·one-being-enemy he he-fights in·them
But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, [and] he fought against them
- – ‘rebelled’, H4784 mar-ah ‘rebellious’ 45x; maar ‘bitter’, Naomi represents the present matrix; glyph -MER ‘pyramid’ and ‘pool’ can refer to the bitter lake during exodus, at the border
- – ‘vexed’,H6087 atsab (ts-term) ‘to grieve’ 17x;Jer.44:19 relates the grieving to ‘the queen of heaven’, Isis, which is the antipode of the Watercourse; etseb ‘pain (of childbirth, Gen.3)’, ets ‘tree, wood’ (many), all related to ‘new adamite throne’ (Isis), ‘tree’ KHET and ‘birth’ and ‘heir’ (of revelation woman) ÁU UR,
of Egypt; the ‘bitter’ being the distorted realm caused by pyramid, in transforming lakes MER;
line context:
after previous line, this one must be the timespan of the past 2000 years,
(see audio-books page “how the West got dark”);
“andbut they / rebelled (holding on to this matrix) /, and they grieved (holding on to Isis) / his (IEUE) sacred – spirit /, and he (IEUE) is turning / toagainst them / toas being the enemy /, (and) he / fights / inagainst them /;
and·he-shall-remember days-of eon Moses people-of·him where ? the·one-bringing-up·them from·sea with ones-being-shepherds-of flock-of·him where ? the·one-placing in·within-of·him spirit-of holiness-of·him
Then he remembered the days of old, Moses, [and] his people, [saying], Where [is] he that brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of his flock? where [is] he that put his holy Spirit within him?
- – ‘of old’, H5769 olam ‘forever, ever, everlasting’ (timeframe) 438x; not ‘of olden’, that is but here devised to fit the (non-existing) past-tense of ‘remember’;
- – ‘moses’, egyptian, from -MES “to birth”, lit.”to birth by the adamite-soul the m-realm”, not negative as Behemoth but just the term for the masculine dimension North, and where the exodus was a literal play-out, the réal escape is about these days;
- – ‘brought them up (one bringing up)’, H5927 al-ah 888x ‘to ascend’, no past-tense here;
- – ‘with’, H854 eth ‘against, with, in, him, me, upon’;
where is context:
similar as “who will close the (star-) gate for me”; definitely not past-tense; a comparison is made between what Moses did (for the people), and the adamite-soul who will do similar, right nów – present translation is making IEUE to play Peekaboo, ignoring the present-tense,
“andyet he (IEUE) shall remember (the old promise to realize) / (being) the timeframe – (as) the days of / Moses (to birth m-realm) / (for) his people: / where (is) / the one (causing) them (peoples) to ascend / from the sea (matrix-dimension downhere) /, with / the ones being shepherds of / his flock ? /, where (is) / the one placing / his (IEUE’s) sacred – spirit (Watercourse) – in his (own) core (midst) ? /; +
one-causing-to-go to·right-hand-of Moses arm-of beauty-of·him one-rending water from·faces-of·them to·to-makedo-of for·him name-of eon one-causing-to-go-of·them in·the·abysses as·the·horse in·the·wilderness not they-are-stumbling
That led [them] by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm, dividing the water before them, to make himself an everlasting name? That led them through the deep, as an horse in the wilderness, [that] they should not stumble?
horse context:
we can imagine a National Geographic documentary about horses running in nature, but “the horse” is always Negative (comp. ‘horsemen’, phallic physicality of them spirits), the horse must be the gazelle-head (at bordersky, see vignette),
abysses context:
can only be the Abzu, ‘underworld’, glyph ABT’U; which is the mixed-waters,
(it) (is) the one causing to go / toby – he the beauty of – the right (-side) – arm (power) of – Moses /, (the arm) (being) the one rending / the waters (mixed-dimension) / in front of them /, (and) toas to make / for him / a forever / name /; (being) the one causing them to go / in the abysses – asto the horse – inat the wilderness (north, place for m-realm) /, (and) nót / they (peoples) are stumbling /;
as·the·beast in·the·valley she-is-descending spirit-of ieue she-is-giving-rest·him so you-led people-of·you to·to-makedo-of for·you name-of beauty look-you ! from·heavens and·see-you ! from·residence-of holiness-of·you and·beauty-of·you where ? zeal-of·you and·masteries-of·you clamor-of bowels-of·you and·compassions-of·you to·me they-check-themselves
As a beast goeth down into the valley, the Spirit of the LORD caused him to rest: so didst thou lead thy people, to make thyself a glorious name Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory: where [is] thy zeal and thy strength, the sounding of thy bowels and of thy mercies toward me? are they restrained?
- – ‘beast’, H929 behemah ‘beast, animal’; either as “mammals” in Gen.1, positive, or negative as ‘beasts of the south’; but must be juxtaposed with ‘spirit’,
- – ‘rest’, H5117 nuach ‘to rest’ 67x, of physical things, not of eden-rest; solarplane-related (ark rested upon a mountain; same word as Noach),
- – ‘so’, H3651 ken, ‘so, thus, like manner, state, after that, after this, wherefore, surely, following, such thing’,
- – ‘zeal’,H7068 qin-ah ‘jealousy’ 44x; ‘image of jealousy in the gate’ glyph QÃN, Cain, Ez.8; the spirit of jealousy as nature of the M-realm, but also used against a rival lover,
- – ‘sounding’, H1995 hamon ‘multitude, noise of multitude’ 83x; also said as promise to Abraham, but -hamon is Negative, hamon-valley; the ‘sound’ but a spin-off of ‘multitude’,
- – ‘bowels’, H5478 me-eh ‘womb, inward parts’ 32x; m+ah ‘thing of’,
- – ‘mercies’, H7356 racham ‘compassion, damsel, womb’ 44x, positive, -am people + ruach ‘spirit’, rechem ‘womb’ 26x, rech-eh ‘millstone’ 5x (?); racham or rachamah, ‘vulture’ 2x (?), Hosea’s daughter called ‘without compassion’, related to ishral (who represent the lampstand), then vulture-rule glyph -A ?
- – ‘restrained’, H662 aphaq ‘to control (onself)’ 7x; -aph ‘nostril’ +q; no tqo questionmarks here;
beast context:
tricky; the singular is used here (beme), and though in a few instances the term ‘animal’ is positive (Gen.1, but also in Revelation), usually it is not; the term for ‘living creatures’ (interlinear uses ‘animals’) for the cherubs is different; yet that the Watercourse descends to ‘him’ (sic) suggests the bull-cherub (many glyphs) whom they have cut-up and brought to the north;
likely becáuse he is mutilated the term ‘animal’ is used; he is in the hamon-valley (region above eden-gate), also known Armageddon,
heavens context: suffix used as -im, more like ‘double ‘ [their sky of earth north, PET] as the mere ‘multiple’; see also MESQ, to right, ‘name of the sky’; masteries and multitude context: the ‘masteries (sorcery)’ and ‘jealousy’ have corrupted the Animal (the Bull), causing him to produce ‘a multitude’, but as opposed to the “sanctified people”, later on in line 17; MESQT context: textglyph, to right; “the (eden-) bull place-T at q-axis to birth”; cluster quickly making stepdown into MESKHEN “birthcradle of Osiris” etc; |
“(and so?) she – the spirit (W-course) of – IEUE – is descending – asto the corrupted-eden-Animal – in the (hamon) valley /, (and) she (Watercourse) is giving him (physical) rest /; sofollowing upon / you (who?) led / your people / toas to make / for you / a name of / beauty /; look-you (animal) ! / from (their doubled-) heaven (north) /, +
and see-you ! / your sacredness / and your beauty (when in eden) /; where (is) – (the sound of) the multitude of – your inward parts (for m-realm) -, +
(being) your jealousy – andas your masteries (giants) ? /, andfor your – controlled (nostril) – compassions (as eden-womb) / (are) toby me (Watercourse) /;
that you father-of·us that Abraham not he-knows·us and·Israel not he-is-recognizing·us you ieue father-of·us one-redeeming-of·us from·eon name-of·you to·what ? you-are-leading-astray·us ieue from·ways-of·you you-are-making-indurate heart-of·us from·fear-of·you turn-back-you ! on-account-of servants-of·you tribes-of allotment-of·you
Doubtless thou [art] our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, [art] our father, our redeemer; thy name [is] from everlasting. O LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, [and] hardened our heart from thy fear? Return for thy servants’sake, the tribes of thine inheritance
- – ‘doubtless (and) though’, H3588 kiy ‘that, because, for, if, surely, exept, yea, doubtless’,
- – ‘acknowledge’, H5234 nakar ‘recognize, acknowledge’,
- – ‘err’, H8582 ta-ah ‘wander away, astray’ 50x [from place-T, dimensional-centre ?],
- – ‘hardened’, H7188 qashach ‘treat harsh’ 2x; qash-ah ‘to harden, stubborn’ [pharaoh]; qash ‘stubble, chaff’ (matrix-physicality); pharaoh refused to return eden-masculine
father context:
- 1) we saw (in the ‘Canaan no longer rules the judah throne, page) that this “father” originally was eden’s, before the matrix corrupted it; also implying that this is why the spirits desired the Bull: for this white-light quality.
- 2) the used “our” is “IEUE and Watercourse”, since She is still addressing the Animal; it appears that “only under Her guide, the animal brings forth good creations”,
Abraham context:
we can only interpret the line such, that because the animal brings forth this type (blind) physical body, Abraham did not recognize (the represents of) IEUE; compare when Abraham was visited by the three messengers; we had to turn the line into past-tense, also because right now, the powerful deity is running through the Abzu;
line context:
this whole line can never be addressed to IEUE – IEUE does not “lead astray”, that is impossible; it must be addressed to the ‘father’, (term -ab never used in scripture for IEUE, but as creational-concept); line required several swappings to get to the above context;
“thatdoubtless / you (the animal) / (are) the father (as ‘dimensional-white-light’) (created) ofby Us /, that except / he – Abraham – (was) discerning us – nót /, and he – the powerful deity (ishral) – has – nót – (been) recognizing us /; (by) IEUE / you / (are) father (as ‘white-light’) (created) ofby Us /, + (being) the one redeeming us (by present cherub-wheel) / fromfor – the forever – name /; tofor what / you are leading us astray (from dimensional centre) / (from) IEUE / fromby your ways ? /, you are hardening (by matrix-physicality) / our heart (now as Torso, outer-court) / fromby your fear /, return-you (=the animal) (to Watercourse) ! /, for the sake of / your servants /, (being) the tribes (ad.-originals by Watercourse/birthsceptre) of / your inheritance /;
to·the·inferior they-tenanted people-of holiness-of·you foes-of·us they-trample-down sanctuary-of·you we-become from·eon not you-rule in·them not he-is-called name-of·you over·them
The people of thy holiness have possessed [it] but a little while: our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary We are [thine]: thou never barest rule over them; they were not called by thy name
- – ‘possessed (tenanted)’, H3423 yarash ‘heir, inherit, posess, dis-possess (drive-out)”, unclear why both but likely by re-occopation instead of previous owners;
- – ‘sanctuary’, H4720 miqdash ‘sanctuary’ 74x; from m+qadosh, sanctuary for m-realm
- – ‘rule’, H4910 mashal ‘to govern, rule’ 81x;
“they (enemies) dispossessed – the people of – your sacredness – toas (being) inferior /, our enemies / trample-down your sanctuary (for the m-realm) /; we (are) become / fromas the timeframe / + (being) nót / your rule / inby them (people of sacredness) /, (for) nót / he – your name – is declared (called) / over them /.
first version – and very close, Miss; 26.05 – 27.05, loNe