audiobooks – philosophy – how the West got Dark

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Introduction [see link below]
please remember that “all of the so-called modern West” started with Plato, 300BC [as how in scripture this new era starts with the goat, as Greece, in the book of Daniel]; and in our opinion, Plato knew all this, and knew his task to willingly cáuse the coming Ignorance — it is certainly no coincidence, that the matrix realm prepared this move, because Christ was about to be born: so that the next two millennia His followers would be blind and deaf for any context outside of this closed earth.

We saw in Habakuk [and Daniel ] page, that “the vision would be Snared, until the end”; and we confirm that this ‘snaring’ is immediately related to “hiding the context of scripture”, namely the context related to the constructs outside earth, as the land south, the Sekht fields, etc, which is exact the theme of this dialogue,

[see page, Phaedo: Socrates, and the West turning Subconscious for the next 2000 years]

credits in wiki link, [pt1,. 1:17]

note RPT: we listen to everyone seriously;
this 1967 LP record of Myron Fagan we just stumbled upon –
we leave it to you to combine and decide the context of this vid,
as far you have grasped the intentions of Sekhet Áaru.

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audio 5, related pics
[click to enlarge below pics]

scandinavian world-tree

vedic world

bd 110 vignette


sekht fields

sekht fields

edfu relief, seti I tomb


ancient near east 540 bc

plato, twelve-piece leather balls, geodesic dome

sekht fields

tartarus / eden context

legal rights of audio text by yt channel owner

audio 6, related pics and media
[Independence Day clip referenced beginning of tape]

skhet glyph

plato’s cave

tches glyph


sumerian gods

endymion myth



abduction orithyia

legal rights of audio text by yt channel owner

audio 7, related pics and media
[wind audio for during the imagining experiment]
[DC tour, after the imagining experiment]

nephesh glyph

s- skhet glyph

tches glyph, the ego-mind, self


egyptian war chariot

internalized goddess, tches

matrix duality, tao symbol



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audio 8, related pics and media [Paul McKenna hyp. show, police station 4:33]


airline cartoon

‘they live’, screenshot


legal rights of audio text by yt channel owner

augustine, on genesis [pdf] 

legal rights of audio text by yt channel owner

a] text:
Descartes Meditation 1, PDF

b] videos:
Dr Quantum, flatland
Scene from Forrest Gump

c] images, click to enlarge

Garden of earthly delights, tryptic