Introduction to Ezekiel 10 – part II

Introduction to Ezekiel 10 – part II:
FOUND: the birthsceptre as sapphire Dome

—- the birthright-sceptre: the sapphire staff, given to Adam —-
the staff representing the sapphire Dome

A] book of Jasher, 77:

  1. And afterward Moses went into the garden of Reuel which was behind the house, and he there prayed to the Lord his God, who had done mighty wonders for him.
  2. And it was that whilst he prayed he looked opposite to him, and behold a sapphire stick was placed in the ground, which was planted in the midst of the garden.
  3. And he approached the stick and he looked, and behold the name of the Lord God of hosts was engraved thereon, written and developed upon the stick.
  4. And he read it and stretched forth his hand and he plucked it like a forest tree from the thicket, and the stick was in his hand.
  5. And this is the stick with which all the works of our God were performed, after he had created heaven and earth, and all the host of them, seas, rivers and all their fishes.
  6. And when God had driven Adam from the garden of Eden, he took the stick in his hand and went and tilled the ground from which he was taken.
  7. And the stick came down to Noah and was given to Shem and his descendants, until it came into the hand of Abraham the Hebrew.
  8. And when Abraham had given all he had to his son Isaac, he also gave to him this stick.
  9. And when Jacob had fled to Padan-aram, he took it into his hand, and when he returned to his father he had not left it behind him.
  10. Also when he went down to Egypt he took it into his hand and gave it to Joseph, one portion above his brethren, for Jacob had taken it by force from his brother Esau.
  11. And after the death of Joseph, the nobles of Egypt came into the house of Joseph, and the stick came into the hand of Reuel the Midianite, and when he went out of Egypt, he took it in his hand and planted it in his garden.
  12. And all the mighty men of the Kinites tried to pluck it when they endeavored to get Zipporah his daughter, but they were unsuccessful.
  13. So that stick remained planted in the garden of Reuel, until he came who had a right to it and took it.
  14. And when Reuel saw the stick in the hand of Moses, he wondered at it, and he gave him his daughter Zipporah for a wife.

Several things stand out here:

  1. it was a sapphire staff, same as the sea of glass [gem/stone],
    and through the Dome was made all of Eden; while the
    sapphire stáff was ‘a represent’ of it,
  2. the staff went through several persons, ending up “upright in a
    stone”, [wonder from where came the Arthur story];
    but the ‘stone’ into which stuck the sceptre, may depict théir
    rule of the gem/stone, now; because it would make Sense that
    the sceptre is “standing upright in it”, [see staff TÁ, below],
  3. the ‘engraving’ is a bit tricky – knowing how “engraving” is PTEH’,
    but the text can have just ‘written’, as “name”: not as ‘engraving’
    per sé, but as sense of ownership;
  4. it was the staff of BIRTHRIGHT, verse 47;
  5. Moses (egyptian name, derived from the MES-cluster, ‘to birth’)
    used it to get the people Out of egypt (read previous chapter how
    egypt encased their babies in the walls, if they didnt work hard enough);
    – but then it seems the staff vanished: probably because the real-time
    playout (which old-israel did) was over, after having escaped Egypt
    [wé are doing the same – but then escaping this matrix — Babylon],

in spells:

    • they have no ‘sapphire’, but a possible candidate is in the SN cluster,
      see end of part I; as SNNu,”the lights of the stone to make eden’s
      realm”, and a next glyph SNN\\ as “foundation”: the \\ is telling, and
      the gem/stone being the foundation is described in Ex.34:10,
    • their lapis-lazuli-blue, KHESBT’, and (red) amethyst, KHNMT, are
      fróm the doubled gem/stone (as KH), but not original sapphire,

B] sceptre name in Gen.49 as (hebrew) SHEBET (7626)
“sceptre, tribe, rod”; the SH is good, but the B reminds us of solarplane;
eventhough the solarplane borders the gem/stone, hence perhaps the
context of the word,
occurrences: 190 x,

  1. Gen.49,“sceptre” (shbt) of Juda,
  2. Is.30, “the voice of the Lord will shatter Assyria, with his sceptre he will
    strike them down”
    , the SHBT being immediate related here to ‘voice’,
    [remembering spells call the place R, ‘mouth, voice’];
  3. Gen.49, “Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes (sceptre) of Israel”,
    that sceptre is similar to tribe can show that the gem/stone had 12 aspects,
    [which were doubled by thém]; why Dan is missing in Rev.7 is another theme,
  4. Lev.27, “..the flock passing under the rod (shbt)”, several examples, also Isaiah,
    it makes no sense – except when the sceptre represents the gem/stone;
  5. Num.24, “he treads forth a star from Jacob, he arises sceptre (shbt) from
    , he transfixes both edges of Moab” –
    ezekiel constantly tells that “Israel” (north kingdom/Joseph) is representing
    the torus-construct; the star was Christ, born from the tribe of Benjamin;
    – but the second line, “Moab”, as prefix-M and AB, “human father”, can only
    be “the solarplane” here; since moabite Ganesha is the elephant, glyph AB;
    [the ‘shore,edge of the solarplane’ is glyph ÁT’B],
  6. Zech.10, about the endtime (soon),
    “and they dry up, all of the shadowy depths of the waterway; and he is brought
    down the pump of Assyria, and the sceptre (shbt) of Egypt shall be taken away”
    Egypt and Assyria work in par – in previous verse it was Assyria’s sceptre;..
    note the ‘the shadowy depths of the Watercourse’, read, from what they split-off;
  7. Amos 1, the verses about ‘breaking the iron bars of Damascus’ —-
    the valley of Aven is “emptyness”, read, this solarplane matrix; saying:
    “the valley of Aven as the one upholding the sceptre (shbt) of (bet) Eden”;
    the ‘upholding’ is important too, because it can depict ‘vertical’ (see below),
  8. a very curious chapter, Ezekiel (but we’re not there, yet),
  9. addressing eden’s (female) root as Vine, being planted in their wildrness,
    last line should read, “..and there is going forth a fire, from the rod as poles
    on her, and the fire devours (her) fruit; because not in her becomes (her)
    rod of strength, [namely] the sceptre (shbt); this is a lamentation..”
    – we still have some chapters before we will arrive at this chapter 19,
    but we are absolutely sure this is related to next picture,

Eze.19:19] and·now being-transplanted in·the·wilderness in·land-of arid and·thirst: and·she-is-going-forth from·rod-of poles-of·her fruit-of·her she-devours and·not he-becomes in·her rod-of strength scepter to·to-rule-of dirge she and·she-shall-become for·dirge
Eze.19:19) And fire is gone out of a rod of her branches, [which] hath devoured her fruit, so that she hath no strong rod [to be] a sceptre to rule. This [is] a lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation.

C] the ‘lawgiver-staff’, (hebrew) chaqaq, (H2710),
as “to command, to engrave, to decree”, the word is used 19 times,

— we stay with the ‘to command’, or perhaps better “the act of commanding [by voice]”: the glyph MET’U is frequent in many spells, the thing or the word to command; and the sigil, an ‘elongated tear’, is the same as the birthsceptre MAS [ams];

— an interesting glyph is where it writes, above, “a lie”, SEN MET’U, “having become the word to command / (by) the thing to copy [from eden]”, see part I: also MET’U,’title of Isis-Hathor’, read Saturn; as well as ‘a holy sceptre of Osiris, tuat II’, reading “the staff / of command”; turning quickly into METCHAT, scroll-sky”, with the TCHA-glyph, as the same elongated-tear,

the tear is now a “fire-drill”, TCHA, with serpent-TCH,
burning into some rectangle [now what would that be..?];
and even the rectangular pool-lake is shown — the same
as the pool in tuat VII;
…the long cluster also has “fire-drill boat”, a concept
we couldn’t place but until now; and a whole list of
TCHATCHA, ‘divine judges’, as all the important gods;

We mention the link, because we are interested in the
staff TÁ (as step-down of tcha), which may be the origin
of this elongated tear; see next section,

——– III: attributes of the gem/stone ——–

A] Visual of the gem/stone (when theirs)
we do not claim to understand this complex place, but we can
only show You that what we gathered, so far;

1] ‘incoherent light’,
— ofcourse théy call it ‘incoherent’,
the light going Up through the split-off watercourse,
[which comes up at an angle, per gallery in giza], in order to
be ‘revised’ inside their side of the gem/stone,

“incoherent” as ‘disheveled hair’, appears in BD and CT,
as “the natural state of eden aspects”, opposed to their ‘combed
hair’ and ‘wigs’; this S-P-S is a mirror-glyph,

2] place of the stone, as neck
— remember how Ezekiel used the term “image of jealousy”,
to right, a depiction of Cain, QÃN, being tied up with a [dna] rope,
and compare Anubis, in above picture; the theme of “necklace”
is shown in every hour of amtuat, see extensive next section,
[and what was Cain? “jealous on his brother”….] — the blue arrow points as “shoulder”, QÃH’, to saturn,
  • 3] t’ep ta
  • we placed seven area’s within the gem/stone, imagining that the
    tube, the wormhole which the gods carry, is vertical (as going from
    their realm through the gem),
    note how both ends of the tube have ‘bull heads’,
    the boat of Rã is sailing thróugh the tube, factually bringing the
    aspects of the cherub-bull to their realm, north;
    and between the gods is written “the gods the words of willpower
    of m-b-soul-adam to bear-up the (elevated) region of the boat” —
    the áat is a perch, akin to a ‘higher floor in a building’, and the
    boat we saw by MENÁ, as their side of the gem/stone;
  • seven gods sit upón the tube, hence the 7 numbers in the
    diagram; we do not know yet what these could be (not the nine
    divine judges?), but these must be related to the Dna around
    Cain’s neck – since they also stand inside the string;
  • that “eight gods” carry the tube may be their doubled-root,
4] pyramid and T’ES-knife (and rotation?)
– we drew the triangle-shape as white dotted lines upon the stone,
because of the ‘mountain of sand’ in hour V; the so formed
pyramid may be the long MER-cluster;
but the mirrored (downside) triangle should be T’ES+stone,
we’re still looking how to connect that important concept,

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Introduction to Ezekiel Book 10, part III; Next—->

End Part II