Watchman chapter: believing a mass-rapture is playing with Fire, Ez.33 — the report still being Valid (see 30-33) —

ez 33

Watchman chapter: believing a mass-rapture is playing with Fire, Ez.33
— the report still being Valid (see 30-33) —

and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human speak-you ! to sons-of people-of·you and·you-say to·them land that I-am-bringing over·her sword and·they-take people-of the·land man one from·wakeful-ones-of·them and·they-give him for·them to·man-watching
Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman

  • – ‘if’, H3588 kiy ‘because, for, if, surely, exept, yea, doubtless’ a bit strange placed, but in later line compare if=not;
  • – ‘coasts’, H7097 qats-eh ‘extremity, border, edge, one end, end’ 97x;

main theme: the phrase “born again” is not automatically protecting one from the coming dark days:
so important is this theme that half a page is spent on it –

  • – first telling that “when the sword comes, the heeding it depends on each soul, itself”,
  • – then telling why many souls won’t even hear the warning,
  • – then telling why many souls will not even hear it.

The chapter is very carefully written, the many repeats show just how tricky this theme, to get the point across of “the linear type thinking” which many christians practice really is – and how dangerous: for themselves.

there have been many false warnings throughout history – and since the start of the internet busloads of intended false ones; yet we carefully consider this time to be real, by all the context of ‘the report’, again repeated at the end of this chapter;

  • 1) the “watchman” is you and we;
  • 2) he is placed “at the border of the land”, but since this is prophecy, it is Valid to interpret it as “at the border of this matrix” (compare ‘entrance’ later on);
  • 3) likely the analogy-form causes to write “the people take him to be”, while in the rest of the chapter ‘the people’ do not even care;

“and it is becoming / the word (in right direction) of / IEUE / to me / toby to say: / son of / the adm-human / speak-you (right direction) / to / the sons (144k candidates) of / your people /, and say / to them: / thatsurely / I am (causing) to be brought / the sword – over – the land (this earth) /, and – the people – take – a – man / fromto their border (of matrix) /, and they giveplace / him / to (be) the watchman – for them /;

and·he-sees the·sword coming over the·land and·he-blows in·the·trumpet and·he-warns the·people and·he-hears the·one-hearing sound-of the·trumpet and·not he-is-warned and·she-is-coming sword and·she-is-taking·him blood-of·him in·head-of·him he-shall-become sound-of the·trumpet he-heard and·not he-is-warned blood-of·him in·him he-shall-become and·he he-was-warned soul-of·him he-made-escape
If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul
escaping of the adamite-soul:
the core of (as) a person escaping from this matrix;
chapter addressed to the house ishral, not to the inhabitants of this earth,
“and he (watchman) sees / the sword (darkening earth) / coming / over / the land (this earth) /, and he blows / inas the trumpet / andso he warns / the people (christians) /; andbut – the one hearing – hears (report) / the sound of / the trumpet / andyet – not – (takes) warning /, and (she) – the sword – is coming / and (she) takes him away /, (then) his blood / shall become – inon his (own) head: / he héared – the sound of – the trumpet / andyet – he – (took) not – warning /, his blood – shall become – inon him /; andbut he – (who) (did take) warning / made to escape / his adamite-soul /;

and·the·man-watching that he-is-seeing the·sword coming and·not he-blows in·the·trumpet and·the·people not he-is-warned and·she-is-coming sword and·she-is-taking from·them soul he in·depravity-of·him he-is-taken and·blood-of·him from·hand-of the·man-watching I-shall-require
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take [any] person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand

  • – ‘if’, H3588 kiy ‘because, for, if, surely, except, yea, doubtless’ a bit strange placed, but in later line compare if=not;

‘to blow or not to blow’ – but is the watchman right ?
we saw the past two decades every type warning come along – from ‘numerology’ to ‘signs in this (matrix) solarsystem’, to curious devised epithets upon leaders or events; and ofcourse we know the danger of “being wrong”: yet the series of translated chapters show us a [virtual] 100%, “that the unlocking key to the start of the end, is IEUE’s word, itself, when rightly understood”, and compare next line 7 to this; (seriously – what could it be élse..?); this is why we continue the one more year only timeframe,
“andbut – if – the watchman / sees / the sword (earth to get Dark) / coming /, and – he blows – nót – inas the trumpet /, andso the people / (are) nót / (being) warned /; and (she) – the sword – is coming /, +
and she is taking / the adamite-soul – from them /, it (the soul) – (being) taken – in its depravity (Õn!) /, andthen – I shall require – from – the watchman’s – hand – his (own) blood /;

and·you son-of human man-watching I-gave·you to·house-of Israel and·you-hear from·mouth-of·me word and·you-warn them from·me
So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me
Ezekiel / we context:
Ezekiel did our playout: so both are true; (every prophecy chapter switches, halfway – it may also be that right here this line is for Ezekiel, while at the end of the chapter it’s directed to us),
“andso you (Ezekiel / we) / son of / the adm-human /, I gave you – (being) the watchman / to the house of / ishral (120,000) /, andfor you hear (report) – the word (right direction) – from my mouth /, and you warn / them / from me /;

in·to-say-of·me to·the·wicked-one wicked-one to-die you-shall-die and·not you-speak to·to-warn-of wicked-one from·way-of·him he wicked-one in·depravity-of·him he-shall-die and·blood-of·him from·hand-of·you I-shall-seek and·you that you-warn wicked-one from·way-of·him to·to-turn-back-of from·her and·not he-turns-back from·way-of·him he in·depravity-of·him he-shall-die and·you soul-of·you you-rescue
When I say unto the wicked, O wicked [man], thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked [man] shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul

  • – ‘wickedness’, difficult colour, ‘thing of the summit/head/rule”,

chapter turn: warning against the linear type thinking:
previous lines addressed “the responsibility for each soul to hear or not hear the trumpet”, now going into the theme why most won’t even hear it,
wicked one – as virtually every believer:
IEUE don’t beat around the bush: next lines will show he indeed intends this;

“inby me to say / to the wicked one (serving matrix): / wicked one /, (to die) you shall die /, andyet– you speak (right direction) – nót / to the wicked one (serving matrix) / over – his – wicked way /, (then) he – the wicked one – shall die – inby his (own) wickedness /, +
andyet his blood / I shall require – from your hand /; andbut if – you – warn / the wicked one / from his way / toby to return (to W-course) / from her /, andyet – he – (will) nót – return / from his way /, he – shall die – inby his (own) depravity (by Õn) /, andbut you – (will have) rescued – your adamite-soul /;

and·you son-of human say-you ! to house-of ishral so you-say to·to-say-of that transgressions-of·us and·sins-of·us on·us
and·in·them we ones-being-putrefied and·how ? we-shall-live

Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins [be] upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live?

  • – ‘pine away’, H4743 maqaq ‘to rot away’ 10x;

how shall we live:
they ask that because they do not realize that they are wicked (= serving this matrix); because they live in a parallel quasi-spiritual (christian) world. Every theme they talk, be it love, God, strangers, history, values, is purely matrix – just larded with a sauce of scriptural words. Never it’s translucent, never shows anóther reality, but it’s Stuck and locked within this ugly sphere downhere. (Schaeffer wrote a book with that title in the 70’s, already),
“andso you ! son of – the adm-human / say-you ! / to / the house of / ishral: / so / you say / toby to say / that / our transgressions (split-off) / and our sins (no eden-life) / (are) on us /, and inby them / we / (are) the ones rotting-away /; andyet how / we shall live (eden-life) ? /;

say-you ! to·them life I averment-of my-Lord ieue if I-am-delighting in·death-of the·wicked-one but rather in·to-turn-back-of wicked-one from·way-of·him and·he-lives turn-back-you ! turn-back-you ! from·ways-of·you the·evil-ones and·to·what ? you-shall-die house-of ishral
Say unto them, [As] I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

  • – ‘no’ H518 im, also listed ‘not’ as only option; sequence changed;

wicked ones:
again repeating that IEUE considers believers to be ‘the wicked ones’, in context after the adressed in previous line, here plainly as ‘house ishral’; IEUE considers that all of those who (say they) believe serve this matrix (and crossreading will show the NT telling exact the same);
I am eden life:
see other chapters; we don’t think IEUE is swearing by that life (but by Watercourse);
“say-you ! to them: / I / (am) (eden-) life /, (being) the declaration of / mylord / IEUE /, I am – ifnot – delighting / in the death of / the wicked one (serving matrix) /, but / rather / infor – the wicked one – to return (to W-course) – from his way /, and he lives (eden-life): / return-you (to W-course) !, return-you (to Watercourse) ! from – your – evil (rã) – ways /, andfor to what / you should (physically-) die /, house of / ishral ? /;

and·you son-of human say-you ! to sons-of people-of·you righteousness-of the·righteous-one not she-shall-rescue·him in·day-of transgression-of·him and·wickedness-of the·wicked-one no he-shall-be-stumbled in·her in·day-of to-turn-back-of·him from·wickedness-of·him
and·righteous-one not he-is-being-able to·to-live-of in·her in·day-of to-sin-of·him

Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his [righteousness] in the day that he sinneth
no ‘neither’ context here:
this is no nitpicking – the ‘wicked’ is juxtaposed with ‘the righteous’,
“one being righteous” and “(acts of) righteousness”:
we tried to get the colour across as best we could – the main problem is the mindset “I believe in Christ – so nothing is wrong with me”; emending in “nothing can hurt me”, “who are you to tell something else (as how I read it)” and perhaps two dozen other similar lines. IEUE knows very well this created, almost sorcery parallel world (of interpreting), and repeats again that this mindset will not save that soul – when the dark earth will start. Simply because ‘most believers think they are already righteous: since they “made a choice”.

I can almost héar those disagreeing, throwing back many verses (they think to tell the opposite); there is no better defense against IEUE as to use his own words against him: “doesn’t scripture write that who believes is saved ?” – yes, ofcourse, but IEUE is not addressing ‘to enter heaven (new eden)’, but to please not go through the tribulation
“andso you / son of / the adm-male / say-you ! / to / the sons (144 candidates) of / your people: / the (acts of) righteousness (i’m saved cause born-again !) of / the righteous one (legally born-again) / +
shall – nót – rescue him / in the day / he transgresses (splits-off) /; andbut – the wicked one – shall – nót – be (caused to) stumble – inby her (the wickedness) /, +
in the day / he returns (to W-course) / from his wickedness (serving matrix) /; andyet the righteous one / is – not – able / tofor to live (eden-life) / in the day / he sins (no eden-life) /;

in·to-say-of·me to·the·righteous-one to-live he-shall-live and·he he-trusts on righteousness-of·him and·he-does iniquity
all-of righteousness-of·him not they-shall-be-remembered and·in·iniquity-of·him which he-does in·him he-shall-die and·in·to-say-of·me to·the·wicked-one to-die you-shall-die and·he-turns-back from·sin-of·him and·he-does judgment and·justice

When I shall say to the righteous, [that] he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it. Again, when I say unto the wicked,
Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right

  • – ‘iniquity’, H5766 evel, avel ‘moral evil, iniquity’ 57x; aval, same 2x; iviy-ah, same 1x; ivim ‘distort, warp’ 1x; aven ’empty, vain’; the -v is a difficult root;

(being) righteous:
we adapted interlinear for we think she misinterpreted the context; note how IEUE says that “the turned-around wicked one IS the righteous one” !; not those who think they are already righteous (by having made a choice ‘to be born-again’), see please…?
“inwhen (by) me to say / to the righteous one / to live (the eden-life) /, he shall live /; andbut he (any righteous) / (who) trusts / on / his (own) (acts of) righteousness (i’m born-again !) /, +
and does / moral evil (?) /, his (being) righteous / shall – nót – be remembered /, andfor inby his (own) moral evil (?) / which / he does /, he shall (physically) die – by it /; and inwhen (by) me to say / to the wicked one / to die /, he shall die /; andyet (if) he returns (W-course) / from his sin (no eden-life) / and does / judgment (VaV) / and justice: / +

pledge he-is-restoring wicked-one pillage he-is-repaying in·statutes-of the·lives he-goes to·so-as-not to-do-of iniquity to-live he-shall-live not he-shall-die all-of sins-of·him which he-sinned not they-shall-be-remembered to·him judgment and·justice he-does to-live he-shall-live
[If] the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live

  • – ‘pledge’, H2258 chabol ‘a pledge’ 4x; chabal ‘to bind (by pledge)’ 27x; chob ‘bosom’ 1x; chab-ah ‘to hide’ 5x; chob (perhaps) ‘debtor’ 1x; chob-ah ‘next to Damascus’, then a derivation of Geb land north ?

the relation to ‘the wicked’ and the Attributes:
the 144,000 attributes (which Adam lost) which are required to be freed from here, described as “restoring the pledge (a pawn as security for debt), and pillage”, can only be obtained when a soul has realized he IS wicked. Never by a soul, captured in that parallel world, shouting “but i m born again !” – since every soul has to sweat and war and get dirty (and ‘wicked’..) to get his attribute..
(when) the wicked one (serving matrix) – is restoring – the pledge /, is repaying – the pillage /, (and) goes – in the statutes of – (eden-) lives /, toby so-as-notto-prevent / doing / moral evil (?) /, (to live) he shall live / (and) shall – not – die /; (for) all / his sins (no eden-life) / which / he sinned / shall – not – be remembered / to him /, (to live) he shall live (eden-life) – (by) (now) doing – judgment – and justice /;

and·they-say sons-of people-of·you not he-is-being-regular way-of my-Lord and·they way-of·them not he-is-being-regular
in·to-turn-back-of righteous-one from·righteousness-of·him and·he-does iniquity and·he-dies in·them and·in·to-turn-back-of wicked-one from·wickedness-of·him and·he-does judgment and·justice on·them he he-shall-live

Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal. When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby
another repeat of the theme:
so important is this problem that IEUE needs another line to be spent on this topic – note how that mindset is immediately related here to ‘moral evil’. Again, we never said that “that person won’t go to heaven” – let’s hope he does – but this chapter is directed to ‘the sons’, as possible 144, who can only become that when each of them takes his attribute with his soul;
“andyet – the sons (candidates for 120k) of – your people – say: / the way of / mylord / is – nót – balanced (straight) /, andbut theytheir(ówn) way / is – not – balanced (straight): / inby to return (W-course) / the righteous one / to his righteousness (acts) /, and he does / moral evil /, +
andthen he (physically) dies / inby them (when earth gets Dark) /; andwhile inas – the wicked one – returning (W-course) – from his wickedness (serving matrix) /, and he does / judgment / and justice /, onby them / he – shall live (eden-life) /;

and·you-say not he-is-being-regular way-of my-Lord man as·ways-of·him I-shall-judge you house-of ishral
Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways
“andyet you say: / the way of – mylord – is – not – balanced (straight) /; (but) I shall judge – you – house of – ishral – (every) man – asby his ways /.

and·he-is-becoming in·two-of ten year in·the·tenth in·the·five to·the·month to·deportation-of·us he-comes to·me the·delivered-one from·Jerusalem to·to-say-of she-is-smitten the·city and·hand-of ieue she-became to·me in·the·evening to·faces-of to-come-of the·delivered-one and·he-is-opening mouth-of·me previous to-come-of to·me in·the·morning and·he-is-being-opened mouth-of·me and·not I-am-mute further
And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb
chapter turn – consequences of the theme in first half:
the misunderstanding [by that type linear thinking] are even more expanded upon, now, and showing what grave consequences that mindset will have;
opening of mouth and silence:
also in other chapters is referred to the “I will give you opening of the mouth”, here perhaps repeating the timeframe: namely ‘when this earth got dark’; and the ‘creational speech’ will be to the 144 when they crossed over,
“and it is becoming (to pass) / in the two / (and) ten / year / in the tenth / in the five / to the month /; (that) one (who) escaped – from Jerusalem – arrives – to me – toin our captivity /, tofor to say: / the city (this earth) / is smitten /; and(now,) / in the evening (matrix-darkness) – (she) the hand of / IEUE / (had) become / toupon me /, toas in front of (before) / the escaped one / (had) arrived /, andbut – my mouth – is (being) opened – until – inas the (eden-) dawn – arrives – to me /, and – my mouth – is opened / and – I – (am) not – longer – mute /;

and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human ones-dwelling-of the·deserted-places the·these on ground-of ishral ones-saying to·to-say-of one he-wasbc Abraham and·he-is-tenanting the·land and·we many-ones to·us she-is-given the·land for·tenancy
Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, they that inhabit those wastes of the land of Israel speak, saying, Abraham was one, and he inherited the land: but we [are] many; the land is given us for inheritance
wrong land inheritance:
you’ll see that by this same (wrong) linear-thinking, the christian world started many themes as “social justice” or ‘environmental themes’, thinking they are the tenants of ‘God’s creation’ (by which they mean ‘this earth and this body’), yet factually cooperating with the matrix.
After all the exhortations we saw “to go out, and search the eden land”, it shows that NOT ‘this earth’ is the land promised, nor ‘to keep it’: for factually this earth is described here as “deserted place” (and see next line); yet these types will immediately throw some (dis-rooted) verse to you, as we saw above;
used here to be juxtaposed with ‘the land’ in next line;
“and it is becoming / the word (right direction) of / IEUE / to me / toby to say: / son of / the adm-male /, the ones dwelling ofin / these – waste places (earth) / onfrom – the adm-ground of / ishral (eden-earth) /, toas – the ones saying (by to say) / Abraham – was – the one / andas he to inherit / the land /, and we are (are) / many: / to us – (she) the land (this earth) – is given – foras inheritance /;

therefore say-you ! to·them thus he-says my-Lord ieue on the·blood you-are-eating and·eyes-of·you you-are-lifting-up to ordure-idols-of·you and·blood you-are-shedding and·the·land you-shall-tenant you-men-stand-reliant on sword-of·you you-women-do abhorrence and·man woman-of associate-of·him you-defile and·the·land you-shall-tenant
Wherefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Ye eat with the blood, and lift up your eyes toward your idols, and shed blood: and shall ye possess the land? Ye stand upon your sword, ye work abomination, and ye defile every one his neighbour’s wife: and shall ye possess the land?

  • – ‘with’, H5921 al ‘upon, in, on, over, by, for, both, beyond, through, throughout, against, beside, forth, off, from off’,
  • – ‘possess’, H3423 yarash ‘heir, inherit, to occupy, possess, dispossess, disinherited’, rash as rule+state of being;

disinherit context:
there is no questionmark in the line, making the line a bit tricky – we opt for “you have disqualified yoursélves”, akin to the colour in KJV; result of this disqualifying in next line,
evil neighbour and porn:

  • 1) the main subject is “the men” here – nót ‘that woman’, hence “to be defiled by”; for the simple reason of importance that “the sons (144k) have to come into being”, this chapter addressed to (the house) ishral who should guard eden-feminine, not be profaned by matrix-feminine,
  • 2) used term has no feminine suffix – so not “the woman is evil” but ‘the neighbour’ is; yet the term implying the woman is of the same nature as the neighbour (‘another’);

porn, sword, images and blood:
the used analogies can be many things, but there must be some congruence – we interpret the line like “the own little ego”, as “physical consciousness”, by male related to phallus, violence, etc; where the nature of women to bé eden-good is now turned into its opposite, for the same reason;

  • 2) the “images” can very well have this same theme, since it’s related to “devouring blood”; we propose that this is not so much ‘to wage wars’ (since other references lack to that theme), but more as “sexual vampiring” – in the sense that connecting with someone, even a stranger, and yes even as porn, creates a bond (and the energy that generates is related to blood?)”,

“therefore / say-you ! to them /, thus / he – mylord – IEUE – says: / onfor / you are devouring / the blood (mixture) /, [review]
and you – are lifting up – your eyes / to / your idols (dual-realm as deity) /, andby the blood / you are shedding /, you (have) disinherited (you) – andof the land (eden-earth) /; you men stand firm / onthrough – your sword (sexual?) /, you women do / abhorrence (no eden-good) /, andfor – you – men – (are being) defiled (T’EM) – (by) the (evil-) neighbour’s – woman (porn?) /, and – (have) disinherited you – (of) the land (eden-earth) /; +

thus you-shall-say to·them thus he-says my-Lord ieue life I if not who in·the·deserted-places in·the·sword they-shall-fall
and·who on surfaces-of the·field to·the·animal I-give·him to·to-devour-of·him and·who in·the·fastnesses and·in·the·caves in·the·plague they-shall-die

Say thou thus unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; [As] I live, surely they that [are] in the wastes shall fall by the sword, and him that [is] in the open field will I give to the beasts to be devoured, and they that [be] in the forts and in the caves shall die of the pestilence

  • – ‘surely’, H518 im ‘if, not, or, when, whether, surely, doubtless, while, neither, saving, verily’,

‘not’ context:
we studied it long time but the line refuses to run – is this a case of a mistakenly inserted negation ?
we had this one before – because this body is a mixture, it will react when the eden-aspects (right direction) are removed,
“thus / you shall say / to them: / thus / he – mylord – IEUE – says /, I (am) – eden-life /, ifsurely/ not / who (are) / in the deserted places / shall fall (nphl) – in the sword /, and who (are) / on / the surface of / the field / I give – to the animal / tofor to be devoured /; and who (are) / in the bunkers / and in the caves / shall die – inbythe plague (right direction) /;

and·I-give the·land desolation and·desolation and·he-is-eradicated pomp-of strength-of·her and·they-are-desolate mountains-of Israel m·ain from·there-is-no one-passing and·they-know that I ieue in·to-give-of·me the·land desolation and·desolation on all-of abhorrences-of·them which they-do
For I will lay the land most desolate, and the pomp of her strength shall cease; and the mountains of Israel shall be desolate, that none shall pass through Then shall they know that I [am] the LORD, when I have laid the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed
garden and ishral:
term for ‘pompous’ as -gaun, from -gan, “(eden-) garden”, as aspect of ‘the land’; likewise we interpret “mountains of ishral” to be the “earth as mixture (of both realms)”.
passing over:
we had the chapter in which “the curved atmosphere of this earth would be removed”, (same concept as the second sky in spells), in order to separate this mixed realm; if ‘desolate’ then those aspects áre withdrawn already: yet the many souls are nót – yet;
“and I give / the land (this earth) / (to be) desolate (no-name) / and(as?) the desolation /, and – her (the land’s) – pompous (as false garden) – (matrix-) power – is eradicated /, and – the mountains of – ishral (earth as mixture?) – are desolate /, +
fromfor thereisno – passing over (to other dimension) (this earth not yet part of eden-earth?) /; and they (shall) know / that / I (am) / IEUE / inby to give by me / the land / (to be) desolate /, andas the desolation / onby / all / the abominations (no eden-good) / which / they do /;

and·you son-of human sons-of people-of·you the·ones-speaking in·you beside the·sidewalls and·in·portals-of the·houses and·he-speaks one with one man with brother-of·him to·to-say-of come-you ! please ! and·hear-you ! what ? the·word the·one-going-forth from·with ieue
Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and speak one to another, every one to his brother, saying, Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the LORD

  • – ‘by (the walls)’, H681 etsel ‘beside’ 61x;

chapter turn context:
important for us, because it shows the effect [our interpretation] has on [their] linear-thinking:
you context:
see previous line; ofcourse Ezekiel wrote this down – but here:

  • 1) after the common “son of the adm-human” (as he is always addressed), is not even an exhortation (say as to Ezekiel), but follows a multiple ‘sons’. rendering the only verb to can be inserted as (being), that is ‘the same subject’;
  • 2) note how the 144,000 are considered as “one”, though as “sons (plural)”, as opposed to ‘the people where they come from, are part of’; and compare line 30 for the same consistency;
  • 3) just ago Jerusalem was destroyed, in this chapter — would Ezekiel write this as a kind of “now you see?” to his own people..? no – Ezekiel’s playout was for us; in a distant future, because the context of ‘jerusalem’ is now turned into ‘this earth’;

speak next to the sidewall:
the normal interpretation understands “those people talk while standing next to the wall”, but then we get trouble with next line (‘to be in the entrance’);

  • 1) the ‘speaking in the right direction’ has the colour of “religious language”, (we saw before that one can also speak the right direction yet sáy foolish things); therefore the sensible is to have it “as you”;
  • 2) the “next to the sidewall” and “at the doorways of the houses” must be “locations describing the “progress or no progress on the soul’s road tó eden“. Sounds weird – but in next line is definitely described “the entrance to eden”, then here the idea must be similar. Compare, for example if you dream about “your car”, it is often “your body” related (or physical consciousness); while dreaming about “a house” is someone’s wider mindset. To be “at the door” is then already positive, yet still very different from being “at the entrance (of eden)”, in next line. The ‘walls’ is more difficult (torso-related), perhaps closest is “of this earth’s zoo”,

“and you (!) / son of / the adm-human / (being) the sons of / your people: / the ones (people) – speaking (the right direction) / inas you (we) / +
(but) (being) néxt to / the walls (earth-matrix?) – and inat the doorways of / the houses (own mindset) /; and – the first -speaks (right direction) – with – a – man – withas – his brother /, toby to say: / come-you ! / please ! /, +
and hear-you (report) ! / what / (can be) the word (in right direction) / going forth / from-with / IEUE ? /;

and·they-shall-come to·you as·entrance-of people and·they-shall-sit to·faces-of·you people-of·me and·they-hear words-of·you and them not they-shall-do that dotings in·mouth-of·them they ones-doing after gain-of·them heart-of·them going
And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee [as] my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, [but] their heart goeth after their covetousness

  • – ‘cometh’, H3996 mabo ‘entrance (the place or the act), place of sunset’ 25x; m-realm+go; problem is that the term is more a noun as a Verb, and must relate to ‘sidewall and portal’ in previous line ?
  • – ‘love’, H5690 agab ‘lustful, sensual’ 2x; likely colour as ‘senses’; agab ‘to lust for (by whore)’ 7x;

entrance context:
the term more a noun as the verb it derives from (-bo); juxtaposed here with “sidewall and doorway” in previous line, at minimum showing that we are at the eden entrance now;
people of me:
that is some statement…. “my people come but they reject”; at minimum also showing “that they have interest for the themes”,
opinion by the senses:
it’s definitely ‘whore related’, but the colour must be related to “opinions”, a type thinking;
“andfor they shall come / to you / as – people – (being) (at?)
the entrance (to enter+m-realm) /, and – my people – shall sit – toin front of you / and they hear (report) / your words (in right direction) /, andbut – they shall – nót – do – them /, thatbecause / the desire by the senses / (is) in their mouth (by their talk) /, they / (will) do / after / their unjust gain / their heart / (is) following /;

and·behold·you ! to·them as·song-of dotings lovely-of voice and·doing-good to-play-of and·they-hear words-of·you and·ones-doing ain·m there-is-no·them them and·in·to-come-of·her behold ! coming and·they-know that prophet he-became in·midst-of·them
And, lo, thou [art] unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them

  • – ‘well’, H2895 tob ‘pleasant, well, good, pleasing’ 25x; eden-good related,
  • – ‘play an instrument’, H5059 nagan ‘to play (music)’ 15x; serpent -nag,

ain-eye context:
no possibility to use ‘eye’, also per previous line,
eden-good by serpent-light:
a rather marvellous description: these days are so many “versions of interpreting” going around on the net [and society], and very often you will hear a person [believer] present you his mindset of true aspects, but mixed with serpent-interpretations as the total Opposite of the former – yet there seems to be no contradiction in it, to that person; the colour we suggest to the first line is “vampiring off (the words)”,
prophet context:
as “multiple, yet as one”, as the 144k; must-see previous line 30,
“and behold-you (you be aware) ! (you) (will be) to them / as a song / desired by the senses /, pretty of / sound /, and pleasant (containing eden-good) / to be played (by serpent-light) /, and they hear (report) / your words (right direction) / andbut – thereisno (of) them – doing – them /; andfor inas (she) (this situation) is coming (to pass), behold ! (it) is coming: / and they (will) know / that / a prophet / became / in their midst /.

28. 07. submitted — loNe — first version
getting nervous…..- themes are becoming quite large now..
Last few lines are frightingly true… we’ve experienced that…
does that mean that sorcery is so complete now, these days,
that for most it got impossible to read [it] as intended…?