sixth trumpet

sixth trumpet (Rev 9 CONTINUED)

12/28/2016 – proceeding carefully; just observing the text as before;
the phoenix,

see picture at top of chapter; called BENU,”son/by the word-inside/of existence/of solarplane”; the self-produced but means that it is a construct, not yet having absorbed adamite aspects (that is why it tells “near the persea tree”, south);

[theme continued below]

7] kai G2532 AND ta G3588 THE homoiOmata G3667 LIKEnesses tOn G3588 OF-THE akridOn G200 LOCUSTS homoia G3664 LIKE are-like hippois G2462 HORSES hEtoimasmenois G2090 HAVING-been-made-READY eis G1519 INTO polemon G4171 BATTLE kai G2532 AND epi G1909 ON tas G3588 THE kephalas G2776 HEADS autOn G846 OF-them hOs G5613 AS are-as-it-were stephanoi G4735 WREATHS homoioi G3664 LIKE chrusO G5557 GOLD kai G2532 AND ta G3588 THE prosOpa G4383 faces autOn G846 OF-them hOs G5613 AS are-as prosOpa G4383 faces anthrOpOn G444 OF-humans
8] kai G2532 AND eichon G2192 THEY-HAD trichas G2359 HAIRS hair(p) hOs G5613 AS trichas G2359 HAIRS hair(p) gunaikOn G1135 OF-WOMEN kai G2532 AND hoi G3588 THE odontes G3599 TEETH autOn G846 OF-them hOs G5613 AS leontOn G3023 OF-LIONS Esan G2258 WERE

7) And the shapes of the locusts [were] like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads [were] as it were crowns like gold, and their faces [were] as the faces of men.
8) And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as [the teeth] of lions

area in the fields of Saturn
residence of the locusts
….for the first time on RPT an example, nót directly based upon texts – but for the importance of the topic, and to show You the context; in 2014, yours truly saw a hole opening up, a yard or so away; completely unexpected, while busy with other things; this “hole” was like a window, at head’s height; and from the other side of this “window’ a being peeked through, observing. I never forget the strange composure – it was an animal-like head on fire, fire was all around it’s face, but the most palpable aspect was it’s absolute Cunningness; there are no words to describe this total authority through cunningness, emanating from that head. The “window” suddenly closed – and only after, i realized this “being” indeed looked like the face of a locust, since it had no genuine eyes, but composites. Everybody has his/her reasons for doing what they do, true….. – this is why the above note within this paragraph


….the composite glyph SANH’EM, “locust, mantis” is difficult to place;
it’s overall meaning should be “the son/of Saturn/by guarding the (imprisoned) adamite soul”, but the glyph H’EM implies more then “just Saturn”, H’, – and though several options are available, perhaps we can pinpoint that later;

the concept of “locust” is closely related to the chakra-construct as described in SEPA; a line-up of chakra’s, which are nothing else as crystalline energies (of Saturn), with several of them incorporating adamite aspects.

This present physical body we have, configured by Saturn, powered by the same type line-up of chakra’s in the spine, should be related to the “torturing” — it does not say “killing” –, perhaps understood as “awakening of kundalini-serpent-energies, to which most people simply are not prepared to defend them: causing all kinds of changes within the physical body.

[continuing theme at BEB, below]

….instead of the usual word, here is used kephalis, “head, chapter of a book, principal part” – and related: kephalê, “covering, case, inigument” (a natural outer covering or coat, such as the skin of an animal or the membrane enclosing an organ), read: a fabricated head, which is in context of the spells;

wreaths of gold:

…we had the wreath before, see first horse;
the “gold” Strong’s links to chraomai, “to borrow”,
but that is Nonsense: the related word to G5557
chrysos is chrôs, “body” [*7], which makes sense:
their fabricated heads were created by the stolen
gold – that is, the aspects of eden as we saw;

hair like women:

…hair usually represents “spiritual covering”, akin to the concept of a wreath or crown. where the “woman’s hair” implies that they “are the inside, the core of masculine power”, according to the very concept of ‘woman’: to be the inside of male.
Here, as locusts having “hair as women”, may represent “the chakra-construct as the core of all them spirit-beings”, as a type of Blueprint — and dressed-up with (stolen) adamite aspects.
No further clues are given about the hair, for example “disheveled hair”, applied to the same type feminine constructs, a term occasionally used in the spells when addressing eden’s nature; as opposed to “combed hair”, used for Isis etc.;

the dog-headed ape and locusts:

…though the class of spirits is called “locusts”, the character of them is represented in their name – ÁBAIT, BEBAIT or BEB, step-downs;
this “eldest son”, BEB, should not be taken literally, as in a progenetary linear way, but more like a “proto-Osiris”, just like the chakra-construct SEPA we discussed above; as far we gathered, BEB is a relative small in height, as a lizard-construct with humanoid skull (see also Amtuat X, where the lizard is depicted with a head in front of the creature).

…the consistent factor in this character’s name is the B, “solarplane”; if you will remember that “their ape-sons hád no head”, and that the entire goal was to obtáin a head, then the composite structure dubbed BEB (abaddon) makes Sense:

– related glyphs are the BENT \\, “dog-headed apes of the solarplane”, Amtuat I, II and VI [add CT*]; also related to the BENU-bird, the phoenix; representing the artificial-souls as sons of the solarplane;
where their energetic construct as “baboons”, are the base of (their) prototype Neanderthals (which were sophisticated Apes) — but now have obtained a stolen head, therefore able to communicate with their gods;

hence the “anubis dog head upon the Ape’.
BEB/ÁBAIT therefore must represent “their sons, the apes without head – now having acquired a “head” through the line-up of chakra’s, of which’ latter contain adamite aspects”
[see KHENUM, the uniter-god, heart-chakra related] [add BD and CT]

9] kai G2532 AND eichon G2192 THEY-HAD thOrakas G2382 CUIRASSES hOs G5613 AS as-it-were thOrakas G2382 CUIRASSES sidErous G4603 IRON kai G2532 AND hE G3588 THE phOnE G5456 SOUND tOn G3588 OF-THE pterugOn G4420 flyers wings autOn G846 OF-them hOs G5613 AS is-as phOnE G5456 SOUND harmatOn G716 n_ Gen Pl n OF-chariots ippwn hippOn G2462 n_ Gen Pl m HORSES of-horses pollwn pollOn G4183 a_ Gen Pl m MANY trechontOn G5143 RACING eis G1519 INTO polemon G4171 BATTLE
9) And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings [was] as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle


…the area “from the neck until the navel”; distinguished from glyph KHAT, “belly”, and H’ET, “throat”;
then the applicable glyph should be ÁB, “torso” (mistranslated as ‘heart’); which presents immediately the B cluster, “solarplane”, literally in ÁBAIT;
That the priest of old-israel wore a breastplate as well, must indicate the importance of the chest, of breath; indicating the seat of the soul, sustained by the “breath of life”: here, the chest is made from iron – typically the fallen ones – and may relate to their artificial heartchakra as “the seat of life”; [add KHENUM]

…there is a line in the Sumerian tablets, where Marduk [Saturn] after defeating Eden, “takes the tablet of destinies from Kingu — the real-moon, read: Adam – and hangs them around his own neck”, read, as breastplate;the glyph used in H’ESBET is “embalmed”, and the next word is “to cut the umbilical cord”, H’ESBT + knife;

skip 10] 11] kai G2532 AND echousin G2192 THEY-ARE-HAVING ep G1909 ON autwn autOn G846 OF-them them basilea G935 KING ton G3588 THE aggelon G32 MESSENGER tEs G3588 OF-THE abussou G12 abyss G3686 NAME autO G846 to-him hebraisti G1447 to-HEBREW in-Hebrew abaddOn G3 ABADDON kai G2532 AND en G1722 IN tE G3588 THE hellEnikE G1673 GRECIAN Greek onoma G3686 NAME echei G2192 he-IS-HAVING apolluOn G623 APOLLYON
11) And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath [his] name Apollyon

Abaddon – Apollo – Ábait:

…the first is a transliteration of the glyph ÁBAIT, “eldest son of Osiris, the mantis who guided the dead,”, derivations into BEBAIT and BEB,

13] kai G2532 AND ho G3588 THE hektos G1623 SIXth aggelos G32 MESSENGER esalpisen G4537 TRUMPETS kai G2532 AND Ekousa G191 I-HEAR phOnEn G5456 SOUND voice mian G1520 ONE ek G1537 OUT tOn G3588 OF-THE tessarOn G5064 FOUR keratOn G2768 horns tou G3588 OF-THE thusiastEriou G2379 SACRIFICE-place altar tou G3588 THE chrusou G5552 GOLDen tou G3588 OF-THE the enOpion G1799 IN-VIEW sight-ofbefore tou G3588 OF-THE the theou G2316 God
14] luson G3089 LOOSE-YOU loose-you! tous G3588 THE tessaras G5064 FOUR aggelous G32 MESSENGERS tous G3588 THE dedemenous G1210 ones-HAVING-been-BOUND ones-having-been-bound epi G1909 ON tO G3588 THE potamO G4215 river tO G3588 THE megalO G3173 GREAT euphratE G2166 EUPHRATES

13) And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
14) Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.

“four” and an altar:

…right you see two of “the four rectangular coffers” described in Amtuat hour VII [link to amtuat]. These must be linked directly to the altar described, but then as Distortion and multiplying;
we assume that upon each corner is supposed to be a head; from our understanding these four coffers represent “mimicked hebrew-H (cube) consciousnesses”, in the forms of Rã, tem, osiris and kheper.
The “sand” within the coffers, SHÃ, should indicate these the four (rectangular) soul-pools SH, south; [see ‘four flames’, BD*]

proposed context of the horses –

…to the right, in the NEG cluster, you see the glyph “sun-egg”, the core of the ãnkh-torus, which is the place where the adamite originals are held: in the second position you can read “a bullgod who appeared from [glyph]”; that glyph being ÁNEBT + fortress, a derivation of SENEBT, “walled enclosure within the solarplane B for adamite soul S”;

…it writes “emerged fróm that place”, and that place is shown by a circle of stars, the glyph UPSH, soul-pool. This bull emerges as “four horns”, the same concept as the four horns in Daniel; holding up the four new cardinal points of both their solarplane and the ãnkh-dome above it [see diagram on cosmology page].
….these horns “grew to heaven” [forming the torus!], but at the end, the centre pillar grew, containing the Eye – that is “the contents of the UTCHAT”, of which this “sun-egg” is the foundation;

– that the altar is “golden”, may account for the nature as plexus; where gold represents the qualities of imprisoned originals in that place.

as often, a term will change when adapting another nature; though the horns originate as NEG, they will be ÁB when reaching the solarplane B [see CT** for the four horns], and eventually into T’EB, see left, with root “horn”, showing the four coffers and tiles of the solarplane
stallions and Ka-spirit-double bulls:
…the text will mention “horses and riders”: the term “horses” is virtually not used in the spells, however “Ka bulls” are, and very frequently; in nature they may represent the same though, since the words for horse, QENU, ÁBAR and H’ETER are in every case both “bull” as well as “horse”;

….usually “the boundary between east and west”,
here, “between earth and the solarplane”;
the river is mentioned as one of four from Eden,
and it’s hebrew root is worth to take a look at —

hebrew Parat, from Para, “to be fruitful”; related to roots Paras, “to break through”, “to spread out” and “to divide”; Parar I “the breaking or violating of a contract or covenant”; and Par as “young bull – usually for sacrifice”;
(feminine) Pura “winepress” and (masculine) Parur “boiling-pot”; and finally the root PR, “donkey”, where donkeys love to roam abandoned places and cities (is.32) [*8]
the four angels are…?

options (and presumably overlapping each other in nature);

– the four sons of Horus, H’ERU:
….compare BEB in previous chapter: these “sons” do not depict linear descendants, but more “the four main aspects by which Horus is created from aspects of the adamite soul”;
it is visible in their names, like ÁMSTÁ, containing asects of the adamite soul S and the staff of rule of Adam, TÄ;
– the ÁAKHU IV:
… these have no determination exept the ‘spirit-like’; their name though implies the illegal construct KH – of hebrew-H glued to the K of KA-double, as “the house of Horus”;
– the four coffers in Amtuat VII:
…probably similar; as divided aspects of the original adamite soul, in TEM (rule), Rã (life), KHEPER (ability to create) and osiris, the main Core;

15] kai G2532 AND eluthEsan G3089 WERE-LOOSED hoi G3588 THE tessares G5064 FOUR aggeloi G32 MESSENGERS hoi G3588 THE hEtoimasmenoi G2090 HAVING-been-made-READY ones-having-been-made-ready eis G1519 INTO tEn G3588 THE hOran G5610 HOUR kai G2532 AND hEmeran G2250 DAY kai G2532 AND mEna G3376 MONTH kai G2532 AND eniauton G1763 year hina G2443 THAT apokteinOsin G615 THEY-MAY-BE-FROM-KILLING they-may-be-killing to G3588 THE triton G5154 third tOn G3588 OF-THE anthrOpOn G444 humans
15) And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

same credits as below

16] kai G2532 AND ho G3588 THE arithmos G706 NUMBER strateumatOn G4753 OF-WAR-troops troops tou G3588 OF-THE hippikou G2461 HORSEmen cavalry duo G1417 TWO muriades G3461 MYRIADS (10,000) ten-thousands muriadOn G3461 OF-MYRIADS of-tens-of-thousands kai G2532 AND Ekousa G191 I-HEAR ton G3588 THE arithmon G706 NUMBER autOn G846 OF-them
16) And the number of the army of the horsemen [were] two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

200 million of them:

…the operator, at time of writing down the spells, knew the number of 5,601,200 (not 5, as pictured); ever since 4000 years before now, that number can exponentially have risen, considering the peoples on this planet, today;

– our poor “reality” does not allow concepts like “spirits 4,5 meters tall”,
yet it is there [and in CT*, add]; you see how the seven main chakras, of which the spirit-sorcery-construct as Osiris exists, are deified spirits, too – in osiris’ form of SEPA, see previous chapter; notably here are the AAKHU IV, since they may relate to the very “four angels being bound”,

…in the spells, the candidate – a “reed”, desires “to become a spirit”, KHU+scroll;
so the general term for “spirit” is KHU (AAKHU), yet the desired státe of a fullblown spirit appears “to be like the KA-bull”: an entity powerful like a bulldozer

17] kai G2532 AND houtOs G3779 thus eidon G1492 I-PERCEIVED tous G3588 THE hippous G2462 HORSES en G1722 IN tE G3588 THE horasei G3706 SEEing vision kai G2532 AND tous G3588 THE kathEmenous G2521 ones-sittiNG ones-sitting ep G1909 ON autOn G846 OF-them them echontas G2192 HAVING thOrakas G2382 CUIRASSES purinous G4447 FIRE-ly fiery kai G2532 AND huakinthinous G5191 HYACINTHine amethystine kai G2532 AND theiOdeis G2306 sulphurous kai G2532 AND hai G3588 THE kephalai G2776 HEADS tOn G3588 OF-THE hippOn G2462 HORSES hOs G5613 AS are-as kephalai G2776 HEADS leontOn G3023 OF-LIONS kai G2532 AND ek G1537 OUT tOn G3588 OF-THE stomatOn G4750 MOUTHS autOn G846 OF-them ekporeuetai G1607 IS-OUT-GOING is-issuing pur G4442 FIRE kai G2532 AND kapnos G2586 smoke fumes kai G2532 AND theion G2303 sulphur
17) And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of hyajacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses [were] as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.

….the riders are not mentioned by name, but only their “breastplates of fire”;
we saw that PUR, ‘fire’, was TESHER; here is added jacinth and brimstone.


Greek word theion, “sulphur”, “divine fire, divine lightning”; related: theios, “a god”; thea, “a sight”; theaomia, “to view, to gaze with amazement or adoration” [hebr.theah,to wonder at]; we cannot squeeze more out of the greek term. Though there is no hieroglyph for something like “sulphur” (and rather obvious as whý not), it’s context shows it must be SÁA, right; ‘she’ was “one of the two guides of Rã’s boat”, see Amtuat; where the concept could be translated as “their feminine intuition”. Right below is the doorkeeper of the Torus, ‘the bodies/to go/investigate/the torso’s/by personified knowledge”, as in “to search the reigns”, linking immediately Sáa to the torso/breastplate ÁB!,

..the sulfur being yellow, has a strange glyph, KESANUTHÃ “the divine/broad/hebrew-H (cube)/as the word-inside/backwards (adamite soul)/ for the Ka-spirit-double”;… is a difficult composite-glyph, but “feminine” is always related to “the word”; here that word of hebrew-H is used backwards, for use of the Ka-spirit double. Note how the SA (the box with handle) is the stepdown of SÁA.
jacinth – hyacinth:

… most obscure; neither words have clear descriptions, nor apparent roots. It appears that ‘jacinth’ and “hyacint” are applied randomly; where the former appears to have an orange/yellow colour, hyacinth should be bluish/purple. The gems are in the breastplate of the high priest, in one of the gates in Rev.21, and Henoch uses the word to describe mountains.
We consider however that in this case, the colour must be negative – analogue to the sulfur, above – and where “red” is taken already (Tesher), and also yellow, we opt for the blue-purple:

the KHESBET is in the same cluster as the KESBET-tree
[see SÁA picture, above]; it is no coincidence they both are “trees”, since related clusters always show the same meanings; the KESBET-tress belong to SEPT’U, ‘morningstar’, son of Sirius,
these “trees” are in the deep South, in the line “the Kesebt-trees of Septu, below” (the vesica); and they appear to be a place of preparing, dressing-up the Ka-spirit-doubles
with aspects of adamite.
..that the Ka-spirit is dressed up with adamite,
shows the glyph S of adamite soul; the root KHES is too close to the yellow-root to ignore; here however is added BET, ‘solarplane house’; the “blue” here is the same blue as in Blue Kachina – which is not some comet but a spiritual construct; compare the Ka-double at top of this paragraph.

…the Greek word does not provide clues; nor do the glyphs QENU and ÁBAR for “horse,stallion” – but H’ETER does, for several reasons: in the text is mentioned “smoke out of their mouths”, where smoke is H’ET, “house/of Saturn”; the horse adds the R, “speech”, and conform the syntax of hieroglyphs, the attributes “horse, smoke, speech [mouth-glyph]” are incorporated.

Another root meaning of H’ETER as “to join together, twins, ligatures” would account for the bond between the riders and their horses


19] hE G3588 THE gar G1063 for exousia G1849 authority license autOn G846 OF-them en G1722 IN tO G3588 THE stomati G4750 MOUTH autOn G846 OF-them estin G2076 IS kai G2532 AND en G1722 IN tais G3588 THE ourais G3769 TAILS autOn G846 OF-them hai G3588 THE gar G1063 for ourai G3769 TAILS autOn G846 OF-them homoiai G3664 LIKE are-like ophesin G3789 to-serpents serpents echousai G2192 HAVING kephalas G2776 HEADS kai G2532 AND en G1722 IN autais G846 them adikousin G91 Pl THEY-ARE-injurING
19) For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails [were] like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt

….we dont know.
Apparently the riders rule their “vehicle”, their horse, as their physical-construct; and since H’ET’ is in the same cluster as “horse”, the striking tail could make Sense – perhaps analogue to the scorpions in previous chapter..?

….it appears that the horse, which’ nature is a bull, H’ET, “house/of Saturn”; having the nature of “double, twin, etc”, is the foundation of the construct dubbed KA-spirit-double, which incorporated as the riders of the horses the stolen adamite aspects [the sulphur, red and khesbet-blue].

[page continues]

*7] The etymology of the words of the Greek language, p.180
Door Francis Edward J. Valpy