their double-sky and earth melting like burning pitch,
Is.34 — and their constructs imprisoned in outer-court —
draw-near-you ! nations to·to-hear-of and·folkstems be-attentive-you ! she-shall-hear the·earth and·fullness-of·her habitance and·all-of offsprings-of·her
Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it
- – ‘people’, H3816 leom ‘type people’ 36x; as in ‘bloodlines’,
- – ‘things come forth’, H6631 tseetsa ‘produce, offspring, descendants’ 11x;
line, said to people on earth,
“draw-near-you ! / (you) nations (on this earth) / tofor to hear /, and – be-attentive-you ! – bloodlines /; she – the land (this earth) – and all that is of her /; the world – and all – her descendents – shall hear: /
that wrath to·ieue on all-of the·nations and·fury on all-of host-of·them he-dooms·them he-gives·them to·the·slaughter
For the indignation of the LORD [is] upon all nations, and [his] fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter
- – ‘indignation’, H7110 qetseph ‘wrath’ 29x; qatsa ‘scrape’ 2x; qets ‘end’ 67x; +nostril -aph;
- – ‘destroyed’, H2763 charam ‘disfigured, destroyed’ 52x, destroy by isolation; cherem ‘cursed’ 38x; chor ‘nobles’ 13x (cherem was a heart to Chemosh fire demon, aka Ghanesha, the indian elephant); chere ‘(human) dung’ 1x; char-ah ‘burn with anger’ 90x; chori ‘hot anger’ 6x;
- – ‘slaughter’, H2874 tebach ‘slaughter’ 10x; tabach ‘slaughter’ 11x; taba ‘sink down, drown’ 10x; unlikely bach+t; tab/teb ‘pleased’ 3x, towb ‘eden-good’ 559x;
chapter turn and slaughter context:
quick turn already here; the expressions used here (and in next line) show that this is about the nations of the horus spirits; and the reason given for the slaughter is “their abhorrent physicality” which is contrary to eden-good,
line, about the world of the spirits,
“thatbecause / the wrath (nostril at other end) / to IEUE / (is) onupon / all / nations (of horus-spirits) /, and the fury (Canaan-cham) / onupon / all of / their host (leading construct) /; he destroys them (detestable physicality) / (for) he gives them (spirits) / to the slaughter (non-good) /;
and·ones-wounded-of·them they-shall-be-flung-away and·corpses-of·them he-shall-ascend stink-of·them and·they-shall-be-meltedmountains from·blood-of·them and·they-are-putrefied all-of host-of the·heavens and·they-are-rolled-up as·the·scroll the·heavens and·all-of host-of·them he-shall-decay as·to-decay-of leaf from·vine and·as·one-decaying from·fig-tree
Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcasses, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling [fig] from the fig tree
- – ‘melt’, H4743 maqaq ‘melt or rot away’ 10x, also used for ‘and their eyes and tongue’ in Zech.14; maq ‘rottenness’ 2x; -q was ‘vomit’ + m-realm ?
- – ‘falleth off’, H5034 nabel ‘decay, wither, foolish (nabal)’ 25x; naba ‘prophecy’ 114x; (so how come Nebu, Thoth..?),
line context: we saw several times now that their land above eden (Geb) will melt; it is not clear whether the mountains will melt ‘by’ the blood or ‘as’ — we saw that “blood” (d-m) is an illegal mixture; the line uses “the host” once as ‘he’, but also as ‘multiple’, Geb: pic to right, with Nut as double-sky over it; the “host” in the line should be the boat-construct showing, here the ‘host’ is linked to ‘the eden-vine’, and compare the pillars under the boat standing upon the vine (see diagrams page); |
“andfor their slain (eden-life+doubled-image) / shall be flung away /, and -the stink of – their corpses – shall ascend /, and – the mountains (of the land Geb) – shall be melted / fromby their (mixed-) blood /; andfor – all of – the host (main construct) of – the doubled-sky (north) – areis putrified /, and – the doubled-sky – is rolled-up – aslike a scroll /, and all of / their host / shall decay (prophecy+deity?) / as – the leaf – decays – from the (eden-) vine /, and as (one) decaying / from the fig tree /;
that she-mis-satiated in·the·heavens sword-of·me behold ! on Edom she-shall-descend and·on people-of doom-of·me for·judgment sword to·ieue she-is-full blood she-lubricates-herself from·fat from·blood-of butting-lambs and·he-goats from·fat-of kidneys-of rams that sacrifice to·ieue in·Bozrah and·slaughter great in·land-of Edom
For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, [and] with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams: for the LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea
kidney and liver context:
“thatbecause / she – my sword – is soaked – inby the doubled sky (north) /, behold ! / she shall come down – onupon – Edom (false type adm-male) /, and on – the by me cursed (detestable physicality) – people / for judgment (VaV) /; she – the sword – to IEUE – is full / (of) blood (mixture) / (and) she greases herself / fromby the fat /, (being) the blood (mixture) of / the butting-lambs / and the he-goats (of matrix-nature) /, (and) from the fat of / kidneys of / rams (dual physicality) /; thatfor / (it) (is) the sacrifice / to IEUE / in Bozrah (matrix tree of life?) / andas – the great – slaughter (non-eden-good) / in the land of / Edom (false type adm-male) /;
and·they-go-down uruses with·them and·young-bulls with sturdy-ones and·she-mis-soaked land-of·them from·blood and·soil-of·them from·fat he-shall-be-greased
And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness
- – ‘unicorn’, H7214 reem ‘wild ox’ 9x; -ra evil; to Raamah ‘false adamite-throne’; Akk. rîmu ‘wild bull’; rîmûtu ‘gift, present’; râmu ‘to love’; ramû ‘to cast, set in place, pour out’; ramku ‘spell, sorcerer, witchcraft, priest (-figurine)’; ramânu ‘self’; Joseph also is described wearing these horns, implying that he has the legal right to win this attribute, Deut. 33; the unicorn is Joseph’s attribute;
- – ‘with’, H5973 im ‘with, unto, by, as long, neither, from between, from among’ or H5974 im (Aram.) ‘with, to, from, toward, like, unto, by’
Ka bull context: considered the context of the cluster we are confident to put the Ka bull; also because this is a separate category following on previous line (and see the clip in previous posted chapter). In spells the term appears frequently, but it appears that not only these beings are termed as such, but also ‘their constructs’ – Geb as the Ka bull, the city of Õn as the Ka bull, etc, which is often confusing to us; this line 7 *can* depict this same difference – then please read accordingly. The (doubled-) bull stolen from the ox cherub; |
“and – the (Ka spirit-double) bulls – come down – with them /, andas the young bulls / (being) withlike / the mighty ones /; and – (she) their land – is soaked – fromwith blood (mixture) /, and their soil (as dust) / shall be greased – fromby the fat /;
that day-of vengeance to·ieue year-of repayments for·contention-of tziun Zion and·they-are-turned watercourses-of·her to·pitch and·soil-of·her to·sulphur and·she-becomes land-of·her to·pitch consuming
For [it is] the day of the LORD’S vengeance, [and] the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion And the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall become burning pitch
- – ‘turn’, H2015 haphak ‘turn, change (transform)’ 94x;
- – ‘pitch’, H2203 zepheth ‘pitch’ 2x; (used by Moses’ basket – we saw that the Mahabharata has similar story, also a boy, a basket, and saved by a princess – so we wonder what Moses’ story had to un-do..?); zaeph ‘vexed’ 2x; zaaph ‘wrath’ 6x; eden-power+nostril; no further root; (yet different as bitumen -goph, as bird in last line ?)
- 2) in glyphs listed as SIF “essence / (by) he-eden / to make the most-b-soul-adam”; also one SIF as ‘youth’; then the untranslatabl RENTCHAPAÁU, REPNEN or perhaps MEN UR; but all very Vague; almost absent in Veda’s but ^sila cluster (eden), but root ^sil is altered, already; Akk. kupru, but rather to next term:
- – ‘brimstone’, H1614 gophrith, proper: cypress-resin, by analogy brimstone (sulphur) 7x; connected with ‘hail’ (covering eden); gopher ‘noah’s ark wood’ 1x; the word can come from anywhere ofcourse, yet can be related to the eden-vine -gephen, and from vine to tree is not far; -g as ‘essence of the dual realm’, brimstone as ‘burning or liquid essence’ ?
pitch and brimstone context:
the dual-vine for eden (so without eden’s essence still) was the vine -gephen; we take it that the ‘gopher tree’ is an unknown type tree to us, not on this earth, but related to that form of dual-essence – and so must be the ‘brimstone’. The ‘pitch’ is a bit tricky; the -za is eden-power, and the ‘nostril’ is the cherub-wheel (as dimensional centre) which will burn their constructs, once returned,
“thatbecause / (it) (is) the day of / the vengeance (for impurity) / to IEUE / (being) the year of / repayments (false eden-peace) / for the controversy of / tsiun /; andfor – her (Geb’s) rivers – are transformed / tointo (fiery-) pitch (dual-essence by nostril?) /, and her soil (dust) / to brimstone (original essence of dual realm?) /, and she – the land – becomes / toas – burning – pitch (dual-essence by nostril?) /;
night and·by-day not she-shall-be-quenched for·eon he-shall-ascend smoke-of·her from·generation to·generation she-shall-be-deserted for·permanence-of permanences ain there-is-no one-passing in·her
It shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever
- – ‘(permanence)’, H5331 netsach, from Strong’s: properly, a goal, i.e. The bright object at a distance travelled towards; hence (figuratively), splendor, or (subjectively) truthfulness, or (objectively) confidence; but usually (adverbially), continually; natsach ‘lead, oversee, supervise’ 64x;
ain-eye context:
we understand that the stanza-form can read as a repetition, but we keep open the possibility that the cherub-wheel was intended, in b]; the wheel indeed ‘crosses over’ again, and combined with the strange root as ‘to oversee’, when in previous line the ‘melting’ is described, we go for b];
“she (land north) shall – not – be quenched – night – and day /, for ever / the smoke of her / (he) will ascend /, from generation / to generation / she shall be deserted/, for always / (and) always / there is no – crossing-over (to other dimension) – in her /;
forby always / (and) always / the – (having) crossed-over (to other dimension) – eye inat her /;
and·they-tenant·her pelican and·hedgehog and·eagle-owl and·raven they-shall-roost in·her and·he-stretches-out over·her measuring-tape-of chaos and·plumb-stones-of vacancy
But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness
- – ‘cormorant’, H6893 qaath ‘perhaps pelican’ 5x; Akk. qadû ‘a bird’; qadâdu ‘bend, curve, roll, watch over’, qadûtu ‘river sediment, silt’; qadi^stu ‘priestess’; Sum. qadû is irihulua, and -ir cluster is ‘locust, type of tree, to plunder, smell, scent, a bird, plot’;
- – ‘hedgehog’, H7090 qippod 3x (see qippaz in later line); (perhaps should have been goph- from gopher?) Akk. kupîtu ‘a bird’, Sum. gubi;
- 2) kapâtu ‘to harvest, collect’, kappu ‘wing, branch’; kuppû ‘eel?’; kapâpu ‘to bend, curve, to curb, restrain, to watch over’, kupru ‘bitumen, pitch’; kipattu ‘circle, ring’; kippat kârani ‘stock of the vine’; (root qp ‘treshold, cavern, roof’);
birds in the land context:
the birds must be “their constructs which connect tó eden, and supporting their land north (Geb); the phoenix as BENU (fiery k- and q-axis), the second one is perhaps ‘the shoulder’ (glyph QÃH’) as their linking to q-axis, the Thoth perch as ‘standing upon the adamite-throne, carrying the inversed hand’ (where Adam is in; glyph T’); and the hawk Horus as H’ER, face;
- – this whole region will be desolate, when the eden land will rise over it;
“and – the pelican (phoenix?) – and (the bird as shoulder?) – inherit her /, and the ibis (Thoth-perch?) / and (horus-) hawk (as an-face?) / shall dwell / in her /, andfor he (IEUE) stretches out / the line (dimensional vector) offor – (dimensional-) chaos – over her /, and the gems (of eden-gate) offor / (dimensional) voidness /;
notables-of·her u·ain and·there-is-no there kingdom they-shall-proclaim and·all-of chiefs-of·her they-shall-become limit
They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none [shall be] there, and all her princes shall be nothing
line context:
small line but difficult – the “they (name)” must belong to the nobles (not an outside they), making it virtually Impossible to use the eye (ain); but forcing also to change into (are),
“there-isare-no – nobles – there – (who?) shall name – the kingdom /, [review] andfor all / her princes / shall become / nonexistent /;
and·she-comes-up citadels-of·her briars sting-nettle and·thistle in·fortresses-of·her and·she-becomes homestead-of jackals court for·daughters-of ostrich and·they-encounter desert-creatures desert-howlers and·hairy-goat on associate-of·him he-shall-call yea there she-lulls hoot-owl and·she-finds for·her resting-place
And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, [and] a court for owls The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest
- – ‘palace’, H759 armon ‘palace, etc’ 32x; mount Hermon, where Watchers touched earth;
- – ‘nettles’, H7057 qimmos ‘weeds, nettle’ 2x; from -qam-ah ‘standing, stalk’ and massa ‘burden’ ?
- – ‘brambles’, H2336 choach ‘thistle, etc’ 12x; chach ‘hook, ring’ (as in Gog) 7x;
- – ‘court’, H2681 chatsir ‘abode’ 1x; chatsir ‘grass’ negative 21x; chatser ‘court (yard)’ 189x;
- – ‘owls’, H3284 yaan-ah ‘ostrich’ 8x; Sum ganu ‘ostrich’; -gan ‘child bearing’; ya- was ‘state of being’; a counterfeit ‘dove’ (yana)…?
- 1) why not ‘peacock’ ? or is peacock a Vedic term fór ‘ostrich’..? barhin ‘peacock’ MH; mayûra MH (maya sorcery +ara?); ^satapattra MH (from eden); mayûraroman ‘peacock haired, said of Indra’s horses’ RV (Indra as m-realm) also peacock-tailed RV; sounds like the multicoloured robe of Joseph; mâyûraka ‘someone making articles with peacock feathers’ RA; barhin ‘peacock’ MH, barhin ‘name of a gandharva’ MH (1 of 4 cherub); Skanda’s vehicle is the peacock, and RGV describes ‘a bright-coloured boy’ hurling weapons (compare coat);
- 2) considered the possibility that ‘the peacock’ is something like the Anzu-bird (dove?) (not the 1 cherub, that is an eagle) this ‘ostrich’ may be their construct – as the ‘longer legs’ (standing upon both mountains), -ya ‘state of being’ + on, Õn ?
- – ‘beasts of desert’, H6728 tsiyyi ‘wilderness’ 6x; tsiyy-ah ‘dry, drought’ (dimensional) 16x; into tsiun; tsiy ‘ship’ 4x; ‘desert dweller’ ? Is.23 tells how the Assyrian made the outer court, as middle region between the eden-gate and their gate, as this desert -tsiy;
- – ‘beasts of the island’, H338 i ‘hyena, jackal’ 3x; (-i was island); oy ‘woe’ 28x;
outer court context:
in line with “but don’t measure the outer court” Rev. 11;
animals context:
like with previous ‘birds’, also these must have a double meaning;
“and – thorns – come up – (in) her palaces /, (and) weeds (standing burden?) / and the thornbush (hook?) / in her fortresses /, and she becomes / a dwellingplace of / dragons /, (being) the (strawy outer-) court / for the daughters (cows as regions?) of / the ostrich (matrix anzu?) /; and – the desert dwellers (created outer-court) – shall meet – the jackals (islands) / andfor the male goat (matrix nature) / shall (be) named – onas – his (evil-) other (Rã?) /; yea – there / she – the screetch owl (matrix-night) – (is) (caused to) rest /, and she finds / for her / a settling place /;
there she-nests scops-owl and·she-shall-lay-eggs and·she-hatches and·she-broods-over in·shadow-of·her yea there they-are-convened black-kites each associate-of·her
There shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow: there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate
- – ‘great owl’, H7091 qippoz 1x; ‘perhaps arrow snake’; -az as matrix-power; (perhaps should have been goph- from gopher?) Akk. kupîtu ‘a bird’, Sum. gubi; kuppû ‘eel?’; kupru ‘bitumen, pitch’; kipattu ‘circle, ring’; kippat kârani ‘stock of the vine’; (root qp ‘treshold, cavern, roof’);
- 2) interlinear has -qpHuz, qapha ‘congealed (as milky ocean)’ 4x (gopher?, no -gp in Akk. but Sum -gub root? GU2 ‘sum, total, a force, tax, rent, tribute’), )
- – ‘lay’, H4422 malat ‘escape’ 95x, 1x lay eggs (perhaps weekend was starting);
- – ‘hatch’,H1234 baqa ‘cleave, burst open, rent, split, to rip’ 51x;
- – ‘gather’, H1716 dagar ‘brood’ 1x, the other one can be any term; close to -dagon ‘fish soul’; dag-ah ‘fish’ 14x; multiply 1x; root -dag ‘fish’ 19x;
- – ‘vultures’, H1772 dayyah 2x; da-ah ‘swoop down’ 4x; day ‘often, enough’ 40x; Akk. “sayâhu ? (Sum. kasukudra; impossible; KA is the ‘mouth, talk, to say’ cluster) de-ah ‘knowledge’ [from yada but inversion da-ya ?] knowledge bird as ‘she’, is intuition SAÁ ? yet is singular; daath ‘cunning knowledge’ 95x;
bird context:
we really have no other option as to accept how the line turned out – even in new eden-earth will be “nations”, implying there still will be born non-adamite souls too, and those souls must come from sómewhere; we think the “caused to escape” is defendable, though the ‘ripped up’ unsure;
energyfields context:
we simply lack terms to can use; (what about the “I throw your mother in the prison-land”, said to Canaan – is that similar idea as what is being described here..?), if in previousline the mother-bird is breeding artificial souls, then perhaps these ‘birds’ are related tó the fish-souls, as part of them, and then as “(matrix-) consciousness fór that fish-soul”; term used as (reuth) “feminine evil mate”; and a ‘she’ is usually a nature;
“there / she – the bird (throne of fish-souls?) – nests / andfor she shall (be caused to) escape /, and she (is) ripped up / andbut she breeds (artificial fish-souls) / inunder her shadow /, yea – there / the birds (consciousnesses?) / are gathered / each (one) / (being) her (fish throne’s) mate /;
inquire-you ! from·on scroll-of ieue and·read-you ! one from·them not she-is-deranged each associate-of·her not they-miss that mouth-of·me he he-instructs and·spirit-of·him he convenes-them
Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them
- – ‘these’, H2007 henn-ah ‘these, them, they, etc’ 48x;
- – ‘fail’, H5737 adar ‘to dig, to cultivate, to lack, fail’ 10x; but why so negative (adar) ?
- – ‘want’, H6485 paqad ‘to visit (friendly or hostile)’ 302x;
- – ‘mate’, H7468 reuth ‘female neigbour, other, female mate’ 6x; -ra ‘evil’ +th female
scroll context:
the ‘investigate you’ was the reason why we tried to find the meaning of all the animals in previous lines,
line context:
the negative terms were the red Flag – that they “wont visit eachother” suggest that all type (matrix-) constructs are imprisoned separately;
“investigate-you ! / from-on / the scroll (book) of / IEUE /, and read-you ! / (for) not – one – from them (mentioned spirit-types) – is lacking /, (and) they visit – nót – each / her mate (of feminine-evil) /; thatfor / my mouth / he – commands / and (by) his spirit / he – gathers them /;
and·he he-casts for·them lot and·hand-of·him she-apportions to·them in·measuring-tape until eon they-shall-tenant·her for·generation and·generation they-shall-roost in·her
And he hath cast the lot for them, and his hand hath divided it unto them by line: they shall possess it for ever, from generation to generation shall they dwell therein
- – ‘cast’, H5307 naphal ‘to fall down (and be destroyed)’ 435x; as Watchers; A difficult theme, because factually “to cast lots” is what them spirits do, about who of them will get the next adamite head and body (Rg Veda,Joel 3 and Nahum 3); and though several times “the lot” is used in the OT, we consider it a practice that will end. When we look at naphal+lot (‘to cast a lot’), we find Joshua 13 as doubtful in syntax (cast lots you her!); Jonah 1 plausible; Joshua 18 ‘i shoot lots for you’; ‘flinging lots’ Joshua 18; Nahum 3 ‘(dead-bodies) handle the lot’; Obadiah 1 ‘handled the lot’; Joel 3 ‘handled the lot’; the example in Ezekiel is unclear;
- – ‘lot’, H1486 goral ‘lot, portion’ 77x; gor ‘lions whelps’ 2x; gur, same (also judah) 7x; gur ‘sojourn’ 98x; often as verb “to lot”,
- – ‘divided’,H2505 chalaq ‘to divide, to apportion’ 65x; similar line in Am.7 “adamite-ground will be apportioned by the line”,
lot context:
see already note above; the -el in the term must render the word negative, and somehow it makes Sense that this method (they also used) now ‘falls down’; we’d be interested to know the intrinsic meaning of that practice – but this line suggest it is linked with the measuring (or plumb-) line, as dimensional vector (their realm is at a different angle),
forever context:
as in line 10, the colour can be ment a bit different – the “forever” in the sense that “never they will rise again” (indeed forever), but we understand that after the Interval, all of their constructs will be done with (when comes a new earth and heaven). Henoch does mention “a place” in which the seven archangels will be imprisoned forever (which must be forever), but perhaps that would be in another place,
“and he – (causes to) fall down – the lot (lion-cub as deity) – forfrom them (spirits) /, andfor – she – his hand (adamite-throne) – parcels (land) / to them / inby the line (dimens.-vector) /, until / forever / they shall inherit her (strawy outer-court) /, for generation / and generation / they shall dwell / in her /.
26.6 submitted – first version – loNe