Adam chained and brought to the Sekhet-field, Ez.19 — the eden-vine as the mother for images —

ez 19

Adam chained and brought to the Sekhet-field,
Ez.19 — the eden-vine as the mother for images —

and·you lift-up-you ! dirge for princes-of ishral and·you-say what ? mother-of·you parent-lioness between lions she-reclines in·midst-of sheltered-lions she-increases whelps-of·her
Moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel, And say, What [is] thy mother? A lioness: she lay down among lions, she nourished her whelps among young lions

  • – ‘princes’, H5387 nasiy ‘prince’ 134x; to -nasa ‘lift, carry’; double colour, since also -nasa ‘to beguile’ (be beguiled);
  • – ‘lioness’, H3833 labiy ‘great/old lion (ess)’ 14x; into -laban ‘whiteness’; from -leb ‘heart’,
  • – ‘young lions’,H3715 kephir ‘young lion’ 32x; kphowr ‘(covering of-) a bowl’ 13x; kaphar ‘to cover (also ‘cover for someone’, atonement)’ 104x; kaph ‘hand (palm)’ 193x as serpent-hand, or dome (bordersky) ? and there to cover for ?
  • – ‘lions (whelps)’ -gur, also said of Judah Gen.49; including the ‘he will lay down in the gate’;

beguiled context:
this chapter being ‘a lament’ because the situation needs to get chánged – but that will (also) depend on the completing the 144; so yes, also said to us…
lions and images context:
the eden-vine as root “carries within her the (material for the) images of all adamite-originals”, being the dual-essence (but without eden’s touch, still); the ‘lion’ is always “rule”, especially “by speech (for to create and rule a realm)”,
“and you ! / lift-up-you ! / the lament / for / the (beguiled?) princes of / ishral (potential 144,000) /, and you say: / what / (is) your mother (eden-vine as origins)?/, (as) a parent lioness (eden core rule) / she lays down – between – the lions (images of matrix beings) /, in the midst of / the young lions (adamite-original images) / she nourishes / her whelps (ad.-souls) /;

and·she-is-elevating one from·whelps-of·her sheltered-lion he-becomes and·he-is-learning to·to-tear-to-pieces-of prey adm human he-devours and·they-are-summoning to·him nations in·ruin-of·them he-is-grasped and·they-are-bringing·him in·the·gaffs to land-of Egypt
And she brought up one of her whelps: it became a young lion, and it learned to catch the prey; it devoured men The nations also heard of him; he was taken in their pit, and they brought him with chains unto the land of Egypt

  • – ‘pit’, H7845 shachath ‘pit’ (especially as snare) 23x; shachath ‘destroy’ 147x; shach ‘downcast’ 1x; shach-ah ‘to swim’ 3x; NEB chalice ? siach, perhaps utterance 13x, negative, spell utterance ? for NEB chalice see (diagrams),
  • – ‘chains’, H2397 chach ‘hook, chain’ 7x; no other root; as ‘imprisoned eden-life’ ?, where -chiy and its inversal, or mirroring ?

adm context:
after previous line “images and soul” it makes Sense that Adam is implied here; eventhough the new-hand is in the Torso (below the Sekht-fields), it seems he is used to make their fields North (comp. Ez. 17),
“and she is (causing to) ascend / one / from her whelps (ad.-soul) /, becoming / the young lion /, and he (Adam) is learning / toas (how) to tear into pieces / his prey (all of them spirits’ world) /, (being) the adm-male / (who) devours; and – the nations (of horus-spirits) – (are) (caused to) listen – to him /, (but) he is grasped – inby their pit (NEB chalice?) /, and they (spirits) are bringing him / in chains / to / the land of / Egypt (Sekht-fields north) /;

and·she-is-seeing that she-waited she-perished expectation-of·her and·she-is-taking one from·whelps-of·her sheltered-lion she-places·him and·he-is-walking in·midst-of lions sheltered-lion he-becomes and·he-is-learning to·to-tear-to-pieces-of prey adm human he-devours
Now when she saw that she had waited, [and] her hope was lost, then she took another of her whelps, [and] made him a young lion And he went up and down among the lions, he became a young lion, and learned to catch the prey, [and] devoured men
Christ context:
we think the context is right here (considered the next two lines); compare “the first man Adam, and the last Adam” 1 Cor.15.

  • 2) Henoch describes “a beautiful young man next to the throne”; we have no other option as to interpret that He was born into becoming an adamite-original (as a different class of deity); and no we do not consider this ‘heresy’.

“and (when) she saw / that / she (would be) (in) wait /, her hope / perished /, and she (was) taking / one / from her whelps (adamite-soul) /, (and) she places him (Christ) / (to be) a sheltered lion (eden rule) /; and he is walking / in the midst of / the lions (images of matrix beings) /, +
(having) become / the young lion (image of adamite-original) /, and he is learning (teaching?) / toas (how) to tear to pieces / the prey (all of spirits’ world) /, (being) the adm-(type-) male / (who) devours /;

and·he-is-knowing widows-of·him and·cities-of·them he-causes-to-be-deserted and·she-is-being-desolated land and·fullness-of·her from·sound-of roaring-of·him
And he knew their desolate palaces, and he laid waste their cities; and the land was desolate, and the fulness thereof, by the noise of his roaring

  • – ‘desolate place (widows)’, H490 alman-ah ‘widow’ 55x, (said ‘also desolate place’, but 1x this line), whole -alm cluster ‘widow’; from -alm cluster ‘silence’, (‘proper: to tie fast the mouth’), widow is female, has no male to speak (creation) for her;
  • – ‘laid waste’; H2717 charab ‘root:to parch’ 42x, by implication to destroy, desolate, etc;”waters dried-up from the earth (at noah)”;
widow context:
after many attempts we decided it is a scribal error (or on purpose): the stanza juxtaposes “sound+desolate” to “parch+……”, the aspect therefore needing to be related to sound or voice (roaring). Alternatively “widows” could be ‘adamite-souls on this earth’ or even the imprisoned adamite-originals – but even then the line is Crippled. The difference is but one -n (-alm to -almn);
bind the mouth context:
where glyphs use the SAAIU ‘fetters over the mouth (eden-gate)’, “(the adamite-throne) for the words / of the most-b-soul-adam / to guard”, it is very possible that here He blocked their lion-mouth (gate of Õn) – and without them speaking into their realm, the “dry up” is appropriate: here even saying “that He did not need a gate”;

“andfor he knows / (how) he binds fast the (matrix-) mouth /, and their cities / he causes to dry-up /: and – (she) the land (north) – and all therein – is being desolated / fromby the sound of / his roaring /;

and·they-are-giving on·him nations round-about from·provinces and·they-are-spreading over·him net-of·them in·ruin-of·them he-is-grasped and·they-are-giving·him in·the·cage in·the·gaffs and·they-are-bringing·him to king-of Babylon they-are-bringing·him in·the·fastnesses so-that not he-shall-be-heard voice-of·him further to mountains-of ishral
Then the nations set against him on every side from the provinces, and spread their net over him: he was taken in their pit And they put him in ward in chains, and brought him to the king of Babylon: they brought him into holds, that his voice should no more be heard upon the mountains of Israel

  • – ‘provinces’, H4082 medin-ah ‘province’ (jurisdiction) 53x; -din ‘rule, govern, judge’ + m-realm; Akk. dînu ‘lawsuit, legal trial’; dunnu ‘fortress’,
  • – ‘net’, H7568 resheth ‘net’ 22x; we had that in previous – top, head, summit, first; Akk. râshu ‘to acquire, to get, to marry’, râsû ‘be rich, well-off, quality’; rêsû ‘helper, protection, head, person, capital’; riâsu ‘decorative fancy work, joy, rejoice’; russû ‘red’;
  • – ‘ward’, H5474 sugar ‘cage’ 1x; sagar ‘close up, enclose’ 95x; sug ‘turn back’ negative 14x; sug ‘hedge in, make to grow’ 1x;
  • 2) Akk. sagû ‘cella, shrine, treasury’; sâgu ‘skirt, kilt’; ^sigarru ‘bolt, clamp’; then ^sugurru ‘a container (?), ring, rolled-up mat’; ^saharru ‘a net’; (the ^sag- root has “kill, murder, slaughter, slain’) ^segû ‘demolish, rage’;
  • – ‘holds (fastnesses)’, H4686 matsuwd ‘stronghold’ 25x; m-realm+tsuwd, tsad ‘side, fortress’ 33x; tsad-ah ‘hunt’ 3x; (into Sidon 22x);

dimensional side context:
after previous lines, it is defendable to pose that now He becomes ‘a human’, for the link to garment-body (kilt, slaughter, etc) is being made, combining this to “the matrix fortresses (also this earth) at the other side”, rendering “the mountains” as eden’s – as causal reason – which indeed remain dark untill the 144,000 will arrive there,
“andbut – the nations (of horus-spirits) – from – surrounding – (m-realm) regions – (are) set – against him /, and they spread – their net (another type head?) – over him /, he is grasped – inby their pit (as NEB chalice?) /; and they are placing him / in chains – in the cage (of matrix garment-body) /, and they are bringing him / to / the king (Thoth) of / Babylon (torso in outer-court) /, they (are causing) him to enter / the fortresses (eden’s but now at dimensional side of m-realm) /, so that / his voice – shall – nót – be heared – further – onupon – the mountains of – ishral (eden-land) /;

mother-of·you as·the·vine in·blood-of·you on waters being-transplanted being-fruitful and·full-of-boughs she-becomes from·waters abundant-ones and·they-are-becoming to·her rods-of strength to shbti scepters-of ones-ruling and·she-is-being-lofty stature-of·him on between entwined-boughs and·he-is-being-seen in·loftiness-of·him in·multitude-of branches-of·him
Thy mother [is] like a vine in thy blood, planted by the waters: she was fruitful and full of branches by reason of many waters And she had strong rods for the sceptres of them that bare rule, and her stature was exalted among the thick branches, and she appeared in her height with the multitude of her branches

  • – ‘exalted and appeared’, H1363 gob-ah ‘loftiness, height’ 17x, also used for the wheels of cherub, as “dimensional wideness”, -gab ‘rim of wheel, vault, arch’, in previous posted we used ‘religious temple’;
  • – ‘stature’ H6967 qom-ah ‘height (of/as cubit)’ 45x, consistently used so;
  • – ‘thick branches’, H5688 aboth ‘anything entwined’ cord, rope, fetter’ 24x; can only be wick-glyph H’ (saturn); -ab as matrix-father;
  • – ‘branches’, H1808 dalith ‘branches’ 8x; (-dal), very negative; dal-ah ‘draw water’ 5x (illegal action), -dal ‘lean, poor, needy’ 47x;

chapter turn and axis context:
that Adam went north, combined with the next vine-theme must imply that he has cooperated to máke the inversed-axis section; we still fight with understanding of the several axis as you know;
there appear to be two (according to Zecheriah), the mt-axis and the birthsceptre (Watercourse axis); but we fail still to get a workable concept how these both relate.

  • 2) we changed the multiple to “singular axis” here (per Zecheriah), then the line says that “the mt-axis becomes bý the birth-axis”, the mt-axis being the “inversed section of the q-axis” then ?(as the inversed cord of words, towards the north; and see line 12); immediately follows the line “became high”,

wick-glyph context:
the ‘matrix vault’ may be the Abzu, sitting in the centre as where Dumizu ties together the both vines (the wick-caduceaus) ?, see diagrams page;
“your mother / (is) (as) the eden-vine / infor your blood (mixture) /, +
being transplanted / onunto / the waters (eden-dimension) /; she (has) become – fruitful – and full of branches (nostril) – from – multiple (-type) – waters /, andbut – the birthsceptre of – the ones ruling – (is) becoming – rod (axis) of – (matrix-) power – toby her /, andso she the dimensional width (of the matrix-vault) (has become) lofty/+
(being) he the (cubital-) height / onin / between / the entwined boughs (wick-glyph-H’) /, andfor – (inas) his loftyness – inby the multitude of / his branches (sucking-up water) – is being seen/;

and·she-is-being-plucked-up in·fury to·the·earth she-is-flung and·wind-of the·east he-dries-up fruit-of·her they-break-off and·they-dry-up rod-of strength-of·her fire she-devours·him
But she was plucked up in fury, she was cast down to the ground, and the east wind dried up her fruit: her strong rods were broken and withered; the fire consumed them

  • – ‘dried up’, H3001 yabesh ‘dry up, wither’ 73x; -besh is ‘inverted watercourse’ and ‘state of being’ as -ya; different as ‘drought’ in last line; – bosh ‘shame’ etc;

again we made it singular – so if the mt-axis breaks off, and next line 13 she is transplanted, then the mt-axis is ‘the inverted section’ ?
“and she is being plucked up / in fury (Canaan-cham) / (and) she is flung – to the land (north) /, and – the east – wind – parches – her (eden-) fruit /, the rod (axis) of – her strength (matrixpower) – dries up (inv. w-course) – and breaks off /, (by) (she) the fire – devouring him /;

and·now being-transplanted in·the·wilderness in·land-of arid and·thirst and·she-is-going-forth fire from·rod-of poles-of·her fruit-of·her she-devours and·not he-becomes in·her rod-of strength scepter to·to-rule-of dirge she and·she-shall-become for·dirge
And now she [is] planted in the wilderness, in a dry and thirsty ground And fire is gone out of a rod of her branches, [which] hath devoured her fruit, so that she hath no strong rod [to be] a sceptre to rule. This [is] a lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation

  • – ‘dry’, H2723 tsiyy-ah or tsiy-yah; dry, parched; yet part of tsiun; dry is good when “dry from matrix dimension” but here negative,
  • – ‘thirsty’, H6772 tsama ‘thirst’ 17x;
  • – ‘branches’, H905 bad ‘properly: separation; alone, self; ‘poles of acacia wood’ (tabernacle), also bars to carry the ark; but not said of the bar north of eden (Job page)’ 201x; colour: singular; bad ‘linen’ 23x; bad ‘to boast’ 5x; bada ‘devise (neg.)’ 2x; bedyl ‘tin, plummet’; the (vertical) poles surrounding the central axis ?
  • 2] the -im may be “double pole”, DJED ? (see posted Ez.17), another term for the inverted section of q-axis ?
firedrill context:
to right the TCHAA AQERu “the things of the mouth (eden-gate) / as the q-axis / for vulture-rule / to become the fire-drill”, suggesting heavily that the “inverted section of q-axis” is the mt-axis;

poles context:
the term is used for Adam, “not good to be alone”; and since Eve is the core, perhaps these poles are “surrounding a main axis”; these (acacia-) poles were used “to carry the ark, the altar” etc, so these poles belong to the inner sanctuary of the temple (house), different as the poles which formed the ‘wall’ of the tabernacle;

  • 2) the ‘suckling of Horus’ to right was this inverted section – the (30) papyrus-stalks there may (or may not be) a type of corrupted poles;

  • 3) and the idea of something like Stonehenge may depict the same as the stalks standing in a circle óf this inverted axis section; the half-giants who built it likely had, as the egyptians, access to their HQ (as inverted axis section) and also visited that place;

heritage org uk
  • 4) and there is a glyph as UPSH, to right, where the circle with the dots perhaps as plan of Stonehenge; “(the plan) of the eden-pool to open”, suggesting that *possibly* they copied the concept of eden. Above that UP SUR, where ãpep is eden’s (double) root; not shown UPST ‘fire-goddess’, as “the flame at place-T of the adamite-soul to open”, that is, open the adamite-throne; and only later as inversed section becoming the firedrill TCHA,

“and now /, being transplanted / in the wilderness (to rule m-realm) (north) /, [review]
inas the land of / dryness (for eden) / and thirst /; and – (she) the fire – is going forth / from the rod (axis) of / her (surrounding vertical?) poles /, she (the fire) devours – her (eden-) fruit /, andfor – the rod (axis) – of (matrix-) power – becomes – not – inby her / the birthsceptre / tofor to rule /; (it) (is) she – the lament – and shall become – foras the lamentation/.

07.01 submitted – first version – loNe

  • # 1 – the UPSH sigil, denoting that section of the adamite-throne, may be the same concept as the ‘necklaces’, worn by virtually every spirit in amtuat; the glyphs for necklace often have a similar determination-glyph as the UPSH;
  • # 2 – for you to compare interpretations:

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary –
19:1-9 Ezekiel is to compare the kingdom of Judah to a lioness. He must compare the kings of Judah to a lion’s whelps; they were cruel and oppressive to their own subjects. The righteousness of God is to be acknowledged, when those who have terrified and enslaved others, are themselves terrified and enslaved. When professors of religion form connexions with ungodly persons, their children usually grow up following after the maxims and fashions of a wicked world. Advancement to authority discovers the ambition and selfishness of men’s hearts; and those who spend their lives in mischief, generally end them by violence.

you decide – but it’s just that tad bit more complex…….