RV X, 175 — the millstones creating the matrix Dawn

RV X, 175
— the millstones creating the matrix Dawn

  • # trying to understand which concepts are described by the used terms
  • # without grasping the concepts it has no sense to translate, hence the miles of notes – the connection with Ezekiel we placed separately on end of page, for we consider ‘savitR’ very likely as “the spirit of the living-creatures (the cherubs in Ezekiel)”

RV X, 175

1. Euch, Steine, soll Gott Savitri nach der Bestimmung in Bewegung setzen. Schirret euch an die Joche, presset aus!
1. MAY Savitar the God, O Stones, stir you according to the Law: Be harnessed to the shafts, and press.
1a pra vo grÀvÀÉaÏ savitÀ devaÏ suvatu dharmaÉÀ 1c dhÂrÍu yujyadhvaÎ sunuta
“filling / the distinct apart (?) / two pressing-stones /,
the deity / savitR / to be produced / in this manner /;
(you) (stones) will set to work / (the place of) yokes / (and) (you) go press out soma /;

  • – pra ‘before, forward, in front, on, forth; filling, fulfilling; like, resembling;
  • – vo = – vi [root] ‘a bird; RV; ‘(distinctly) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without,
  • – grAvan ‘a stone for pressing out the soma(originally 2 were used)’ RV, as both tiles at an angle ? [= grAbha ‘what is seized, grasped’ RV ?]
  • – savitã 1) as the deity; 2) 3d sing.perf. -su; likely the first cause ‘deity’ is next word;

savitR, ‘Name of a sun-deity (according to RV belonging to the atmosphere as well as to heaven; and sometimes in the veda identified with, at other times distinguished from sUrya,”the Sun”, being conceived of and personified as the divine influence and vivifying power of the sun, while sUrya is the more concrete conception; eleven whole hymns of the RV are devoted to the praise of savitR;he has golden hands, arms, hair etc.;he is also reckoned among the Aditya’s and is even worshipped as”of all creatures”, supporting the world and delivering his votaries from sin’ RV; savitR ‘the orb of the sun (in its ordinary form) or its god’ MH;

  • 2) root -sava ‘setting in motion, vivification, instigation, impulse, command, order (especially applied to the activity of savitR’ RV; -sava ‘pressing out the juice of the soma plant’RV; even further back to -sU [root] ‘ to set in motion, urge, impel, vivify, create, produce;
  • 3) the -tR is said to be like -st/R in (tvaSTR); -stR ‘to spread, spread out or about, strew, scatter (especially the sacrificial grass; overthrow, slay (an enemy); a star (as the”light-strewer”or [pl.] the”scattered ones”); a mark or star-like spot (on the forehead of a bull or cow)’ RV;
  • 4) combined as “the star strewing around vivifying light”?, but note the ‘slay an enemy’; though not pronounced, is that ‘threshing-floor’ related ? the term ‘threshing’ yields but 1 as -khala ‘a treshing-floor, granary’ RV [the only valid -kha is ‘nave of a wheel through which the axis runs’ RV]; and -methi ‘a pillar, post (especially a pillar in the middle of a threshing-floor)’ MH; so we have 2 x an ‘axis’ here, related to ‘threshfloor’; [and see TENU],

B] hieroglyphs connection :

  • 1) ÁTEN, to right;
    as the favourite disk of Achen-aten, with the many arms coming out of it, the description resembles RV above; but we cannot use this glyph much because of the -Á (‘for hail’), indicating it is an eden construct now as theirs (compare ÁT or ÁTEF, ‘father’, but “place-T for hail”), making the root we need to be -TEN, but especially -T, as “dimensional centre” (gate),
  • 2) TUT,to right; the glyph -T is both used for their centre, and eden’s; “the image of place-T-eden for the word of place-T-matrix”, [compare BUT, ‘evil’, “the evil place-T-eden for the word of the solarplane (matrix)”], saying that it is bad for them when eden’s dimensional centre rules. Compare -tut-ãnkh-ámen and the strange deity Tathenen (amtuat VIII), the latter representing this centre switch. This place-T is immediately related to ‘the word’ :
  • 3) TUA
    the figurine bears up a sky-dome; “the light of the imprisoned-word-of-watercourse for place-T” and ‘the imprisoned-word of the split-off-watercourse’ must be the -soma. The “pressing-stones” should be these two dimensional centers, whereby eden’s has been raised-up to the north, somehow interacting with théir dimensional centre;
    TUA ‘pillar, support, staff’ (as the pillar and nave of RV and MH ?);
    TUA “the praised imprisoned-word-of-watercourse for place-T”, and a host of theme-related glyphs, into the stepdown
    T’UA “to praise, adore, to worship”,
    T’UA “(matrix-) dawn, morning” (see line 2 below – making the dawn !); either read as “the double-light by place-T for the t’uat-dawn”, or “the light by double-place-T as the matrix-dawn”; to right;
    T’UA ‘unguent’, to right – likely ‘soma’;
    T’UAT, to right, showing the watercourse-glyph, “place-T of the watercourse for the t’uat-dawn”; and
    T’UA NETER , “the god as matrix-dawn”, scriptural Remphan or Kiyyun, also a good candidate for savitR;

4) spinoffs , glyph TEKH as ‘plummet’, see Anubis at the great balance, where the plummet is atop of the pillar of the balance, “the kh-house by place-T”; glyph UTT, ‘to beget’ (“by the double-place-T the matrix-word”) and many similar -TT’s;

C] conclusion so far –
for visual, see millstones to right;
as a Hub,a contactpoint, between two different realms, their realm “revolving” but eden’s being stable; while their dimensional-centre ‘feeds-off’ eden’s centre, not unlike the concept of a black hole. The lower millstone (as the eden-cornerstone) non-rotating, but now raised to their north along its axis (pic). Their dimensional-centre (upper millstone) likely is ‘at an angle’ since their whole realm is – say along the k-axis.

crystal kitc
stones :
we propose that ÁTEN (savitR) is a result of the stone’ s nature; suppose the stone is like a gem, and “the light fróm that stone” would be described as ‘savitR’; perhaps a workable image is ‘the stone as a colourful kaleidoscope’, being shone upon by [the light of] the watercourse, and the result is “the Áten light”, causing a sparkling realm:

Plato describes the “magnificent colours (in Sekhet-Áaru), unlike any colours on earth” (see Phaedo page), the colours as “dimensional-type-lights”, or perhaps even ‘containing certain qualities or characteristics’.

Staying with the kaleidoscope model –
the light shining upon (and through) the gem-stone was ‘the word’, the stone itself seems to be related to ‘speech’, see ÁNER, to right; “the double tile at place-T for speech as matrix-existence of hail”, or “the double tile \\ at place-T for speech as matrix-existence of hail”; the glyph coming close to the concept of “two millstones”. Below that ÁNER N BAÁ, “the stone of iron”, ‘iron’ as typical character of matrix-light (in scripture, ‘iron’ is the nature of the Watchers). The ‘gems’ in the eden garden, where Adam walked between (see adaption in log) must be a way to describe the kaleidoscope; Adam representing (the masculine) ‘creational speech’ attribute.

  • – suvatu 3d sing.pres.imperat. [root] -sU ‘ to set in motion, urge, impel, vivify, create, produce; [of savitR : to urge or impel violently, to grant, bestow], to beget, procreate, bring forth, bear, produce, yield; one who begets (a father,mother)’ RV;
  • – dharman ‘practice, custom, mode, manner; support, prop, hold’ RV; into the later -dharma [no RV];
  • – dhUrSu loc.plur. -dhur ‘yoke, burden, load’ RV; ‘top, summit’ MH; shaft no RV;
  • – yujyadhvam 2nd.plur.optat. [root] -yuj ‘to yoke or join or fasten or harness (horses or a chariot) etc.; to make ready, prepare, arrange, fit out, set to work, use, employ, apply;to join, unite, connect, add, bring together;to join one’s self to;to be yoked or harnessed or joined’ RV,
  • – sunuta 2nd plur. present imperat. [root] -su ‘press soma, extract soma’,
  • 1) savitR being produced : only after writing the (horrible long) note, it makes sense that savitR is being produced : it’s true that there are 11 chapters (somewhere) in Rg-veda addressing this deity, which we haven’t read yet – but this context should be true; the stones are the main subject in this chapter, sacrificing savitR (as soma light);
  • 2) soma-press and threshing-floor : this strange theme we also saw in scripture (Jer.51, Is.21, pages), where ‘their threshingfloor’ is addressed, but also Eden’s (which will return, soon); we opted for this construct to be “the threshing of their dual-realm-essence”, just as it appears from this chapter that they thresh eden’s (as sanctified dual-essence-light);

2. Ihr Steine, haltet Unheil, haltet Übelwollen ab! Machet die Kühe zu einem Heiltrank!
2 Stones, drive calamity away, drive ye away malevolence: Make ye the Cows our medicine.
2a grÀvÀÉo apa duchunÀm apa sedhata durmatim 2c usrÀÏ kartana bheÍajam
“both pressing-stones / (now) away from (?) / (the demon of) calamity /, (you) go drive off / hatred /;
(and now away from,) / (you) go make / the rays of the (matrix-) dawn (?) / (of) healing /;

  • – apa ‘[separate: away from, on the outside of, without, with exception of]; away, off, back’
  • – ducchunA ‘misfortune, calamity, harm, mischief (often personified as a demon)’ RV,
  • – sedhata 2nd plur.pres.imperat. [root] -sidh ‘ to drive off, scare away, repel, restrain, hinder; to be accomplished or fulfilled or effected or settled, be successful, succeed’ RV;
  • – durmati ‘ bad disposition of mind, envy, hatred’ RV,
  • – usrAh plural of -usra ‘morning light, daybreak, brightness; a cow; a ray of light, an ox, a bull, name of the a’svins’ RV ; not the same but close to -uSas,
  • – kartana [none] from -kR
  • – beSaja ‘curing, healing, a remedy, medicine, medicament, drug, remedy against’ RV;
    • 1) the produced savitR as the matrix-dawn : see note under 1),
      1) choice of words and (now away from) : please remember that Sorcery by words is about ‘getting the wrong picture’ – you see we used legit listed terms, here suggesting that the góal of the stones is ‘to create their matrix dawn’. The (-pra) may be repeated for syntax reasons but we don’t want to skip words;

    3. Die Steine fühlen sich einmütig erhaben über die unteren Preßsteine, da sie dem Bullen Bullenkraft verschaffen.
    3 Of one accord the upper Stones, giving the Bull his bull-like strength, Look down with pride on those below.
    3a grÀvÀÉa upareÍv À mahÁyante sajoÍasaÏ 3c vÃÍÉe dadhato vÃÍÉyam
    “out of / the lower stone / (of) the two pressing-stones / the exaltation (by eden) / to be in harmony with /;
    (you) (stones) go impart / the mighty / masculine power (as corrupted eden’s) /;

    • – upara ‘the lower stone on which the soma is laid (that it may be ground by means of another stone held in the hand); nearer, approximate’ RV,
    • – ã ‘near to, near, towards; to, for, out from, among, upto, to, as far as, in, at, on’ RV
    • – mahîyA, mahîja ‘joyousness, happiness, exultation’ RV,
    • – sajoSas ‘associated together, united, being or acting in harmony with’ RV (instr.)
    • – vRSNi ‘manly, strong, powerful, mighty’ RV,
    • – dadhata 2nd plur.pres.imperat. [root] – dhA [root] ‘to put, place, set, lay in or on [etc.etc].,
    • – vRSNya ‘mighty, manliness, virility’ RV,
    • 1) corrupted masculine : in par with the -mAhîya, where -mA is corrupted -ma, here is used -vRSNi in the negative vR-cluster (vRtra, the main demon as inner-court);

    4. Savitri, der Gott, soll euch, Steine, nach der Bestimmung in Bewegung setzen, zu Gunsten des somapressenden Opferers!
    4 May Savitar the God, O Stones, stir you as Law commands for him Who sacrifices, pouring juice.
    4a grÀvÀÉaÏ savitÀ nu vo devaÏ suvatu dharmaÉÀ 4c yajamÀnÀya sunvate
    “our / two pressing-stones / (have) been pressing soma /,
    in this manner / the deity / in different directions / (he) to be bestowed /;
    (as) the one sacrificed / (by) (the stones) to press out soma /.

    • – savitã 1) as the deity; 2) 3d sing.perf.periphr. -su; likely the verb here, since ‘diety’ doesn’t follow-up;
    • – suvatu 3d sing.pres.imperat. [root] -sU ‘ to set in motion, urge, impel, vivify, create, produce; [said of savitR : to urge or impel violently, to grant, bestow], to beget, procreate, bring forth, bear, produce, yield; one who begets (a father,mother)’ RV;
    • – vi [root] ‘a bird; RV; ‘(distinctly) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without,
    • – dharman ‘practice, custom, mode, manner; support, prop, hold’ RV;
    • – yajAma = 1st plur.imp. [root] -yaj ‘[into -yajNa sacrifice] to worship, adore, honour (especially sacrifice or oblations); to consecrate, hallow, offer; one who makes an offering on his own account; to sacrifice with a view to’ RV;
    • – sunvate 3d plur.pres. -su
    • 1) line continuity: we think the context of the presented lines is good, since the main subject are the stones, ‘sacrificing savitR’, whose name is related to -soma, himself; we considered the used -savitâ nót as the deity name; first because the term ‘deity’ does not follow upon -savitâ, but also because the term is periphrastic (‘use of multiple words’);

    # savitR as ÁTEN,
    very likely as “the spirit of the living-creatures (the cherubs in Ezekiel)”, this spirit “comprising the image of the adm-male”. This would explain why they wanted to have this so badly, can explain the “golden feet and hair and arms etc. of savitR”, and why he is continuously sacrificed

    03.09. submitted —- loNe — first series


    Ezekiel connection –
    worksheet –

    Ezek. 1;
    1:1 and·I-am-seeing and·behold ! wind-of tempest coming from the·north cloud great and·fire taking-herself and·brightness to·him round-about and·from·midst-of·her as·sparkle-of the·amber from·midst-of the·fire and·from·midst-of·her likeness-of four animals and·this appearances-of·them likeness-of adm human to·them
    And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness [was] about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also out of the midst thereof [came] the likeness of four living creatures. And this [was] their appearance; they had the likeness of a man

    • 1) so the “fire infolding itself” was “of amber colour”, and the 4 creatures “looked like the adm-man”. SavitR is “a golden figure” (amber colour), as “the sun-orb-star spreading vivifying rays”; the fire “came from the North”, perhaps as the present situation [their north]?
    1:2 and·hands-of human from·under wings-of·them on four-of quarters-of·them
    And [they had] the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings

    • 2) four hands, one at each side; we can’t imagine why but it’s not less strange as pic to right (Vishnu-Anubis); also compare Akhenaten’s disk, ‘showing everywhere hands’, but we fail to get that aspect – if the eden-executive-region is ‘the hand’, then these hands mean ‘to distribute’…?


    1:3 and·likeness-of faces-of·them faces-of human and·faces-of lion to the·right to·four-of·them and·faces-of bull from·the·left to·four-of·them and·faces-of vulture to·four-of·them

    • 3) so the faces of all four looked like an adm-human, yet by all four the righthand-side of the face was like a lion’s, the lefthand-side like of the faces were as a bull’s, and apart from that (?) the four faces also looked like an eagle; [see change in chapter 10],

    1:4 and·the·animals to-run and·to-return as·appearance-of the·streak-of-lightning
    And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.

    • 4) strange line – yet in yesterday’s posted X,177,

    “I saw / as far as / the untiring / eden-cherub-bull (?) /,
    and / (as) the other one (enemy) / wandering / both / paths / ;
    he / (is) directed to the same centre /, even he / (is) going in different directions /,
    for / to bestow (the dimensional garment of light) / to travel (?) / inside / the (matrix-) worlds /.

    … is this about the same thing ? ‘ran and returned’? in 177 we said “as if the eden ox-cherub was feeding their cherub (gandharva)” with this action; yet here it says “they all ran and returned like lightning” ?

    1:15 and·I-am-seeing the·animals and·behold ! wheel one in·the·earth beside the·animals in·four-of faces-of·him
    Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces

    • 15) one wheel “in/as the land”, we choose ‘as’ since we had the chapter addressing the (largest) wheel; the other wheels are said to be within it, like a gyroscope. However next verse is “and when the beings were lifted from the land, the wheels with them” – meaning if the land is within the wheel, it is the eden-garden (as land) ? Problem is that here ‘wheel’ is -auphn, from or into -aph ‘nostril’; while the ‘beings’ are not yet titled ‘cherubs’ (jump to chapter 10 below); the entire problem of the “nostril” (which is IEUE’s fuming nostril, in many chapters) is “because it is at the wrong place now – in their North” – so the nostril is the wheel(s) and will be ‘rolled-down’ (chapter 10)?

    1:21 that spirit-of the·animal in·the·wheels
    “because / the spirit / of the living-creature / (is) in the wheels / “,
    the awareness of the living-creatures is in the wheels (or nostril, hebr. -aph); so in this chapter 175 manîya and vRSNi are aspects of that (now polluted) spirit-awareness ?

    1:26 and·from·above to·the·atmosphere which over head-of·them as·appearance-of stone-of sapphire likeness-of throne
    And above the firmament that [was] over their heads [was] the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone:

    • – so the “firmament of ice” is above the living-creatures, and above the firmament is “the atmosphere”, the whole m-realm north; but upon the firmament (so at the border of realms) is the “sapphire eden-tile” (word used -abn); “ice, crystal” is glyph THEH’EN, (the dome of crystal of existence by wick-H’ to connect to (eden’s place-T)”, as -TH,

    next chapters are reprimands,
    but perhaps intended “to describe how the present wrong situation is maintained”, because “a number of elders of house ishral make fire-offerings in their altar-gate”, and “25 men of Judah kneel, in the inner-court, to the sun shemesh (Rã) in the east”. That is too difficult for us, right now.

    … we understood that their dual-realm is ‘at an angle’ to eden’s, and that they turned this matrix (as mixture of eden’s and theirs) at a certain angle (remembering BD 23 with the eight crocodiles as the cardinal points), but we simply fail to grasp a workable concept of this;

    then chapter 8,
    when following upon previous ‘wrong realm situation’ (which both houses are sustaining), then this chapter telling “that a hostile realm causes the present situation”,
    8:5 and·I-am-lifting eyes-of·me way north·ward and·behold ! from·north to·gate-of the·altar figure-of e·qnae the·jealousy the·this in·the·entry
    “and I am lifting up / my eyes / (to) the way / towards the north /,
    and behold ! / in the north / as the – altar – gate (Õn) / the figure of / this / jealousy (cain) / in the entrance /;
    … “the altar gate”, as the pressing-stones ?
    the “road to the north (gate)” is the “bent road” (at an angle),

    in chapter 9, even more,
    addressing the reason of this present reality – because of the misplaced “dimensional centre”, literally used here as the (hebrew-) -T; [“6 (images of) (matrix-type) men walk down from the altar-gate, to the inner-court; “every man a slaughter-weapon in his hand” (see Vishnu pic); and the command to them is;] 9:4 and·he-is-saying ieue to·him pass-you ! in·midst-of the·city Jerusalem and·you-mark mark on foreheads-of the·mortals the·ones-sighing and·the·ones-groaning over all-of the·abhorrences the·ones-being-done in·midst-of·her
    And the LORD said unto him, Go through (dimensionally cross to) the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof

    • – ‘Jerusalem’ is “this earth”; it is said “do not kill those who háve this -T mark”; the six return and say they have slaughtered everyone else; (obviously this mark counters the ‘threescore 6 of the matrix-beast’ in Revelation, suggesting that this mark here is placed upon millions of today’s adamite-souls),

    then chapter 10,
    which appears a repeat of chapter one – but there are differences :
    10 and·I-am-seeing and·behold ! to the·atmosphere which over head-of the·cherubim as·stone-of sapphire as·appearance-of likeness-of throne he-appears over·them
    Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne

    … opposed to chapter one, now there is no “firmament of ice (crystal) mentioned; as if “the border with the hostile m-realm, North, has gone now”; [the bordersky glyph TCHER, the outer-court wall]; so, no longer the m-realm is Behemoth as evil nature – but just m-realm; as opened atmosphere over Eden; and the same (tried-) cornerstone as in first chapter appears, as centre between both realms;

    also, the living-animals are now (exclusively) termed “cherubim”:
    10.14 and·four faces to·one faces-of the·one faces-of the·cherub and·faces-of the·second faces-of adm human and·the·third faces-of lion and·the·fourth faces-of vulture
    And every one had four faces: the first face [was] the face of a cherub, and the second face [was] the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle
    …. several aspects have changed, compared to the first chapter:

    • – there is no longer “an ox-faced living-creature”, but that one is now called ‘cherub’; (as now the general term for all of them is ‘cherubs’);
    • – the lion-, adm-human- and – vulture faces are the same, but there is no ‘righthandside face’ or ‘lefthandside face’ no more; each of the four seem to have a unique, separate face (as opposed to chapter one): it appears that “some mixture has dissapeared”, but we can only guess the meaning here;

    the “whirling Roller” as our ultimate headache –
    10.13 l·auphnim to·the·wheels to·them he-is-called e·glgl the·roller in·ears-of·me
    As for the wheels, it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel.
    “for the wheels (aupn) / as them /, it (they) are named / to my ears – (as) ‘the whirling Roller’ (glgl) /;

    • 1) the -glgl reminds of the line “I will roll-down (-gl) [—] you destroying mountain”, where ‘the mountain’ is glyph KHEMENU; as ‘the region between Zorro’s legs’, would he stand upon two horses; the thing on top of that mountain, as “the eye of the pyramid”; [skipped the KHEMENU theme for complexity],
    • 2) the sacrificial place in the gone-astray north kingdom was -gilgal, compare the chapter here where men of the house ishral were offering (in their altar-gate); so that is related;
    • 3) the stepdown from glyph ÁTEN is ÁTEN “ear”, said as ‘deputy’ but factually “the deaf ÁTEN orb”, here ‘the roller’ is connected to ‘ear’;
    • 4) another thing ‘rolled-away’ is the stone at the crucifixion tomb; the playout cannot be ‘coincidental’: the tomb is “this matrix”, the stone must relate to the pyramid-eye and ÁNER section, above;

    conclusion so far –
    KHEMENU (SSNNUU) means ‘eight’, in CoffinText range the H’EH’U double from 4 to 8, “four” is the “living-animals’s” number, doubled into eight into their North; (compare Tutankhamen’s inverse hands, in diagrams); then we could conclude that they created a similar gyroscope as the living-beings have, just now as ‘an inversed one, in the north’ – as ‘nostril’ ?
    Forcing the living-beings (cherubs) to continuously ‘fill’ their pyramid eye ? which is the ‘displaced nostril’ ?