today’s “modern type christianity of the Self ” supporting this matrix: Hosea 12

19/12/17 first version


today’s “modern type christianity of the Self ”
supporting this matrix: Hosea 12
we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,

note #:

  • 1) Efraim and Manasse were sons of Joseph, yet Ephraim represents a rather nasty attribute, perhaps termed ‘virility of the flesh’, as very mixed situation of being; the theme comparable with what is said in Revelation to the seven churches,
  • 2) the name Jacob – out of several possibilities, the colour must be “the one being supplanted”, in the idea of “the adamite-soul coming back from an impossible position, after the Eden fall, yet will prevail” (pic to right); but since it’s all IEUE’s doing, we chose “being marvellously supplanted”,

pic: canstockphoto

Hosea 12

Ephraim grazing wind and·pursuing east-wind all-of the·day lie and·devastation he-is-increasing and·covenant with Assyria they-are-cutting and·oil to·Egypt he-is-being-fetched
Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth after the east wind: he daily increaseth lies and desolation; and they do make a covenant with the Assyrians, and oil is carried into Egypt

  • ‘ephraim’, related to root prr “divide, split” and “undoing a covenant” (also positive), similar root as Ephrata (fields); to par and para “bull and heifer”, pur “a lot” (the dead-bodies KHAT casted lots of who would get the next adamite-original boy, see page); “winepress, boilingpot, to be fruitful”; also ‘donkey’ in sense of promiscuity (Hos.9) as “phallus-energy theme” (hence ‘fruitful’),
    2) Joseph gave him the name because Joseph ‘got fruitful in Egypt’, per context needs to be an Egyptian theme – and ‘Ka-bulls’ (or dead-bodies) are a serious colour here; the -im is supposed to be “double” (not multiple as -im), making the Ka-double theme even more valid;
  • ‘grazing’, H7462 ra’ah (many) “to shepherd, to lead to graze”,, dangerous, ra- as evil; “to feed (upon)”, see “evil shepherd” page, and the howling shepherds in cedars of Lebanon page,
  • ‘east wind’, but the term for the east of Rã is different; compare Henoch mentioning “the east is the face of Heaven”; the word qdim same root as ‘holyness’,
  • ‘assyria’, see Akk. aśru, “place, ground, land, underworld, down below, country”; where Egypt is the Sekhet-fields here, Assyria as “the land, south, under their rule”,

context note: “spirit-breath” as in matrix-context we had before; the line pictures a rather 20/20 situation – it is like he is energetically powered by the Ka-double energy, yet his soul is looking for Heaven’s breath-air; as if he is being used as intermediary by them; as 5th column; please remember they will do ánything to keep a link to eden, to can keep feeding-off her;
note: the “to cut a covenant” is the common expression,
“un-doing the Ka-double’ (ephraim) / feeding upon / spirit-breath (matrix) / andyet pursuing / the breath of Heaven’s-east; / all-ofevery / day / the deceit / and devastation (by robbery) / he is causing to increase, / andas the covenant / with / the land down below (Assyria) / they are cutting (= Egypt and Assyria), / andfor the (fat-) oil (of eden-aspects) / it is being brought – to the Sekht-fields (Egypt); /

and·contention to-ieue to·Yahweh with Judah and·to·to-call-to-account-of on Jacob as·ways-of·him as·actions-of·him he-shall-recompense to·him
The LORD hath also a controversy with Judah, and will punish Jacob according to his ways; according to his doings will he recompense him

  • ‘controversy’, H7379 riyb, “controversy, strife, (having) a cause”, also “contended (place or matter)” (as the two lands south are a contended place),
  • -‘punish’ H6485 paqad (glyph PEQ?), “to number, to visit, to punish”, difficult colour, perhaps related to the ‘casting lots of the KHAT, related to numbering’; counting the peoples was offensive in OT; “to appoint, to assign (over), put into charge”,
    2) H6490 piyqqud, “command, statement, mandate, precept”, H6486 pequddah, as “oversight, responsibility, office, administrator”, but also the opposite as ‘punishment’ for nót having been responsible;
  • recompense’ H7725 shub “to return,brought back (Watercourse related)”, (recompense=other term),

note: we fail to get 100% the colour of this line,
(this) andas the controversy / of IEUE / withover / Judah (‘the word to become in the eden-hand’); / andfor to punish (for the irreponsibility) of / (the souls on earth being) Jacob / as the ways of him, / as the works of him / it shall be returned / toby himhe: /

in·the·belly he-took-by-the-heel brother-of·him and·in·virility-of·him he-was-upright with Elohim
He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had power with God

  • ‘womb’, beten; also KHAT belly; H992 boten (for multiple), ‘(edible) nuts’ (1x); into large beth- cluster ‘house’ and bath- ‘daughter’ (Bathsheba, daughter of Watercourse)
  • ‘heel’, H6117 ‘aqab, from Jacob; ‘to supplant’ H6121 aqob ‘crooked. not straight’,
  • ‘strength’ H202 on (Õn?), “might, essence, substance”, unclear; 575 an ‘from where’, (the one close to the eye-ayn-theme); 589 ani “me, I, myself (900x): So how esau derives it from ‘aven’, iniquity H205? we choose ‘essence, substance’, because of other words of this cluster used in this chapter
  • power (upright)’ H8280 sarah 2x (tricky because ‘prince’, sar-); exact same line in Gen 32:28, where the easu’s Sar-angel says to Jacob ‘you will be called Israel’; we saw that the suffix -ah is “something related tó main-word (sar- here)”; from Akk. root, “prince, princess, to ascend, to rise, to shine”;
  • ‘with’ H854 ‘eth; usually empty – but here suggested ‘with’; term as ” against, with, in, him, me, upon; out of, among”; the line will look different depending upon the choice — whether ‘deity’ is matrix-themed, or if a transformation has taken place here INto a deity,

note: yes Jacob took someone by the heel – but that was Esau, who is not appearing in this chapter,
“in the womb (eden-tile) / he supplanted / his brother, / and in his substance ofas / the deity – he was ascending, /

and·he-is-controlling to messenger he-is-prevailing he-weeps and·he-is-supplicating to·him Beth-El he-is-finding·him and·there he-is-speaking with·us
Yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication unto him: he found him [in] Bethel, and there he spake with us

  • ‘power (controlling)’, H7786 suwr (sur) ix (same as Sar, line 3); next 7787 suwr ‘to saw (to cut) 1x; 7603 sear ‘leaven’ 6x (negative); 8163 sa’iyr ‘hairy, goat’ 95x (as Seir, esau’s capital); 8175 sa’ar, ‘horror’; etc. We need leave out the sh- cluster, even how tempting;
    2) 7787 shuwr ‘carrier (?)’ 2x; 7789 shuwr ‘to observe’ (as a hunter a prey) 10x; 7791 shur ‘wall’ 4x; H7794 showr, ‘ox, oxen 1x bull’ (79x);
    3) entry: “same as H5493 sur” (different vowel) “to turn (aside), to remove” (300x), in prophets: “remove the filthy garments”, “sceptre of egypt be removed”, So which one we have now? taken from the one, or from the other cluster?
  • ‘angel’, likely eden’s;
  • ‘with us’, likely a form of H5978 ‘with me, against me, by me, upon me, mine (but then with ‘us’); but entries say “from me, by me, within me, mine”, entry: word only found in 1st form, colour: to tie, to bind”, ‘not connected at all with H5975’ (to stand); well – who knows;
    2) problem is also the “us”, as far we know it’s only used in Genesis (let us make..), but here quickly it gets the quran-type talking; here, the difference in the word

note: the difference in word between ‘king’ (melek) and ‘angel’ (malak) is small; in Hos. 13 is referred to a ‘king’, while it does nót say that “the being, fighting with Jacob, was an angel” – so we leave that open,
note: we cannot find 100% the colour of what is intended here,
“and he is being removed / (namely) toas / the angel, / and he (Jacob) is prevailing, / he weeps, / and he is gracious/ tofor he / the house of the deity (stargate) / he is being found, / and there / he (stargate) is speaking in the right order / withas we,”

and ieue Elohim-of the·hosts ieue remembrance-of·him
Even the LORD God of hosts; the LORD [is] his memorial

  • ‘hosts’, for the first time the suffix the-, so the object is something else (comp. ‘the Gilgal’), not ‘deity-of-hosts’,

note:the playout was described in previous line 4; in this line it was done by IEUE, next line 6 is for you —
“andby IEUE / the Deity of / the hosts, / (being) the remembrance (of having acted) of he / IEUE;”

and·you in·Elohim-of·you you-shall-return kindness and·judgment keep-you! and·be-expectant-you! to Elohim-of·you continually
Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and wait on thy God continually
note: we can only understand the term as “the deity ás you”, that the adamite-soul will have his/her original back again, so it is an exhortation here, as well as promise;
“andfor yóu / inby the deity ofas you, / you shall cause to return / mercy / and judgement (straightness), / guard you! / and be watching-out you! / tofor / the deity as you, / continually.”

— specifying the theme for us, now —
Canaan in·hand-of·him scales-of deceit to·to-extort-of he-loves and·he-is-saying Ephraim
yea I-am-rich I-find virility for·myself all-of labor-of·me not they-shall-find to·me depravity which sin

[He is] a merchant, the balances of deceit [are] in his hand: he loveth to oppress. And Ephraim said, Yet I am become rich, I have found me out substance: [in] all my labours they shall find none iniquity in me that [were] sin

  • ‘balance’, here is meant the ownership of the plummet TEKH-,
  • ‘yea’, H389 ak (161x), used as “surely, also, only, yet, certainly, etc’,
  • ‘sin’, H2399 chet’, into 2406 chittah “wheat”;2339 chuwt, “(scarlet) cord”; we think it is “the 5th pillar within the 4 as the djed”, (from eden-tile to gate), which would imply that this very cord/region is the Self, TCHES;

note: we added (because) for juxtaposition with previous line 6,
context note: what he says, is exact what modern mainstream evangelicalism claims, as well, in the “we have to look more like Jesus” – nonsense; it is but the own Self pursuing to become like that
(Because) in he the hand of – Canaan / (is) the balance of (the matrix of) / deceit, / tofor – he loves – to oppress (by extortion); / and he, – “un-doing the Ka-double” (ephraim) -, is saying: / ” sure, / I am rich; / I find / substance / for myself, / (being) all ofas / my (own) labour, / nót / they shall find / toby me / the depravity (of Self) / which / (is) the sin; “

and·I ieue Elohim-of·you from·land-of Egypt further I-shall-cause-to-dwell·you in·tents as·days-of appointment
And I [that am] the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt will yet make thee to dwell in tabernacles, as in the days of the solemn feast

  • ‘yet’, H5704 by, as, hitherto, when, how long, as yet, (and, until, toward, for, or) against, while,;

note: Egypt meant in “Exodus context”, not as Sekhet-Áaru here,
“IEUE / and I / (are) the gods of you, / from the land of / Egypt / hitherto; / I shall cause you to dwell / in the meeting-tents / as in the days of / the (olden season of) the assembly of peoples; “

and·I-speak on the·prophets and·I vision I-increase and·in·hand-of the·prophets I-am-musing-likenesses
I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets

  • ‘also (on)’; either H413 ‘el “unto, with, against, at, into, in, before, upon, toward, etc”, or H410 ‘el “deity, good, mighty, strong”, but it appears here H408 ‘al, “never, nay, neither, no, none, nor, nothing, rather than, nothing worth,

pic: the bar at the rightside of H408 connects this term to the word ‘prophets’,
note: to speak the correct order’ as “not the babbling speech of Orion, of this matrix”, as inversed speech REKH-, but instead as how ‘the stargate speaks flawlessly’, or see Dan.8 ,
note: still this evangelical Self speaking,

“and I speak (the correct order) / onrather then / the prophets (speaking the word of the Watercourse), / and I / I increase / the Sight (vision) / andfor inas the hand of / the prophets / I am to be compared to.”

— but the result of that type talking is —

if Gilead lawlessness yea futility they-become in·the·Gilgal bulls they-sacrifice moreover altars-of·them as·mounds on furrows-of field
[Is there] iniquity [in] Gilead? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yea, their altars [are] as heaps in the furrows of the fields

  • ‘if’ H518 ‘am, ” if, not, or, when, whether, surely, doubtless, while, neither, saving, verily,
  • ‘iniquity (lawlessness)’, H205, aven; “plain of Aven” as the region of Self (glyph TCHES), inbetween the eden tile and top of cube; likely as -v placed before oun-, “myself, me, etc”, making the colour of this lawlessness as “the matrix-Self”,

pic: we think that we are now in the region “inbetween inner- and outer court gates”,
as the place where the ponytail of the girl stands upright, through the north-gate, the hair being “the cherub-coverings now standing upright” as the tail glyph SET’, this also being “the scarlet cord which Rachab lowered-down from the window (north-gate) in Jericho (as the city of Õn, atop of cube). The “wave” can be the same part of the ponytail, keeping in mind the Aztec depictions of a region with a recognizable wave on top of it; and should be the region of the double-obelisk TEKHEN, and see last line below; it can be that the walled fortress – where originals are kept – is within this ponytail/wave; (picture is close but NOT correct, yet, but just as idea – we are still trying trying to work it out ),

  • ‘yea’, H389 ak (161x), used as “surely, also, only, yet, certainly, etc’,
  • ‘gilead’, from gal- “heap, wave” + witness (but related to double-wheel galgal-),
  • ‘furruws’ H8525 telem ‘furrows’, other? yes, 8587 taalumah “secrets” 3x; said to be from 5956 alam “to blind, hidden, to hide” (28x), no other root, so “place-T + to hide”…?

note: well…. this is similarly complicated as many spells (were): we have no idea what concept to think of, therefore making a sensible line is almost undoable; we can relate it to the “field of offerings”, SEKHT H’ETEP, but we simply lack information, though the (Ka-) bull returns here again, as in Ephraim’s name,
“ifverily, / the wave-of-witness / (being) the lawlessness (of matrix-Self) / certainly / (as?) the vanity; / they (ephraim-types?) become / inby the double-wheel / the bulls / they sacrifice (are being sacrificed for?) , / moreover, / the altars of them / as the waves / onas / the secrets of / the field,”

and·he-is-running-away Jacob field-of Aram and·he-is-serving Israel in·woman and·in·woman he-keeps
And Jacob fled into the country of Syria, and Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he kept [sheep]

  • ‘aram’, re’em “ox”, rum ‘pride, arrogance’; exalted, maggot; three times as “citadel” (of ben-hadad), perhaps r-m “crafty, shrewd”; it is difficult to find any solid root for this aram-, in context, we don’t consider the term “sorcery” being too heavy;
  • ‘served’, H5647 “to labour, to serve” but always the colour as “taking care for (of)…..”; positive;

note: nice idea Edom, adding “sheep”; entry could write “through the idea of sheeple”…..
context note: seems to be a step-up here,
1) Jacob (as very imprisoned adamite souls on earth) escape the lies upon them óf this matrix,
2) then ás Israel ‘taking care of eden-feminine’, for legal right to get óut of this matrix,
“andbut he – ‘being marvellously supplanted’ (jacob) – is escaping / the field of / matrix-sorcery, / and ás he – ‘the powerful deity’ (israel) – caretaking and serving / infor the feminine, / and inas the feminine / (which) he guards; “

and·in·prophet he-brings-up ieue Yahweh Israel from·Egypt and·in·prophet he-is-guarded
And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved

note: we must conclude that here “the office of a prophet” is intended, not a certain person, and this must be alike the “IEUE will back you up in what you say – when you understand whát it reads”; and where the adamite-souls (as Jacob) escape from our matrix, the sáme time the originals óf all souls escape the SENBT-fortress they was being imprisoned in (so that the soul will meet her original). That Jacob was re-named ‘Israel’ by the sar-angel of Esau, should confirm this context,
“and inby ‘the speaking the words of the Watercourse’ (by the adamite-soul on earth), / he, – IEUE -, causes to ascend / Israel / from Egypt (sekhet-prison), / and inby ‘the speaking the words of the Watercourse’ (prophet) / heit is guarded,”

— conclusion —

he-provokes-to-vexation Ephraim bitternesses and·bloods-of·him on·him he-shall-leave and·reproach-of·him he-shall-recompense to·him lords-of·him
Ephraim provoked [him] to anger most bitterly: therefore shall he leave his blood upon him, and his reproach shall his Lord return unto him

  • provoke to anger’ H3707 kaas (53x); 3677 kese ‘full moon’,but 3x; 3678 kisse, “throne” (116x), 3599 kis, ‘bag, purse’ (leather?) so throne and bag are same? (the inversion is succoth?) oh – also “the throne, upon the sea of glass” (see diagrams), hence to provoke is related to provoking authority of the throne,
  • ‘most bitterly’ H8563 tamruwr; 3x; impossible, as it’s said root marar ‘bitter’; H8564 tamruwr (1x) “guideposts” (Jer.); said from 8560 tomer ‘palm-tree, post’; only still H8490 timarah “column” (2x) as Joel 2 “and I will show wonders to the earth: blood and fire and pillars of smoke” (the double obelisk from eden-tile until their gate?); timorah, ‘palm-tree’, (19x),
    2) now, the double TEKHEN obelisk was related to “great speech” UR- , prehaps that is why the uwr- was added as suffix to tamer-..?
    3) the word (in green line) writes “thmrur-im” bitternesses (but 1 bitterness would suffice); where we saw the suffix -im can be “two” as well as “multiple”: but the double-obelisk makes the theme interesting,

note: also here we don’t get what exactly is intended; we did see Hosea needs 4 chapters about Efraim, perhaps other clues about this concept are in the next chapters,

“he, – “un-doing the Ka-double” (ephraim) -, provokes to anger (endangering the eden throne) / (by?) the the double column (of speech); / andbut the bloods of him / on him / he shall forsake, / and the shame of him / he shall (cause) to return / to he / the lords of him (the double column?) .”

——- end Hosea 12

19/12/17 loNe