the crossing-over (‘easter’) – to your adamite-original, Lev.23 — and the peace of Saturn as status-quo —

the crossing-over (‘easter’) – to your adamite-original, Lev.23 — and the peace of Saturn as status-quo — fantasy-art 1-2 and·he-is-speaking ieue to Moses to·to-say-of speak-you! to sons-of Israel and·you-say to·them appointed-times-of ieue which you-shall-proclaim them meetings-of holiness these they appointed-times-of·me And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say […]

CT 153

CT 153 II 265 e] [by] the place of Õn. [as] place-T of adam-within. the speech of olden to make (sr+)., [through] the house of saturn. of [=by]. he. place-T to manifest.; d] the divine wick-H at place-T for the root [to engrave] (pteh’-god). [for] the word. to go repulse (khsf)., [in order for] existence […]

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CT 152

CT 152 II 261 b] he the root (pef). [for] me. the things by place-T of he-eden for the kh-house (khft+). [as?] my. place-T to bring (ánt).; a] [in order for] this (pn). (Hru-) light. me. to manifest (per).; [and] my. word. to make the k-axis (via ad.soul) (s-k).; (or ‘connect to. the workplace.’) II […]

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CT 151

CT 151 II 259 e] the doubled dome at (doubled-) place-T for eden-speech (rrt+). + [as] the one (tu). [for] the multitude [of proto-spirits, by place-T for vulture-rule] (ãshat+). of [=for]. to manifest (per)., d] [namely as] the pool at place-T as the blossom for existence by saturn-wick-H’ (h’ent+). to rise and shine through backbone., […]

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CT 140

CT 140 II 173 g] he (eden). within (the matrix)., [by means of] place-T to manifest (pert).; of [=for]. Geb (land on cube). my. existence. [through] the cord for throne-G to make to inverse (via ad.soul) (ssag+).; f] the (sh-) pools. [at] place-T of existence. alike-adam (miá)., of [=as]. the (words of the) áter pool. […]

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CT 141

CT 141 II 174 e] the M-realm. to complete (t’em-m)., through T’em [new-hand] (T’em). [for this N.]., d] [and so] the dimension [north]. of [=as]. the land (eden?). [of] the M-realm. [and] the sky of earth. [of] the M-realm., c] he. [for] the divine ones by place-T of the abzu (abt+). [as this N.]. to […]

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CT 138

CT 138 II 172 m] to become the word by the dimensional background of saturn (h’au+scroll). of [=by] (means of). + l] the adamite-soul. the branches of vulture-rule to flourish (akha+)., [in order] of [=for]. [this N.]. place-T of existence. to make (ár).; k] [namely as] place-T of the Sesha(t) flame. [for this N.].; ——– […]

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CT 139

CT 139 II 173 d] [by means of] the double cherub-wheel [to make the new-root] (sep+). to complete., [for this N.]. [as] existence (matrix). [through] he. existence (eden’s). to give. speech.; [as] he. the sweetness (ntchm, serp-hand). [of] speech., c] [yet] the divine word for to make the doubled-adamite-soul (?,sssu+). [by?] the workplace. [as?] existence. […]

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CT 132

CT 132 II 157 g] my. speech. [for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [as] the things of the an-face (north)., [in order] to dress [the solarplane] (h’bs). [by] the word (of speech of) the bordersky. [as] the word of adam-within., f] [namely as] the divine words. [by] the evil nostril of eden-speech (sherr+).. [as] existence. […]

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CT 121

CT 121 II145 c] place-T of the shining backbone [or ‘Ennead’] (pest’t). [by means of] the covering at place-T to open [eden-root] (upt+)., [in order for] the words of speech of the an-face (eden’s). [for] the things [of the house of speech] (per, matrix).. [as?] the speech. [for] me. [by] (to build) the blossom as […]

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CT 131

CT 131 II 152 c] place-T of all. [for] the divine ones (glyph)., [by means of] place-T-eden to die (shared-root) (mt-t). [in order for] the willpower. of [=as]. place-T of all (=for everything?)., [being] the doubled-divine-place-T for speech as the god (ntr-rt+). [by] willpower (eden’s). of [=for]. to snatch-away.; b] [as] the word \\ [of] […]

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CT 130

CT 130 II 150 o] the blossoms (of words) of the solarplane for the fish-soul (ánb+). of [=as]. he. the ãnkh-life., n] [by] the crown of ‘the king of the north’ [double-place-T of hail for the solarplane]. [of] white light [of Saturn] (h’etch)., m] [for?] place-T of the great pillar. [through?] the split-off watercourse as […]

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CT 129

CT 129 II 150 i] the adamite-soul’s. evil nostril [of eden-speech by sh-pool] (sherr). [as] the (Watercourse’s) doubled-place-T of the east., having become the detestable eden-existence by the bone-pole [at q-axis] (qsen)., h] [but now,] [through] the adamite-soul. [for] the sweetness (nthm). [namely by] the great pillar., [which is by?] the doubled-place-T for existence (ntt). […]

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CT 128

——— end CT 128 II 149 f] the divine dome of the word-inside (outer-court). [of] the word of adam-within., [through] the (double-) gate of the star for to make the solarplane (sb+). my. existence. (door) to open (un,matrix).; e] [and so] all. light (eden’s). [for] the divine light (rã). of [=for]. me, [through] thou. spirits-light […]

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CT 127

CT 127 II 148 d] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by means of] place-T. within (the matrix)., [whom] I am.; c] [as] the place of the word-inside [of the 8] (khmennu-mountain). [as] all. the cord for the solarplane of the new-north., [and so by] me. existence (eden’s). [of] ignorance (khm+neg.).; version II, d] existences to […]

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CT 126

CT 126 II b] [by] the divine axis place-T of eden-willpower to sacrifice (maãt,’justice’)., [in order for] the seven [of eden] (islands) to un-tie (sfkh+). the head (main-seven to un-tie)., of [=by]. + a] the divine axis place-T of eden-willpower to sacrifice (maãt,’justice’). [for] the cord (of the seven) to un-tie (sfkh+). [which] I am.; […]

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CT 125

CT 125 II 147 f] the divine things by the original adamite-throne (not ‘Isis’). [as] the mystery [words of the brick-kiln by? the sh-pool] (shttau+)., [for] existence (matrix). [by] the [an-] face (north)., [through] the word. (the door) to open [and become new] (un, matrix).; e] [and so] to divinely speech to transform (Kheper beetle)., […]

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CT 122

CT 122 II 146 b] [by] the divine axis (shu). the dimension [+khm]. [for] my. existence. [as] advanced-beautified-soul., + —- the divine axis (shu). of [=for]. my. word. [by] the 4 of the hand of he-eden (ft’+)., + —- [and through] the (double-) land at doubled-place-T of the speech of eden-Light at place-T for the […]

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CT 123

CT 123 II 146 e] Geb (land upon cube). [by means of] the covering at place-T to open [eden-root] (upt+)., [in order] of [=for]. the word of (eden-) speech to manifest (perru).; d] [through] these (ápu). four. gods., [as] existence (matrix). [by] the four of the word for the word-inside of the hand of he-eden […]

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CT 113

CT 113 II 131 c] the things by the torso. to make (ár)., [yet as] he. existence (eden’s). willpower. [of] speech. nót.; b] [but instead, by] the divine Set-dog tile. existence., [through] the gardens (h’sepu+). existence (eden’s). he. to guide.; a] [by means of] to divinely complete (T’em, new-hand). the willpower. [through] to become place-T […]

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CT 108

CT 108 II 121 d] the house at place-T of the t’ua-star (tuathouse). my. existence (matrix). (the door) to open [and become new] (un).; [in order for] the divine spirits-light [of the word for the kh-house] (áakhu+). [of] adam-within., [and so for] existences to make (via ad.soul). [by] the thigh (of sight) of the throne-G […]

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CT 112

CT 112 II 128 h] [by] he. the speech. [of] the by me owned adamite-soul., existence (matrix), [through] the torso. [to] me. to return., [and so] to give. speech. to complete. the word.; to recite.; (note) g] the island of the double-flame to make speech (via ad.soul) (nsrsr+). of [=as,by]. the divine he the torso. […]

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CT 104

CT 104 II 111 k] [by being] within (the matrix)., [as] he. place-T of existence (by which is). all [of] the word of the solarplane (bu)., of [=by]. he. the [an-] face (eden’s). place-T of he (khft). to stand-upright.; j] he the root (pf). [of] the by me owned adamite-soul., [using] the prisoner (śu,Cain). [for] […]

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CT 100

CT 100 II 97 i] he. to force place-T (of hail) for the border (top cube) (tchrt). [for] the [an-] face., to become the design (sesh). [by] the divine horus-spirits of the West. [by] which is. the foremost (kh-house).; [as] existence (matrix). [by] the image [of place-T of the word for place-T-matrix] (tut+). [of] the […]

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CT 98

CT 98 II 94 c] [though] the adamite-soul. to come the eden-root of existence for the kh-house (khnp+)., [for] the speech. [by] the son-construct of he-eden for he the willpower (?, ãff+, ‘fly’).; [in order for] the word to come. [for] speech. + b] [of] the dimension (north)., [as] essence of the mouth for throne-G […]

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CT 103

CT 103 II 110 l] 50% lost; k] the divine spirit (-consciousness). [for?] existence. [by?] the image (áru). of [=by]. he. the [an-] face (eden’s)., [as] existence (matrix). [by] the split-off watercourse to ascend [for willpower of speech] (ãr+). [for] hail.; (note) j] (and so by the w-course) within (the matrix)., [for] he. place-T of […]

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CT 102

CT 102 II 109 d] the ‘enemies’ [eden-hail to make the solarplane] (sbá, unclear; see note). [for,as?] all [of]. the workplace (ás)., [for this N.]. [the workplace at] the doubled-place-T of existence. [for] the [an-] face (north).; (note) c] [yet] thou. speech. [by]. the ones as ‘enemies’ [eden-hail to make the solarplane] (sbá, see note). […]

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CT 101

CT 101 II 105 c] to make to return (via ad.soul) (s-h’em). the word., [as] existence. [of] spirits-light of the word for the kh-house., [being] the word of the borrowed-hebrew-H-house (Hau).; of [=by] (means of). + b] the land. [for] the speech. [through] place-T to found [of wick-H’ for watercourse-word] (uah’t). head (main place-T +)., […]

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CT 99

CT 99 II 96 f] [by] within (the matrix)., [as] he. place-T of existence (by which is). all [of]. the word for the solarplane (bu)., [being] the ãnkh-life. [as] he. the speech of the an-face (eden’s)., of [=by]. he the root (pf). [of] the by me owned adamite-soul., [using] the prisoner (śu,Cain). [for] existence. of […]

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CT 97

CT 97 II 92 e] [using] the prisoner (śu, Cain). [in order for] me. to make to enter (via ad.soul) (s-ãq)., d] [by using] the prisoner (śu, Cain). [in order for] me. the most-beautified-soul-adam. to seize (sht’).; c] [and so] the divine Watercourse. eye. to be devoured (ãm+passive).; — Horus’. eye. hail (eden). to devour […]

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CT 90

CT 90 II 61 c] [for this N]. the word by the upside-down new-hand of the kh-house (hand of adam inside) (kht’u+)., [and so by?] H’eth’er. the shining backbone. + b] [of] my. speech of hail (ár).; [and so for] the gods (matrix). existence to make (via ad.soul). [of] existence of hail (án).; [as] the […]

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CT 78

CT 78 II 23 c] the goddess Tefnet (-T of existence by he for place-T). this (pu). my. divine copied place-T (sent,’sister’)., [as,for] this (pu). forever (land of place-T of the serpenthand; tch-t-ta).; b] to divinely complete. [as] existence. [by] the word to be constantly renewed (by hebrew-H).; a] [and so] eternal things (h’h’+). to […]

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CT 77

CT 77 II 18 g] [for] the gods (matrix). place-T to birth (mes-t)., [as] my. existence. [by?] the phallus h’eNNt (note). [for] this (pu). mutilated eden light (as word of speech by hebrew-H) (Hru+).; [by] the divine dome by place-T of the word-inside (nut+). the divine place-T as the doubled-son-construct. to make the m-realm (via […]

CT 76

CT 71 II 17 j] this (tn). thou. place-T of the watercourse (ua-t)., of [=by]. i] the divine dome of Nu (word-inside; inner-court). of [=for]. the divine word of the double-wick-H’ (hehu+)., of [=as]. the dark word (kku+). of [=by]. place-T of the watercourse. [for] my. existence. thou. to make (ár).; (note) h] the passive […]

CT 111

CT 111 II 126 c] place-T of the West. of [=by]. this. shrine of the bone-pole to bury (qeres+).; b] [in order for?] the double cherub-wheel. [for] he. the dimensional background [of Saturn] (h’a). [at?] the m-b-soul-adam-like hand (t’i)., [as?] Anubis [new-root] (ánp). [by] which is. the house of Saturn as the god., [as] existence […]

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CT 649

CT 649 VI 272-271 1) c] place-T-eden to sacrifice (‘justice’). [for] the design (sesh). [of?] speech. [by?] Khensu [moon]. [whom] I am.; place-T of the watercourse. [for] the hail of the beautified-soul. existence to open [and become new] (unn, marix).; [as?] this. he. my. doubled-horn [to open eden root] (up).; 2) b] the boat of […]

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CT 663

CT 663 VI 290 g] the cherub-poles (NN). [as] place-T of adam-within., [for] my words of ãnkh-life.; [as] the ãnkh-life. [by] he (the cherub poles). to mutilate [as q-axis by wick-H’] (h’seq)., f] [for] he. the desired eden-speech for the M-realm (merr). [as] the speech. [for this N.]., [in order for] the word to come. […]

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CT 664

CT 664 VI 290 m] [by] the divine dome [of the word for the word-inside (top of cube). [of?] the VaV sceptre (eden’s). [for] the double house of Saturn., [as] existence (matrix). [by] the divine great door [for the great pillar]. [for] divine speech of hail. [for this N.].; l] [by] he (VaV?). my. place-T […]

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CT 666

CT 666 VI 294 t] the things for to become a spirit. [by] he. existence (eden). to give. speech. [directly] nót.; s] [but instead, for] he. the Ba spirit-soul (that bird). [of this N.]. existence [eden’s]. to snatch-away., [and as] he. the sorcery. [for this N]. existence to bring (ánn, matrix).; r] [by means of] […]

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CT 668

CT 668 VI 297 h] existence. to connect to. adam-within., [for] this (pá). rule of doubled-solarplane (Beb, Abaddon). [for this N.]., [by means of] the doubled place-T for existence (ntt). g] existence to make (via ad.soul).; [through] the doubled-light of the star of the opened-word-inside. + [as] the speech. [for] the divine things of the […]

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CT 667

CT 667 VI 296 m] [for] he. the things for to become a spirit. [through] he. the sorcery., [by] he. existence (eden’s). to snatch-away.; l] [as] the existence (matrix). [by] he. the Ba spirit-soul. [of this N.]. existence to bring (ánn).; k] [by] the throat [as doubled-place-T for wick-H’] (h’ett+). [to?] the pool for throne-G […]

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CT 670

CT 670 VI 298 r] this (pá). existence to make (via ad.soul). of [=as]. adam-within., [in order for this N.]. to become new.; q] [by] to connect. the praised Ka-double for doubling (?,KaKa+). [for] place-T to complete (tmt)., to connect to. the two horns [as split axis?] (glyph). to grow (rut’)., p] to connect to. […]

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CT 669

CT 669 VI 297 o] the cemetary below (eden-sky). of [=for]. Neith., of [=by] (means of). the words for speech [er.]. n] to divinely make the word [via Cain-soul] (śu)., [as] the word for the word-inside to connect to hail (áthennu).; [by] which is. the land [as the portion through place-T of hail to split-off] […]

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CT 671

CT 671 VI 299 i] to make the split-off watercourse (via ad.soul) (s-ua). [for] hail., [to be] the root (p). [for] the word as the phoenix bird [fiery k- and q-axis] (bennu)., + h] [in order for] the son-construct of speech [by the opened word-inside] (nur+). of [=for]. to return [to matrix] (h’em).; g] [by […]

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CT 677

CT 677 VI 304 o] [by] to die [eden] (mt)., to become stability (men+scroll). [for] to complete., n] [through] the head [eden’s]. to snatch-away (neh’em).; m] [in order for] to die. he (matrix). having become the stability [of matrix] (men+scroll). nót.; l] [but instead, by] the doubled-divine place-T of wick-H’ for speech (reh’t+). he. to […]

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CT 674

CT 674 VI 303 r] to be upside-down head in fire [in the new-hand for to make the kh-house] (skht’+). [by] to wander-astray [eden] (shem)., [in order] to complete. q] the rule of the doubled-solarplane (Beb locust)., [but for] [this N.]. p] he. to be upside-down head in fire (note). nót.; o] [and] he. the […]

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CT 673

CT 673 VI 301 t] [by] he. the dimensional vesica at the new root (sept+). the [an-] face [eden’s]. to manifest (note). nót.; s] [but instead,] [through] he. the torso [outer court]. of [=for]. he.existence (matrix). [by] the hand of the serpent-hand (tch-t’). to make to connect to. r] thou (k-axis). word. below., [by] thou. […]

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CT 672

CT 672 VI 300 j] the lights by the knife. which are. [by] place-T of the foreign-land. to become for the Ba-spirit for the solarplane of darkness (?,bba+)., [as] this (pn). hail. [by] he. the things of the most-b-soul-adam speech by the root for the kh-house (kheperi, er.). of [=for]. this N.; of [=by] (means […]

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CT 680

CT 680 VI 306 h] to make solarplane existence (via ad.soul) (sbn,’health’). [by] the word [eden’s] to fire-drill. [for] ãnkh-life., [as] existence. [of] he. the speech., [by] to come the serpenthand of the opened word-inside (nutch+,’sweetmeat’). [for this N.].; g] [by means of] he. the shrine to bury [bury place-T of the adamite-soul for speech […]

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CT 675

CT 675 VI 303 x] [for] [this N.]. to go un-tie [eden] (the kh-house to make by he-eden) (sfkh+)., w] to go un-tie [eden] (the kh-house to make by he-eden) (sfkh+)., v] [and for] [this N.]. thou. to un-tie (the willpower-eden by wick-H’ for the word) (uh’ã+)., u] to divinely un-tie (the willpower-eden by wick-H’ […]

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CT 688

CT 688 VI 318 r] the essences of the adamite-soul of wick-H’ (‘dirt’, h’es+). [as] thou. essence of the new place-T of hail for throne-G [outer court] (gát+).; q] [by?] the sektt boat [double-place-T for to perish eden by to make the k-axis]., of [=for]. he. the stake of the solarplane to make the serpenthand […]

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CT 700

CT 700 VI 333 j] the phoenix bird [fiery Q+K-axis north] (bennuu). [as] place-T as the son-construct. existence (eden’s). to inverse (sa)., [in order for] he (eden). the speech (matrix). to make.; i] [through] the by me owned adamite-soul. [as] existence (matrix). [by] me. [as] the son-construct. [in order for] existence to become new.; [and] […]

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CT 698

CT 698 s] [by] (s)he. the mother. of [=for]. the ãnkh-life. [as] the divine light (matrix). [by] thou. eden-essences at place-T for willpower (‘fat’, ãt)., [and through] thou. essences at place-T for willpower (‘fat’, ãt). r] [for] me. existence. to become united [the both hands] (t’emt’).; my. existence. [by] the support (thes). q] [for?] the […]

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CT 709

CT 709 VI 341 e] to divinely complete (Tem). existence of hail.: d] [by] to become the ring as/of the hand to build by blueprint [at q-axis] (sqett’++). alike-adam (miá)., [at] the bordersky (tcher). [of] speech. [by] me. existence (matrix). to give. speech.; to become. + c] the sky of earth (north). [by] the word […]

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CT 702

CT 702 VI 334 h] the doubled light (glyph). to complete. ([for] me. to know. my. word of hail.; g] ([by] thou. to become equipped (ãper+). ([through] thou. things by place-T of the east (?,text)., ([for] the blossom for the hand as he-eden for Saturn (h’eft’+). ([by?] thou. khu spirit ([consciousness].; g] ([as?] thou. corn […]

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CT 703

CT 703 VI 335 l] [by] he. to become spirits., (namely) of [=by]. the by me owned adamite-soul. [for] to become equipped (ãper+).; k] [through] the cemetary below. of [=for]. the son-construct for the staff-tá the (triple) sh-pool to make (seshentá+) [Tao field].; of [=as]. the house of speech for the kh-house.; to recite.; (note) […]

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CT 704

CT 704 VI 336 j] the word of willpower to rise and be crowned. [as] all [of]. Horus.; [by] the divine judges (of fire-drill). of [=for]. the divine words. [of] great speech. [by] which is. the foremost (kh-house). of [=for]. to dwell in.; the things to become (by) place-T of he-eden doubled sh-pool (shefsheft+). [for] […]

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CT 705

CT 705 VI 337 g] my. sorceries. of [=for]. my. existence. [through] sekhem-power.; f] [by means of] my. torso [north-outer-court]. [for] my. existence. [as?] the tooth (saturn-wick for solarplane) (bh’?, text unsure)., e] [in order to] me. to come the one. speech [eden’s]. [for] the divine word of the saturn-wick of speech for the M-realm […]

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CT 707

CT 707 VI 338 v] [by being] within [eden]., [through] me. the ãnkh-life. [as] the divine light (matrix).; [and by] me. the divine he place-T. [as] the ultimate word-inside for existence. [by] the bowl for to make existence (sn+)., u] [in order for] the t’uat-house (likely). [of] divine words.; [through] the Torso for the an-face […]

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CT 708

CT 708 VI 339 i] [by] he. the ring. [at] place-T to give. speech., [and so] of [=for]. Horus. the essence to make to connect to [eden]., [in order for] he (the ring). to become the yoke [by Saturn] (neh’eb). alike-adam’s (miá).; (sic, as cherub-wheel did) h] [as] the divine word of (Saturn’s) eternity [matrix] […]

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CT 711

CT 711 VI 342 s] me. to slay (knife). the adamite-soul. [for] the M-realm. nót.; r] [but instead, by] me. the word (eden’s?). [for] the k-axis. [as] the fire-drill (tcha)., [by,as] this (tn). flame at place-T for to make the kh-house (via ad.soul) (s-khet+). within (eden cube)., [in order for?] me. to manifest (per).; q] […]

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CT 717

CT 717 VI 346 g] the adamite-soul. to give. of [=for]. the praised vulture-rule of hail., the willpower. of [=as]. vulture-rule., of [=for]. e] this (tn). N (candidate). to give. of [=as]. vulture-rule.; e] of [=by]. the field. [as] place-T of adam-within., [as] the flame of vulture-rule being the kiln at place-T (‘tta+, ‘angry flame’).; […]

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CT 710

CT 710 VI 341 m] Hathor. existence. divinely to follow. of [=as]. the divine word of spirits-light., to become (by) the blossom to sink down [to north] (as the word by the hand of he-eden for the wick-H’; h’eft’+).; l] [as] the star of the hand for the praised vulture-rule of hail (áat’+)., [and so […]

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CT 720

CT 720 VI 349 m] the divine serpent-deity (glyph). the land. to illumine (by light of Saturn). [by means of?] the workplace., [for this N]. [by] the double-place-T for existence. the divine willpower of speech. to know. [..1x lost..].; l] my. belly (south, inner court). [for] the innermost sacred place [in outer court]., of [=by] […]

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CT 716

CT 716 VI 345 o] the place of Õn. of [=for]. hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit). [by,as] the hand of the serpent-hand (tch-t’, ‘to say’).; n] [yet] the beautified-soul. [of] existence (matrix). [by] place-T for the kh-house. nót.; [but instead,] to make the M-realm (via ad.soul) (likely; s-m). [for] the beautified-soul., [for] existence. [by] place-T […]

Posted in CT

CT 718

CT 718 VI 346 m] the doubled light (likely). [by] the divine staff-tá. [of] the praised vulture-rule of hail (áa). [for] [this N’s]. existence. to manifest (per).; l] [by] this (pn). to mutilate [the q-axis, by the adamite-soul of the saturn-wick] (h’eseq). (namely) the original throne of adamite (á-st)., of [=by] (means of). the adamite-soul. […]

Posted in CT

CT 712

CT 712 VI 343 g] he. the Ka spirit-double [or ‘doubling’]. [of] existence (matrix). [by] to come the adamite-soul., [through] the prisoner (su, Cain). to connect to. the workplace.; f] the land. head (main-land). he. existence. [by] place-T to become new., alike-adam (miá).; e] [through] he. the desired place-T of eden-speech for the M-realm (merrt)., […]

Posted in CT

CT 714

CT 714 VI 344 h] (existence…..) by to make the k-axis (sk-). g] [and so by] me. to inverse (sa). the words. [as] speech for the an-face.; (the things as…..) the root of the sh-pool [eden’s]. [as] existence (matrix). [for] the divine egyptians (rth+).; f] [by] me. the speech. [through] the crocodile [‘matrix-masculine’] as the […]

Posted in CT

CT 753

CT 753 VI 383 g] existence by the root of hail. [as] my. aspects by place-T of totality (144,000). [of] the ultimate word-inside of stability. [for] me. to become new.; f] [as] all [of]. the belly (lampstand as inner court)., [through] the adamite soul. [by] me. to acquire.; e] [in order for] place-T (as the […]

Posted in CT

CT 752

CT 752 VI 381 p] all. the light (eden’s). [for] the divine light (matrix)., [as] existence. [for] the gods to follow., of [=by]. place-T of the West. the speech (eden’s). to enter (ãq). [for] existence (matrix). [by] the mouth (eden’s).; o] [by] it (speech). to become the width (usekh). of [=as]. 120 (likely). measures (?,kht)., […]

Posted in CT

CT 699

CT 699 VI 332 w] he (eden). to seize (eden-hand as sh-pool) (shet’). [through] place-T by the prisoner. the word (eden’s). to seize (sht’)., v] [this place-T as] the island of the horizon. [at] the border-sky (tcher). [of] speech (matrix)., [in order for] my. speech. [through] the thigh (bent-axis). existence (eden’s). to go repulse (khesef)., […]

CT 694

CT 694 VI 327 m] he. the Self (tches). [as] the god., of [=by] the staff-tá. to become equipped (ãper). [for] the spirits. alike adam (mm,weak).; [by means of] thou. to descend hebrew-H (cube). m] [in order for] the word. to connect to. existences to make (via ad.soul). [of] sight (maa).; k] to become the […]

CT 576

CT 576 VI 191 p] [for] the West. he. the willpower [eden’s]. [as] the speech. [for] the divine khu-spirit. [of] existence. [by] place-T to give.; o] [as] the lights for stability by the adamite-soul of Saturn (‘natron’, h’esmen+)., which are. [by] the lights by place-T of the adamite-soul for speech of saturn-wick-H’ (‘carnelian’)., which are. […]

Posted in CT

CT 676

CT 676 VI 304 g] the cemetary below. of [=as]. the sky of earth (eden’s). of [=for]. sekhem-power., f] [yet by] he (eden-sky). the sight (maa). nót.; [but instead, first by] he (sky). to command., e] [as] the dome of nut [-T for word-inside]. [for] thou. [an-] face (north)., [through] the boat of the fire-drill. […]

Posted in CT

CT 170

CT 170 doubled house of Saturn speaking (within the lampstand and half above it), CT 170 III 41 b] the doubled-falcon (horus-spirit). [of] the foremost Ákhemut motherland. [as] the doubled-foremost., a] the two lands (south and north?). [of] the [an-] face (north). [through] the boat as place-T of the innermost sacred place. + the dimension. […]

CT 172

CT 172 CT 172 III 46 e] the foremost Ákhemut motherland (south). to become united (by two hands)., to recite.: d] the divine words of Saturn. of [=for]. the foremost Ákhemut land. the divine Ka spirit-double bull. [by] having become the serpent-hand by decree of law. c] he. divine existence to copy. [by] the willpower […]

CT 171

CT 171 CT 171 III 45 a] [for] the baboon (glyph). to be hail., [as] my. speech for the an-face (eden’s). [through] the word (eden’s). thou. grasped (by border-sky, netcher)., [in order] to divinely complete (tem). existence of hail (án).; [by?] the divine eden-core at place-T of eden-realm’s root (pennt+). [for?] the divine eden-core of […]

CT 168

CT 168 CT 168 III 29 c] the cemetary below. [as] (the word-) inside. [for] the mouth (eden’s) (sic). [of] eden-speech., b] [through] the doubled-divine place-T for the chalice (diagrams). the double essence (glyph). to unite (by the eden-core to make to reap (via ad.soul) (sma).; [by means of] the [an-] face (eden’s; countenance). to […]

PT 390

PT 390 PT 390 686c] to make the solarplane for existence (via ad.soul, sben). [through] the serpent of the word of willpower for existence (nãu+)., [by] (the eden dome) to sleep (stcher+). [in order for] the serpent to make the word of hail (via ad.soul, s-áu+)., + 686b] [as] thou. light (matrix). [..4 lost..]., thou […]

PT 391

PT 391 PT 391 687d] [by] the staff-tá. the speech. [of] hebrew-cube-H (H)., [as] thóu. word. [of] willpower. [by] main place-T (tep-t)., [namely through] place-T of anóther (k-it, note). [as] the house. [of] place-T of adam-within.; [by] place-T cool-down [the q-axis] (qebh’-t). [as] thou. opened place-T of eden’s root (up-t+scroll). [for] the word of hail.; […]

PT 392

PT 392 PT 392 688] the torso [centre] (áb). to make the k-axis (via ad.soul) (s-k+)., [by] the land (south, eden). of [=for]. [N]. the (word-) inside. [as] the things of eden’s masculinity (tha+)., [for] the sky of earth (north). of [=as]. [for N]. the (word-) inside. the dimension [north].; to recite.; —-end PT 392

PT 393

PT 393 PT 393 689d] the gold (glyph?). [by] the word (eden’s). to connect to. the word of protection (sa-u, matrix)., [as?] the serpent (for?) the land (as?) the son-construct (sa-ta+). the land’s (south, eden). word. to connect to. the word. [of] protection (sa).; [and so] the serpent (for?) the land (as?) the son-construct (sa-ta+). […]

PT 394

PT 394 PT 394 PT 394 690] the ibis of existence as place-T for the kh-house [plummet] (tkhn+). of [=as] the double Ka spirit-double bull. [of] ãnkh-life., [as] existence (matrix). [through] the lion-mouth (R)., [by] the dimensional background of saturn (h’a). [for] the lion-mouth.; to recite.; —-end PT 394

PT 395

PT 395 PT 395 691b] the gold (glyph). [by] the word. to connect to. the word of protection (sa-u, matrix)., the serpent (for?) the land (as) the son-construct. [of] Osiris (as construct)., [in order for] the khu spirit. to connect to. the one. thou place-T of hail. [which is] the word. connecting to. protection (sa)., […]

PT 398

PT 398 PT 398 693d] [by] he. within., [to?] he. the mother (-T) [in lampstand]. existence (eden’s). to hurry to., [as] the word (eden’s). of [=for]. the double-willpower of the serpent-hand (tchãã). [of] existence of hail (án, matrix)., 693c] [and through] the word. of [=for]. the double-willpower of the serpent (tchãã). existence (matrix). [for N]. […]

PT 399

PT 399 PT 399 694] [by] the most-b-soul-adam’s hebrew-cube-H (Hi). the most-b-soul-adam’s adamite soul for hail (á-si). [for] the land’s (south, eden). speech. [as] thou. masculine things [by cherubs] (tha+, mult.). [for] the sky of earth (north). [as] the speech. [of] thóu. dimension [north].; to recite.; —-end PT 399

PT 405

PT 405 PT 405 705c] all [of]. the light (matrix). to birth (mes)., [by means of] to conceive [speech as the word of hail of the heir]. [for this N]. [by] (the eden dome) to sleep (stchr+)., 705b] [and so for this N]. the [an-] face (north). [of] the things of the season (ter+, matrix). […]

PT 404

PT 404 PT 404 702d] thou. willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [for N]. to flourish (uatch)., 702c] [through] the flames of the word the doubled-kh-house for the solarplane (dualism?, bkhkhu+). [of] place-T of adam-within., [as?] thou. eye. [at?] the top of the papyrus-stem by the adamite soul for hail (ás+). [of?] the tongue (nes). of [=for]. […]

PT 401

PT 401 PT 401 697e] he. the branch at place-T of the kh-house (khet+). of [=as]. he. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t)., [for?] he. the pool [of speech for M-realm] (mer+). [for N]. [as?] the fire-drill boat [at q-axis]., 697d] [for N’s]. existence (matrix). [by] he. the covering to sacrifice [eden’s] (s-ma, áten/cherub)., [in order […]

PT 403

PT 403 PT 403 701c] 701c] he. to grasp [eden willpower for kh-house] (khefã). [as] place-T of adam-within., [for] the things of sweetness (=benr+). [of] speech of hail (ár)., [through] he. the mast thigh (note). the head (the main-thigh). [for] the dimension of throne-G (agba+)., [as] the speech. + 701b] [by] he. the main place-T […]

PT 364

PT 364 PT 364 7621c] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [as] existence (matrix). [by] the staff-tá. [of] sekhem-power., [through] the staff-tá. [of] the Ba spirit-soul., [as] the staff-tá. [of] readyness (sept’)., [as] the staff-tá. [of] worship (ua-sh).; 7621b] [by means of] the adamite soul. within (north)., [in order for] the light (matrix). [of] place-T […]

PT 386

PT 386 PT 386 679e] to make the solarplane of existence (via ad.soul) (sben). [by] the bull-e to sacrifice for speech and nature of hail (á-kher+)., [for?] the roots at place-T for the word of vulture-rule for existence (na-ut+). [of] adam-within., [and so] the serpent. the head (main-serpent). to sanctify.; 679d] [through] he. the testicles […]

PT 388

PT 388 PT 388 681e] [for] he. the solarplane (foot-B). the word of the solarplane (bu). to connect to. of [=by]. he. the mouth [eden]., [as] Horus’. existence. [by] the striking-club as the double-solarplane to connect to (thbb+). + 681d] the phallus [of saturn] (h’NN+). [as] the son [-construct]. [in order for] (the festival of) […]

PT 389

PT 389 PT 389 682f] the word. to connect to. the upside-down boat [of eden willpower] (penã)., [as]] the root at place-T for the word of vulture-rule for existence (na-ut+). [of] adam-within., [in order] to make the solarplane of existence (sben). [by] the serpent of the word of hail to make speech (via ad.soul) (s-r-áu+, […]

PT 387

PT 387 PT 387 680b] (the eden dome) to sleep (stcher+). [in order for] the word of hail of cube-H (Háu)., 680a] [by means of] the divine shining backbone (pestch+). [of] majesty (h’em). the bull to sacrifice for speech and nature (kher+)., [in order for] divine great speech. [by] the bull to sacrifice for speech […]

PT 402

PT 402 PT 402 698d] every. light (eden’s). [for] place-T to birth (mes-t, matrix)., [by means of] place-T of the most-b-soul-adam (it). [as] (the eden dome’s ) place-T to sleep [by bordersky] (setchr-t+)., [for] the light (matrix). which is (place-T of existence, nt). [by] the one. eye (eden’s?). [for this N]. + 698c] [as?] the […]

PT 427

PT 427 PT 427 777c] this (pn). great speech. [for] to build and unite (khnem)., [through] the workplace (ás). [for] existence (matrix). the word to come for hail.; [by] to connect to. the son [-construct]. to connect to. making the kh-house by the hand [as the plummet] (via ad.soul,s-t’ekh)., [in order] to connect to. existence […]

PT 437

PT 437 PT 437 808b] the jackal making the solarplane (via ad.soul) (s-b+). [for] thou. existence. [through] the word. to make hail.; of [=by]. + 808a] he. the head. [as] the nebs tree [zizyphus]. [for] thou. existence. the solarplaneshore to change course., [and through] the á-ma tree [in lampstand]. the word. to connect to. to […]

PT 435

PT 435 PT 435 787b] Forever. [by] place-T-e of ãnkh-life. alike-adam (miá). the light (matrix). [for] all [of]. the torso. [as] place-T of totality [144,000]. to make the solarplane of existence (‘health’, snb)., [by] the uas sceptre. [through] the djed pillar. the ãnkh-life. to give., 787a] Pepi (cartouche). [of?] the m-b-soul-adam-like speech for the M-realm […]

PT 434

PT 434 PT 434 785d] the dome as place-T of speech for the an-face. existence. to connect to. existence of speech (‘name’, rn). of [=by]. to connect to speech [of hail]. [for this N]. the speech. [by] the saturn-wick. to give. speech., [in order to not need to?] to connect to. nót. within (eden?)., 785c] […]

PT 450

PT 450 PT 450 836e] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] the Ka spirit-doubles. [of] speech and nature (kher, matrix)., [by means of] the word (eden’s). to wander-astray (shem, adam-related).; 836d] [for] the gods (matrix). to purify., [by] thou. to purify.; 836c] the (feminine vulture-rule) covering of the solarplane by the k-axis of praise (áakb+). […]

PT 454

PT 454 PT 454 847c] [the dome at place-T]. [of] all [of]. the dimensional background of Saturn (h’a). (the wheel) to revolve [solarplane] (t’eben+).; of [=by]. the staff-tá to revolve (t’bn-tá). [as] the staff-tá of great speech (ur-tá).; [for] N (candidate). Osiris (as construct).+ 847b] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [for] all [of]. existence […]

PT 443

PT 443 PT 443 823e] the eden star (to make k-axis) who is unaware of hail. he. not.; within.; the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix). [for this N]. [by] to connect to. to become the new root of hail.; 823d] the pillars of Õn as the seat of place-T of the root for speech [‘Nut’]. existence. […]

PT 448

PT 448 PT 448 830b] Horus’. eye. [for] he. the existence (matrix). [by] the hand (executive area). [as] the perch-region of Thoth., [and through] he. place-T of the speech of hail (ár-t). to complete (tem). the hail (á).; 830a] [namely for] he. the ãnkh-life. [using] the prisoner (su, Cain). [for] to join [the solarplane]. the […]

PT 452

PT 452 PT 452 843b] to complete. speech and nature (kher, matrix). [by] he place-T of speech of hail (ár-tf). [of] the evil place-T of the word of the mountain (eden’s)., [but] to complete háil. [for this N]. [by] place-T of speech of hail. [through] the evil place-T of the word of the mountain (eden’s). […]

PT 453

PT 453 PT 453 846b] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [for] existence (matrix). [of] thou speech of hail (ár-k)., [in order for] the Watercourse by the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face [eden’s]. [to be] nót.; [but instead, by] Horus’. eye. thou. existence to bring (ánn, matrix).; 846a] [as] thou. speech. [of] ãnkh-life., [for] […]

PT 455

PT 455 PT 455 851b] thou. the spirits. to purify., of [=by]. thou speech of hail (ár-k). [of] the opened word-inside., [through] thou. place-T of the opened word-inside. [for] existence. [as] place-T for to make hail (eye+hail).; 851a] [and so by] the land (south, eden’s). the speech of hail (ár). [through] he. place-T of speech […]

PT 442

PT 442 PT 442 822c] Sekhet áaru (saturn fields). of [=as].+ 822a] the sky of earth. [being] place-T of adam-within (ámi-t). [as] place-T of beauty (nefer-t)., [through] the things (-T’s?) of the Watercourse. [for] speech of hail., [as] this (to connect to). word (eden’s). to guide. [in order] to make the doubled-place-T (via ad.soul) [+to […]

PT 444

PT 444 PT 444 824e] [for] N (candidate). the ãnkh-life. to connect to. ãnkh-life. [of] the nut dome [torus dome]., 824d] [as] he. the ãnkh-life. [through] he. the solarplane to make the serpent-hand (via ad.soul) (stchb). to connect to. to be given [by eden].; [by means of] the nut dome [torus dome].+ 824c] to connect […]

PT 446

PT 446 PT 446 825d] [by] the adamite soul. the word. to birth (mes). [of] adam-within., [for] great speech. [through] place-T the word to connect to (thu-t). 825c] all. the evil place-T of the word of the mountain [eden’s]. [of] willpower., of [=for]. the nut dome. the word of all. existene (matrix). to build and […]

PT 439

PT 439 PT 439 814c] the divine royal south (nsut+). alike-adam (miá). [as] the two lands [south; matrix]. [for N]., [through] existence (edenś). to carry-Off.; 814b] [by means of] the land (south, eden’s). [for] the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [of] the sky of earth (north)., [as] existence (matrix). [by] (place-T) to fill [north]. [of] the […]

PT 438

PT 438 PT 438 811e] [by] to serve [eden] (á-makh). [for] the word of the solarplane (bu). [of] all [of]. existence (matrix)., [as] existence. to make to become new (via ad.soul) (s-un, unusual). [by] speech of hail (ár).; 811d] [and so] Horus’. West. [by] place-T of the foremost (kh-house)., [as] place-T of the slaughterhouse (nemm-t). […]

PT 441

PT 441 PT 441 818c] the eden stars (to make k-axis) who are unaware of hail (ákhm sk+). [for] Horus. (place-T) to fill [north]., [as] he the root of hail (áp-f). [for] the gods (matrix)., [by means of] existence (stars). [to] thou. to wander-astray (adam-related). [for] hail.; 818b] [and so] Horus’. West. [by] place-T of […]

PT 440

PT 440 PT 440 816d] the great pillar – the god. existence. [for N]. he. to make to bathe [in willpower-e of hail] (via ad.soul) (áã+)., [as] the great pillar – the god. [for] speech and nature (kher, matrix). [of N]. the head for the an-face. he. the word to command.; 816c] [by means of] […]

PT 518

PT 518 PT 518 1200c] the island of offerings (skht h’tp+). [being] the innermost sacred place., of [=as]. + 1200b] (the pools?) to bathe in [eden willpower of hail] (áã+). [for] the willpower (matrix). of [=for]. he. to drink [by to make great speech] (via ad.soul) (s-ur+)., 1200a] [and as] the fields. of [=for]. N. […]

PT 517

PT 517 PT 517 1192b] [by means of] the lights of the son [construct]. the completion of the solarplane., [as] existence (matrix). [for N]. [by] he. to make the new root of hail (via ad.soul) (sáp). [through] the Ka spirit-doubles. [as] existence (matrix). [for N]. [of] he. the word by decree of law.; 1192a] [namely […]

PT 515

PT 515 PT 515 1182d] [by] (the light) to build [from blueprint] (qet’+, the hand at q-axis). the word. [for] to be equipped (ãper)., [through] place-T of existence (‘which is’,nt). [by] the throne of adamite. he. to dwell (h’ems).;.; 1182c] [as?] the doubled átert shrine. [being] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [for] the speech of […]

PT 516

PT 516 PT 516 1187c] the season. [by] the heads (adamite originals). [for] the word of the word-inside. [as] the word by the new root of hail (ápu). [for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the lights as mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). of [=as?]. the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face. [for] the gods (matrix).; […]

PT 513

PT 513 PT 513 1174d] place-T of the great pillar. [by?] the ennead (9 gods). [as] place-T of the formost (kh-house). + 1174c] [of] the word (eden’s) for the ultimate word-inside (3xnu). [for] existence of hail (án).; [by means of] to make speech (via ad.soul, ser). [as] the light. [of?] place-T of the serpent [-hand] […]

PT 524

PT 524 PT 524 1243c] Forever. [N’s]. the head. [as] [this N’s]. the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [through] Horus’. eye. [for] thou. existence. the word to come for hail., 1243b] [as] the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix). [for this N]. [as] thou. existence. the word to come for hail.; [in order for] thou. existence to make […]

PT 527

PT 527 PT 527 1249d] Forever. the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] the land (south, eden’s). [for] the speech of hail. [for this. N]. [as] descended cube-H.; 1249c] [in order for] the sky of earth (north). the speech of hail. [for this N]. to manifest (per)., [through] the 4 cherub\\wheels (glyph)., to recite.; […]

PT 530

PT 530 PT 530 1253e] the sky of earth (north). [of] the word of adam-within. [for] the stars (glyphs). alike adam (mm, weak). [as N]. to dwell (h’ems).; 1253d] [by means of] the island as field of offerings (skht h’tp). [for] the speech of hail (ár). [of] he. the willpower (matrix). place-T-e to acquire (shp-t).; […]

PT 426

PT 426 PT 426 776b] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [in order for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the Ka spirit-doubles. [fór] the gods (matrix).; of [=by] (means of). thou. sekhem-power. [for] existence (matrix). + 76a] [through] the place-T of honey (north). of [=by]. thou. to rise and be crowned (khã)., [in order […]

PT 425

PT 425 PT 425 div class=”sp-indent”>775c] [by] thou. to die. nót.; [but instead, by] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [in order] all [of]. existence to make (via ad.soul)., [by means of] the lights (of place-T) of the sh-pool for hail [eden’s] (‘posessions ásht+).; 775b] [and by] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [for] existence […]

PT 523

PT 523 PT 523 1232c] [for] the spirits. the staff-tá. [in order for] the foremost (kh-house). [of this N]. [by] the staff-tá. to stand upright.; 1232b] [in order for] the words of ãnkh-life. [by means of] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [of] Horus. to stand upright., [for] the speech. alike-adam (miá).; 1232a] [and so for] […]

PT 536

PT 536 PT 536 1297e] [..lost 4]. the word to bend [to k-axis] (ksu). of [=bý]. place-T of the dimensional background [of saturn] (h’at). the átert shrine. [namely by] place-T of the south [eden sh pool] (shemã-t). the átert shrine. [by] he. existence (eden’s). [as] place-T for the word to come., 1297d] [and so through] […]

PT 534

PT 534 PT 534 1279c] this (pu). he. the place-T of the serpent [hand] (tch-t). [for] to feed upon. + this (pu). word of the [sh] pool. [for] matrix-existence (na)., 1279b] [as] he. the house [of speech]. below., nót.; he. [to be] below. nót.; 1279a] [but by] the ennead (9 gods,tuat XI). the existence of […]

PT 531

PT 531 PT 531 1254d] the alike-adam vulture-rule of the kh-house (khamm, lit.)., of [=by] (means of). Horus. having opened place-T of the eden root (upt+scroll). [in order] of [=for]. the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix). [for this N]. [as] the word (matrix). [of] triple-hail (ááá).; 1254c] [by] he the root. [of] the (dimensional) side (ges). […]

PT 535

PT 535 PT 535 1290b] thou place-T. the word of place-T to desire [for speech of M-realm] (mertu)., [in order for] he. the speech to make (via ad.soul). [by] the workplace (ás). [of] the peace [of saturn] (h’etep)., [for] existence. [by] these [numbering]. things for the season (tert+). of [=for]. + 1290a] thou. speech. [of] […]

PT 538

PT 538 PT 538 1302c] place-T of the root to open [eden’s] (upt)., of [=for]. to complete. [through] the fingers [into lampstand] (tchbãu). + 1302b] place-T of the adamite throne. [as] the willpower (eden’s). of [=by]. thou. tail (st’+)., [as] Horus’. willpower. of [=for]. thou. head. + 1302a] [namely] the wanting throne-G (ga+). [of] hail., […]

PT 537

PT 537 PT 537 1301c] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [for] existence (matrix). [as?] the djed pillar (tch-t’)., of [=by]. place-T(-e) of the djed pillar (tch-t’-t). to transform (kheper glyph). [for] ãnkh-life. of [=as]. place-T of ãnkh-life.; 1301b] [by means of] the word (eden’s). to cool-down [q-axis] (likely glyph qbh’t). [by] thou. [sh] pool. […]

PT 553

PT 553 PT 553 1369d] the sekhem-sceptres (glyph). [of] place-T of the foremost (kh-house)., [by means of] forever. place-T of the djed pillar (tch-t’-t).+ 1369c] the word-e to bend [to k-axis] (ksu). [in order] of [=for]. the dimensional background [of saturn] (h’a). [through] the north (to fill). átert shrine. [for] thou. existence. the word to […]

PT 550

PT 550 PT 550 1350b] [by] within (the lampstand)., existence to make (via ad.soul). [for] existence. to make existence for the solarplane (via ad.soul) (‘health, fortress’, sbn). [as] this (pu). word for the solarplane (bu)., of [=by] (means of). the place of battle [in lampstand] (ãhã+). of [=for]. to make existence for the solarplane (via […]

PT 549

PT 549 PT 549 1349b] thou. mouth. head (main-mouth). [by] thou. (female) shrine at place-T of the word of the root for speech (rput+, comp.). [for] existence., [as] the flesh of willpower of the word of hail of the heir (adamite originals). [for] thou. existence.; [by means of] the fire-drill boat (at q-axis). + 1349a] […]

PT 554

PT 554 PT 554 1372b] [by] the land (south, eden). the hail. head (main-hail). [for] thou. existence of speech (matrix)., [in order for] existence (matrix). [by] the (evil) word of the mountain (eden’s). nót.; [as] thou. existence. [by] the (evil) word of the mountain (eden’s). nót.; 1372a] [but instead, by] the t’ua star. [as] the […]

PT 543

PT 543 PT 543 1337d] the (3) lights [wheels] (glyph). of [=as]. slaughtered meat (lights) of willpower-e of the sh-pool south (shã+). [for] me (ku)., of [=by] to ritually sacrifice [cherub] (s-ma). [in order for] thou. existence. [as] existence to bring hail (ánn, matrix).; [for] this. N (candidate). Osiris (as construct). + 1337c] [by] he […]

PT 542

PT 542 PT 542 1336b] he. existence. [by means of] the prisoner (su, Cain). [for] he. the willpower. [of] existence., [through] place-T of hail. [of] the word-inside for hail (ánu,õn). [for] thou. sight (maa).; [by] to hurry (to come the adamite soul). hail. [to?] the perch-region of Thoth. + 1336a] [as] place-T of hail. [for] […]

PT 541

PT 541 PT 541 1334c] [by means of] the prisoner (su, Cain). this (to connect to). hail. [through] the praised (áa, lampstand). place-T of hail (át). [in order for] existence (eden’s). speech to make of hail. + 1334b] [for?] his Self (tchs-f). [of] this. N (candidate)., [through] Osiris’ (construct). he the place-T of hail (‘father’,átf). […]

PT 556

PT 556 PT 556 1429e] Horus’. eye. below (sic)., [for] this. N. this. N’s [2x]. word of hail., [as] the island (glyph). [for] the word of hail., [and] to be snatched-away (by eden). nót.; 1429d] [causing that?] the island. [of] the word of hail. [as] the perch-region of Thoth. [would be?] nót.; [and] the pool. […]

PT 551

PT 551 PT 551 1351c] the god. [as] place-T made by the split-off Watercourse (via ad.soul) (s-ua-t)., [by means of] thou. to make the split-off Watercourse (s-ua). + 1351b] [as] the doubled dimensional backside [eden root] (peh’+II). [in order for] the hail. to return (h’em). [as] the dimensional fóreground [of saturn] (h’a)., [namely] the word […]

PT 576

PT 576 PT 576 1519] the physical garment-body to make to connect to [eve] (seth+). the word. [of] (sexual) sweetness (netchem). the head (main sweetness)., [in order for] he (word). to become the willpower. [of] speech of hail (ár). [for] this. N.; to become by the design (sesh+). [of] the hand [eden’s] (executive place). + […]

PT 575

PT 575 PT 575 1499] thou. word. [of] speech and nature (kher, matrix). of [=by] (means of). the words to come. [as] the essence to make existence of hail (via ad.soul) (s-án+). [through] thou. the things to bring (án,mult.). of [=by]. place-T of existence to bring (án-t). [of] hail.; 1498c] [from?] the sky of earth […]

PT 558

PT 558 PT 558 1391] place-T-e(halfstaff). [of] ãnkh-life. [as] thou. place-T of the branch [for the kh-house] (glyph). of [=for]. ãnkh-life.; [by] the support to rise up for the word (u-thes). [from?] staff-tá/T-e. [of?] the uas-sceptre. [to?] place-T-e of the uas-sceptre. [as?] place-T-e of ãnkh-life. [for?] place-T-e of ãnkh-life.; 1390d] [and so by means of] […]

PT 559

PT 559 PT 559 1393b] the realm-garments (menkh?). [by] the word. [of] the (?). [for] the [an-] face. [of] thou. existence., [by] he (eden). to give. [to] Osiris (as construct). [namely] the lights for turquoise (fqa+).; 1393a] [by means of] the mountain. place-T to slaughter and transfer [for solarplane] (khbt+). [for?] the rim [at new […]

PT 560

PT 560 PT 560 1395b] [by] the son (-constructs). [for] the completion of the solarplane (h’eb)., [as] existence. [by] he. \\(eden) willpower. the head (main-willpower). [of] the Ka spirit-double., [and as?] existence. [by] he. place-T of the branch [for kh-house]. of [=for]. the word of hail.; 1395a] Osiris (as construct). [by] thou. son (-construct). [for] […]

PT 562

PT 562 PT 562 1407b] the tile place-T of the adamite soul. to violently split-Off (t’for tch). [for] existence to make., [in order] to give. speech (eden). nót.; 1407a] [but instead,] Horus. thou. speech and nature (kher,matrix). [of] peace [of saturn] (h’etep)., [and so] of [=for]. this. N (candidate). existence (matrix). [by] the word to […]

PT 580

PT 580 PT 580 1550b] [for] this. N (candidate). Osiris’ [as constructed]. he place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [of] existence., [as] Horus’. existence. [by] the eye., 1550a] the [sh] pool. [by] the boat of the bull to go dissect (?,nemt). [in order for] existence (matrix). [to have] the redness [eden aether] (t’esher). [for] the bull […]

PT 581

PT 581 PT 581 11557d] the place (-T) of vulture-rule as son-construct [lampstand] (‘place of Sais’). [for] existence (matrix). [being] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [as] place-T below (kher-t)., [fór] the workplace (ás). [of] willpower. + 11557c] [for] the words of breath-air. to become new for hail., of [=as]. existence. [of] thou speech of hail […]

PT 582

PT 582 PT 582 1567b] the spirits-light of place-T alike adam being the flower of existence by Saturn (h’enmmt+). [of] existence of hail (án). [for] N (candidate)., [by] the word to triple-protect (khkhkhkh-u). [for] Osiris’ [as construct]. he the place-T of hail (‘father’). [of] existence of hail. [for] N’s. sight (restored maa?).; 1567a] [by means […]

PT 592

PT 592 PT 592 1626] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the Ka spirit-doubles. [for] all [of]. the gods (matrix).; of [=by] (means of). place-T-e of sekhem-power (half-staff; sekhmt). [for?] place-T of honey (bá). of [=as]. place-T-e to rise and be crowned (half-staff; khà-T)., + 1625] [of] the […]

PT 579

PT 579 PT 579 1542b] the word of hail to bend [to k-axis] (ksáu). [in order] of [=for]. he. existence (matrix). existence to make (via ad.soul). [at?] place-T the word to come.; [by] the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). of praise (áa). existence to make. [by] place-T to give. alike adam (miá).; 1542a] [through] the […]

PT 595

PT 595 PT 595 1640c] [by] Horus’. son [-construct]. existence (matrix). [through] the torso., [by] place-T to bring. [for] the speech. alike-adam (miá)., 1640b] [as] (place-T of) the adamite throne. [by] he. the mother (T) [in lampstand]. [for] existence. [through] the torso., [by] Horus. place-T to bring. [for] speech. alike-adam.; 1640a] [as] thou. belly (south). […]

PT 589

PT 589 PT 589 1609b] [by] he. the Ka spirit-double. of [=for]. place-T-e (half-staff) [speech] to transform.; [as] Horus. word. [for] thou. existence. [of] protection (by serpent-hand) (netch).; 1609a] [for] all. the gods (matrix). existence. [by their] Ka spirit-double. + [through] place-T the word to connect to (thu-t). [for] N (candidate). Osiris.; to recite.; —— […]

PT 591

PT 591 PT 591 1614c] thou. lights of place-T of he for the kh-house (‘enemies’,khftu). [for] the speech. [of] thou. Ka spirit-double., [by] the word (eden’s). to connect to. existence (matrix)., 1614b] [through] the place of Õn. [as] place-T of adam-within. to direct (for speech to make,ser). place-T of the house of saturn., of [=for]. […]

PT 588

PT 588 PT 588 1608b] [by] the adamite soul. the word to birth. [of] adam-within., [for] great speech. [through] place-T for the word to connect to (‘image’, thu-t). + 1608a] [in order for] great speech. place-T to unite and build. [and so] existence to make (via ad.soul). [for] existence of speech.; of [=by] (means of). […]

PT 593

PT 59 PT 593 1637b] [by] he place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). the protection (serpent+existence)., [as] the son [construct]. [of] Horus’. existence. [for] he. the existence of speech., of [=by] (means of). Horus. the word (eden’s). to connect to. existence. [of] protection (same).; 1637a] [by] to connect the boat (glyph?). [of] speech of the hand […]

PT 602

PT 602 PT 602 1674d] [by] the m-b-soul-adam. the advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0)., [for] N’s (candidate). existence. [by] the cherub\\wheel (sep). this (to connect to). to give. speech.; 1674c] this (to connect to). speech and nature (kher,matrix). [through] the cherub\\wheel (sp). [by] N. to discover (gem)., [as] the opened word-inside. this (to connect to). […]

PT 610

PT 610 PT 610 1723d] the jackal making the solarplane (via ad.soul) (s-b). [as] thou. existence. [by] the lion-mouth (R). to make hail.; of [=as]. thou. existence. to be given. [by means of] to make place-T-m (via the cain-artificial-soul) (‘s-t). + 1723c] [for] he. the head. [through] the nebs-tree (zizyphus). [of] thou. existence. [as?] the […]

PT 605

PT 610 PT 610 1682b] place-T to fill [the north] (mh’t). [of] he. the eye. of [=as]. place-T of the north SH-pool. [by] he (pool north). the eye. [for] Horus. existence. to fill (mh’)., 1682a] [in order for] Osiris [as construct]. [by] he the place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [for] existence (matrix)., [as] Horus’. word. […]

PT 606

PT 606 PT 606 1700] the staff-tá. [for] ãnkh-life. [of] thou. hail., [and for] N (candidate). [as] Osiris’ [as construct]. place-T of hail (‘father’, át). [for] the word. to connect to. the support to rise up (thes).; 1699d] [for] N. Osiris’. place-T of hail. [of] thou speech of hail (ár-k)., [through] the double ennead (18 […]

PT 609

PT 609 PT 609 1709b] hail. [through] the fire-drill boat [axis]. [as] the hail. [by] descended cube-H.; to make place-T [via the prisoner’s artificial soul] (‘s-t+). of [=as]. the boat (construct). [of] descended cube-H.; 1709a] [in order for] the light (eden’s). [as] the boat (glyph). of [=for]. thou. descended cube-H. [of] hail., [by means of] […]

PT 578

PT 578 PT 578 1538b] the workplace. [of] Geb. [for] the throne [of the tongue] (nest). [of] speech for the an-face., [namely] the workplace (ás). [for] the word as the flesh of the heir (ad. originals) for willpower of hail (matrix).; 1538a] [in order for] the m-b-soul-adam-like firstborn (via ad.soul) (sm’su). [through this] son-construct. [for] […]

PT 632

PT 632 PT 632 1790b] thou. garment-body to make to connect to [eve] (via ad.soul) (seth+). [to get] the word. [for] great speech.; thou. garment-body to make to connect to [eve] (via ad.soul) (seth+). [to get] the word. [of] the East (as heaven).; thou. garment-body to make to connect to [eve] (via ad.soul) (seth+). [by […]

PT 637

PT 637 PT 637 1804a] place-T of willpower of the root [south] (pã-t). [fór] all [of]. his Self (tches-f).[of] Horus. [as] place-T of the word by decree of law,, [in order] of [=for]. the spirits. the speech of hail (ár). [for] within., [just as] thou. khu-spirit. [of] hail.; 1804a] [for] Osiris [as construct]. the word […]

PT 638

PT 638 PT 638 1806b] the things of the Watercourse at place-T to open the root [eden’s] [up-tuatu, deity). [in order] existence to make [via ad.soul). [as] existence of speech [rn)., of [=by] [means of). + 1806a] the adamite soul. within., [for] thou. sight [maa). thou. to make. [as] Horus. thou. existence., [as] existence [matrix). […]

PT 640

PT 640 PT 640 1812c] he. the existence of speech (matrix). [by] the star to perish [eden’s] (sek+). nót.; [so that by] he. to die (m-t, matrix). nót.; 1812b] [but instead, for] this. N (candidate). Osiris [as construct]., [through] the dimensional background [of saturn] (h’a). [for] ãnkh-life, [as] existence (matrix). [of] thou. protection (sa). [by] […]

PT 648

PT 648 PT 648 1829d] existence to make [by eden] (via ad.soul). within (lampstand)., [as] the iron [+character] (báa). nót.; [but that can change by] the word. to connect to. existence to make (via ad.soul). [for] to bear up (fa)., 1829c] [and so by] thou speech of hail (ár-k). existence to make (via ad.soul). [of] […]

PT 650

PT 650 PT 650 1837c] [by] he. the fingers [into lampstand] (tchebãu). below., place-T to copy (to make to connect to existence). [in order for?] all [of] the rekht-peoples. he. the existence (matrix). [as] he. the word of the plasma-construct (kha+u).; 1837b] [by means of] the garment-body by place-T to make to connect to [eve] […]

PT 683

PT 683 PT 683 2050b] the place of Õn (diagram). [as] place-T of adam-within (ámi-t)., [as] Horus’. eye. [of] ãnkh-life., [for] N’s (candidate). ãnkh-life., [for] N’s. ãnkh-life.; 2050a] the place of Õn. [as] place-T of adam-within (ámi-t)., [as] Horus’. eye. [of] health., [for] N’s. health., [for] N’s. health (utcha).; 2049] [as] the divine place-T of […]

PT 684

PT 684 PT 684 2062c] the sekht h’etep filed (+acquire?). which is. the sky of earth [north]. which is. place-T of beauty (nefer-t).; [by means of] the things of the Watercourse (not ‘ways’). [as] the speech. + 2062b] [of] the adamite soul. within. the gods (matrix)., [through] thou. place-T to guide. [namely] (-T of) the […]

PT 690

PT 690 PT 690 2119] the speech and nature (matrix,kher). [through] thou place-T. [for] the word to come hail., [by] thou. place-T of the serpent [hand] (tch-t). [as] place-T-e of the kh-house (kh-T). to become new.; [and so for] this. N (candidate). [as] descended cube-H.; 2118c] the god. of [=for]. thou. ãnkh-life. [as] thou. moon […]

PT 689

PT 689 Eve birthing the adamite soul inside their inversed bull’s skin, as Ka spirit-double PT 689 2091d] (s)he. the eye. [of] the [an-] face (eden’s). [for] Horus. [as] he the place-T (tf)., [in order for] the word to make to be re-inversed (s-sau). nót.; [but] of [=by] (means of). the adamite soul. + 2091c] […]

PT 685

PT 685 PT 685 2070b] place-T of the serpent [-hand] (tch-t; note). [of] existence (eden’s). within (sic)., [for] this. N (candidate)., [by] to offer place-T to the k-axis of saturn (h’enk+). + 2070a] [in order for] the spelt (bet’t). thou. to plough [to make the Ka-double] (sKa)., [and] the grain (glyph). thou. to plough (seKa). […]

PT 688

PT 688 Eve birthing the adamite soul inside their inversed bull’s skin, as Ka spirit-double PT 688 2086c] the place of the Menu [shrine] (ámen-corner). of [=as?]. the divine image (place-T) of the double-eye. [fór] the foremost (kh-house)., [by means of] the phallus (glyph). of [=for]. + 2086b] the divine place-T of he (as?) the […]

PT 687

PT 687 PT 687 2077b] [by] the island of the horizon (-T). of [=for]. he. to manifest (per)., [namely] the light to rise and be crowned. [by] the word for to repulse [eden] (khesefu). of [=for]. praised (áa). gods (matrix). [being?] the eye (make -t). alike-adam (miá).; 2077a] [as] N’s (candidate). word for to repulse. […]

PT 686

PT 686 PT 686 2073c] he. the lights of the horus-spirit by he for the kh-house (‘enemies’, khftiu+). [for] the speech of hail (ár).; [by means of] the adamite soul. to violently split-Off [the lights] (note). [and] to bend to speech and nature. [of] hail.; 2073b] he. the speech of hail. [by] the adamite soul. […]

PT 526

PT 526 PT 526 1247d] this (pn). N (candidate). existence. to connect to. willpower (eden’s,ã+stopline). to give., [for] the sky of earth [north]. [of] speech of hail (ár)., [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). to seize [eden] (sht’)., 1247c][for] N. [by means of] the legs [mountains] (rt’, diagram). Thoth. existence (eden’s). to invert (sa)., [in order for] […]

PT 528

PT 528 PT 528 1251d] place-T of great speech (ur-t, diagram). [as] the áter-t shrine. which is. the foremost [kh-house]. of [=for]. the divine word by the hand of the solarplane (bt’-u+). to dwell (h’ems).; 1251c] [as] place-T of the great pillar (=ur-t). [of] the Ennead (pantheon of 9). who are. the foremost [kh-house]. of […]

PT 529

PT 529 PT 529 1252f] the sky of earth [north]. [of] existence (matrix). (-T) to fill. [by] this (pu). Sba stargate [centre]., [for] he. existence to bring of hail (matrix, á-ánn).; 1252e] the sky of earth [north]. [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] place-T-e of the east. [of] the Sba stargate. of [=by]. he. the […]

PT 525

PT 525 PT 525 1246d] the hail of the sh-pool [north]; [and] the hail of the sh-pool [north]. [as] the east. of [=by] he (pool). to manifest (per).; 1246c] [as] the light. [for] the word to repulse [eden] (khesef). [in order] of [=for]. existence to make (via ad.soul). to rejoice in [place-T for the matrix-aether […]

PT 676

PT 676 PT 676 2017c] the word-e to bow [to k-axis] (kesu). of [=by]. the dimensional background of Saturn (h’a)., [in order] to fill (-T). the átert-shrine (-T). [of] thou. existence. [by] the word to come for hail.; 2017b] place-T of the South (res-t). [as] the átert shrine (-T). [for] speech of hail., [by] thou. […]

PT 255

PT 255 PT 255 300c] divine intuition [make hail backwards] (sáa). of [=for]. this. N (candidate). [as] sekhem-power., [by means of] the divine word of Saturn (h’u). existence (eden’s). to carry-off.; 300b] [as] this. N’s. existence. [by] the land (eden,south). [for] speech. [of] royalty (sãh’, orion). [through] he. to establish (uah’). + 300a] namely] he. […]

PT 281

PT 281 PT 281 422d] the Nãui serpent [willpower]., the Nãui serpent (repeated). [by,as?] the m-b-soul-adam. [for] the boat of willpower of existence (matrix).; [by] the m-b-soul-adam. [for] boat of willpower of existence.; 422c] [as] the containment of the word-inside of hebrew-H (Hun+). [for] the light of existence of hail (õn-pillar). [as] the word. [of] […]

PT 280

PT 280 PT 280 421b] great speech. [as] m-b-soul-adam-like speech., [by means of] the word. to connect to. protection (sa)., [as] thou. dimensional background [of saturn] (h’a). [for] thou. [an-] face (north).; 421a] [by means of?] to come the staff tá to make to inverse (via ad.soul)., to come the staff tá to make to […]

PT 279

PT 279 PT 279 420b] the darkness of hail of kk by T-e [as staff area].; the darkness of hail of kk by T-e [as staff area].; 420a] [for]. N’s. hail. [as] the dimensional background of saturn (h’a). [for] Thoth’s perch-region. [namely] the pools of the word for speech of the M-realm (mer+)., [by?] (to […]

PT 278

PT 278 PT 278 419c] [for] N (candidate). [by] the staff-tá. thou. the M-realm (m). to give,; the serpent [eden] (glyph). [for] hail. [now as] he. the word. [of] the staff-tá. untied [the serpent] (fkh)., 419b] the staff-tá. [for] [to desire] most-b-soul-adam-like speech for the M-realm (meri).; [to desire] most-b-soul-adam-like speech for the M-realm (meri). […]

PT 277

PT 277 PT 277 418b] to make existence of the solarplane (via ad.soul) (seben). [by] the sacrificial bull [for speech and nature of hail] (kheri+)., 418a] [as] he. the testicles (glyph). [of] the word. below (kher)., [in órder for] existence. [as] the Ka spirit double bull.; to make existence of the solarplane (via ad.soul) (seben). […]

PT 276

PT 276 PT 276 417b] the (one) leg (rt’). [of] adam-within., [fór] he. the place-T of the Q-axis (as) the circle (qer-q-t). [of] adam-within., [in order for?] to make the make the k-axis for to perish (eden) (?,seksek). 417a] [for] thou speech of hail. [as] thou. eye (-T to make)., [for] thou speech of hail. […]

PT 251

PT 251 PT 251 271b] the island of the horizon. of [=for]. N. existence (matrix). [of] willpower (matrix)., to be repulsed khesef). nót.; 271a] [but] existences to make (via ad.soul). [by] place-T of the dimensional foreground of saturn [=torso] (h’a-t). [for] N.; [by means of] existence (matrix?). to keep captive (sqr,note). the word. [for] to […]

PT 275

PT 275 PT 275 416c] the place (-T) to seize [eden’s] (shet’). [of] adam-within., [for] the great speech. of [=for]. N (candidate). [by] [speech] to transform (kheper).; 416b] [namely through] the island. [of] speech. [for] within., [as] he. the garment place-T to make the hand (via ad.soul) (st’t+)., [and so] of [=for]. N (candidate). existence […]

PT 256

PT 256 PT 256 303d] thou. nuh’ cord. [as?] the boat of m-b-soul-adam’s hebrew-H [cube]., 303c] [for?] he. the shore alike-adam of the hand (, t’míá)., [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for that] cord to restrain (áth’,saturn). [of] he. the mother (T). [of?] the prisoner (Cain). [in order for] the boat (of hail) to ferry-over (khen+á+). […]

PT 262

PT 262 PT 262 336b] the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix)., [as] the dimensional-place to make willpower of hail (via ad.soul) (‘to bathe in’s-áã+). [for] existences to make (via ad.soul). within., [by means of?] the hailstorms place-T of hail to encircle (shenát+). [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). existence (eden’s). to seize (sht’).; 336a] [for?] the four(th) […]

PT 282

PT 282 PT 282 423c] he. the speech of hail (ár). [by means of ] the eden realm (NN). [of] the word of speech to make hail. to worship [the sh-pool for the imprisoned word of the Watercourse] (sh-pool south).; [by?] the eden realm. [for?] thou. [as?] the bull (glyph). [to offer] the words for […]

PT 283

PT 283 PT 283 424b] to carry-off. of [=by] (means of). [first] to connect to. [in order] to carry-off. hail (eden’s). [for] the word of hail. [as] thóu hail (á-k).; [by means of] the Menu shrine [khesem] (diagram). existence to make (via ad.soul). [for] within (the matrix). [by] place-T to Net (?,sekht). [of] he. the […]

PT 285

PT 285 PT 285 426d] place-T-e of hail. [for] the torso. [through] the double-place-T of saturn-wick-H’ of totality (auah’tt. [in order for] the wórd of totality (au-u). [as] the dimension., of [=by]. the lionmouth., [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). [to get?] the ultimate word-inside (eden,nu x3). [for] the solarplane (b). [of] hail.; [by means of] hail-e […]

PT 274

PT 274 PT 274 414c] [for] eternity. the speech., [by] forever. this (pn). land (eden,south). of =[for]. the word. [of] ãnkh-life. of [=for]. this. N (candidate).; [by means of] the torso. the throne of adamite (-T). + 414b] to plough (khebs). of [=for]. the images [of-T]., [in order for] the word (eden). to make. sekhem-power. […]

CT 187

CT 187 CT 187 III 97 i] [by eden] within. those who are [horus-spirits]., existence (matrix). [as] the divine south [land,when theirs] (suten). I am.; h] the sky of earth (north). [of] speech. [by means of] place-T of the Watercourse (in north). my. existence. to make.; g] he (T of w.). the boat of the […]

CT 186

CT 186 CT 186 III 87 b] the place of the adamite soul’s word., [by means of?] the áten light-wheel. the coverings to unite (make to reap,s-ma). below.; (note) [as] the place of the adamite soul’s word. [of] beauty (nefer). [by] place-T which is (nt-t). the foremost. [as] the one. neH-t sycamore tree [eden’s]. below […]

CT 184

CT 184 CT 184 II 84,83 b] existences to make (via ad.soul). within. the divine “One”(north). [which] I am.; a] Thoth. to desire (mer). [for] alike-adam(miá). the land (south). [for] this. N (candidate). to unite (s-ma,by reaping).; e] the divine light (matrix). alike adam’s (miá)., [as] the sky of earth (matrix). [for] this. N. [by […]

CT 183

CT 183 CT 183 j] to make the (magically-dangerous) wheel the (new) root (via ad.soul) (sep; note). \\[for] the word for the word-inside to copy.; [in order] of [=for]. (m-b-soul-adam-like) to make. to make speech and nature (sekher). [for] existence (matrix)., [through] the opened word-inside. alike adam’s (mm,weak form).; i] [by] the aspects offered in […]

CT 302

CT 302 CT 302 IV 55 d] my. divine head. the [an-] face. to stand upright., [by means of] the throat [through tiles] (h’eti). [for] the divine corn-god [speech by the root of existence] (new root; neper). c] [for my. torso [upon tiles]. [as] speech. to arrive (seper, note).; [as] the speech. my. torso. to […]

CT 305

CT 305 CT 305 IV 59 s] to complete. [by] he (eden). existence. to give.; [by means of] the speech of the border [-sky] (tcherr). [as] speech. within (eden)., [in order for] he. existence. r] [by] aspects offered in h’etep. [as] the two lands’ place-T succeeded to acquire (not ‘field’). [for] he. existence (matrix). [as] […]

CT 311

CT 311 CT 311 IV 67 t] the divine cemetary below [top lampstand]. of [=for]. Khensu (moon). of [=as?]. words of speech. s] [of] this (pn). N (candidate)., [as] these. things for the torso in dimensional background of saturn (=cemetary; h’a-t+). of [=for]. ãnkh-life.; r] [by] the boat of Khensu [moon construct]. of [=for]. m-b-soul-adam-like […]

CT 309

CT 309 CT 309 IV 65 e] the hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [by means of] the word of place-T to bring (án-t-u). [as] the one. Ábat [Apollo, Abaddon] (note). [for] existence of hail.; d] [by means of] the (pregnant) goddess of the double-place-T of the (southern) willpower to wander-astray (1 glyph, note). [to] […]

PT 468

PT 468 PT 468 905c] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [as] existence (matrix). [for this N]. within (eden)., [in order for] thou. torso (centre). he. to make the peace of saturn (via ad.soul) (s-h’etep)., + 905b] [for] the broad hall (in torus). [of] adam-within.,[as] Horus’. speech and nature (kher, matrix). [by] the word. to […]

CT 441

CT 441 CT 441 V 300 f] the aspects for the word to rise and be crowned (khãu+). [for] me. [by] existence (eden’s). to acquire.; to become. e] [by means of] the things to wander-astray (adam related). [for] my. existence (matrix). [of] the word of hail.; d] [by] me. the sebekht gate. me. existence (eden’s). […]

Posted in CT

PT 317

PT 317 PT 317 510d] he. the torso (tiles). to acquire. [as] he place-T for the kh-house (khetf). [for] N (candidate). speech to desire (merr). [through] the (place-T of) adamite throne. [of] speech.; 510c] [in order for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the phallus [cherub bearingpoles] (mãH+). [bý] the women. to carry-off. [for] hail.; […]

CT 443

CT 443 CT 443 V 310 i] the aspects of the word to rise and be crowned (khãu+). this. (pn). N (candidate). [through] existence (eden’s). to acquire.; h] lost ] g] he. the castle (glyph). to build (matrix, khem). within [eden]. [in order for] the dimension to purify., [through] this N. f] [by] his-Self. [of] […]

Posted in CT

CT 442

CT 442 CT 442 V 302 pp d] to divinely become perfect (áqer+). [through] the words to become perfect (áqeru+)., [by means of] the words to snatch away (neh’emu). c] Forever. the divine all [of]. the side (ges). [of] speech [eden’s]. [as] he. the willpower. of [=for]. to divinely transform. the word of the throne […]

Posted in CT

CT 440

CT 440 CT 440 V 296 f] my. existence. [by] the (sebekh-t) gate. to make to open (sensh,eden). the word of hail.; e] to embrace [the hail by the beating-place] (qená, q-axis). my. existence becoming new.; to become. + d] [by] m-b-soul-adam-like to build (khemi). the divine purified dimension. [which] I am.; c] [through] the […]

Posted in CT

CT 439

CT 439 CT 439 V 292 j] the adamite soul. within. Horus., [through] the passive eden rule over the tiles fór the word (usheb+). to make alike-adam (s-miá). [for] within., [and by] thou. the passive eden rule over the tiles fór the word (usheb). i] [for?] Horus. who is. [by] the one. eye (tile?). [of] […]

Posted in CT

CT 991, CT 969

CT 991 theme:Sebek – impregnating the goddesses to birth the canaanite soul CT 991 VII 203 i] the perch-rigion of Menu [ámen-corner]. of [=for]. the divine all [of]. existence. [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [which]. [which] I am (= the hail).; h] [as] the perch-region of the bull/ox (glyph). [of] this (-T+existence). willpower […]

CT 268

CT 268 CT 268 IV 6-5 a] the Sebek crocodile (deity). of [=by]. words (of speech) to transform.; f] existence. to connect to. within., [by] the become place-T of the kh-house (not ‘every kind of’). of [=for]. this (pn). N’s (candidate). ãnkh-life., e] [by] this. N’s. h’esep gardens. [as] all [of]. Sebek.; d] this. N’s. […]

PT 308

PT 308 PT 308 489d] the doubled- god [double perch-region]. [as] the torso (tiles). [for] the staff tá (above gate). [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] the tile of place-T of the adamite soul [lower tile] (Set-dog). [for] the sight (maa). alike-adam (miá).; [in order for] N (candidate). this (to connect to). existence (eden’s). [for] […]

PT 599

PT 599 PT 599 1651f] the house of Saturn of place-T. [of] the double Ennead (18 gods). [for] the solarplane (b). the willpower. of [=by]. (means of). + 1651e] (-T of) the crown of great eden speech (urrt). [which is for] existences to make (via ad.soul). to carry-off (the crown).; [in order for] existences to […]

CT 438

draft posted: first revision: 29/7/17 CT 438 CT 438 V 291 n] [by] death (eden’s). [is] the branch (matrix). of [=for]. my. ãnkh-life.; m] [namely as] every. light (eden’s). [for] the divine light (matrix). of [=as]. the word. [of] thou. speech by the root of the kh-house (upper tile).; l] [through] death (eden’s)., the word. […]

CT 436

CT 436 CT 436 V 289 b] the serpent namely the evil adamite soul of the intestine (kha-s+,lit.). [for] thou. existence. [as] place-T of sight (maa-t)., [in order for] existence (matrix). to return (h’em).; a] [and as] thou. speech. [in order for] thou. divine mother [-T] (mut). to manifest (per).; V288 c] [2 x lost]. […]

CT 159

CT 159 CT 159 II 372 b] the sky of earth. [as?] (word) inside. the East. [by] the Sba stargates. of [=for]. to enter (ãq). [in order] place-T to manifest (per-t).; a] [by means of] this (pu). divine m-b-soul-adam-like star as the god (glyph). [through] this. divine son-construct of eden speech for the word of […]

Posted in CT

CT 93

CT 93 CT 93 II 66 h] the tuathouse. [by] the Sba stargates. to open [and become new] (matrix, un).; g] [and so for] the divine word of spirits-light. [of] the words of adam-within. existences to make (via ad.soul)., [by] me. existence (eden’s). to strip-down (kef). f] [for] the opened word-inside (restored). [of] the willpower […]

CT 154

CT 154 CT 154 II 289-288 d] the tuathouse. [by] the Ba-spirit-soul of craftmanship (chakra-tool, h’emba). c] [as] the sky of earth. [of] speech. [for] place-T to manifest (per-t).; b] [as] the place of Õn. [for] the divine all [of]. the [an-] face. to enter (ãq).; a] [by] the cemetary below (top lampstand). of [=for]. […]

Posted in CT

CT 87

CT 87 CT 87 II 54 g] N-Osiris (candidate). [of] existence (matrix)., [by] the divine light (matrix). [of] existence. to become place-T of the serpent by decree of law. alike-adam’s (miá).; [in order] existences to make (via ad.soul). [for] within., [by] my. sekhem-power.; f]my. double sandal (thebut,note). below (kher). [in order for] my. enemies’ place-T […]

Posted in CT

CT 86

CT 86 CT 86 II 53 e] Neh’ebKau. of [=by]. the words to become transformed. d] [lost]. Neh’ebKau. am I.; c] existence. to connect to. to become a spirit. [for] this N-Osiris (candidate)., [by] existence (eden’s; added from f). to snatch away.; b] [in order] existence. to connect to. the Ka spirit-doubles. [for] this. N-Osiris. […]

CT 156

CT 156 CT 156 II 325 d] this. divine light / light (e/m?). [by?] the house. of [=for]. to connect to. existence. to know.; c] this. darkness (glyph). [of] intuition (saá). to make a hidden mystery [metal-place-T to make the sh-pool] (s-sheta+). b] [as] this (pu). perch-region \\[of] Thoth (áat+). a] [by] this. aspect. which […]

Posted in CT

CT 158

CT 158 II 362 f] [by] death (eden’s). [is] the ànkh life. [for] the Ba spirit-soul. [of] existence of hail.; e] the divine branches. of [=by]. the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [as] Horus’. existence. the gods to follow. of [=for]. existence of hail.; d] [by] the house. [of] the aspect. [for] existence (matrix). [as] the […]

CT 161

CT 161 textnote: CT is written in staccato-style, different as BD; example of type glyphs, CT 161 II 388 s] the place of Sekhet Áaru (top thes-domes). [for] N (candidate). [as] the word of hail. r] within.; [by means of] the light (eden’s). [as] spirits-light to rise and shine (uben). [for] the word of the […]

Posted in CT

CT 160

  CT 160   main theme : the king ( Thoth) of Mystery-Babylon speaks ;     II 388 (introduction , 1 coffin) c) the divine light (‘probably Râ’). [for] (matrix-) existence. divine things to follow. , (in order) for. (matrix-) existence to become new (-un). ; b) [and so by] he (‘Râ’). [to be] […]


BD CII Rã. to become the word by decree of law (utchu+scroll). [in order for] the boat-construct to make to build by blueprint., [by] to descend (hebrew-H cube). this. place-T of the thigh (uãr-t; note). 9] [in order for?] me. the watercourse to make m-b-soul-adam-like speech for the an-face (s-h’er+). [through?] the qãh’ shoulder (from […]

Posted in BD


BD CVI [by] the T’ept-boat (wormhole from tile to root). of [=for]. to come the solarplane. to hurry. great speech. [to] thou. divine he place-T-m of hail [ámen corner, likely] (‘father’, átef). alike-adam (miá).; [as] thou. dimension. [by] place t-e of the thigh (leg+t). [of] the mixed aspects [of both tiles] (sh-btu). [for] existence (matrix). […]

Posted in BD


BD C click pic to enlarge original title: the book of making strong the khu BD C to double place-T for speech of the phoenix bird rubric: [for] eternity (h’eh’). place-T-e to sacrifice. [in order for] to become the realm-garment. [of] every. light of willpower of speech. which is. the mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). [by] […]


BD LXXX the doubled-light of saturn (h’etchh’etch+). [through] the place-T-m of the prisoner (=sut,Cain). to become. the dark word of doubled-k (kku+). [for] existence (eden’s). to destroy (=sek)., [in order for] speech and nature (kher). [of] existence (matrix). [for] to come hail as advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).; to become (áu). [by means of] the […]


BD CXLI [names of place-T-e:] the place of hail of hebrew-H for existence [matrix] (Hená+). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.; the place of the double-axis \\ (by) place-T-e to sacrifice (maãt\\*). for. Osiris’. existence.; Horus. [by means of] place-T-e to bear up (fa-t). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence. the place of the word for the […]

Posted in BD


title: changing the nature of light (the so-called ‘coming forth by day’) click pic for full size map BD LXXI rubric; scribe Thenna: the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions [of spirits] (h’eh’u)., [by] to sacrifice [in general] (eden) (maã). [for] to become the garment. [ás] every. light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix).; [by means […]


title: (transformations) connecting the leg to the treshfloor and backbone click pic for full size map BD LXXIV [by] the cemetary below. of [=as]. their (ad.souls). thing of masculinity (thaat). [for] the shores of the solarplane (át’ebuu). [of] the [an-] face (north).; 4] [by] the double treshfloor. [of] me. the passive eden realm [to] me. […]


draft posted: first revision: 17/5/17 scribe: Nu given title: ‘chapters of transformations’ status: 90 %, first revision 17/5 notes: below; about Eve, or revelation-goddess first draft: from draft, many words remained the same; streamlined Renouf link: below situation: red and blue circle see also: bd172, and all bd of (transformation) title: (transformations) essence for the […]


title: (transformations) the golden phoenix and quadruple root BD LXXVII 10] my. head (main). doorkeeper. of [=for]. my. sekhem-power. [is] the throat [between red-blue circle] (h’eti). [to] the corn-god (neperá,tuatIII). [for] my. existence. [by] existence (eden’s). to give.; [in order for] my. torso (centre). to acquire., [and for] me. to become abundance (bãh’,saturn/solarplane). [by means […]


title: 144,000 aspects of the South to the treshfloor for the lionmouth click pic for full size map click pic for full size BD LXXII rubric, Ani: Ani. (the scribe) [of] Osiris’. word of hail.; the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions [of spirits] (h’eh’u). [by means of] to sacrifice [eden] (maã). to become […]

Posted in BD


title: transferring the quadruple-root to the north side (important chapter) click pic for full size map click pic for full size BD CLXIV rubric: every. serpent (of?) the mouth [the 4 of cross?]., [by means of] the prisoner (su,Cain). [to be] be adam-within. existence (eden’s). nót.; (serpents are not, anymore) he. the side (eden’s; ges). […]


title: complete chapter about the three northern Sba-stargates *used terms: 1] petr(á): upper layer in cube, bordering their iron tcherru-sky, 2] double axis\\thing to sacrifice: the split in the root, to the mid-sba gate, BD CXXV D rubric: the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions (of spirits). [by] to sacrifice [eden] (maã). [for] to […]

Posted in BD


title: (wormhole) the djed-pillar as oil-well sending up the liquid gold BD CLV rubric: the goal (*pic3). [for] existence (matrix). [for] millions [of spirits] (h’eh’u)., [by means of] to sacrifice (eden,maã). [for] to become the garment. [of] Osiris (as construct).; [by] to come the branch (former ãpp; khet). [of] the word of adam-within. [for] the […]


title: (wormhole) the treshfloor as pupils for eden’s gold BD CLVIII to dress. the land. [as] united [by copulation] (sma). [through] mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). [as] this (pn). divine word of spirits light. [for] existence (matrix). [by] the throat (between sep circles). to give.; [for] he. the [an-] face (matrix). [by] this (pn). mouth (eden’s). […]


title: (wormhole) the treshfloor being the two islands as the throat BD CLVII rubric: the treshfloor (sep) [for] existence (matrix). [as] the two islands (glyph). the thing to complete. [namely] the garment. of [=for]. the land. united (sma-ta)., [in order for] the mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). to become perfect (áqr). [as] this (pn). noble word […]


title: (wormhole) Isis’ knot as uterus sucking-out eden’s light BD CLVI rubric: [by] he. the treshingfloors. [for] the [an-] face (north)., to become new. existence (eden’s). nót.; thou willpower for (not ‘protection’,mãk). everything. [of] the divine egyptians.; [but by] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for] the sight (maa). [as] the tool (willpower/speech). [of] thou. nót.; 5] [but […]


title: place of the Root: the four animal-beings and their counterparts BD CLIV note: unusual – but these lines refuse to run; apparently we do not understand enough about it’s content; asap we will revise this entire chapter again; but we need more info about the “4 serpents” and four counter-serpents, because of the importance […]

Posted in BD


LXXXIX Osiris. he. the flesh for the solarplane to encircle (shenbet+)., [by] the original adamite soul. existence (eden’s). word to give speech. the stones the thing of the great pillar (glyph). of [=for]. to become to fill. the gold. [for] existence. [for] the Ba spirit-soul. the [an-] face., to recite.; Forever. the thing of the […]


textnote: a] SHA, “new north” as “the region of the stacked thes-domes”, b] the graphic is from CT, “map of Sekhet-Áaru”, you see it is, apparently, devided in “horizontal layers”, which may fit very well the stacked thes-domes / ziggurat model; — note the stairway, the leg RT’, and the smaller fractal of Earth’s boat, […]


6] he. the doorkeeper of things. [namely of] the evil images of the mountain (when eden’s). these (tn). to erase (t’er).; Forever. the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [by] the light (eden’s) inside eternity [of saturn] (h’eh’+). [for] existence (matrix). [of] speech.; [by means of] the prisoner (su,Cain). to revise (sáp)., [for] divine peace [of saturn] […]

CT 768

VI 402 i] [through] the prisoner (su,Cain). the thing to praise (t’uat). [namely as] the thing of the original adamite soul. the word of birth. [by] Sirius (spet’t)., [for] the divine secondary thing (‘sister’). [for] existence of hail (matrix).; (dangerous!) h] the sky of earth. which is. [by] the East(ern). side (ges). [of] speech., [for] […]

Posted in CT  |  Tagged

CT 162

II 405 b] the foreign land of thent. [as?] the dome the thing of the word of eden speech (rrut). a] [for] food [aspects]. [and] beer (h’eqt). [in order for] he (the). existence (matrix).; to become (áu). II 404 c] the flame of power. [by] the stairway [leg] (ret’). [of] speech. [for] he (the). boat […]

CT 355 V I

CT 355 I-7 V7 c] the word of the djed pillar (tchet’u). [for] speech. manifestation (pert). b] within., [for[ me. to dwell. [and] me. m-b-soul-adam-like to desire (meri). [as] word (for) the solarplane [house] (bu). [of] speech of hail (ár).; the chakra-tool (h’emba). a] [by] the foremost-adam in the soul-pool of diminished speech [‘to rejoice’] […]


rubric: 22] the divine light (matrix). [by] the things for spirits-light by shooting [seed] (eden’s) (sttu). of [=by]. the cemetary below. of [=fór]. he. the one. sight (maa).; [as] their (ad.souls). [an-] face (eden’s). [for] the [an-] face (white hole)., [and so] them (ad.souls). to bow for speech and nature (kher+bow)., [by] the words to […]


27] the true voice. (scribe?, to rise and shine (uben) of beauty (nefer).: [by] the divine he the fortress of the south (glyph). to divinely engrave (Pteh’). [for] existence (matrix).; [by means of] the prisoner (su,Cain). [as?] thou. weight [weight of split-off word] (ut’en). [for] the sons (matrix). [through] the mouth (*pic,white vesica). [of] existence […]


rubric: to become to be renewed constantly [by hebrew-H] (uHem). [in order] of [=for]. he. the existence (matrix). to die. nót.; 41] [by] the light (eden’s) inside eternity (saturn). [of] speech. [for] ãnkh-life. [for] he. the Ba spirit-soul. existence to become new (matrix) (unn).; [by means of] the eden realm. [for] he (the). existence (matrix). […]


link: see BD CXXVII A [by] the land (south). [of] adam-within. [for] to become the great [pillar]. [of] the divine judges (+s). [as] the phallus [inversed pillar] (met). [for] the sky of earth. [of] the thing of adam-within.; to become the great pillar. [of] the divine judges. [as] the phallus. [by] he. the enemies’. speech. […]


link: see BD CXXVII B (me). the doorkeeper. [of] all. evil images of the mountain (t’utu,when eden’s). [as the] wrong [evil/to become new] (un). [as] one (tu). to be discovered (gem). nót.; [to] existence (matrix). to come the root to kh-house (khep). [as] my. desire (mer). [for] me. to manifest (per)., [and] me. to be […]

CT 849

VII 54 n] the cemetary below. of [=for]. existence. [by] the original adamite soul. [for] existence (matrix). to become images (seshu).[as] the thing to bring (ánt).; [in order for] the house of the dimensional background [of Saturn (h’at+). to open [and become new] (un)., [by means of] l] the divine words to serve (ámakhu). alike-adam […]

CT 68

CT 290 I 290 i] [by] the khu-spirit. the word. to sacrifice (eden’s) (maã). to connect to. speech. to stand upright.; [by means of] the word. to connect to. the thes-support (*pic). [for] this (pn). N-Osiris (candidate). h] of [=for]. to manifest (per).; [through] the essence of the word of the mountain (when eden’s). [for] […]

CT 10 I 35

CT 10 d] the divine things of speech to make. [by] the prisoner (su,Cain)., [because] the one to hate. [namely] this. light (eden’s). of [=as]. the enemy (likely). to be judged (utchã+scroll).; [and through] them (ad.souls)., the eye (eden’s). [of] speech. + I 35 d] [as] he. the enemies’. speech. [fór] this. N-Osiris (candidate). [as] […]

CT 455 V 327

d] the light (eden’s). of [=for]. manifestation (pert).; [as] c] my. speech. [by] the eden realm. to make. the willpower (ã). of [=for]. my. protection.; b] [and by] my. enemies. of [=for]. my. sekhem-power.: [as] a] the light (eden’s). of [=for]. my. manifestation.; V327 m] my. jaw, part of body (ãrt). [for] me. to defecate […]

Posted in CT  |  Tagged

CT 577 VI 193

o] to make this [word/root] (spu,unusual). word to come. (u+walk).n] [as] the divine cord to unite and build (khnum+). [for] existence (matrix)., [by means of] the sky óver eden [rã watercourse] (*pic,tcherru). below (kher). [as] this. scroll (metchut).; to become (áu). m] he (scroll). withín., [for] my. sekhem-power.; l] [and via] the prisoner (su,cain). [to] […]

CT 579 VI 194

q] the divine faces (unusual). to snatch away (neh’em,saturn). [by] to repulse [them] (khesef). p] [fór] this. N (candidate).; [and by means of] within. to repulse., [as] one. to come the foreign (tchertcher). speech of hail (ár).; [and by] to break (setch). o] the word (eden’s)., the dawn [hebrew-H to copulate with] (neHep). of [=as]. […]

CT 578 VI 194

Horus speaking to eden eye i] [as] the divine firstborn., the completion of the solarplane below. to make mysterious and hidden. of [=by] (means of). h] me. to make mysterious and hidden. existence. [as] the [an-] face (eden's). [in] the innermost sacred [place] (khennu)., of [=fór]. this (pn). mouth (*pic,white vesica). to become the image […]

CT 581 VI 196

VI 198 x] the divine son. [of] the word of the square,rudder [top cube] (h’ep)., of [=as]. the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [by] thou. to exalt hail (?). [and] the beautified-soul. [by] thou. to rise and be crowned (khã).; w] [by means of] the divine staff of rule for tillage but now of Saturn [adam’s] (h’en […]

CT 592 VI 199

i] the thing to fill [northern] (meh'tt). the sky of earth (present). [by] speech. [in order for] the land [south]. to unite [by copulation] (sma).; h] Horus. existence. [by] the throat [pillar] (khkh). [of] the speech of hail. [as] this (pu). cord of health (utcha). [to] this. workplace [for]. existence of hail. [for] reality (ntt).;[by […]

CT 583 VI 199

p] to stand upright. o] he (the). existence (matrix). [but] to die (mená). nót.;[by] the adamite soul. [is] the sight (maa). n] [of] beauty., [by] the one (tu). place. [of] the descended hebrew-H [cube] (Ha+walk). of [=by]. m] the divine SBA star. l] (to encircle,restored?). of [=for]. hebrew-H to descend [to north!]., [in order for] […]

CT 594 VI 213

compare the judging of gems by Ninurta-saturn in the sumerian tablets g] the foreign land of destiny (?,shait, chalice-region). which is. carnelian [the gems of ad.soul speech for the áten] (h’ersetu). f] [as?] the thing of m-b-soul-adam-like power (ãntchit)., [by?] the mouth. which is. the gems of the sky-scroll over eden (?,glyph). e] [for?] the […]

CT 593 VI 212

h] [for] the baboon (glyph). the word-inside existence to ferry-over (khennu). [and so by] he. existence (matrix). to create (qema)., [by means of] the the thing to destroy (h'aqt). [in order for] he (the). existence (matrix). to be constantly renewed (uHem,hebrew-H!). f] [because by] the thing of m-b-s-adam to destroy (h'aqit). he. existence. to make. […]

CT 590 VI 210

CT 590 see textnote and pic k] union (t’emt’). [by] the h’enu boat of Seker-osiris (*pic,chalice). [for] the things of craftmanship [chakra tool] (h’em)., j] [by] it. the wealth [of the the corner] (khut’). to acquire. [for] the anunna-face (white hole). [in order for] the divine finished aspects (cake).; i] [by] the prisoner. [from] he. […]

CT 596 VI 214

f] the divine son. [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] the fowl to drag [ad.souls] (sthau). [for] the true voice., of [=by]. (means of) the prisoner (su,cain). [as] word-inside for the Ka-double of Saturn (h'ekennu).; e] [to?] the foreign land of Punt [thing]. [as?] the red amethyst (by) the foremost (adam) breathing out an […]

CT 592 VI 211

m] [by] (eden’s) aspects offered in H’etep (*pic,S-áaru). to manifest (per)., [as if] to offer (glyph). natron [‘salt for stability of existence’] (h’esmenu). [for] existence (matrix)., [by] the head-box [cube] (Hen). to bring (án). k] [to] me. [by] the adamite soul. [for] my. solarplane completion below.; j] Osiris. the divine father. [as] the word. [of] […]

CT 600 VI 216

f] thou. within [me]. [as] the adamite soul of helplessness (begst)., [in order for] thou. existence (eden's)., [to] me. existence to bring., e] [for] my. existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).; d] [because through] the prisoner (su,Cain). the word to steal (ãuau). [of] willpower (Ã). of [=for]. c] he (the). divine father (tef). to […]

CT 622 VI 238

difficult but useful – see notes and pics q] [from] the adamite soul. the aspects (glyph). [by] the child (mesu). to snatch away (neh'em).;p] [and] to become new. [through] the prisoner (su,Cain). to connect to. the workplace (ás).;o] [because] this. N's. willpower. of [=by]. (means of) the aspects in sh-pool for the solarplane (shebu). [by] […]

CT 624 VI 241

f] [by] (double) justice (maãt). [to] me. the hidden root to come [inversed eden realm] (peh').;d] [and by] justice (maãt)., the light of yesterday [of ad.soul] (sef). of [=as]. sin (ásfet)., [but through] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for] mý. existence (matrix)., [is] the word. to say. nót.; (don't tell) n] [by] the prisoner (su,Cain). [is] the […]

CT 610 VI 224

u] this. setcht-flame (in torso). of [=for]. manifestation (pert).;t] the yoke for eternity [by Saturn]. [by] the divine all [of]. ãnkh-life. [for] this. N's. existence., to say. nót.;s] this. N (candidate). whose. body (khat). of [=as]. the characteristic (sep). to become (áu). he (the). [physical] backbone [of prisoner Cain] (bqsu). [for] this. N's. existence., [in […]

CT 607 VI 220

* until v: following reconstruction of Kees,1922 (but had faults) *x] the foreign land mountain of Manu (*pic,mountain when matrix). [for] Horus'. fingers (supports). below., [in order for] their (ad.souls). word. to make. nót.[because] their (ad.souls). existence. [is] the solarplane (b). nót.;w] the Manu mountain (*pic). [for] Horus'. leg (*pic). head. (main leg). [for] sight […]

CT 606 VI 219

e] the mysterious hidden words (shetau). [being] the word [eden's]. [as] the word-inside of adam-within (áminu,unusual)., [in order] of [=for]. d] the divine neBetch bull (osiris). the thing to repulse (kheseft). [namely]c] he (the). heir [eden's] (áu,deer)., [fór] the helpless (bagg). divine father (tef)., [by means of] existence (eden's). to guide into the walled fortress […]

CT 601 VI 216

CT 601  cedar-tree talking: m] [by] the divine m-b-soul-adam-like thing of great eden’s speech (urrti+div). [for] existence (matrix). [of] this. beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [in] name [of].: of [=for]. me. [is] the speech. [because of] them (ad.souls). [in] the Torso (áb). [of] existence (matrix)., [for] great speech. [by] the anunna-face (white hole).; l] [by] me. within. […]

CT 629 VI 250

v] the cemetary below. of [=as]. the soul-pool (sh). [of] the prince (áti,see note)., [for] the land as solarplane intestine (qabu). [by] he. existence (eden's). to make to be sacrificed (s-maã).; u] [in order for] to build [by blueprint] (qet'). alike-adam (miá)., [through] existence (eden's). the word (eden's). to give. [to] speech (matrix).; to become. […]

CT 628 VI 247

m] the word (eden's). connected to. me. to give. speech. nót.; l] youth (matrix,nekhnekh). [as] the primeval child (matrix)., [by] existence (eden's). [for] existence (matrix)., [for] the fish soul (glyph). which is. [by] the one (tu). Uãrt thigh land (*pic,thigh). [tó] the [an-] face [white hole]., [as] it. to devise (ka). [for] the word (eden's). […]


my. speech. [by] thou. torso (centre). of [=for]. \\ which is (which is for) every. shameful thing (shept). to erase (t'er).,[for] existence. [of] peace [of saturn] (h'etep).; [through] he (eden). within., [for] my. ãnkh-life.;[and by] he. within. thou. ãnkh-life. [by means of] to make aspects offerings in H'etep. [to] thou., [in order for] existence (eden's). […]


the peace [of saturn]. of [=as]. the true voice. [of] Ani.:he. the [sh] pool. [of] justice (maãt). to make the image [through prisoner] (su-sesh)., [because of] the place of the garden for all of the east (abetch,see note). [for] all [of]. existence (matrix). [by] the double throne of the tongue [upon the inverse dome] (nes). […]


the 2nd (sennu). event (sep). to make. nót.;  (read: un-doing their construct)I. know. of. the Lies (geru). [but] I. say. [them] nót.;[in?] the true (dimension) middle. am I. [of] the peace [of saturn] (h'etep). [and] of [=for]. me. to halt. the thing of the Watercourse (eden's). [in order for] existence (eden's). [to] thou. to give.: […]


he (the). Áten-disk.\\ [of] adam-within. [for] the boat of building by blueprint (sqet'nu, amtuat's). [for] he (the). Khu spirit., [as] the boat (glyph). [of] willpower. [for] existence (matrix). [for] thou. [an-] face (north? since áten). to become protection. [of] hail.;[as] he (the). eye. of [=for]. the Tuat house [torus]. to make to illumine [w/light of […]


the true voice. [of] N-Osiris (candidate).:the dome of the word-inside [thes-dome!] (*pic,nut). [as] the mother,, [for] Nekhbet (vulture goddess,above H-cube). [as] one. to embrace. all [of]. the light (eden's). [for] Rã., [by] the staff of rule [river] (tá,adam rule). [of] beauty. [from?] the Manu mountain (*pic). which is. [in] the house of the horizon (*pic,cube)., […]


sorcery (h’eKa). of [=as]. ãnkh-life., [because of] this (his/root) [eden’s]. the crocodile [‘by saturn to birth’] (meseh’). [being!] the prisoner (su,cain). [for] the thing to carry-Off (that root)., [but] thou. nót.; (?) [by] withín., this (pn). sorcery. [of] speech. [as] he (the). [chakra] eye. [in!] the [physical] spine (beqsu). to dwell (h’ems)., [for] hail of […]

BD xxxe

rubric:the places. [of] the houses. [of] the mouth (sing.,eden's). of [=as]. the thing to revise (sápt).;[from?] the eye (eden's?). [as] speech. it. to come [as] imprisoned eden's word ['Way'] (ua). [and it] of [=by]. the prisoner (su,cain). to discover (gem)., [via] he. to give. [to] Horus. [in order] me. to make the son [through prisoner] […]


[by means of] the adamite soul. withín., to become a spirit. [of] the West.; [by] death (a.soul)., to complete. the land. the head (main-land).; to become (by) to found. the great pillar. [of] the thing of adam-within. [for] the speech. [of] the land. [in order for] it. to become united [by copulation] (sma)., [by] the […]


[bý] the double-treshingfloor. am I.; (*pic,white rings)to become healthy. [by] me. to value., [but yet] lacking. [the] to divinely complete (tem). willpower of Saturn (h'enã). [for] existence (matrix). to manifest (per).;[but by] the original adamite soul. withín., [by] me. [for] millions [of spirits] (h'eh'u). the speech. [of] the adamite throne. to make sacred., [in] name […]


[fór] the gods. the willpower like-adam (mmã, weak form). [as] one. he (horus). values (áp). Horus.;[by] thou speech of hail. to go stand upright. [in order for] me (rã). the thing to complete. [but as a thing of] existence (eden's). nót.; [bý] the gods (ad.originals). \\ [of] adam-within. [as] Rã. am I.;[by] within. me., existence […]


he. to become to rise and crowned (khã). of [=as]. 'third' ['not/the dimension/of three'] (khemt). [for] this. Ani Osiris.; of [=for]. to become stable. the speech. [by] eden realm (on existence). [for] existence (matrix). [of] willpower of speech.; to become (áu). [by] the thing of the SBA-stargate. [for] all [of] the god. [as] the Workplace. […]

BD XIII or cxxi

rubric: the bandage to wrap up for burial (qerás). [is] the light of Hru [“day”, but mutilated eden light]. of [=for]. the original adamite soul’s. [an-] face [eden eye]., [as] the true voice. [by] the divine perch of Menu of Youth [same region]. [in order for] existence (matrix). to birth. the word of true voice. […]


the cemetary below. of [=as]. the willpower (matrix). to be constantly renewed [by hebrew-H] (uHem). [in order] of [=for]. to die (the cemetary!). nót.;[because by] the gods [ad.originals]. [of] the royal south (suten,simple). of [=for]. mé. to become to rise and be crowned (khã).; to become (áu). thou. mystery (sheta). [of] sight (maa)., of [=as] […]


16] my. goal,purpose (sep). to advocate (usheb). of [=by]. me. the thing to be understood [backwards] (matrix) (saart). [which] existence (eden’s). [does] nót.; 15] my. divine father. of. me., [after?] thou. youth of destitute (nemeh’+). [by] the body,belly (south,khat). of [=for]. existence (matrix). to manifest (per).; (?) [by means of] the divine he to illumine […]

BD aa

Ani Osiris'. existence. [is by] the Ka spirit-double. [for] existence (matrix). [as] true voice. [of] the land [south]., of [=by]. Osiris. the phallus (met) (*pic). to acquire (shep). [as] the god. the tcha [fire-drill] boat. [for] Hru light [mutilated eden's]. [of] the sekkt evening boat [all óut of white hole]., [by] the adamite throne (ást). […]

BD bb

[by] thou. the foreground [dimension] (h'at). of [=by]. to connect to. to rise and be crowned (khã). [as] the ureaus\\of fat (aspects) to ascend (ãrãt,comp.)., to become sweetness (netchem). [by] thou. torso (*pic,centre). [as] thou. boat (uáa) (*pic,thes-dome). to rejoice [in] (reshá, = the boat of foremost-adam in the sh-pool of the mouth);[by he the] […]

CT 754

CT 754 VI 384 g] the divine boat. the ãnt boat (stream to hand-T’?). [and] the sektt boat., f] [for] thou. foremost (nostril, sher). [by] which is. the foremost (kh-house)., of [=as]. thou. (double\\) eye. [for] thou. existence. to give. speech.; e] thou. aspects of eden-willpower (at place-T). [for] thou. existence., [by] the staff-tá. to […]

CT 686

CT 686 VI 317 l] the divine word. of [=as]. doubled willpower (ãã). [by] the serpenthand. [of] thou existence of hail (árk).; k] [as] my. speech for the an-face. [for] to come the word by descended hebrew-H., of [=as]. j] the divine word by the Set-dog [new tile]. [of] thou hail (ák). [for] the hail […]

CT 1007

CT 1007 CT 1007 VII 223 h] the hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [by] the cord as the axis to make the north-soulpool (s-shu-+). [for] to renew constantly [by hebrew-H!] (uHem). [by] the passive m-b-soul-adam-like cube-H (Hi).; g] the hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [through] the word to bear up (fa-u). [by] the […]


BD CIX this. divine star of the Sba stargate (centre). [as] the god., [for] this. divine hail (text unsure). [for] speech and nature (matrix,kher)., [as] the tooth of the calf [-star] (beh’es, horus). [for] this. divine doubled-house \\[by] the house of the horizon (eden)., [for] Horus’. divine easterners (horus-spirits). [as] the Ba spirit-souls. [by] me. […]


BD CXXXVII B the divine his mother (mut-f). [of] the Án-pillar. [being] the place-T-m through the prisoner (su-t,Cain). [for] the divine eye (utcha)., [by means of] Horus’. double-treshingfloor (sep). [for] ãnkh-life. [as] the house of the T-e of m-b-soul-adam for great speech (*pic,urit+house). [as] the innermost sacred place for the kh-house (khennu). 5] of [=for]. […]


BD CXXXVII A rubric: the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions (h’eh’u, not ‘eternities’)., [by] to sacrifice [in general] (maã). to become the realm-garment. within., [and so by] he. to come health (utcha). [for] all [of]. the solarplane (B). of [=as]. 55] Osiris (construct)., [and] existence. to follow (shems). [in order] of [=for]. he. […]


BD CXXXVIII to force the words of m-b-soul-adam for the solarplane (biu+). [as] the willpower. of [=by]. he. the T-m of the serpent (tch-t)., [in order for] he. to become protections (mãku). [as] my. divine father’s. word of hail.: Osiris (as construct). son. am I.; [for] me. to become protections (mãku). [as] the willpower alike […]

PT 424

PT 424 PT 424 774b] [for] the divine Olden one (nkhkh). thou. to copy (Sn). speech and nature (kher, matrix)., [in order for] thou. existence. thou. to bring hail (á-án).; [as] thou. existence. [by] thou. (lights of iron) for existence by the adamite soul for the solarplane (bsen+). 774a] thou. existence. [as] thou. dimension of […]

PT 418

PT 418 PT 418 742c] Osiris (as construct). [by] he the place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [through] place-T of eden’s root to open (up-t)., of [=as]. Horus’. this (to connect to). place-T of the hand (t’-t). [for] the word. alike-adam (miá).; [and so for] N (candidate). place-T of hail (át). [as] place-T of eden’s root […]

PT 417

PT 417 PT 417 741e] the island of the horizon. [for] the speech. [as] the light (matrix). [of] existence (matrix)., [by] he. the willpower (eden’s). to connect to. the solarplane. to hurry to [by to come adamite soul].; [through] place-T of the throne of adamite. the eden realm. this (pu). to connect to. Horus., 741d] […]

PT 432

PT 432 PT 432 782e] to connect to. adam-within., [by] the eden star (to make k-axis) who is unaware of hail (ákhm sk+). of [=for]. this. N. [as] the double-connection to existence (?, nthnth). [of,for] the hand (executive area)., 782d] to connect to. \\ willpower (eden’s). [for] the innermost sacred place. of [=as]. all of […]

PT 430

PT 430 PT 430 780b] [for] the nut dome (torus). existence. to connect to. existence of speech (‘name’, ren)., of [=by]. to connect to. the mother (-T) [in lampstand]. [as] the belly. of [=for]. to connect to. to become double-new (un-un)., + 780a][by means of] to connect to. the torso [centre] (áb+). [of] sekhem-power.; to […]

PT 429

PT 429 PT 429 779b] [by] he (eden). to die. nót.; [but instead, by] the uas sceptre. [of] ãnkh-life. which is (nt). [by] he place-T [in lampstand] (tef,’father’). connected to. the mother (-T) [lampstand]. [of] the belly. of [=for]. to connect to. sekhem-power [torso]., 779a] to connect to. existence (matrix). [of] the khu spirit. [for] […]

PT 428

PT 428 PT 428 778b]to connect. the word. to birth [matrix] (mes). [of] adam-within. [with] this (pn). great speech., [by] (the wheel of) place-T of great speech (ur-t). [as] place-T of union (khnnem-t).; [using] the prisoner (su, Cain). [for] to build and unite (khnem). + 778a] Osiris (as construct)., [by] to connect to. the son […]

BD 147

BD CXLVII the giza grand gallery, aka Rama’s bridge rubric: [place-T of] great speech. [for] to battle (ãhã). every. word of the solarplane (bu)., [in order for] (that word by) the [an-] face (eden’s). to be made. nót.; [but by eden] within. [for] Osiris (as construct). [as] the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [of] the “One” […]

BD 05

BD V the praising apes’ (word of divine willpower of hail). torso [centre] (áb). am I.; 3] to swell (bes). [with] ãnkh-life. [for] the divine ram Ba-spirit-soul. [whom] I am.; [being] the place of the word for the word-inside for existence to become new (torso)., [in order] of [=for]. existence (matrix). to manifest (per).; me. […]

BD 02

BD II my words of ãnkh-life. [of] willpower alike adam mmã, weak form).; [by means of] the land (south,eden). the head (main-land). [by] he. the things to desire. [namely by] the eye. [of] speech., [through] the mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). of [=for]. place-T to manifest., 4] [for] me. Ani-Osiris.; Osiris (as construct). [by] thou. workplace […]


BD CV Workplace (in top lampstand) speaking to eden, [by] he. the (enemy of the) horus-spirits place-T of he for the kh-house (‘enemies’). [as] the speech. [for[ Osiris (as construct). [for] to make true voice (via ad.soul)., [and through] me. the dimension to purify. [as] my. word of hail.; [and so] thou. [an-] face (eden’s). […]

BD 149

Renouf link: below + vignette link BD CXLIX region XIV (E) the peace (of saturn,h’etep). of [=by] (means of). this. adamite soul’s. word to come (glyph).; [and] forever. it (the word). within. me., [and] to come be un-tied (sefekh,seven). nót.; Osiris (as construct). of [=for]. to manifest (per)., [through] the words of the mountain (eden’s). […]

PT 431

PT 431 PT 431 781b] [by] he (eden). to die. nót.; [but instead,] to connect to. the word of the innermost sacred place. [in order] of [=for]. this. N. to connect to. to make a spirit (via ad.soul).; 781a] place-T of honey [north]. of [=for]. to rise and be crowned., [by means of] the adamite […]

PT 270

PT 270 PT 270 387c] he. the root. [at] the side (ges). [of] speech of hail [=north]. [of] this (pu). N (candidate). [as] he. the fire-drill boat [axis]., + 387b] [of] Thoth (t’eh’ut). [for] existence., [by] the wing-axis (tcheneh’). the head (main-wing). [by using] the prisoner (su,Cain). he. the hand (=to give?)., 387a] this. N. […]

PT 273

PT 273 PT 273 403b] [place-T of] the spirits-light masherRt. of [=by]. he. [place-T of] the boiling-pots [of things of another] (ktut). [in order] of [=for]. existence to make. [for] within (the matrix)., [and so by means of?] place-T (for) the kh-house of hail (á-kht). he. existence. [by] the flame of the doubled-adamite soul (to […]

PT 271

PT 271 PT 271 391d] the great pillar. the god., [at] the side (ges). [of] the speech of hail [north] (ár).; [as] place-T of great speech [torso]. [by] place-T of the adamite throne. [for] the [an-] face (north). [for] this. N. to dwell [in] (h’ems).; c] the god. [as] the [an-] face. to open and […]

Posted in PT

PT 272

PT 272 PT 272 392d] the wrong order [of place-T-m] (tekhtekh). [for] the gods (matrix). [of] the head. [and] this. N. nót.; [but] the gods. to follow. the head. [just as] this. N. [for] the word of hail. + 392c] [for] within., [by means of] the evil eden-speech of the sh-pool [lower] (sherr+). [for] this. […]

PT 571

PT 571 PT 571 1471d] Forever. he. the ãnkh-life. 1471c] [for] this. N., [as] existence. thou. joined and intertwined [w/solarplane]. to give., [and through] the great pillar – the god. [for] this. N. existence. thou. willpower. to give.; 1471b] [by means of] the nut dome (lampstand). [for] the word of hail. below., [as] the most-b-soul-adam’s. […]

PT 572

PT 572 PT 572 1477d] Forever. place-T-e fór power [+whip] (nkhkh-T,halfstaff). [as] place-T-e for ãnkh-life (halfstaff). + [in order for] existences to make (via ad.soul)., [as] the place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [by] thou. to become new (matrix, un).; 1477c] [and by that place?] the bull to constantly ritually sacrifice [eden cherub] (s-ma, mult.). [for] […]

PT 574

PT 574 PT 574 1491c] Forever. he. existence become new (matrix, unn).; [..3 lost..]. existence to become new.; 1491b] the light. [for?] the light., [by?] T-e (halfstaff) of darkness (?). of [=by?]. T-e (halfstaff) of darkness (?)., the light. of [=for]. the light., + (note) 1491a] [as?] the hail bý hebrew-H-cube fór hail (mirror-glyph; áHá).; […]