7/4: Stockholm watercourse Ritual [ plus Syria] [#9] Ritual: the island of imprisoned Adamite in the Watercourse [also see 4/8 update below] independent.co first of all: our sincere feelings for the relatives, of BOTH crimes which Canaan perpetrated again: in Stockholm, as well as in Syria …after his drive-through-Rituals in Nice, Berlin, ‘Israel’, and lately […]
Nasa’s Deflection to the Solarplane [no, we did not mention Superbowl, and the starry Tuat entering earth, as the same stars were around the podium; it just wasn’t important enough], however- this one is – and it is an extension of the previous Rituals, but then understood as ‘the location‘. Yes we worked hard, and yes […]
VI 216 – cedar-tree talking: m] [by] the most-b-soul-adam who is the passive one of very great eden's speech (urrti+div). [is] existence (matrix). [for] this. beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [in] name (existence/speech) [of].: of [=by]. me. [is] the speech., [by] them (ad.souls). [in] the Torso [south] (áb). [of] existence (matrix)., [for] great speech. [for] the anunna-face […]
VI 219 e] [by] the mysterious hidden words (shetau). the word [eden's]. [by] the word-inside of adam-within (áminu). of [by]. d] the divine Betch bull (osiris). this [eden word] (tn). to repulse (khesef).;c] he (the). heir (áu,deer). [of] helplessness (bagg). [by] the divine father (tef). [for] existence. to hurry into the walled fortress [holding adamite […]
VI 220 — badly damaged; using restored parts; note adress before sections: see drawing on coffin, below; * following reconstruction of Kees,1922* x] the foreign land mountain of Manu. [for] Horus., [by] the fingers (supports). below., [as] their (ad.souls). image. nót. their (ad.souls). existence. [is] the solarplane (b). nót.; w] the Manu mountain. [is] Horus’. […]
VI 224 u] this. setcht-flame [in the eye]. of [=for]. manifestation [in north] (pert).;t] [but] to yoke for eternity [by Saturn]. [by] the divine all [of]. ãnkh-life. [for] this. N. [is by] existence (eden's)., to say. nót.;s] this. N (candidate). whose. body (khat). [is] of [=by]. the treshfloor [south] (sep)., to become (áu). [bý] he […]
VI 235 h] the Tuat house. [of] my. existence. to open [and become new] (un).; of [=by]. g] the divine light for spirits (áukhu). [as] the words. [of] adam-within., thém (ad.souls). to go opress (t'ar).;f] [by] my. word. the adamite soul. to make to ascend [to north] (s-ãr)., [by] the prisoner (su,Cain). [by] me. to […]
VI 235 o] Geb (eartgod south). devises (ka). the flame to shoot-out [of the hand of the cube] (ut'+brazier).;n] Geb. to devise. to bear up (fa). m] to connect to. the word., to become (áu). l] the thing of the watercourse [eden's]. [for] me., [by] existence (matrix). to make. k] the house of the horizon […]
VI 234 – difficult but many useful concepts j] \\ the light [eden's]. [to] darkness (glyph). [of] the word. of [=by]. his. head [eden's executive place,T']. to make to destroy the watercourse [eden's] (sua). [for] the [detour] divine watercourse [eden's]. [for] existence (matrix).;i] [by?] the prisoner (su,cain). [for] my. existence., [for] me. to become new […]
VI 228 f] [by] divine great speech. to revolve (t'eben,solarplane B). the existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; thou. existence. I. give., of [=as]. e] (the god) H'u [word/of saturn]. [for] existence (matrix).; I am. existence (matrix). [by] decree of law.; d] H'u. [for] existence. I am. [for] existence. [by] decree of law.; c] [by […]
VI 227 k] divine peace, H'etep. to make. j] [by] the gods' [ad.originals]. tears (remtu). to guard (saa). [for] existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; [by] the dome [of cube] to sleep to death (setcher). i] [and to] me. the tear (ment). to bring (án). h] [to] my. torso. to become sekhem-power (skhmkh) ['to rejoice'].; […]
VI 227 e] the pain (mer). [of] me. [being] the divine secondary (sen,'brother').: d] my. speech. to make. of [=for]. the divine star to perish (sek).; c] [for] mé. [as] the divine most-beautified-soul-[adam]., [by] the place. [of] the willpower of saturn (h'enã). [for] existence (matrix).; b] [in] this. my. name [of].: "of [=as?]. the side […]
VI 225 d] [by] the opened word-inside (nu).. this. N's. existence (mátrix). to open (un)., [by] Rã's. shining backbone [one of two caduceaus in pillar] (pest'). [for] existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; c] [by] to divinely climb upon the back of an animal [to become new] [upon cube] (tun). [in order for] the […]
VI 226 e] [from] the adamite soul. the images [to make] (áru). of [=as]. the thing to become to rise and be crowned (khãt).;d] [by] divine great speech. these (to connect to). [and] to [being] split-Off [agáin] (t'en). nót.;c] withín. me., to give. of [=by]. b] the heads [of adamite originals]., [as] the thing of […]
CT 625 VII 242 – tricky j] the white cake [aspect +white light of Saturn] (h'etcht). [for] me. to acquire (shep). [in order for] me. to manifest (per).;h] [by] the divine horus-spirits' tamarisk trees (áseru). the coverings to unite [energyfields] (smau). [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [for] protection;h] [by using] darkness (kekku). the things of […]
VI 238 — incredible one q] [from] the adamite soul. the aspects (glyph). the child (mesu). to snatch away [from the adamite soul] (neh’em).; p] to become new. [by] the prisoner (su,Cain). to connect to. the workplace (ás).; o] this. N. willpower. of [=by]. the aspects in sh-pool for the solarplane (shebu). [by] the divine […]
VI 239 n] within. me. [is] the word of Saturn (h’u). [of] beauty.;m] the season (ter). head (main season). of [=by]. Sirius (sept’t). [for] my. word. [as] the boat. which is. made to be the foremost.;l] [as] the divine manifestation. [for] existence (matrix). [by] inundation (ákhet)., [by] existence’s (eden’s). light. to encircle (shen-related glyph?). k] […]
VII 250 v] the cemetery below. of [=as]. the lake [sh?]. [for,by?] the prince (áti, staff-related), [in] the land of solarplane intestine (qabu). [for] he (the). existence (eden’s). to make to be sacrificed (s-maã).; u] [and] to build [by blueprint] (qet’). alike-adam’s (miá). existence matrix)., [by] the word (eden’s). to give speech., to become. t] […]
VI 243 — the god Shu speaking, representing pillar and anunna-face; f] the West. [for] all. am i (nuk).;j] [as] the divine word. [it's] doorkeeper. head (main doorkeeper). [for] the anunna-face (vesica north)., my. exalted [high place] (qa).; i] [for] the words to flood and fill (meh'u). of [=for]. the house., given. [by] them (ad.souls). […]
VII 254 u] the word. [of] the root (P). [for] this (pn). N – osiris (candidate).; t] [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the divine word. [of] adam-within., [for] the gods. to pacify s-h’etep), saturn)., [by] the “One” (see note). of [=for]. PTEH\\. [for] all [of]. this. N-osiris.; [by] existence (eden’s). to know. t] [from] the Eyeless one […]
VI 246 v] to command (met’u). the word of the hidden root (peh’u\\). [for] it. to go seek (ukha). this. N. [for] existence of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; u] [by] their (adamite souls). the mouth. head (main mouth). (the god) H’u [‘taste’, saturn/word]. [for] the gods. existence’s (eden’s). scrolls [sky south!] (metchu). to spread-out, to unroll […]
VI 241 – tricky f] [by] (double) justice (maãt). [to] me. the hidden root to come (peh’, saturns/root).; d] [and by] justice (maãt). [over] the light of the lion of yesterday (sef,ad.soul). of [=by]. sin (ásfet)., [as] the prisoner (su,Cain, that root). [for] my. existence (matrix)., [is] the word. to say. nót.; (do not mention […]
VI 247 m] the word (eden’s). connected to. me. to give. speech. nót.; l] youth (matrix,nekhnekh). [as] a child (eden related). [of] existence (eden’s)., [for] existence (matrix). [of] the fish soul., which is. [by] the one (tu). Uãrt thigh land. [for] the anunna face (north)., it. to devise (ka). [for] the word (eden’s). to come.; k] […]
646d] The peace (h'etep-saturn). [of] the Ka-spirit-double. [for] existence. [in] thou. name.of.:- Thou. peace. – [for] thou. within. his. Ka-double. [!] [for] existence., Horus'. existence. makes.; 647c] [by] the word. connected to. their (ad.souls). existence. [in] the mer-lake. ; 647b] His (adam's) belly (khat). [of] the word. inside. [is] the inside (2x). [of] the willpower of Saturn. [for] […]
592c] thou. speech. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] Set's. existence. [in] the Eye. [is] the protection (netch). [of] Horus'. existence. [for] the beautified soul.; 592b] the westerner (horus-spirit). who is. in front of. existence. [in] this. thou. name. of.: – thou. speech (and nature, kher). [by] Horus'. Torso (eye, south). which is. before/in front of. + (next […]
234c] the chakra in the belly (south; beqsu,olive tree +su). [and] the anunna-face (vesica,north). Horus. existence. ties together (thes). + (next line) 234b] [for] Osiris'. existence. [by] the mouth (vesica, north). [of] adam-within. — [for] the solarplane (ãb, see note). [as] the word. [for] existence. [by] the opened-word-inside. [as] the double-knot/chakra (thesu). ; 234a] The scorpion (serqet/ãnkhet). [for] eden's realm […]
226b] the divine light.[of] the word. connected to. Sight (maa). — [by] the upside-down (penã). h’efau-serpent (totality/of his/of Saturn) + 226a] [is] the dimension. of [=by]. the shining backbone (pillar,pestch). [of] the majestic (h’em). defeated foe (kher).; 225c] to wriggle away (seben)., [then] to sleep to death (setcher). [of] the NÁU-serpent (Heir, see note) — [for] thou. within. manifestation. — [and] thou. existence. of [=by]. willpower. [for] the beautified-soul’s (canaanite spirit). land. ; 225b] the garden (h’esep!, vesica sep). of. manifesting. — the word [of] the tooth? (beh’, saturn+solarplane). — [?] Horus-calf (beh’en). encirceling (shen). + […]
248b] the essence (spittle). he. connects to. the majesty (h’em). [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; – within. ultimate-speech (Urr). to be young. thou. beautified-soul. – [by] the great pillar (ãnkh-pillar). [of] ultimate-speech (Urr). to be young. thou. beautified-soul.; 248a] thou. speech. [is] the speech. [of] the lion mouth (r,lion). – [by] the Staff (tá, adam rule). [in] […]
243b] the tongue (nes). [is] the Staff (tá, adam rule). [of] Sight (maa). nót.; – passive-very-great-speech (urrt’, Adam’s) . [is now] the white crown (h’etcht, Saturn’s light). [for] the tongue (nes). [for] existence (eden’s). to devour.; 243a] passive-very-great-speech (urrt’). [for] the adamite soul’s. existence (eden’s). to devour., – [by] the white crown (h’etcht). [of] manifestation; – to recite [this] spell;
246b] thou. Self (tches). starts the fire (rek). thou. mouth (vesica north). of. – manifestation. – [by] the opened word inside. [from] the most-beautified-soul’s (adam). existence (eden’s).+ 246a] [as] the tile’s (T’ebt, solarplane, see note). word. [of] willpower. [in] the high exalted place (north). – [by] the fortress’ (sh-pool). outpouring (áshet’). – to recite [this] […]
238c] the secondary (sennu). adamite soul.[by] the double-face. of. H’ekent (serpent, see note). [for] existence. [by] the tomb-of-treading-out? (h’em + pyramid). + 238b] [as] his. bush (naut, see note). [of] adam-within., thou. tie together.(thes). abóve (as speech/for the anunna-face). [by] the fallen-down hebrew-H. + 238a] [via] the cord. [of] his. father’s (át, south). speech. [tó] […]
644e] His. plebs (mankind, rekht). [by] the head. [in] the anunna-face. [of] Horus’. existence., [in] thou. name. of.: + (next line) 644d] thou. anunna-face (vesica,north). destroys (kherkher). existence (eden’s). [by] Horus’. existence. to give away. nót.; 644c] Thou. eyes (vesica). [for] thou. existence. [bý] his. existence (eden’s). established., – [for] thou. desired.-[thou].-son. [of] existence. [as] […]
skip 639a,b] 638d] The adamite soul. [is] the child. [of] Adam-within., – [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [of] great speech. [as] the image (thut). + (next line) 638c] [of] passive-very-great-speech (Urrt, adam’s)., [for] everything (neb). to build (khnem). [in] their (ad.souls). name. of.: – the image of the evil mountain (t’ut, God’s mountain). [of] every. kind […]
574d] Osiris. [by] alike-Adam’s (miá). word. [is] connected to. the support (of the ãnkh, thes). standing upright., + (see note) 574c] [so that] the áakhu-spirits. like-adam (MM). [by] he (adam). within. thou., become new (un).; 574b] Great speech. [from] the áat (region). of [=by]. thou. willpower. battles. of. – the land (eden?). of [=by]. thou. willpower. thou. give. […]
additional note: below; following the PT text is the diagram for you to compare the text with. 602c] the golden (nub). light. [of] existence. [by] the staff (tá, adam’s rule). [is] the boat of the pupil (tchet-aáu). (see note) [for] becoming new. of [=by]. + 602b] the emptyness (shu). [of] his (the prisoner’s). royal throne of the South […]
1428e] Osiris’. willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [is] this. tongue (ns). birthed. [by] Nut. [for] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit). + 1428d] [for] N. his. existence. [of] knowledge. – [which] the first. his. mother (Eve?). [of] N. knows. nót.; (see note) 1428c] The gods. [on] this. day (Hru). [of] this. N.’s. birth. of. + (next line) 1428b] […]
1433c] the sky of earth’s. existence. [by] the staff [of] the East. his. root. side. [for] the prisoner (ús). they (ad.souls). give.; (root side of the staff, see next) 1433b] the sky of earth. existence. [by] his. root. side. [of] the staff. [of] adam-within. [as] the staff. [of] existence. [from?] the two sycamore-trees (neHt, hebrew-H, […]
PT 573 PT 573 1484e] hail. [by] the willpower [eden] (ã). [of] adam-within., [for] this. N (candidate). to repulse (khsf). + 1484d] the land (south, eden). [to be] within., [by] the leg [eden mountain] (rt’). [of] adam-within. the word of hail. to give.; 1484c] the kite as place-T of hail of the border [-sky] (tcherát+). […]