— seizing the eden throne (Yama) from the speech of Light
this is one of those Tricky ones, again.
… you know by now that translating without understanding the used concepts is Impossible,
but it is always a fight to go gather what the heck they are conveying again.
* subject in this chapter : the adamite throne (as birthplace),
as the “top of the (dual) eden-vine”, sanctified by “eden-speech of Light”,
the dual-essence being sanctified by the speech of light.
the (top of the) vine is dual, termed also ‘Yama’ in this chapter;
for the “place of eden-speech of light” we’ll use TER (the glyph),
– continued at end of page;
RV X, 13
(an die beiden Opferwagen)
1. Ich schirre für euch beide unter Verneigungen das allererste Segenswort an. Der Ruf des Opferveranstalters soll wie eine Straße in die Weite gehen. Alle Söhne der Unsterblichkeit sollen zuhören, die himmlische Leibesform angenommen haben.
1. I YOKE with prayer your ancient inspiration: may the laud rise as on the prince’s pathway.
All Sons of Immortality shall hear it, all the possessors of celestial natures.
1a yuje vÀm brahma pÂrvyaÎ namobhir vi Ìloka etu pathyeva sÂreÏ
1c ÌÃÉvantu viÌve amÃtasya putrÀ À ye dhÀmÀni divyÀni tasthuÏ
“(you both) / subjects [of eden-throne] / to be yoked by / ancient / matrix-awareness /,
(and) the sorrowful voice (of the eden gate, or TER) / to escape /,
through / the course of the soma juice flowing / (as) the path [to North !] /;
towards / all / the immortal / sons of Put (poles) / —– /,
which is / the site of the sacred fire and the soma / (for?) the stationary / doubled sky [north] /;
- – yuje [1st fem.] ‘ to yoke or join or fasten or harness (horses or a chariot), to make ready, prepare, arrange, fit out, set to work, use, employ, apply’ RV,
- – vAm [2nd] dual,
- – pUrvya, -pUr ‘ancient’ cluster,
- – nam [root] ‘to bend or bow to bow to, subject or submit, one’s self,to turn away or ward off’ RV; noun -nama ‘pasture ground’ RV; the ending as strange multiple ? ‘servants’ ? -bhir multiple,
- – vi ‘a bird’ RV; ‘apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, away, away from, off, without, through, between’;
- – ‘sloka ‘[sorrowful] sound or noise, or call [from gods] or fame or reknown or hymn’ RV,
- – etu, 3d p. ‘i’ ‘this, that, to go, blow, walk, go to or advance, go away, escape, pass, retire, to arise, come from, reach, obtain, appear, approach, ask, request, etc’ RV;
- – sûreH masc.sing.(abl.gen.) ‘a lord, chief, chief priest; a course [of a path]; extractor or sacrificer of soma’ RV;
into -sUra ‘this rã sun; inciter, propeller, the soma-juice flowing [from the press]’ RV, (sic, compare posted X,10) - – ptrA ‘sons’ [of Put], the 30 pole-bones [glyph QET] ?, see X,10 and X,164,
- – ‘sRN, can’t locate, sR is nothing let alone sRN,
- – â [root] ‘near, near to, towards, upto, to, as far as, from, in, at, on’ RV;
- – ya ‘who,wich’
- – dhAmAni ‘ site of the sacred fire and the soma; abode, dwellingplace [of the gods]; strength, majesty, glory, splendour, light; law, established order; manner, mode, tone, form, appearance (especially in sacrifice, song etc.) ‘ RV;
- – divya, ‘[plural!] the celestial sky’ RV,
- – tasthu [stationary, stable],
- 1) sorrowful-voice : the dual-servant escapes eden speech, fitting the introduction; place TER can have been at the north-gate of inner-court (the “gate speaking flawlessly, and they hated that“, and, Isaiah pages);
- 2) the path and sons : path as “the bent path towards their north gate” (Ezek. page); the sons were also in X,10, likely the 30 poles in the ‘Isis suckling Horus’ vignette; compare the 30 silvers of Judas, throwing it back in the borrowed house-H, and see possible relation to (the same?) ‘silver’ in line 5c;
2. Als ihr kamet, wie zwei Zwillingsschwestern gleichen Rang einnehmend, da führten euch die gottverlangenden Menschen vor. Setzet euch in eure Welt als Bekannte, dienet unserem Soma als guter Sitzplatz!
2 When speeding ye came nigh us like twin sisters, religious-hearted votaries brought you forward. Take your place, ye who know your proper station: be near, be very near unto our Soma.
2a yame iva yatamÀne yad aitam pra vÀm bharan mÀnuÍÀ devayantaÏ
2c À sÁdataÎ svam ulokaÎ vidÀne svÀsasthe bhavatam indave naÏ
“who are / as / the pair [of Yama’s eden-throne] / (you both) are escaping and appear /,
(you both) / bringing / forth / the things belonging to (matrix-) mankind /;
(you both) take your place ! / in / (your) own / open place /,
sitting on a good place /, (and) to be present / our / drop of soma /;
- – yame; from Yama but 6x listed as ‘dual’, then “a pair” but with connotation, Yama+Yami ?
- – iva ‘ so, just so, just, exactly, indeed, very’ RV ‘like, as if, a little’,
- – yatama ‘ who or which (of many)’ RV
- – yad who, which [-ya];
- – aita, 2nd dual, this, that, to go, blow, walk, go to or advance, go away, escape, pass, retire, to arise, come from, reach, obtain, appear, approach, ask, request, etc’ RV;
- – pra ‘before, forward, in front, on, forth, filling, fulfilling’
- – bharan nom.sing. bharat ‘bearing, carrying’ RV
- – mAnuSa ‘ belonging to mankind, human; a man, human being (plural the races of men, 5 in number); the condition or manner or action of men, humanity, manhood ‘ RV; Egypt had 4 [human-] races;
- – â [root] ‘near, near to, towards, upto, to, as far as, from, in, at, on’ RV;
- – sîda 2nd 3d dual [imperat.] from -sad [root] ‘ to sit down (especially at a sacrifice), sit upon or in or at; to sit down before, besiege, lie in wait for, watch’ RV,
- – svam [‘the own’?] from -sva ‘ own, one’s own, my own, thy own, his own, her own, our own, their own etc’ RV,
- – uloka in comp., ‘free or open space, room, place, scope, free motion’ RV
- – vidAna ‘existing, being’ RV,
- – svAsastha ‘ sitting on a good seat’ RV,
- – bhavat ‘being, present’ RV,
- – indave dat.sing. of -indu ‘drop of soma’ RV,
- 1) mankind : though -ma is eden, here the corrupted -mâ, so likely matrix; indicating the “birth cradle”, but now as their posession – energized by their corrupted eden-words as ‘soma’ [glyph NU ‘word-inside’, or NEFU ‘word of breath-air’],
3. Den fünf Spuren der Erde bin ich nachgestiegen, ich gehe nach der Regel dem vierspurigen Wagengeleise nach. Mit der Silbe bilde ich diese nach; im Nabel der Wahrheit vollziehe ich die Reinigung.
3 Five paces have I risen from Earth. I follow her who hath four feet with devout observance. This by the Sacred Syllable have I measured: I purify in the central place of Order,
3a paÈca padÀni rupo anv arohaÎ catuÍpadÁm anv emi vratena
3c akÍareÉa prati mima etÀm Ãtasya nÀbhÀv adhi sam punÀmi
“[and you both?] to be guided by (?) / the five / stations / (of?) the earth / (I) developed /,
going alongside (?) / the (eden-) four-stationed one / (I) caused to escape (?) / by command /;
(I) have prepared / the water [from the axis] / going after / the opposite direction /,
the central place / above / alltogether / (I) purify / by general law [MAÃT] /;
- – rup ‘earth’ RV,
- – anv; not listed, appears to be ‘to follow’ [cluster, general] ‘to go after or alongside, to follow; to seek; to be guided by; to fall to one’s share’ RV;
- – aroham 1st imp. [root] -ruh ‘ to rise, spring up, grow, develop, increase, prosper, thrive; [to cause] to ascend, raise up, elevate’ RV,
- – emi, 1st sing, pr. ‘i’ ‘this, that, to go, blow, walk, go to or advance, go away, escape, pass, retire, to arise, come from, reach, obtain, appear, approach, ask, request, etc’ RV;
- – vrata ‘command, law, service, manner of life, function, a religious vow or practice, any pious observance, meritorious act of devotion or austerity, solemn vow, rule, holy practice’ RV,
- – akSareNa ‘water’ RV, but also axis [akSa], they chose ‘syllable’,
- – prati (back to, in reversed direction) [root]
- – mima [root] -mA ‘to measure, meet out, mark off; to measure across=traverse; RV, to apportion, grant; prepare, fashion, form, build; to show, to display; to sound, bellow, roar’ RV;
- – etAm from -eSa ? ‘wish, option; seeking or going after’ RV,
- – Rta ‘ truth in general, righteousness, right [MAÃT]’ RV,’ proper, right, fit, apt, suitable, able, brave, honest’ RV,
- – nAbhA ‘nave, navel, central point’ RV,
- – adhi ‘instead of’ RV, ‘above, over and above, besides’
- – sam ‘with, together with, along with, together, altogether’ RV,
- – punAmi, 1st p. -pû ‘to make clean or clear or pure or bright, cleanse, purify, purge, clarify, illustrate, illume’ RV,
- 1) general context : now it gets impossible – our educated guess is that the ‘four stations’ sound like glyph NEM-ÁST, the four bowls (of eden-throne), hence we chose ‘to escape’; the ‘five’ is a typical T’UAT number; we can see the line is congruent in themes but cannot make it better as shown now,
4. Den Göttern zuliebe zog Yama den Tod vor; der Nachkommenschaft zuliebe zog er nicht die Unsterblichkeit vor. Die Götter machten den Rishi Brihaspati zu ihrem Opfer. Yama hat seinen lieben Leib fortgepflanzt.
4 He, for God’s sake, chose death to be his portion. He chose not, for men’s good, a life eternal
They sacrificed Bṛhaspati the Ṛṣi. Yama delivered up his own dear body.
4a devebhyaÏ kam avÃÉÁta mÃtyum prajÀyai kam amÃtaÎ nÀvÃÉÁta
4c bÃhaspatiÎ yajÈam akÃÉvata ÃÍim priyÀÎ yamas tanvam prÀrirecÁt
“[TER,] desiring / (to be?) into the (matrix-) deity /, he was choosing / death /,
desiring / procreation /, he was not choosing / immortality /;
(by) bRhaspati [TER?] / sacrificed /, the rSi’s [BA-souls] / these things to fashion /,
(for) he [TER] has resigned from / being attached to / Yama’s [eden throne] / body /;
- – devebhyaH, +abhi ‘to, towards, into, over, upon’, [by, before, in front of], not the weird plural,
- – kam 1) interogation particle [‘?’] 2) affirmative paricle [‘yeah’], 3) ‘ to wish, desire, long for’ RV; [root] -ka,
- – aVRNIta (3d imp.?) -vR [root] ‘ to cover, screen, veil, conceal, hide, surround, obstruct; to ward off, check, keep back, prevent, restrain’ RV ‘to choose, select, choose for one’s self, choose as or for’ RV; next one +na,
- – mRtyu ‘death, dying’ RV; +a=immortal,
- – praYa ‘ procreation, propagation, birth’ RV,
- – tanvam, tanu body-cluster, -tanus ‘body’ RV [v],
- – bRhaspati, the chief offerer of prayers and sacrifices’ RV; [root] bRh ‘ to tear, pluck, root up’ RV; no other root; eden-construct ? glyph TER ‘eden-speech of light’ ?
- – akRNvata (3d p.?) of kR ‘to make’ etc + vat
- – priya ‘ fond of attached or devoted to’ RV
- – pra+ric, rirec 1st 3d perf. ‘to empty, evacuate, leave, give up, resign; to release, set free; to part with’ RV, pra suffix strenghtening,
- 1) overall context : bRhaspati as glyph TER (eden-speech of light) is what we read here; as main coverer of the (dual) eden-throne, is “sacrified” and no longer attached to the top of the eden-vine;
5. Sieben Flüsse fließen für den Jungen, der von den Marut begleitet wird. Die Söhne haben den Vater den rechten Weg gelehrt. Beide verfügen über diesen beiderseitigen; beide nehmen den gleichen Rang ein, sie haben beiderlei in Fülle
5 The Seven flow to the Youth on whom the Maruts wait: the Sons unto the Father brought the sacrifice.
Both these are his, as his they are the Lords of both: both toil; belonging unto both they prosper well.
5a sapta kÍaranti ÌiÌave marutvate pitre putrÀso apy avÁvatann Ãtam
5c ubhe id asyobhayasya rÀjata ubhe yatete ubhayasya puÍyataÏ
“seven / (eden-) youth / trickle and flow / relating to the Maruts [eden-female-originals?] /,
the sons of Put (poles) / united to / the parents (throne?) /, having been grasped / (by) general law [MAÃT] /;
both / to arise / (and?) the both-ways-ones / to govern [by silver rule of house-H?] /,
(by?) both / to be connected / both kinds / to prosper [by blossom of the eden-vine north] /;
- – kSara [root] ‘tricklings’ ?; [verb root] -kSar ‘to cause to flow out, to flow, stream, glide, distil, trickle’ RV; the strange “trickle these words to the eden constructs” ? [Ezekiel page],
- – ‘si’save, to ‘si’su; -‘s eden term;
- – apy [hardly ‘water’]; as -api ? ‘ placing near or over, uniting to, annexing, reaching to, proximity’ or particle as ‘yeah, surely, etc’
- – aViva (2nd sing,perf.?) [root] -vî,’ going to, eager for, desirous or fond of; to go, approach, (either as a friend id est “seek or take eagerly, grasp, seize, accept, enjoy”, or as an enemy id est “fall upon, attack, assail, visit, punish, avenge”); to get, to set in motion, arouse, excite, impel’; to go apart or in different directions, diverge, be diffused or scattered or distributed or divided or extended; go through, traverse’ RV,
- – ubha ‘both’ RV,
- – id, from ‘i’ ‘this, that, to go, blow, walk, go to or advance, go away, escape, pass, retire, to arise, come from, reach, obtain, appear, approach, ask, request, etc’ RV;
- – ubhaya ‘of both kinds, in both ways, in both manners’ RV
- – rAjate, [3d p. -rAj] rAjata ‘silver’ RV; rAj as king-cluster, 30 silver house-H ?
- – yatete, 3d dual pr. -yat [root] ‘ to join (instrumental case), associate with (instrumental case), march or fly together or in line; to place in order, marshal, join, connect’ RV [SMA or T’EMT’],
- – puSyata, puSya ‘(uppermost) blossom or flower (as the best)’ RV, the eden-vine blossom atop of their willow-tree; as the tree of Nut [‘tree of life’], this word blossom was related to cherubs [Setu Bridge]; 2) or 2nd p. [root] -puS ‘ to cause to thrive or prosper, nourish, foster, augment, increase, further, promote, fulfil (exempli gratia, ‘for example’ a wish), develop, unfold, display, gain, obtain, enjoy, possess’ RV,
- 1) overall context : same difficult;
the German came up with ‘both-ways-ones’, perhaps as Valve (double pillar Djed?), while in previous line ‘the stream was reversed’, so these could belong together; but we don’t know ‘7 streams’. From a year ago RV we thought the Maruts were original-females, but we’ll have to see whether that option will be Valid, still; we’re neither sure if those ‘parents’ are now the (seized) Yama-pair, now feeding the (30?) poles being ‘the sons’;
24.08. submitted —- loNe —- first series
* compare :
- – amtuat VII, lower register, where SEKER seperates this dual-stem of the vine,
- – glyph UP (now having become two distinct horns) and see Ez. page [with hands diagram],
- – how Abraham layed the two halves of the ox apart, and the lamp crossed between them,
thereby un-doing the cleaved lampstand (ram), etc, - – birthsceptre (hebr. -sheb), representing this region,
* term used in Rg-veda :
- – in first line, ‘subjects’ also as “to turn away” (as horns?) and “pasture-ground” (throne);
- – yama; apart from ‘Adam’ also ‘driver, charioteer’, [as “engine” ?]; ‘rein, curb, bridle’;
‘twin-born, twin, forming a pair’; ‘a twin, one of a pair or couple, a fellow’ RV,
“the twins” Name of the a’svin’s and of their twin children by mAdrI’ MH,
where a’svin is horseman and ‘mother’ must be the (now their) eden-throne;
yamadaMSTRa ‘yama’s tooth’ MH, [same as the ‘evil stake’ glyph ST’EB ?],
yamadaNDa ‘yama’s staff’ RA, birth-sceptre (hebr. -sheb) ?
yamakSaya ‘yama’s abode’ MH; kSaya ‘abode, dwelling, decay, destruction, loss’ RV;
yamalArjuna ‘two arjuna trees’ RA; as glyph NEHT, hebrew-house-H ?
yamarAjan ‘having yama as king’ RV;
* glyph TER,
stepdown as T’ER “to destroy / the speech / of the (eden-) hand”,
into P-TER-Á, their copied place of speech (now by soma?) at their new-root,
into TCHER (TCH-R), ‘bordersky’, as the outer-court wall, - 1) overall context : same difficult;