RV X, 10 [1-14]

RV X, 10 [9-14]
— Yami and Yama (discussion between Adam and Eve)

Yami: 1. “Ich möchte doch den Freund zu einem Freundschaftsdienst bewegen. Auch wenn er noch so viele Meilen über das Meer gekommen ist, sollte er kommen. Ein musterhafter Mann soll einen Enkel seines Vaters bekommen, wenn er weiter die Zukunft der Erden bedenkt.”
1. FAIN would I win my friend to kindly friendship. So may the Sage, come through the air’s wide ocean,
Remembering the earth and days to follow, obtain a son, the issue of his father.
1a o cit sakhÀyaÎ sakhyÀ vavÃtyÀÎ tiraÏ pur cid arÉavaÎ jaganvÀn
1c pitur napÀtam À dadhÁta vedhÀ adhi kÍami prataraÎ dÁdhyÀnaÏ

Yami-Eve :
“I / aim for / the friend /, (as) the friendship / having revolved around me /,
without / being anxious for / the approached / flood /;
having / near to / the parents / a male heir / instead /, he having remembered / (eden-)land’s / future /;

– sakhAyam ‘friend’ 1st, sakhyA instr, 1st,

  • – vavRt 1st 3d perf., [root] -vRt ‘to turn, turn round, revolve, roll (also applied to the rolling down of tears)’ RV and ‘to cause to turn or revolve, whirl, wave, brandish, hurl’ RV,
  • – tiraH for tiras [acc] ‘through, across, beyond, over; apart from, without, against’ RV, [root] -tR ‘to pass across or over, cross over (a river), sail across; to fulfil, accomplish, perform; to surpass, overcome, subdue, escape; to acquire, gain, to contend, compete; to carry through or over, save’ RV,
  • – cid ‘even, indeed, also’ RV [or for -cit], [base root] -cit ‘to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to, be attentive, observe, take notice of; to aim at, intend, design; to be anxious about, care for; to resolve; to understand, comprehend, know; to become perceptible, appear, be regarded as, be known’ RV;
  • – puru ‘much, often, very’ RV,
  • – arNava ‘wave,flood,stream’ RV, sing.voc.,
  • – jaganva, past-tense of [root] -gam ‘to go, move, go away, set out, come; to go to or towards, approach’ RV,
  • – pitur, [abl. or gen] piTr
  • – napatAm sing. acc. ‘descendant, offspring, son (in this meaning especially in RH’
  • – ã ‘near to, near, towards; to, for, out from, among, upto, to, as far as, in, at, on’ RV
  • – ve-dha, dha or dhA ‘- dhA ‘puting, placing, bestowing, holding, having, causing’,
  • – kSam [root] ‘ to be patient or composed, suppress anger, keep quiet’ RV [kSam ‘ground, earth’ RV] ,
  • – adhi ‘instead of’ RV, ‘above, over and above, besides’
  • – prataram ‘further, more particularly, in future’ RV
  • – didhya 1st or 3d perf. [root] -dhya ‘to think of, imagine, contemplate, meditate on, call to mind, recollect’ RV;
    • 1) revolving friendship : see end of chapter, where the ivy is around the tree; the “masculine revolving around his feminine core” as typical eden-concept;
    • 2)parents and heir : we can’t help reading the heir is the 144,000; it is rather weird to read here plain that them spirits knew this all the time, as well (and see line 8); here strongly suggesting that will happen ‘when they will remember (sic) the land’,

    Yama: 2. “Solche Freundschaft will dein Freund nicht, daß Blutsverwandtes wie Fremdartiges werde. Die Söhne des großen Asura, seine Mannen, des Himmels Erhalter schauen weit und breit umher.”
    2 Thy friend loves not the friendship which considers her who is near in kindred as stranger. Sons of the mighty Asura, the Heroes, supporters of the heavens, see far around them.
    2a na te sakhÀ sakhyaÎ vaÍÊy etat salakÍmÀ yad viÍurÂpÀ bhavÀti
    2c mahas putrÀso asurasya vÁrÀ divo dhartÀra urviyÀ pari khyan

    Yama-Adam :
    “your / friend / (is) not / desirous of / the friendship / seeking / the same characteristics /,
    because / the manifold variegated forms [AB] / exist / ;
    (by?) the sons [of Put] / the great / Asura / (as?) the poles (?) / bearing / the doubled sky /,
    at distance / round-about / [the cave as] the nave of the wheel through which the axis runs /;

    • – sakha ‘friend, companion’ RA;
    • – te ‘you’ gen., as colour of ‘friend’,
    • – vaSTi 3d sing., ‘eager, desirous’ RV,
    • – etat [from -etad or eSa], ‘this, this here, here’; or eSa ‘seeking or going after, wish, option’ RV
    • – salakSma ‘having the same marks or characteristics, homogeneous, similar’ RV,
    • – yad [root] ‘ who, which, what, whichever, whatever, that’ RV, yad ‘ “so that”,”in order that”, “wherefore”,”whence”,”as”,”in as much as”,”since”,”because”, when, if’ RV
    • – vi’svarUpa ‘ wearing all forms, manifold, various; many-coloured, variegated ‘ RV
    • – bhavat 3d sing. pr. ‘he to come in to being’ [root] -bhU ‘to arise, come into being, exist, be found, live, stay, abide, happen, occur’ RV ; [he to abide in?]
    • – asura ‘spiritual, evil spirit, demon; a good spirit (said of varuNa), children of ka’sapya [sorcery]’; cloud’ RV; [perhaps from root -svar ‘light, lustre, sun, bright space or sky’RV, not-bright-sky, hence asura ‘cloud’ ?; asurahan ‘destroying the asura’s’ RV; asuratva ‘spiritual or divine dignity’ RV;
    • – vîra ‘a man, (especially) a brave or eminent man, hero, chief, men, people, mankind, followers, retainers’ RV, [rephaim?]; ‘male child, son, collective male progeny’ RV, vIra ‘name of an asura’ RV, vIrabAhu ‘a monkey’ RA [bAhu as ‘hand’, sic; new-hand ?];
    • – dhara ‘holding, bearing, carrying, wearing, possessing, having, keeping (also in memory), sustaining, preserving, observing’ RA MH; vIra’saya ‘ the couch of a dead or wounded hero (formed of arrows)’ MH [the good king Bhisma was shot by the brothers and laid upon that bed of arrows], the -‘sa as eden’s; as “poles standing around the axis” ?
    • – urvi ‘far, far off, to a distance’ RV,
    • – pari [root] ’round, about, round about, fully, richly, abundantly, from, away from, out of, according to law or right, for the sake of; against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards’, para also ‘enemy, foe’, same theme;
    • – khyan; we found khA ‘to make known, promulgate, proclaim’ MH, [root] -kha [as khan] ‘cave, cavern’ RV,’the hole in the nave of the wheel through which the axis runs; a fountain, well’ RV; Put sons wére related to wheel in 164 ; we found no -khA in the tables, assuming its form of ‘cave, cavern’ therefore;
    • 1) variegated forms : he considers those as something góod – since he made them; Eve wants them to be of the same (eden-) nature, but he doesn’t; (compare how Adam is busy connecting the wrong stalks, Isaiah page), comp. line 5,
    • 2) the sons as poles – the stonehenge idea ? : we had this circular array before – the lineup of terms cannot be coincidental : “the construct (Asura) / with poles / standing at a distance (of eachothyer) / all around / the nave of the wheel”, (so the types who made stonehenge, must have seen that concept somewhere…); compare also MH note (in blue) where Bhisma layed upon a bed of (upright-standing?) arrows (as poles?), and the monkey/Asura construct related to ‘hand’ in RA; in X,164 these sons also stand (on?) the wheel – perhaps as the inverted section of the q-axis, because of the term “nave”,

    Yami: 3. “Die Unsterblichen wollen gerade das: einen Leibeserben von dem einzigen Sterblichen. Dein Sinn soll sich unserem Sinne fügen; als Gatte sollst du in deines Weibes Leib eingehen!”
    3 Yea, this the Immortals seek of thee with longing, progeny of the sole existing mortal.
    Then let thy soul and mine be knit together, and as a loving husband take thy consort.
    3a uÌanti ghÀ te amÃtÀsa etad ekasya cit tyajasam martyasya
    3c ni te mano manasi dhÀyy asme janyuÏ patis tanvam À viviÌyÀÏ

    Yami-Eve :
    “indeed / the immortals / desire to command / you /,
    this [manner] / to be the one / designing / the mortal man’s / abandonment /;
    you place / your soul / back within / our / awareness /,
    (you) the husband / (you) go home /, to / the body / of your wife / ;

    • – u’santi 3d plural pres. [root] – vaś ‘to desire, wish, long for, be fond of, like; to will, command;
    • – gha ‘at least, surely, indeed’ RV
    • – etad ‘this manner, thus, so, this, this here, here’, -cit ‘to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to, be attentive, observe, take notice of; to aim at, intend, design; to be anxious about, care for; to resolve; to understand, comprehend, know; to become perceptible, appear, be regarded as, be known’ RV;
    • – tyaja, tyajas ‘abandonment, difficulty, danger; aversion, alienation’ RV,
    • – martyasya masc. gen. [colour] ‘a mortal, man, person’ RV,
    • – ni ‘down, back, in, into, within
    • – mana ‘awareness’,
    • – dhA ‘puting, placing, bestowing, holding, having, causing’, 1st sing,
    • – janî-, ‘wife’ RV,
    • – patis, masc.nom. [subject] ‘husband, master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign’ RV,
    • – tanvam fem.acc. of -tanu ‘body’ cluster,
    • – â ‘near to, towards, to, for, from, out of, from among, towards, up to, to, as far as’ RV
    • – vivi’sa 2nd from [root] -vi’s ‘ to enter, enter in or settle down on, go into, pervade; go home or to rest ;
    • 1) mortal man’s abandonment : as adamite-souls on earth (he devised this earth…?),

    Yama: 4. “Was wir früher nicht getan haben, sollen wir das jetzt tun? Das Rechte redend würden wir Unrechtes flüstern. Gandharva in dem Wasser und die Wasserfrau, die sind unser Ursprung, das ist unsere höchste Blutsverwandtschaft.”
    4 Shall we do now what we ne’er did aforetime? we who spake righteously now talk impurely?
    Gandharva in the floods, the Dame of Waters-such is our bond, such our most lofty kinship.
    4a na yat purÀ cakÃmÀ kad dha nÂnam ÃtÀ vadanto anÃtaÎ rapema
    4c gandharvo apsv apyÀ ca yoÍÀ sÀ no nÀbhiÏ paramaÎ jÀmi tan nau

    Yama-Adam :
    “not / to encounter in battle / the city [Õn?] / they have made /,
    certainly / who / possesses / the law [MAÃT] / they speak /, (now) they should chatter / the false ? /;
    the Gandharva [cherub] / coming from the water / is giving water /,
    and / the (eden-) maiden [Rev.woman?] / she (is) / our / navel [of the wheel] /,
    the vessel (khent’u-boat) / to spread-out / the best / relation like brother and sister /;

    • – yat ‘going, moving; to place in order, marshal, join, connect to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with, to join, associate with, march or fly together or in line; to conform or comply with; to meet, encounter (in battle); to seek to join one’s self with, make for, tend towards’ RV ; or in comp. for -yad,
    • – na ‘not, neither’ [not -no ‘we’],
    • – purA and pura from [root] -pur ‘rampart, wall, stronghold, fortress, castle, city, town’ RV,
    • – cakRma 1st pl. perf. they have made,
    • – kad ka [kas,kim] ‘who, which, what?’ [interr.];
    • – kad, [questionmark] or ‘who, what, etc,
    • – dha ‘placing, puting, holding, having, possessing’,
    • – nUnam ‘certainly, assuredly, indeed’ RV [at present, now],
    • – vada 3d plural [root] -vad ‘ to speak, say, utter, tell, report, speak to, talk with, address’ RV,
    • – anRta ‘false’ RV,
    • – rapema, plural, optative [root] -rap ‘ to talk, chatter, whisper’ RV;
    • – apsv, from apsu ? ‘without food’ RV [xii] (but he took that from a-psuras); apsava ‘giving water’ RV [x],
    • – apya ‘ being in water, coming from water, connected with water’ RV,
    • – yoSA, yoSan ‘ a girl, maiden, young woman, wife’ RV; yoni [eden-] womb;
    • – nAbhi ‘navel’ RV
    • – parama most distant, remotest, extreme, last ‘ RV; ” superior or inferior to, better or worse than ‘ RA, MH,
    • – jAmi ‘ related like brother and sister ‘ RV,
    • – tan [root] ‘to resound, roar’ RV, ‘ to extend, spread, be diffused (as light) over, shine, extend towards, reach to etc.; to be protracted, continue, endure; to stretch (a cord), extend or bend (a bow), spread, spin out, weave etc.; to emboss; to prepare (a way )’ RV
    • 1) vessel to spread out : the ‘nau’ is clear and in a strange place, separate; after gandharva and revelation-woman (into -yonau, eden-womb) it is very possible that they intended the next construct, as -nau (vessel);

    Yami: 5. “Schon im Mutterleib hat uns der Schöpfer zu Ehegatten gemacht, der Gott Tvastri, der Bestimmer, der alle Formen bildet. Nicht übertreten sie seine Gebote; dessen sind uns Erde und Himmel Zeugen.”
    5 Even in the womb God Tvaṣṭar, Vivifier, shaping all forms, Creator, made us consorts.
    None violates his holy ordinances: that we are his the heavens and earth acknowledge.
    5a garbhe nu nau janitÀ dampatÁ kar devas tvaÍÊÀ savitÀ viÌvarÂpaÏ
    5c nakir asya pra minanti vratÀni veda nÀv asya pÃthivÁ uta dyauÏ

    Yama-Adam :
    “our / (matrix-) womb / is the created / vessel [Khent’u-boat?] / as the lord of the house /,
    the deity / TvaSTR [KHEPER] / (he) extracts the soma / to make / all variegated forms /;
    nobody / transgresses / in front of / these / laws of the (matrix-) realm /,
    this / (one of 3) realm (soil) / and / the doubled sky / (are by) our / knowledge /;

    • – garbha ‘womb; a foetus or embryo, child, brood or offspring ‘ RV matrix, not -yoni;
    • – nau, ‘ship’ RV or form of ‘we’, “nu nau” either as “we/ship” or u+nau,
    • – jani ‘woman, wife’ RV,
    • – dampati ‘lord of the house [also male and female]’ RV,
    • – devas, masc. nom. [subject] ‘deity’
    • – tvaSTa masc. now. from TvaSTR,
    • – savitA 3d of -su ‘extract the soma’ RV; [urge, setting in motion; ‘beauty’], into savitR the deity;
    • – vi’svarUpa ‘ wearing all forms, manifold, various; many-coloured, variegated ‘ RV
    • – nakir; -nakis ‘no one, nobody’ RV [na+ko,who], considered context it s possible,
    • – asya, 2nd. sing.[root] -as ‘to throw, cast, shoot at’ RV; and ‘to be, live, exist, be present, to take place, to happen, to abide, dwell, to belong to, to be equal to’; or noun masc. gen. -ayam ‘this’
    • – pra ‘before, forward, in front, fulling, fulfilling, like, resembling’,
    • – minanti , plur. ‘violate’
    • – vrata ‘ will, command, law, ordinance, rule; obedience, service; dominion, realm; [religious-] conduct, manner, usage, custom’
    • – pRthivî ‘one of three earths-lands; land, ground, soil’ RV,
    • – ved, either ‘knowledge’ etc, or 1st, 3d, -vid, I know, he,they know
    • – uta ‘ and, also, even, or’ RV,
    • – dyauH nom. sing. -div,
    • 1) line by Yama-Adam : that the word ‘womb’ appears, doesn’t mean Yami says this – since this is the matrix-womb; she does say a next line when eden womb;
    • 2) ship and Kheper : the separate “nu nau” we interpret as above, especially in relation with the Kheper beetle (compare vignette in last Book of Gates chapter),

    Yama: 6. “Wer weiß von jenem ersten Tage, wer hat ihn gesehen? Wer kann es hier aussagen? Hoch steht das Gesetz des Mitra und Varuna! Was willst du Zudringliche gegenteilig den Männern sagen?”
    6 Who knows that earliest day whereof thou speakest? Who hatb beheld it? Who can here declare it?
    Great is the Law of Varuṇa and Mitra. What, wanton! wilt thou say to men to tempt them?
    6a ko asya veda prathamasyÀhnaÏ ka ÁÎ dadarÌa ka iha pra vocat
    6c bÃhan mitrasya varuÉasya dhÀma kad u brava Àhano vÁcyÀ nÅn

    Yama-Adam :
    “whose is / this / knowledge / of the first (matrix-) day ? /,
    now /, what / I caused to be seen / which / at this time / is fulfilled / by speaking ? /;
    the lofty and wide / Mitra [borrowed-house-H?] / (and) Varuna [matrix-dawn?] / abode of Order /,
    to grow [strong] / the established order / (of) Mitra [borrowed house-H?] /,
    (you) tell about / who / now / (they) regard / to (be) lead (by) (?) /;

    • – prathama ‘ foremost, first’ RV, ‘ preceding, initial, chief, principal, most excellent’ RV, + aha ‘day’,
    • – îm ‘now’,
    • – dadar‘sa sing. 1st or 3d; perfect ‘has seen’
    • – iha ‘now, at this time’ RV [from ‘i’ ]
    • – u ‘and, also, further, on the other hand, now’
    • – pra ‘before, forward, in front, fulling, fulfilling, like, resembling’,
    • – bRhan, masc.nom. – bRhat ‘fullgrown, old, extended,lofty, high, tall, great, large, wide, vast, abundant, compact’ RV
    • – dhAman ‘ dwelling-place, house, abode, domain; the inmates of a house or members of a family, class, troop, band, host; manner, mode, form, effect, power, strength, majesty, glory, splendour, light; law, rule, established order [of mitra]’ RV,
    • – kad [as questionmark] or ‘ what? how? whence? wherefore? why?’
    • – brava 2nd p. sing. from brU ‘to talk about, to tell about’, RV
    • – Aha 3d person pl. [root] -ah ‘say, speak; to call, hold, consider, regard; RV,
    • – nRrn, root, ‘to lead’ ?
    • 1) who made Mitra : considered context of whole chapter, we opt that he asks ‘who made it’, juxtaposed to Yami wanting to return to the eden situation; compare next line,

    Yami: 7. “Über mich Yami ist die Liebe zu Yama gekommen, mit ihm auf gleichem Lager zusammen zu liegen. Wie das Weib dem Gatten will ich den Leib hingeben. Wir wollen hin und her schieben
    7 I, Yami, am possessed by love of Yama, that I may rest on the same couch beside him.
    I as a wife would yield me to my husband. Like car-wheels let us speed to meet each other.
    7a yamasya mÀ yamyaÎ kÀma Àgan samÀne yonau sahaÌeyyÀya
    7c jÀyeva patye tanvaÎ riricyÀÎ vi cid vÃheva rathyeva cakrÀ

    Yami-Eve :
    “I Yami [Eve] / am longing for / Yama /,
    to enter / the same / (eden-) place of birth / to rest with him /;
    we have parted / in different directions /, (we) could come into being / if I rule / the body /,
    both / we could make to grow strong / the (cherub) wheel /, (now) belonging to the cart /;

    • – mâ, 1st, acc.;
    • – kAma ‘ wish, desire, longing, desire for, longing after, love, affection, object of desire or of love or of pleasure’ RV
    • – Agan, an agai 1st sing. verb -ga ‘going quickly; relating to or standing in connection with’ RV], un-related ?
    • – samAna ‘ same, identical uniform, one; general, common, all’ RV;
    • – yoni ‘womb, place of birth, source, origin, spring,’ RV,
    • – saha‘seyya for -‘sayyA fem.now. ‘bed and sleeping cluster’, no RV,
    • – jAyeva 1st dual opt., we could come into being,
    • – patye 1st. dat. pati ‘husband’; or 1st sing. pr.[root] -pat ‘ to be master, reign, rule, govern, control, own, possess, dispose of to partake of, share in; to be fit or serve for’ RV; verb -pat ‘ to fly, soar, rush on ‘ RV
    • – ri-ric 1st, 2nd, 3d (perf.) ric ‘ to empty, evacuate, leave, give up, resign; to release, set free; to part with RV,
    • – vi [root] ‘a bird; RV; ‘(distinctly) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without,
    • – cid ‘even, indeed, as well as, both, and’ RV
    • – vRheva 1st, dual opt., -vRh = bRh ‘ to be thick, grow great or strong, increase’ RV,
    • – rathya ‘belonging or relating to a carriage or chariot’ RV,
    • 1) there is no ‘wife’ in line : then pattye ‘husband, father’ can be a Verb also;

    8. “Jene stehen nie still, noch schließen sie die Augen, die als Späher der Götter hienieden umgehen. Mit einem anderen als mir geh alsbald, du Zudringliche, mit dem schiebe hin und her wie die Wagenräder!”
    8 They stand not still, they never close their eyelids, those sentinels of Gods who wander round us.
    Not me-go quickly, wanton, with another, and hasten like a chariot wheel to meet him.
    8a na tiÍÊhanti na ni miÍanty ete devÀnÀÎ spaÌa iha ye caranti
    8c anyena mad Àhano yÀhi tÂyaÎ tena vi vÃha rathyeva cakrÀ

    Yami-Eve :
    “not / (they) (we) stand firm (against the enemy) /, not / (they) open the eyes / within (=inside) /,
    at this time / the deities / which / roam around / seek after / the spy (we) /;
    someone (us) / to be inspired / to attack /, (you) advance / quickly /,
    at that time (now?) / (you) can make strong / the wheel /, away from / the cart /;

    • – tiSTha 3d pl. of [root] -stha ‘ to stand, stand firmly, station one’s self, stand upon, get upon, take up a position on [also against an enemy]’ RV,
    • – ni ‘down, back, in, into, within
    • – miSa 2nd person [root] -miS ‘ to open the eyes, wink, blink’ RV,
    • – ete, no. or acc. [pl. mostly dual] from -eSa ‘seeking or going after [running]’ RV,
    • – spa’sa, voc. spa’s, ‘ to see, behold, perceive, espy, one who looks or beholds, watcher, spy, messenger RV,
    • – iha ‘now, at this time’ RV [from ‘i’ ]
    • – caranti pl. 3d, [root] ‘ to move one’s self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander; to behave, conduct one’s self, act, live, treat’ RV; -mad [root]’ to gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire’ RV –
    • – Ahano, perhaps âhan ‘to strike at, hit, beat; to attack, assault’ RV; root -ah or -aha don’t show in tables; compare ‘kyan’ problem in previous line;
    • – yAhi 2nd sing. from [root] -yA ‘travel, journey, march, advance, go, move, walk, set out; go toward or against, go or come to, enter, approach, reach; to undertake, undergo’ RV;
    • – tUya ‘strong, quick’ RV [-tu],
    • – tena from -tad, ‘then, at that time, in that case;thus, in this manner, with regard to that;
      this world; he,she,it,that,this’ RV;
    • – vi [root] ‘a bird; RV; ‘(distinctly) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without,
    • – vRha 2nd sing. imp. [root] -vRh = bRh ‘ to be thick, grow great or strong, increase’ RV,
    • 1) attack and we : remember, in line 1 was “the heir, who will have to remember”; she is the mother pur sang, context should be right; note the term ‘attack’,

    Yami: 9. “Sie würde ihm Tag und Nacht gefällig sein, sie würde für ein Weilchen das Auge der Sonne täuschen. Mit Himmel und Erde steht das Paar in gleichem Verwandtschaftsverhältnis. Yami würde des Yama ungeschwisterliches Tun auf sich nehmen.”
    9 May Sūrya’s eye with days and nights endow him, and ever may his light spread out before him. In heaven and earth the kindred Pair commingle. On Yam! be the unbrotherly act of Yama.
    9a rÀtrÁbhir asmÀ ahabhir daÌasyet sÂryasya cakÍur muhur un mimÁyÀt
    9c divÀ pÃthivyÀ mithunÀ sabandh yamÁr yamasya bibhÃyÀd ajÀmi

    “our / (eden-) nights / (and) days / serve /
    Surya (Rã) / (as?) the eye/,
    on the other hand : / in one moment / (they) can be displayed and fashioned /;
    the spacious / celestial sky / (as) the pair / of the same kin /,
    (but?) Yami / to support / the un-kinsfolk-like / Yama /;

    • – rAtri ‘ “season of rest” night, the darkness or stillness of night (often personified)’ RV,
      strange – bhi as multiple; is related to rAj but as matrix ?
    • – aha+, ‘day’ RV
    • – asma ‘we, us, our, etc’
    • – da’sya (3d?) ‘to please anyone, to render service, serve, worship, favour, oblige to accord, do favour to’ RV; [from 10?],
    • – muhur ‘for a while; suddenly, at once, in a moment’ RV,
    • – un isn’t listed; from -u ? ‘now, and, also, further, on the other hand’,’to call to, hail, to roar’ RV;
    • – mimî-, 1st. sing. opt. [can,could]; [root] -mâ ‘to measure, mete out, mark off etc.; to measure across = traverse;
      to measure out, apportion, grant; to prepare, arrange, fashion, form, build, make; to show, display, exhibit’ RV
    • – pRthivyA sing. instr. fem. -pRthu, copious, numerous, manifold’ RV, ‘a monkey’ RA; optional as ‘broad, wide, spacious’
    • – mithuna ‘ a pair (male and female;but also”any couple or pair” RV,
    • – subandhu ‘ being of the same race or family, related, of kin’ RV,
    • – yamîr, as Yami
    • – bi-bhR (can’t locate the declension) [root] -bhR ‘to bear, to carry; to bear id est contain, possess,
      have, keep (also”keep in mind”) etc.; to support, maintain, cherish, foster’ RV,
    • – ajAmi ‘ not of kin, not related’ RV,
    • 1) Rã as the eye ? : if “surya’s eye”, it suggests something belonging to Rã, but perhaps the eye is Rã – imagined as a gate “where the eden-realm streams into the matrix realm”, think of a highpressured gas tank (eden) with a hole in it (the eye), and the fiery plasma ball at that place is Rã, this sun. This concept is worth more consideration; in this line related to eden-night turning into matrix-day,

    Yama: 10. “Es werden später solche Geschlechter kommen, wo Geschwister Ungeschwisterliches treiben. Leg einem Bullen deinen Arm unter, such dir einen anderen als mich zum Gatten, Holde!”
    10 Sure there will come succeeding times when brothers and sisters will do acts unmeet for kinsfolk. Not me, O fair one,—seek another husband, and make thine arm a pillow for thy consort.
    10a À ghÀ tÀ gachÀn uttarÀ yugÀni yatra jÀmayaÏ kÃÉavann ajÀmi
    10c upa barbÃhi vÃÍabhÀya bÀhum anyam ichasva subhage patim mat

    “for / surely / at that time / to approach / future / generations /,
    wherein / the (sisters of the) brother and sister relation / do acts (?) / un-kinsfolk-like /;
    moreover, / (you) make you to lay in (?) / the arm / of (matrix-) masculinity /,
    another / charming / lord / (you) go request / (for) to be satisfied /;

    • – ã ‘near to, near, towards; to, for, out from, among, upto, to, as far as, in, at, on’ RV
    • – ghA as -gha [root] ‘at least, surely, verily’ RV,
    • – tA, from -tad; [you?], no separate tA; -tad [root] ‘ then, at that time, in that case; this world; 3d person he, she, it, that, this; RV,
    • – uttara ‘upper, higher, superior, later, following, subsequent, latter, concluding, posterior, future’ RV
    • – yugAni, pl. [3x] [root] ‘a yoke, team; generation, race of men’ RV;
    • – yatra ‘in order that, in which case, if, when, as, in or to which place, where, wherein, wherever, whither ‘ RV,
    • – jAmi, pl. [voc.now.] the relation of brother and sister, consanguinity; RV but as sister colour;
    • – kRN [to put?], root kR ‘to make’ +, cant locate any kRN, kRn etc, ?
    • – ajAmi ‘ not of kin, not related’ RV,
    • – upa ‘thereto, moreover, further’ RV, when prefix ‘near to, towards, under, below, at, upon, in, above, at the time of, together with, at the same time, according to’;
    • – bar-bRh (cant find declension) from bRh ? -bRh ‘ to be thick, grow great or strong, increase, to make big or fat or strong, increase, expand, further, promote’ RV, we followed the German,
    • – vRSabha masc.sing.dat,’ manly, mighty, vigorous, strong’, [masculine?], ‘a bull [also as gods]’ RV, the chief, most excellent or eminent, lord or best among ‘ RV,
    • – bAhum, [fem/mas] acc.sing.
    • – anyam, mas.acc.sing.,
    • – icchasva 2nd sing.pres., [root] -iS ‘ to cause to move quickly, let fly, throw, cast, swing; to impel, incite, animate, promote; to endeavour to obtain, strive, seek for to endeavour to make favourable; to desire, wish, long for, request; to wish or be about to do anything, intend’ RV,
    • – subhaga ‘lucky, happy, blessed, beautiful, lovely, charming, pleasing, pretty’ RV
    • – pati ‘ a master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign; husband’ RV;
    • – mat, for -mad [root]’ to gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire’ RV

    Yami: 11. Was soll dann der Bruder, wenn man schutzlos sein soll? Was die Schwester, wenn das Verderben hereinbrechen soll? Von Liebe toll flüstere ich das immer wieder: Vereine deinen Leib mit dem meinen!”
    11 Is he a brother when no lord is left her? Is she a sister when Destruction cometh?
    Forced by my love these many words I utter. Come near, and hold me in thy close embraces.
    11a kim bhrÀtÀsad yad anÀtham bhavÀti kim u svasÀ yan nirÃtir nigachÀt
    11c kÀmamÂtÀ bahv etad rapÀmi tanvÀ me tanvaÎ sam pipÃgdhi

    Yami-Eve :
    “wherefore (is) / a brother / when / (I) have to grand a request / (for) it to come into being ? /
    what / further / (is) the sister / when / NirRti (Watercourse?) / is not coming ? /;
    very / strongly affected by love / this / (I) whisper : /,
    (you) unite / (your) body / together with / (my) body /;

    • – kim ‘ what? how? whence? wherefore? why?’
    • – yad ‘when, at what time, whenever; who, which, what, whichever, whatever, that’ RV
    • – anAtham, 1st sing. p. nAth ‘ to cause a person to ask for anything id est to grant a request (accusative) ‘; [they used -nAtha ‘a protector, patron, possessor, owner, lord’, no RV + a;] we a+nAtha verb,
    • – bhavat 2nd -bhU ‘come into being’; bhavat ‘being, present’;
    • – u ‘and, also, further, on the other hand, now’
    • – yan, -yat or -yad,
    • – niRrti, we saw other chapters as a very evil ‘she’, perhaps Watercourse, MH has her as ‘name of a Rudra’ [eden-redness];
    • – nigA-, unsure but nigA ‘to enter come in, etc’ RV, but then the -gh is left, as na+gaccha ?, in tables without -ni, possibly present or optative;
    • – kAmamutA ‘ strongly affected or impelled by love’ RV,
    • – bahv as bahu ‘much, very, many etc’,
    • – etad – tad ?
    • – rapAmi 1st sing. from [root] -rap ‘ to talk, chatter, whisper’ RV,
    • – pi-pRgdh (pR or pRc?); [root] pRc ‘to mix, mingle with, unite, join, satiate, to grant richly, give lavishly’ RV,
    • 1) no union means no power : though not clear what NrRti is (yet), it can be the real reason for the envy between the house Joseph and Judah; where Adam is in their new-hand, Eve in their serpent-hand (Nahum page?),

    Yama: 12. “Nie will ich meinen Leib mit deinem vereinen. Einen Schlechten nennen sie den, der zur Schwester geht. Mit einem anderen als mir bereite dir die Freuden! Dein Bruder wünscht solches nicht, o Holde.”
    12 I will not fold mine arms about thy body: they call it sin when one comes near his sister. Not me,—prepare thy pleasures with another: thy brother seeks not this from thee, O fair one.
    12a na vÀ u te tanvÀ tanvaÎ sam papÃcyÀm pÀpam Àhur yaÏ svasÀraÎ nigachÀt
    12c anyena mat pramudaÏ kalpayasva na te bhrÀtÀ subhage vaÍÊy etat

    Yama-Adam :
    “I will – not – unite / further / as / your / body / together with / my body /;
    they (spirits) say / ‘evil / who is / the sister’ /, (and) you are not to be approached /;
    another / you are in accordance with / to delight [by eden] / sensual pleasure /,
    not / your / charming / brother / is desirous / to seek it /;

    • – va ‘like, as’,
    • – pApa [root] ‘bad, evil, etc’ RV,
    • – svasara ‘ “one’s own resort”, home, place) a stall, fold’ RV; verb ?
    • – ni+gaccha 2nd sing., from -gam [root] ‘ to go, move, go away, set out, come; to go to or towards, approach’ RV;
    • – mat, for -mad [root]’ to gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire’ RV -ma,
    • – pramud ‘ gladness, delight, pleasure (especially sensual pleasure)’ RV,
    • – kalpa 2nd sing.pres., kLp ‘to bear suitable relation to anything, be adapted to, in accordance with, suitable to’RV
    • – subhaga ‘lucky, happy, blessed, beautiful, lovely, charming, pleasing, pretty’ RV
    • – vaSTi ‘eager, desirous’ RV,
    • – etat, -etad or -eSa ‘ the act of seeking or going after, wish, option, hastening’ RV,
    • 1) evil : verb is ‘you’ (not he who approaches); the line indicates he being Spelled; compare the contract he made with Thoth (Ez. page),

    Yami: 13. “O Elend, ein Elender bist du, Yama! Mitnichten haben wir Sinn und Herz von dir gewonnen. Eine andere wird dich gewiß umschlingen wie der Gurt das geschirrte Roß, wie die Rankepflanze den Baum.”
    13 Alas! thou art indeed a weakling, Yama we find in thee no trace of heart or spirit. As round the tree the woodbine clings, another will cling albout thee girt as with a girdle.
    13a bato batÀsi yama naiva te mano hÃdayaÎ cÀvidÀma
    13c anyÀ kila tvÀÎ kakÍyeva yuktam pari ÍvajÀte libujeva vÃkÍam

    Yami-Eve :
    “oh ! / (you) are weak /, a weakling /, Yama /,
    (we) do not recognize / your / soul /, nor (like) / the innermost /;
    anóther / probably / is connect with / you / (being) the girdle /,
    round-about / to be enwrapped by / (as) the ivy / the tree /;

    • – bato is bata [root]; ‘weakling; oh!’ RV; no -bat root further;
    • – batAsi 2nd sing.pres. ? similar construct as hebrew here,
    • – naiva, negation+va ?
    • – hRdaya ‘heart, core, etc’,RV
    • – vidAma 2nd plural, we find, recognize etc + ca but must be typo for -na,
    • – anyA [mas, acc. sing.] -anya ‘another [person]’, then male person,
    • – kila ‘ indeed, verily, assuredly ‘ RV, but also ‘possibly, probably, etc’ RV,
    • – kakSyA ‘ girth (of an animal), girdle, zone, filling out the girth, well fed ‘ RV, kakSa ‘ lurking-place, hiding-place’ RV,
    • – yukta ‘ yoked or joined or fastened or attached or harnessed to; set to work, made use of, employed, occupied with, engaged in, intent upon, joined, united, connected, combined,
    • pari [root] ’round, about, round about, fully, richly, abundantly, from, away from, out of, according to law or right, for the sake of; against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards’, para also ‘enemy, foe’, same theme;
    • – Sva is no root – now what ?, we followed theirs;
    • 1) to wrap around and be wrapped around : where eden-feminine is the Core of male, the ivy analogy is not so bad find; to the matrix this is strange, because they only know opposites and duals;

    14. Yama: “Auch du sollst fein einen anderen, o Yami, und dich ein anderer umschlingen wie die Rankepflanze den Baum! Dessen Sinn suche du zu gewinnen oder er deinen und mache mit ihm einen glücklichen Bund!”
    14 Embrace another, Yami; let another, even as the woodbine rings the tree, enfold thee. Win thou his heart and let him win thy fancy, and he shall form with thee a blest alliance.
    14a anyam  Íu tvaÎ yamy anya u tvÀm pari ÍvajÀte libujeva vÃkÍam
    14c tasya vÀ tvam mana ichÀ sa vÀ tavÀdhÀ kÃÉuÍva saÎvidaÎ subhadrÀm

    Yama-Adam :
    “another / further / to extract soma of (?) / you /, Yami-Eve /,
    another / further / to wrap (?) / round-about / you / (as) the ivy / the tree /;
    he /, like / your / soul /, you request / him / like / (to be) your thunderbolt (?) /,
    to make (+) / together discover / splendidness /.

    • – Su, as su ‘beauty,extracting soma’ ? just 3d person, but requires a Verb here;
    • – va, ‘like, as’
    • – iccha 2nd p. sing. iS,
    • -tad [root] ‘ then, at that time, in that case; this world; 3d person he, she, it, that, this; RV
    • – tavAdhA, we can only find ta+vadh; vadha,’ one who kills, a slayer, vanquisher, destroyer; deadly weapon (especially said of thunderbolt); the act of striking or killing, slaughter, murder, death’ RV,
    • – kRN, any combination we try fails, only -kR is sure,
    • – subhadra ‘splendid, fortunate, etc’ RV,
    • 1) thunderbolt : if the word is correct, likely not a dirty mind term,
      perhaps an allusion to the generated power when union (from their pov),

      08.22/23. — submitted — loNe —- first series

      1) we saw (in prophets pages) how the house of Ishral, Joseph, is the guardian of eden-feminine, and it is very much Ranted against them – because they ‘have to start connecting’, akin to the theme in this chapter,