RV X, 12 — Eden’s cornerstone and Adam as advisor of Thoth

RV X, 12
— Eden’s cornerstone and Adam as advisor of Thoth

1. Himmel und Erde sollen als Erste nach der wahren Ordnung zuhören, sie die ihr Wort halten. Wenn der Gott, der den Sterblichen opfern hilft, als Hotri sich niedersetzt, wieder in sein Leben zurückkehrend.
1. HEAVEN and Earth, first by everlasting Order, speakers of truth, are near enough to hear us,
When the God, urging men to worship. sitteth as Priest, assuming all his vital vigour.
1a dyÀvÀ ha kÍÀmÀ prathame ÃtenÀbhiÌrÀve bhavataÏ satyavÀcÀ
1c devo yan martÀn yajathÀya kÃÉvan sÁdad dhotÀ pratyaÇ svam asuÎ yan

“the (eden?) sky / (is) indeed / the initial / weak (voiced) /,
the general law keeping order [MAÃT] / presently / speaking the truth /;
the deity / connected to / the mortals (on earth) / to sacrifice / (by) (to make +) / (it) to be sat upon (?) /,
(as) the gift / turned the opposite direction / (for) the own / breath-life of spiritual world / to connect to /;

  • – ha ‘indeed, verily, ofcourse, when’
  • – kSamA, fem.nom.sing. kSama; kSAma ‘weak, debilitated, infirm, slight (especially applied to the voice)’ RV; v
  • – prathama ‘foremost, first (in time or in a series or in rank)preceding, initial, chief, principal, most excellent’ RV,
  • – Rta ‘general law [MAÃt]’ RV + abhi’srI ‘one who arranges, puts or keeps in order’, ‘attached to eachother’ RV; combined as ‘the general law for keeping order’ ?
    -yan 1) from -yad, or 2) [root] -yat ‘to place in order, marshal, join, connect; to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with to join, associate with, march or fly together or in line; to conform or comply with; to meet, encounter (in battle)’RV ; 2) -yad ‘who, which, what, whatever, whichever, that’
  • – bhavataH (8 different posibilities) [bhavat ‘being, present’ RV], from -bhU,
  • – satyavacana ‘speaking truth’ RV ; satya ‘truth, etc’ RV
  • – marta ‘mortal men’ RV,
  • – yajatha, fr.thAya ‘worship, sacrifice’ RV,
  • – kRN-va for -kuN ? kR ‘to make (to)’ + ? the ‘urging [inviting]’ not in RV;
  • – sîda (2nd,3d?) of [root] -sad,’ to sit down (especially at a sacrifice), sit upon or in or at; to sit down before, besiege, lie in wait for, watch’ RV,
  • – dhotA from -dha ? ‘puting, placing, bestowing, holding, having, causing’; suffix -n turns it often to a noun, we assume here similar;
  • – pratyaNc ‘turned towards, facing (accusative); coming; being or coming from behind, turning the back, averted, moving in an opposite direction’ RV,
  • – svam from -sva ‘one’s own, his own, etc’,
  • – asu ‘breath, life, life of the spiritual world’ RV,
  • – yan, -yat or -yad; 1) -yat ‘to place in order, marshal, join, connect; to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with, to join, associate with, march or fly together or in line; conform or comply with; to meet, encounter (in battle)’RV;
  • 1) subject and line cohesion : this was the most difficult line; only by starting at last line tó this one (as we usually do) it makes Sense : the ‘deity’ is the original eden-hand (executive place), which was moved North and inversed (compare glyph KHET’); in next lines the main feature of the hand will show – the ‘cornerstone’,
  • 2) problem – the sky : we still need to learn the colours of many terms – here it appears that -dvi is the eden sky (having become ‘weak’), not their doubled-sky north;

2. Der Gott, der alle Götter durch die Opferordnung zusammenhält, fahre du unser Opfer als erster Kundiger, mit dem Rauch als Fahne, durch das Brennholz glanzerhöht, als der wohlredende ständige Hotri. Der durch seine Rede besser opfert!
2 As God comprising Gods by Law Eternal, bear, as the Chief who knoweth, our oblation,
Smoke-bannered with the fuel, radiant, joyous, better to praise and worship, Priest for ever.
2a devo devÀn paribhÂr Ãtena vahÀ no havyam prathamaÌ cikitvÀn
2c dhÂmaketuÏ samidhÀ bhÀÃjÁko mandro hotÀ nityo vÀcÀ yajÁyÀn

“(as) the deity / guiding / the deities / (by?) general law [MAÃT] /,
(you) conduct offerings / attentive / (to) our / foremost / invocations /;
(agni) having smoke as a banner /, (as) the fuel [wood] / radiant with light /,
sacrificing / continuously /, sounding pleasantly / the excellent sacrifice / you speak ! /;

  • – paribhu ‘to be round anything, surround, enclose, contain; to go or fly round, accompany, attend to, take care of, guide, govern; to be superior, excel, surpass, subdue, conquer’ RV,
  • – vaha 2nd imp. [root] -vah ‘to carry, transport, convey etc.; to lead, conduct (especially offerings to the gods; to bear along (water, said of rivers); to draw (a car), guide (horses etc.)’ RV
  • – hava ‘call, calling, invocation’ RV,
  • – cikitvan ‘attentive’ RV,
  • – dhUmaketu ‘(agni) having smoke as banner or sign’ RV,
  • – samidha ‘fuel, wood’ RA;
  • – bhARjIka ‘radiant with light, light-shedding ‘ RV,
  • – mandra ‘pleasant, agreeable, charming, (especially) sounding or speaking pleasantly etc.’RV
  • – hotA, 3d fut. – hu (sacrifice cluster); and hotR ‘sacrificial priest’
  • – nitya ‘continual, perpetual, eternal’ RV
  • – vAca, 2nd imper. (?);
  • – yayîyAn, German used -yajîyas ‘worshipping more or most, sacrificing excellently’ RV, similar term in line 1 – yajatha, fr.thAya ‘worship, sacrifice’ RV,
  • 1) smoke as banner : compare the analogy of “a corcerer forming things by a cloud of gold-dust in below lines; compare ‘smoke’ glyph H’ET (smoke / by eden VaV-sceptre / for saturn-wick-H’); though we need to see what is the difference between ‘smoke’ and ‘milk’ (eden-dual-essence as milk, eden-words as milk..?),

3. Wenn der Nektar der Kuh in der eigenen Gewalt des Gottes steht, so erhalten die aus dieser Kuh geborenen Marut die beiden Welthälften. Alle Götter mögen diesem deinem Opferspruch willfahren, daß die bunte Kuh das himmlische Schmalz, das Wasser milche.
3 When the cow’s nectar wins the God completely, men here below are heaven’s sustainers.
All the Gods came to this thy heavenly Yajus which from the motley Pair milked oil and water.
3a svÀvÃg devasyÀmÃtaÎ yadÁ gor ato jÀtÀso dhÀrayanta urvÁ
3c viÌve devÀ anu tat te yajur gur duhe yad enÁ divyaÎ ghÃtaÎ vÀÏ

“immortality for the gods / (by) (our) own sacred text (Rg) /,
if / the cow [eden-vine] / (is) constantly / giving / produce / from far off /;
in this manner /, all / deities / alongside / you / (by) sacrificial prayer / to milk / the cow (eden-vine) /,
which is / the one / celestial / clarified butter / alike /;

  • – svAvRg, not listed, there is a svAvRj ‘easily obtained’, making -svA ‘easy, willingly, own’; sva+vRg but vRg don’t exist; ‘own+?’ as Rg(veda), perhaps intended as such =these chapters],
  • – dava+amRt ‘divine+immortal’,
  • – yadi ‘if, in case that’ RV,
  • – gor, likely -gur [next line]; 3d p. -ga [gur ‘to hurt,to go, to raise, lift up, to eat’ RV], the “cow” -go cluster,
    2) when -go ‘”anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow”, milk (generally plural), flesh;”fat”, skin, hide, leather, strap of leather, bow-string, sinew’ RV, then eden dual essence ‘-go’;
  • – ato as -at ‘to go constantly, walk, run’ RV ?
  • – dhArayante, line 7; ‘to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo, to place or fix in, bestow or confer on, to destine or be destined for; RV
  • – jAta ‘born, brought into existence by; grown, produced, arisen, caused, appeared’ RV
  • – urvi, -uru ‘far, far off, to a distance’ RV,
  • – anu ‘after, along, alongside’
  • – tat for -tad ‘he, she, it, that, this; this world’ RV; ‘then, at that time, in that case, thus, in this manner, with regard to that’ RV
  • – yajur from -yajus ? ‘sacrificial prayer or formula; worship, veneration’ RV,
  • – dhAra root dhR; dhArayAna ‘bearing, holding, supporting, containing etc’
  • – duhe 1st p. [root] -duh ‘to (cause to) milk (a cow or an udder) figuratively take advantage of to milk or squeeze out, extract (milk,soma); draw anything out of another thing
  • – ghRta ‘clarified butter’ RV,
  • – vAH as -va ‘like, as, alike’,
  • 1) to milk the cow by reciting : please remember how, between the eden-vine (south) and its corrupted blossom (north) was the “willow tree” (inversed cord of words) – here, they recite texts, in order to have the dual-essence come up through the willow..?

4. Ich preise euer Werk, damit es gedeihe, ihr Schmalztriefenden; Himmel und Erde, ihr beiden Rodasi, höret auf mich! Wann die Tage und die Tagnächte vergehen, sollen uns dabei die beiden Eltern mit ihrem Honig anregen.
4 1 praise your work that ye may make me prosper: hear, Heaven and Earth, Twain Worlds that drop with fatness.
While days and nights go to the world of spirits, here let the Parents with sweet meath refresh us
4a arcÀmi vÀÎ vardhÀyÀpo ghÃtasn dyÀvÀbhÂmÁ ÌÃÉutaÎ rodasÁ me
4c ahÀ yad dyÀvo ‘sunÁtim ayan madhvÀ no atra pitarÀ ÌiÌÁtÀm

“I praise [by sacred text] / your / thriving (?) / clarified-butter table-land as the mountain [GEB] /,
you hear about / (how?) (I) present existence (?) / my / heaven and earth (by redness) /;
the days / which are by / the un-joined – (eden-) sky / (as) the world of the spirits /,
(by?) our / cornerstone (the demon in this place) / (is) the father-sky / (of eden-youthfulness?) /;

  • – arcAmi 1st sing. pr. [root] -Rc ‘sacred text’ RV
  • – vardha+ likely 2nd p. [root] -vRdh ‘to elevate, exalt, gladden, cheer, exhilarate (especially the gods, with praise or sacrifice), to grow, grow up, increase, be filled or extended, become longer or stronger, thrive, prosper, succeed etc.; to rise, ascend (as the scale in ordeals); to be exalted or elevated, feel animated or inspired or excited by’ RV; + ?, and we fail locate the declension;
  • – ghRtasnU, ghRta+snu, snu ‘the level summit or edge of a mountain, table-land, surface, height’ RV (‘to drop’ is not RV),[can only be Geb; so hence the table-mountain in S-A is sacred to natives; Geb is to melt (in scripture) as butter;
  • – dyAvAbhUmi, 1st p. [root] -dâ ‘to give, bestow, grant, yield, impart, present, offer to; RV +bhU come into being?;
  • – ‘sRNuta 2nd p. of [root] -‘sru ‘ to hear, listen or attend to anything, give ear to any one (accusative or genitive case), hear or learn anything about (accusative) or from’ RV;
  • – rodasî ‘Name of lightning as wife of rudra and companion of the marut’s; heaven and earth’ RV;
  • – yad ‘who, which, what, whatever, whichever, that’
  • – asunIti ‘personified as a female deity (invoked for the preservation of life; world of spirits’ RV
  • – ayan as a-yan?; -yan 1) from -yad, or 2) [root] -yat ‘to place in order, marshal, join, connect; to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with to join, associate with, march or fly together or in line; to conform or comply with; to meet, encounter (in battle)’RV; most likely, +a “un-joined,
  • – madhvad ‘eating sweetness’ RV; BENR or NUTCH ?
  • – atra ‘devourer, demon; food’ RV [eden-tile?] ‘in this place, here at this time, there, then’
  • – ‘si’sIta, suspiciously 2nd p., we had ‘si’s in X,13 [eden-youth?],

5. Hat uns denn der König Varuna gefaßt? Was haben wir wider sein Gebot getan? Wer weiß es gewiß? Denn auch Mitra, indem er die Götter verführt, nimmt am Siegespreis teil wie der gleichmäßige Ruf der Fahrenden.
5 Hath the King siezed us? How have we offended against his holy ordinance? Who knoweth?
For even Mitra mid the Gods is angry there are both song and strength for those who come not.
5a kiÎ svin no rÀjÀ jagÃhe kad asyÀti vrataÎ cakÃmÀ ko vi veda
5c mitraÌ cid dhi ÍmÀ juhurÀÉo devÀÈ chloko na yÀtÀm api vÀjo asti

“we / how /, pray tell /, have taken captive / the king [Adam] ? /,
how / we we are equal (?) / (by?) the law of the realm / we have been making ? /,
which / distict / (sorcery-) knowledge ? /;
Mitra [borrowed house-H?] / (is?) indeed / the granted place /,
surely / the gods / cause to fall down / chloka= (some eden-construct) /,
not / (they both) escape /, and / the booty of the war / (it) is present /; [review]

  • – kiM, k/im;
  • – svin, -svi ‘particle of interrogation or inquiry or doubt, often translatable by”do you think?””perhaps”,”pray”,” indeed”,”any”(especially used after the interrogative -ka)’ RV
  • – jagRhe, 1st 3d (or 2nd) perf. [root] ‘to arrest, stop, to overpower, to seize; to catch, take captive, take prisoner, capture, imprison’ RV;
  • – rAjA instr., so ‘we have captured the king’,
  • asyAti, (all 3?), they picked ‘we’ and stanza-form agrees ; [root] -as ‘to throw, cast, shoot at’RV, then ‘to be, to live, exist, be present, take place, abide, dwell, stay, to belong to, fall to the share of, happen to anyone, be equal, etc’ RV, 2) ayam[id/am]
  • – vrata ‘command, law, service, dominion, realm, (religious) manner of life’ etc’ RV,
  • – caKrma (1st pl.perf.) have been making,
  • – vi, seperate term; see lexicon,
  • – cid ‘even, indeed,also’ [or -cit],
  • – dhi, masc. loc.sing. -dhA; weak of -dha ‘placing, puting, holding, possessing, bestowing, granting’,
  • – SmA, rare typo for [smA,sma] ? “indeed”,”certainly”,”verily”,”surely” RV; stanza fits;
  • – juhura ‘(cause to) to cause to go crookedly, lead wrong or astray’ RV, from hvR, ‘to deviate or diverge from the right line, be crooked or curved, bend, go crookedly or wrongly or deviously, stumble, fall, down’ RV,
  • – chloka, we can’t locate the original,
  • – yAtAm, 1) 3d dual pres. of -yA, 2) 3d dual present of -i; participle : acc.sing.past yAta; [root] -yA ‘go, proceed, advance, march, set out, travel, journey; go away, withdraw, retire, flee, escape; go towards or againt, come or go to, enter, approach, arrive at, flee’RV,
  • – api ‘placing near or over, uniting to, annexing, reaching to, proximity, etc; (As a separable adverb) and, also, moreover, besides, assuredly, surely’
  • – vAja (voc.sing.) ‘battle, war; the prize of a race or of battle, booty, gain, reward, any precious or valuable possession, wealth, treasure; sacrificial food; strenth,etc’ RV
  • – asti, 3d sing.pres. -as,
  • 1) the questioning : is all addressed to ús – because the information is inthere, already; besides ‘has the king seized us’ doesn’t even make sense from their own pov;
  • 2) Mitra and chloko : we can’t locate the latter term yet; but they must be Pairs, since mitra was ‘given’ (see lines below), and ‘ckloko’ “fell down”, hence we chose ‘not escape’,

6. Von üblem Angedenken ist darin des Unsterblichen Yama Name, daß Blutsverwandtes fremdartig sein soll. Wer aber an des Yama Namen von gutem Angedenken denkt, den schütze ohne Unterlaß, du erhabener Agni!
6 ’Tis hard to understand the Immortal’s nature, where she who is akin becomes astranger.
Guard ceaselessly, great Agni, him who ponders Yama’s name, easy to be comprehended
6a durmantv atrÀmÃtasya nÀma salakÍmÀ yad viÍurÂpÀ bhavÀti
6c yamasya yo manavate sumantv agne tam ÃÍva pÀhy aprayuchan

“(it is) named / the hated / immortal eden-cornerstone-tile [in this place] /,
having the same characteristics / which / become / speckled forms [AB] /;
Yama [Adam] / who is / the good advisor / with [eden-] understanding to invent /,
agni [Thoth] / in this – sublime – manner / you are – attentively (?) – causing to give to drink /;

  • – durmati/durmada ‘bad disposition of mind, envy, hatred; fierce, mad, infatuated by’ RV,
  • – atra+amRta, -atra ‘demon, devourer, food’ RV, ‘in this place, here at this time’
  • – nAma ‘named, called’ RV, sing. [nom. acc. voc],
  • – salakSmahaving the same marks or characteristics, homogeneous, similar‘ RV,
  • – yad ‘who, which, what, whatever, whichever, that’
  • – viSurUpa ‘different in shape or colour, manifold, various’ RV,
  • – manavate [root] -man ‘ to think, believe, imagine, suppose, conjecture’ RV [manvate in RV]; to perceive, observe, learn, know, understand, comprehend , “excogitate, invent”, RV; [invent by eden -ma],
  • – sumantv ‘easily known, well known’ RV [x,12]; friendly sentiment or invocation’ RV, but -mantu ‘an adviser, manager, disposer, ruler, arbiter’ RV + su ‘good’,
  • – yam, acc.sing. -tad; or [root] -yam ‘to gasp for breath (as one suffocating), choke, be suffocated, faint away, be exhausted, perish, be distressed or disturbed or perplexed’ RV; or [root] -tad ‘he, she, it, that, this; this world’ RV; ‘then, at that time, in that case, thus, in this manner, with regard to that’ RV;
  • – RSva [root] ‘elevated, high, sublime, great, noble (as gods)’ RV,
  • – pAhy 2nd.sing.pres,imper. 1) [root] -pA ‘to drink, quaff, suck, sip, swallow’ RV, to cause to drink, give to drink, water (horses or cattle); wish to drink, be thirsty’ RV;
  • – aprayucchat ‘attentive’ RV,
  • 1) cornerstone and advisor : it is rather bizarre to see these themes appear this clear here; the “tried cornerstone” (page and page) as hebrew -abn, and glyph SET (-dog); the cornerstone bears the (hebrew) -ab, ‘whiteness’, into their glyph AB ‘leopard, speckled, variegated, etc’; the -atra returns in next lines as Isis-tile;

7. Bei welchem Opfer die Götter schwelgen, für welche Stätte des Vivasvat sie sich entscheiden, wissen wir nicht. Sie haben in die Sonne das Licht, die Nachtschatten in den Mond gelegt. Ohne zu ermatten wandeln beide ihren Glanz.
7 They in the synod where the Gods rejoice them, where they are seated in Vivasvān’s dwelling,
Have given the Moon his beams, the Sun his splendour-the Two unweariedly maintain their brightness.
7a yasmin devÀ vidathe mÀdayante vivasvataÏ sadane dhÀrayante
7c sÂrye jyotir adadhur mÀsy aktÂn pari dyotaniÎ carato ajasrÀ

“possessing / Vivasva’s [IEUE’s] / abode / by which / the gods / (you all) to know / exhilaration /,
the night-light / (as?) [the eden-] the moon / was giving / the light / (to) this sun [Rã] /,
shining / in opposite direction (and round about) /, (so) unweariedly / (you all) are roaming around /;

  • – yasmin loc. sing. -ya [in which,on whom, etc]
  • – vidatha 2nd plur. pres. [root] -vid ‘to know, understand, perceive, learn, become or be acquainted with, be conscious of, have a correct notion of’ RV,
  • – mAdana ‘intoxication, exhilaration’ RV, [root] -mad ‘gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire,etc’ RV [likely english ‘mad’, as intoxicated, negative],
  • – sadana ‘abode, home; [causing] to settle down or remain’ RV
  • – dhAra, dhAraya ‘holding, supporting, containing’, causal -dhArayati from [root] -dhR ‘to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo, to place or fix in, bestow or confer on, to destine or be destined for; RV
  • – sUrye, [sUrya, masc.voc.sing.], sUrye is masc.loc.
  • – jyoti, light-cluster,
  • – dadha imp. from -dhA,’placing, puting, holding, possessing, bestowing, granting’,
  • – mAsi, loc. sing. [root] -mAs, ‘the moon; a month; flesh, meat’ RV, corrupted eden -ma;
  • – aktu ‘darkness, night, light’ RV,
  • – pari [root] ’round, about, round about, fully, richly, abundantly, from, away from, out of, according to law or right, for the sake of; against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards’; para also ‘enemy, foe’, same theme;
  • – dyotani ‘shining, glittering’ RV,
  • – carata 2nd plur.pres. [root] -car ‘to move one’s self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander; to behave, conduct one’s self, act, live, treat ‘ RV,
  • – ajasra ‘perpetual’, a+jas,
  • 1) Vivasva : father of Yama; we keep it as IEUE for now; it could have a bit different colour but it is not the same as ‘eden masculine’ (gandharva, cherubs); there are several chapters listed, so we’ll know more precise after having read those;
  • 2) night-light and opposite direction : (inpage) we saw IEUE addresses [his] moon, having “a better type silver-light as theirs”; this moon here as -mas (-ma, eden) and should follow after the cornerstone, gíving it’s light tó Rã; (compare sumerian moon Nanna); the crucial “eden-night-light turning into matrix-day” is the theme, hence we chose ‘opposite’; see same theme in X,135 and also X,10;

8. In welchem geheimen Gedanken die Götter zusammenkommen, wir wissen es nicht. Mitra, Aditi, Gott Savitri mögen uns dabei dem Varuna als schuldlos melden.
8 The counsel which the Gods meet to consider, their secret plan,—of that we have no knowledge.
There let God Savitar, Aditi, and Mitra proclaim to Varuṇa that we are sinless.
8a yasmin devÀ manmani saÎcaranty apÁcye na vayam asya vidma
8c mitro no atrÀditir anÀgÀn savitÀ devo varuÉÀya vocat

“they (all) meet together / (for) the secret / which is / the gods / (eden-) knowledge /,
(it is?) not / our / dice / (we all) have known /;
Mitra [borrowd house-H?] / (is?) our / sinless / eden-cornerstone as Isis /,
the deity / SavitR [ÁTEN-light-disk?] / proclaiming (?) / Varuna [t’uat-dawn?] /;

  • – manman ‘thought, understanding, intellect, wisdom’ RV; double + eden, in line 7 was ‘to perceive, observe, learn, know, understand, comprehend, “excogitate, invent”;
  • – saMcara, together+ 3d. plural -car
  • – apîcya ‘secret, hidden’ RV,
  • – vayam, nom. plural -asmad [we all],
  • – ayas 1) 2nd pres.imp.-as, 2) -as ‘to throw, cast, shoot at’ RV, then ‘to be, to live, exist, be present, take place, abide, dwell, stay, to belong to, fall to the share of, happen to anyone, be equal, etc’ RV, 2) ayam [id/am],(acc.nom.) sing. -aya ‘a die’, [‘going’]
  • – vidma 1st plur. [perfect] -vid,
  • – mitra, -mit ‘anything set up or erected, a post, pillar’ RV; mitra ‘friend, companion’ RV, only -mitra-dharman ‘name of a demon [said to steal oblations’ MH; -dharma is ‘law’ etc, mitrakru ‘demon’ RV, kru is anger cluster ?; the dual Mitra-VaruNa, varuNa can be the T’UAT-dawn;
  • – aditi [a+diti] ‘boundlessness, immensity, inexhaustible abundance, unimpaired condition, perfection, creative power, Name of one of the most ancient of the Indian goddesses (“Infinity”or the”Eternal and Infinite Expanse”, often mentioned in RV, daughter of dakSa and wife of ka’sapya, mother of the Aditya s and of the gods)’ RV, ka’sapya = sorcery;
    2) note how it writes atra+aditi (centre-a turning to -ã); atra is eden-tile, then ‘Aditi’ is Isis, glyph ÁST;
  • – anâga ‘sinless’ RV; MH has ‘serpent’ as -nAga; ‘no-serpent’
  • – savitR, ‘has golden hands, arms, hair etc.;he is also reckoned among the Aditya’s, and is even worshipped as”of all creatures”, supporting the world and delivering his votaries from sin; is the real power behind Râ; ÁTEN-disk, shown with many hands, is a good candidate (Bhraspati was TER);
  • – vocat, -vac ‘to speak, say, tell, utter, announce, declare, mention, proclaim, recite, describe’
  • 1) we have no knowledge and ‘dice’ : ofcourse the Ba-soul who wrote this has, wé don’t – that is the point; the “dice” (as ‘casting lot’) is still a tricky topic – we chose ‘dice’ because after ‘us’ it requires a noun, in front of a verb; the concept of dice likely related to the two Onyx-stones at the shoulder of the tabernacle highpriest (telling ‘yes’ or ‘no’), yet not to be understood as an eden-concept – hence “.. not as we have known”.. ?;
  • 2) Mitra, Isis and ÁTEN : we are either right, or very close, but can’t vouch 100% for the lineup : though the pairing Mitra-Isis and ÁTEN-VaruNa feels right, )into Mitra-VaruNa),

9. Erhöre uns, Agni, an deinem Sitze, deinem Platze; schirr den Wagen des Unsterblichen, den eilenden! Fahr uns die beiden Rodasi her, deren Söhne die Götter sind! Nicht sollst du unter den Göttern fehlen; hier sollst du sein!
9 Hear us, O Agni, in your comninn dwelling: harness thy rapid car, the car of Amṛta.
Bring Heaven and Earth, the Deities’ Parents, hither: stay with us here, nor from the Gods be distant.
9a ÌrudhÁ no agne sadane sadhasthe yukÍvÀ ratham amÃtasya dravitnum
9c À no vaha rodasÁ devaputre mÀkir devÀnÀm apa bhÂr iha syÀÏ

“hear / us / Agni / (at?) the (cornerstone-) abode / the place where people stand together /,
sprinkle out (?) / (as?) the (quick?) smelter (?) / the immortal / cart [KHENT’ boat] /;
near to / us / (you) go cause / the divine Put-sons’s (poles) / heaven and earth (by eden-redness) /,
let not / the deities / without / existence /, at this time / (you) should be present /;

  • – ‘srudhi not found; ‘sru [root] ‘ to hear, listen or attend to anything, give ear to any one, hear or learn anything about or from’ RV; ‘srudh ‘perhaps obedient’, but not suitable here;
  • – sadana ‘(cause) to dwell; abode, home’ RV,
  • – sadhasta ‘”place where people stand together”, place of meeting, any place, spot, abode, home, region, world; “standing together”, present’ RV;
  • – yukS not listed; vyukS ‘to besprinkle, wet’ RV [x,90]; [root] -ukS ‘to sprinkle, moisten, wet; to sprinkle or scatter in small drops; to emit; to throw out, scatter (as sparks) etc.; to emit seed (as a bull); to be strong, to strenghten’ RV [into -ukSan ‘bull’]; yukSva mirrored as -vyukS here ?, probably;
  • – dravitnu ‘quick’ RV, yet -dravi ‘a smelter, one who melts metal’ RV [vi,3]; so the Dravidians are Tubal-Cains ? [MH uses the name] ;
  • – ã ‘near to, near, towards; to, for, out from, among, upto, to, as far as, in, at, on’ RV
  • – vaha 2nd sing. pres. carrying, bearing, conveying, bringing, causing, producing, effecting
  • – rodasî ‘the lightning as wife of Rudra’ [eden-redness]; likely T’ESHER; ‘heaven and earth’ RV, from the redness those are made,
  • – deva-putra,having gods as children (said of heaven and earth)’ RV, Put-sons
  • – mAkir, as -mAkis ‘may not or let not; may no one’ RV ? yet -mâkî, [prob.] heaven and earth’ RV,
  • – devAnAm genit. plur., [colour],
  • – apa [when sep.] ‘away from, on the outside of, without, with exeption of’,
  • – iha ‘now, at this time’ RV,
  • – syAH 2nd sing.pres.opt. you should; -as ‘to throw, cast, shoot at’RV, then ‘to be, to live, exist, be present, take place, abide, dwell, stay, to belong to, fall to the share of, happen to anyone, be equal, etc’ RV;
  • 1) sprinkle out and smelter : possibly a match, when imagining a sorcerer creating constructs through “a cloud of gold-dust” forming into something; last year we had the link between (Greek) -pyr, “read fiery aether” and glyph T’ESHER (‘redness’), here as root -rud;

25.08. submitted – loNe – first series —

– you tell us : why would our line-up of terms, and interpretation, be Invalid….?
In fact – the further we proceed, the more Congruent their lines appear to be