RV X , 165 — the eden Dove , the phoenix bird , and stolen energy

RV X, 165
— the eden Dove , the phoenix bird , and stolen energy

  • # trying to understand which concepts is described by the used terms
  • # chapter themes :
    • A] the “dove” seems to be ‘an emanation , a personal energy’ (as eden-youthfulness) of NirRti , which we think to understand as the Watercourse , by her context; compare how the dove is presented in scripture ;
    • B] the dove continuously ‘visits’ , because She is connected to the adamite-originals and eden-essence (as well as to Yama-Adam and Yami-Eve) now all in their north ,
    • C] so as in glyph UHEM , “to be constantly renewed (by eden)” , that is why the dove cannot stay – but has to be constantly ‘chased away’ , yet “constantly leaving behind that youthfulness” for thém ,
    • D] their phoenix bird should be their version of the dove , this phoenix’ nature as their now corrupted eden-energy (because now as a mixture) ruling the borrowed 30-silvers-house-H ,

RV X, 165

1. Ihr Götter, in welcher Absicht die Taube als Bote der Todesgöttin ausgesandt hierher gekommen ist, dagegen wollen wir einen Zauber singen und eine Sühnung machen. Heil sei unseren Zweifüßlern, Heil den Vierfüßlern!
1. GODS, whatsoe’er the Dove came hither seeking, sent to us as the envoy of Destruction, For that let us sing hymns and make atonement. Well be it with our quadrupeds and bipeds
1a devÀÏ kapota iÍito yad ichan dÂto nirÃtyÀ idam ÀjagÀma
1c tasmÀ arcÀma kÃÉavÀma niÍkÃtiÎ ÌaÎ no astu dvipade ÌaÎ catuÍpade

“deities / , the sent out / (evil) dove / which (is) ./ the envoy / desiring / destruction (nirRti, Watercourse?) / ,
has not manifested / in this manner / ;
we go recite sacred texts / to her / (and) go to sound loud / (for) restoration / ,
to toil – our – twofold station – to toil – to be – the fourfold station / ;

  • – kapota ‘a dove, pigeon, (especially) the spotty-necked pigeon (in the veda’s often a bird of evil omen)’ RV ; root is difficult to trace back; kap has negatives [kapa ‘class of deities’ MH , kapi ‘monkey’ RV] ; yet -pota is ‘(anything) young’ MH , and – ka ‘who, which?’, perhaps as non-interrogive “who is young”,
  • – iSita ‘moved, driven, tossed, sent out or off, discharged;caused, excited, animated’ RV
  • – yad [root] ‘ who, which, what, whichever, whatever, that’ RV , yad ‘so that, in order that, wherefore, whence”,”as”, in as much as, “since”, “because”, when , if’ RV,
  • – iccha [.imperf.] -iS -iS ‘ to cause to move quickly, let fly, throw, cast, swing ; to impel, incite, animate, promote ; to endeavour to obtain, strive, seek for to endeavour to make favourable ; to desire, wish, long for, request ; to wish or be about to do anything, intend’ RV
  • – dUta ‘a messenger, envoy, ambassador, negotiator’ RV , nirRti ; ‘dissolution, destruction, calamity, evil, adversity etc. etc. (personified as the goddess of death and corruption and often associated with death’ RV ; [she’s in X,59; once in VII,37] ; -nirR ‘to go out or off, fall away from, be deprived of’ RV ; -nirRti ‘name of a rudra’ MH ; root
  • -nir as ‘without, away from, absence’ ;
  • – idam [ayam,iyam] ‘here, to this place, now, even, just, there, in this manner’ RV ; ‘this, this here; known, present’
  • – AjagAma , -gam ? perf. 1st or third + not ? [jagAma , a-jagAma correct] [root] -gam ‘to go, move, go away, set out, come etc. ; to go to or towards, approach;to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain; RV ,
  • – tasma ‘on him, to him’ lex. , (dat.) ,
  • – arcAma 1st pres.plur.imperat. [root] – Rc ‘sacred text’ RV ,
  • – kRNavAma , kR+navAma 1st plur.pres.imperat. [root] -nu ‘now, still, just, at once, so now, now then, indeed, certainly’ RV; to sound, shout, exult, praise, commend’ RV ; to sound loud, roar, thunder’ RV ; what an impossible language with all it’s options ;
  • – niSkRti ‘restoration, cure; acquittance, requital, atonement, expiation’ RV ,
  • – ‘sam ‘ [root] -śam ‘auspiciously, fortunately, happily, well ; to toil at, fatigue or exert one’s self (especially in performing ritual acts); to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle’ ,RV ;
  • – astu [3d let it be, let it be so], 3d sing.pres,imperat.-as ‘to throw, cast, shoot at’ RV ; 2) ‘to be, live, exist, be present, to take place, to happen, to abide, well, stay, to belong to, fall to the share of’ ;
  • 1) not manifested : appears congruent – because they ‘want to be constantly renewed’, yet would She ‘manifest’ , it would be deadly to them ;
  • 2) two-fold and fourfold-station : a guess ; it is Unlikely them proud spirits would address themselves as ‘bipeds’ ; the concept must be related to their borrowed-hebrew-house-H (see page) , but line remains dark ; we suggest a similar duplication as “from the dual Ram standard (book Daniel) into the four cherubs (book Ezekiel)” , but this theme is simply too high for us ; see line 3 , perhaps as the Ephod ;

2. Günstig soll uns die ausgesandte Taube sein, ohne Harm sei der Vogel in unserem Hause, o Götter. Agni, der Redekundige, soll darum an unserer Opferspende Geschmack finden. Uns soll das geflügelte Geschoß verschonen.
2 Auspicious be the Dove that hath been sent us, a harmless bird, ye Gods, within our dwelling. May Agni, Sage, be pleased with our oblation, and may the Missile borne on wings avoid us.
2a ÌivaÏ kapota iÍito no astv anÀgÀ devÀÏ Ìakuno gÃheÍu
2c agnir hi vipro juÍatÀÎ havir naÏ pari hetiÏ pakÍiÉÁ no vÃÉaktu

“the (evil) dove / sent out / shall be / benevolent / (to) us / , deities / ,
(as) the sinless / phoenix bird / in our abode [borrowed hebrew-house-H] / ;
because / agni [Thoth] / the inspired-poet / has pleasure in / our / fire-offering / ,
to be removed / (from) us / the opposite (-Beyond’s) / winged / flame-weapon (eden’s) / ;

  • – ‘siva ‘auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear’RV
  • – iSita ‘moved, driven, tossed, sent out or off, discharged;caused, excited, animated’ RV
  • – astv – astu [3d let it be, let it be so], 3d sing.pres,imperat.-as ‘to throw, cast, shoot at’ RV ; 2) ‘to be, live, exist, be present, to take place, to happen, to abide, well, stay, to belong to, fall to the share of’ ;
  • – anAga ‘sinless’ RV , lit. no-serpent , śakuna ‘a bird (especially a large bird or one of good or bad omen)’ RV , ‘sakuna ‘name of a people’ MH; suggested from ‘sak ‘to be strong or exert one’s self for another (dative case), aid, help, assist; to help to’ RV ; ‘sakamaya ‘consisting of or arising from excrement’ RV [phoenix from ashes?] ; ‘sakalIkRta ‘broken or cut in pieces, reduced to fragments’ RV ; [‘sakalyeSin ‘”desiring fragments of wood”, devouring or licking (as a flame of fire)’ AV] ; ‘sakradhvaja ‘Indra’s banner’ RA,MH [behemoth realm ; banner as axis] ; ‘sakRt ‘excrement, ordure, feces, dung (especiallycow-dung)’ RV ; [we didn’t write it in previous posted RV , the Ezekiel connection – but the ‘cooking on dung’ theme is THE analogy with the KHEPER beetle , rulling his mixed ball as mixed-aspects] ; ‘sakti ‘power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy’ RV [yes, the same ‘modern’ type oneliner used by many people who haven’t a fkn clue neither] ; ‘sakti ‘help, aid, assistance, gift, bestowal; lance, spear, dart’ RV [axis? compare Saul with the spear to David] ; ‘saktimat ‘possessed of ability, powerful, mighty, able to’ MH [but same time ‘by the spear=axis] ; ‘sakti-vat ‘(see -‘sakti) “powerful”or”helpful”RV [by axis] ;
    2) then -‘sakuna ‘large bird’ ; -‘sakunasUkta ‘(perhaps) the bird-hymn’ RV [X, 146,2] ; ‘sakuni ‘a bird (especially a large bird [read: stretched wings as the phoenix] , equals according to to some “a cock”)’ RV ; as Skanda’s vehicle ; ‘sakuni ‘name of a Naga’ RA [matrix-serpent] ; ‘sakunti ‘a bird (female)’ RV ; dualism ;
  • – gRha ‘house, habitation, home; (dual) house with several rooms; an assistant, servant’ RV [eden house-H] see posted X further down as this chapter ,
  • – hi ‘to send forth, set in motion, impel, urge, hurl, cast, shoot; ‘for, because, on account of’ RV ;
  • – vipra ‘stirred or excited (inwardly), inspired, wise (said of men and gods, especially of agni; learned;a sage, seer, singer, poet, learned theologian’ RV,
  • – juS ‘to be pleased or satisfied or favourable etc. ; to like, be fond of delight in (accusative or genitive case), enjoy etc. ; to have pleasure in granting anything (accusative) to ; to have pleasure in (dative case), resolve to ; to give pleasure to’ RV ;
  • – havir , havis ‘oblation or burnt offering, anything offered as an oblation with fire’ RV ,
  • – pari [root] ’round, about, round about, fully, richly, abundantly, from, away from, out of, according to law or right, for the sake of ; against, opposite to, in the direction of , towards’ , para also ‘enemy, foe’ , same theme ;
  • – heti ‘a missile weapon, any weapon (also personified)’ RV ; rapid motion, shot, impact (of a bow-string)’ RV ; ‘agni’s weapon, flame, light’ MH ; ‘ the first rAkSasa (eden-construct) king (represented as occupying the Sun’s chariot’ RA ; [from -hi] ,
  • – pakSin ‘a bird or any winged animal; winged (literally and figuratively)’ RV , from -pakSa ‘half, side, flank’ , dimensional side ?
  • – vRNakte declension of vRj ‘to bend, turn ; to twist off, pull up, pluck, gather (especially sacrificial grass); to wring off or break a person’s neck; to avert, remove to keep anything from (ablative or genitive case), divert, withhold, exclude, abalienate’ RV ;
  • 1) the Dove juxtaposed to phoenix : we think that from the cluster it is sure enough that the phoenix is intended ; the line suggests some transformation of essence – like the glyph BENU (phoenix) as “(eden-) word-inside” NU ; in the spells we said the latter to be their both fiery axis – perhaps this bird will show in other RV’s ;
  • 2) flame-weapon : perhaps “as nature of the eden-life (=youthfulness)’ ; the term includes ‘rapid motions, rapid shots’ ; we think related to ‘renewal’ . For comparison of this concept – imagine how “the cells in our body live a while, then die (and are replaced)” , yet our whole system degrades and eventually dies. But suppose that “every each cell would be renewed every second” (and that at an age of say 20) , it would be eternal youth … Again – for thém this would be Lethal , so they need “a weaker version of this constant renewal” , compare glyph QEBH’ , “to cool-down (eden aspects)” , so they can use it ,

3. Das geflügelte Geschoß soll uns nicht überfallen; sie setzt in der Küche ihren Fuß auf den Herd. Heil sei unseren Rindern und Leuten; nicht bringe uns hier die Taube Schaden, o Götter!
3 Let not the Arrow that hath wings distract us: beside the fire-place, on the hearth it settles. May, it bring welfare to our men and cattle: here let the Dove, ye Gods, forbear to harm us
3a hetiÏ pakÍiÉÁ na dabhÀty asmÀn ÀÍÊryÀm padaÎ kÃÉute agnidhÀne
3c ÌaÎ no gobhyaÌ ca puruÍebhyaÌ cÀstu mÀ no hiÎsÁd iha devÀÏ kapotaÏ

“the winged / flame-weapon / not / to destroy / us / ,
the station / (in?) the extensive forest [the Lebanon?] / (as) the receptacle for the fire / to make one thing from another / ;
to toil at / the fearful eden-essence / and / fearful adamite-originals / (for) us / ,
to be killed / to be / to fashion / us / at this time / (by?) the (evil) dove / , deities / ;

  • – dabhAti 3d pres.sing. [root] -dabh ‘to hurt, injure, destroy; deceive, abandon’ RV ,
  • – ASTryam = āṣṭrī ‘an extensive forest’ RV [165,here] ; aṣṭama ‘8’ , KHEMENU ? or ‘the Lebanon’ ?
  • kRNuta 2nd plur.pres.imperst. -kR
  • – agnidhAna ‘receptacle for the sacred fire’ RV ,
  • – go-bhya’s , -go ‘”anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow”, milk (generally plural), flesh ;”fat”, skin, hide, leather, strap of leather, bow-string, sinew; ox, cow, cattle, herd (also stars of sky);’RV , eden-essence or originals ? -gopa was ox-cherub ; [-bhA ‘to shine, be bright or luminous’ RV , no -bhya ; -bha [empty] ; -bhAs ‘to shine etc’; found : from root -bhî ‘to fear, to be afraid; to fear for, be anxious about’ RV , declension -bes, bhiyase, bhais ; as “the fearful eden-essence” , note the go-bhya’s and puruSa-bhya’s
  • – ca ‘both, and, also’ ,
  • – puruSa+bhya’s , -puruSa ‘the,”spirit”or fragrant exhalation of plants’; the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe;a man, male, human being (plural people, mankind)’ RV ; ‘servant’ MH ; -puruSAdaka ‘men-devouring’ RA,MH ; [puruSa rv x,90; reading the chapter (present version) the colour may very well be ‘original adam’, as opposed to fallen adam – as Yama] ; puru ‘[eden-] citadel, city, fortress’, -par ‘enemy, foe; etc ; -puruSî ‘woman, female’ RV ; into -pR’sni ‘variegated’ etc ? ,
  • – ca+astu ‘and,both,also’ and ‘let it be’ or 3d etc ;
  • – mâ ‘not, that not, lest, would that not (may not, may it not be); sound, bellow, roar, bleat; measure, meat out, mark off; to measure across=to traverse; to measure out, grant, apportion; form, fashion, to build, arrange” RV [ma,mam,me, 1st person] ,
  • – hiMs ‘to injure, harm, wound, kill, destroy, etc, to be injured or killed’ RV ,
  • – iha ‘now, at this time’ RV [from ‘i’ ]
  • 1) extensive forest : the forest we know is ‘the Lebanon, which will come down’ (see scripture page) , the term relating to “whiteness” as shared dimensional-quality ; we are not sure why in this forest would be ‘a receptacle’ , perhaps the (hebrew) Ephod ? , as Tutankhaman’s device (see ‘searching the root pages’) and as “the station in mid-air , from which the horses run out (Zechariah 6) (the German version has “the bird to place its foot upon the hearth in the kitchen” – so we just need to need more RV’s to chisel our’s) ;
  • 2) adamite-originals : we are 95% sure of the 2nd part of this line 3 ; it is even possible to read ‘to make us deities (fróm them)’, but we aren’t sure if in further RV the Ba-souls [RSi] who wrote these, refer to themselves as deities ;

4. Was die Eule schreit, da soll eitel sein, und wenn die Taube ihren Fuß an das Feuer setzt. Als dessen Botin sie hierher geschickt ist, diesem Yama, dem Tode, sei eine Verbeugung gemacht!
4 The screeching of the owl is ineffective and when beside the fire the Dove hath settled, To him who sent it hither as an envoy, to him be reverence paid, to Death, to Yama.
4a yad ulÂko vadati mogham etad yat kapotaÏ padam agnau kÃÉoti
4c yasya dÂtaÏ prahita eÍa etat tasmai yamÀya namo astu mÃtyave

“so that / the unsuccessful / owl / reports / ,
this manner / the (evil) dove / to join / the station / (as) (the place of) the fire / to form the thing out of another / ;
this way / which is (by) / the sent-out / envoy (= the Dove) / to seek after / (this) here / ,
you are causing to bow and be subject / Yama [Adam] / to dwell as / the mortal (one) / ;

  • – yad [root] ‘ who, which, what, whichever, whatever, that’ RV , yad ‘so that, in order that, wherefore, whence”, “as”, in as much as, “since”,”because” , when , if’ RV ,
  • – ulUka ‘owl’ RV ; ‘name of a people’ MH ; ‘owls of Bashan’ (oaks supporting KHENT’U boat)’,
  • – vadaiti 3d sing.pres. -vad [root] ‘ to speak, say, utter, tell, report, speak to, talk with, address’ RV ,
  • – mogha vain, fruitless, useless, unsuccessful, unprofitable’ RV
  • – etad ‘this manner, thus, so, this, this here, here’,
  • – yat ‘going, moving ; to place in order, marshal, join, connect to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with, to join, associate with, march or fly together or in line ; to conform or comply with ; to meet, encounter (in battle); to seek to join one’s self with, make for, tend towards’ RV ; or in comp. for -yad ,
  • – agnau loc.sing. -ani ,
  • – kRNote imperat.? -kR ‘to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake; to form or construct one thing out of another;to compose, describe ‘ RV ;
  • – yasya 1) gen.sing. -ya ; 2) 2nd sing.pres.imperat. -yas ,to froth up, foam’ RV
  • – prahita ‘sent out, dispatched (as messengers); urged on incited, stirred up’ RV
  • – eSa ‘seeking or going after, wish, option’ RV
  • – etat [from -etad or eSa] , ‘this, this here, here’ ;
  • – tasmai dat.sing. -tad , but ‘to him’ ? -tad , ‘then, at that time, in that case;thus, in this manner, with regard to that ; this world; he,she,it,that,this’ RV ;
  • – namo, [no namo,namu] , as – nama? 1) for -mas; no; 2) nama 2nd sing.pres.imper. -nam , ‘to bow to, subject or submit oneself; to turn towards, to aim at; to cause to bow or sink, incline; to turn away or ward off’ RV ; 3) -nama ‘a pasture ground’ RV ;
  • – astu [3d let it be, let it be so], 3d sing.pres,imperat.-as ‘to throw, cast, shoot at’ RV ; 2) ‘to be, live, exist, be present, to take place, to happen, to abide, well, stay, to belong to, fall to the share of’ ;
  • 1) the reporting owl : as well in scripture as glyphs , the “owl” is related to the M-realm (north) ; it is perhaps strange he’d call his owl ‘unsuccessful’ but we assume the owl was their pre-eden ’emanation’, (before the Dove appeared on the scene) ; this owl now having a better version being the phoenix ;
  • 2) Adam and mortal one : we can only read the line such , that because of this situation , Adam remains ‘mortal’ (as not being covered by the full eden-life) , so he can keep working for them (page) ,

5. Mit einem Verse scheuchet die Taube fort; führet die Kuh herum, euch am Speisegenuß erfreuend, alle bösen Spuren austilgend! Sie fliege so schnell als möglich fort, unsere Kraft zurücklassend.
5 Drive forth the Dove, chase it with holy verses: rejoicing, bring ye hither food and cattle, Barring the way against all grief and trouble. Let the swift bird fly forth and leave us vigour.
5a ÃcÀ kapotaÎ nudata praÉodam iÍam madantaÏ pari gÀÎ nayadhvam
5c saÎyopayanto duritÀni viÌvÀ hitvÀ na Ârjam pra patÀt patiÍÊhaÏ

“to drive out (by the sound) / (by) sacred texts / (you all) go remove / the (evil-) dove / ,
(you all) rejoice in (?) the fainted / juicy strength / out from (?) / the obtained eden dual-essence / ;
to obliterate / all / the (eden-) evil / swiftly / ,
the juicy (matrix-) strength / (you all) approach to take it into yourselves / ,
fulfilled / , to soar up and reign / , flying the best / .

  • – nudata [2nd plur.pres.imper.] – nud to push, thrust, impel, move, remove’ RV ,
  • – praNud ‘to push on, propel, set in motion, drive or scare away’ RV , -praNu ‘to roar, bellow, sound, reverberate’, RV
  • – iSaM [noun] sig.stem -iS or -iSa ; iSa ‘well-fed, strong, sappy, juicy, fertile’ RV ;
  • – mandataH to [adv] -manda ‘weak, slight, slack (as a bow), dull, faint (as light), low (as a voice), gentle (as rain or wind), feeble’ MH ; no RV – we noticed how RV is ‘skipping magically-dangerous terms’ ;
  • – pari [root] ’round, about, round about, fully, richly, abundantly, from, away from, out of, according to law or right, for the sake of ; against, opposite to, in the direction of , towards’ , para also ‘enemy, foe’ , same theme ;
  • – gAM , said ‘accusative of -go’ [eden dual-essence] ; gam ‘to go, move, go away, set out, come etc. ; to go to or towards, approach;to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain; RV ,
  • – nayadhvam = declension of -dhvan ? dhvaj ? cannot locate, follwing the german and english ‘;
  • – saMyu+payanto , -saMyu ‘to join or unite with one’s self, take into one’s self, devour; to join to another, bestow on, impart’ RV ; + 3d plur. -upayanti ‘to go near, approach, arrive at, enter’
  • – duritani ‘bad course, difficulty, danger. discomfort, evil, sin (also personified)’ RV,
  • – hitvA , likely -hitvan ‘speedy, swift’ RV ; [no -hitva] ;
  • – Urja ‘power, strength, vigour, juicy, sappy’ MH [Urjasvat in RV] ; -pra ‘before, forward, in front, on, forth’ [usually prefix] ; ‘filling, fulfilling, like, resembling;
  • – patAt stem -pat
  • – patiSTha ‘flying most or best’ RV [from -pat] -pat ‘ to be master, reign, rule, govern, control, own, possess, dispose of ; to partake of, share in ; to be fit or serve for; to fly, soar, rush on; to fly or move rapidly along’RV
  • 1) obtained essence : having used the full meaning of the cluster through the ‘in compound for’ ;
    from “fearful eden-essence” in previous line , now as a mixture ;

09.09. — submitted — loNe — first series —-

murdering, these chapters
see X,65 for NirRti ,
compare Nahum 2, where doves are connected to the 7 Torches (of the Watercourse) ;
– – in which RV were “the 7 female singers” (the seven Torches) ?