Tag Archives: star gates

CT 1003

VII220 k] Nut (sky dimensions of earth). [by] the double Áter shrine [also a doubling-concept, south]. [as] the god (that shrine). who is. in front of,before. his. two lands [below ãnkh-torus]. [for?] the anunna-face. [in] the divine exalted high [place]. beautified-soul.; I am. j] the beautified-soul. to be mighty [by the jackal staff of speech] […]

CT 1004

n] the triple-divine word of speech (seperate div.). to beautify (tcheser). the existence for the beautified-soul. [by] the aspects offered (food-glyph). [at] the double-shrine [of copying] (sensensent+island; south vesica). his. existence. [as] something made (ári, m-b-soul/to make). m] the place of the battle,below. speech. he. the one to come. [by,to] the place of the word-inside […]

Selected QUOTES — *SBA gates*

  Selected QUOTES — *SBA gates*   1]BD  CXXVline 28:this (existence/root). SBA-gate. existence. the doorbolts (benshu, SH + solarplane). [for] existence of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; 2]BD  CXXVin 'negative confession chapter',line 19:the place of the word-inside Õn (ruling Eye,south). of [=by]. the Utchat-Eye (that eye). to fill, be filled with (meh', saturn). Sight (maa, for […]

BD 127 A

the doorkeepers. all. evil [images of the mountain] (t’u, God’s). wrong [‘not become new’] (un). [as?] one (tu). to become to discover,to find (gem). nót.;  (wont be found no more) existence. to go,come [root to kh] (khep). my. desire (mer). I. to manifest (per). I. to be praised (h’es,saturn). I. enter (ãq). word. them (ad.souls). […]