RV X , 152 — the behemoth-realm (Indra) attacking Eden’s inner-court (vRtra)

RV X , 152
— the behemoth-realm (Indra) attacking Eden’s inner-court (vRtra)

  • # trying to understand which concepts is described by the used terms

RV X, 152

1. Du bist ein so großer Gebieter, ein wunderbarer Feindevertilger, dessen Freund nicht getötet noch jemals vergewaltigt wird.
1. A MIGHTY Governor art thou, Wondrous, Destroyer of the foe, Whose friend is never done to death, and never, never overcome.
1a ÌÀsa itthÀ mahÀÙ asy amitrakhÀdo adbhutaÏ 1c na yasya hanyate sakhÀ na jÁyate kadÀ cana
“(you) are / the great / chastizer / , marvellously / devouring his enemy (as eden) / in this manner / ;
whose / friend (this author) / (is) not / being destroyed / , neither / being overpowered / never at any time / ;

  • – śāsa 1) noun ‘order, command;a commander, ruler, chastiser’ RV ; 2) 2nd.sing.pres.imperat. [root] -‘sAs to chastise, correct, censure, punish; to blame, reject; [to direct, bid, order, command, enjoin, decree]’ RV ,
  • – ittha , only -ittham ‘ thus, in this manner’ RV ;
  • – asi 1) -asi ‘a sword, scimitar, knife (used for killing animals)’ RV ; 2) 2nd sing.pres. -as ‘throw, cast, shoot’ RV ; ‘to be, to live, exist, to happen, to be present, to happen, to abide, to dwell, to belong to’
  • – amitrakhAda ‘ “devouring his enemies”, Name of indra’ RV [152] ;
  • – adbhuta ‘supernatural, wonderful, marvellous’ RV ,
  • – yasya root -ya ; 2nd sing.pres. -yas ‘to froth up, foam’
  • – hanyate 3d sing.passive.pres. -han ‘ to strike, beat (also a drum) , pound, hammer (accusative), strike etc. upon, etc. ; to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy; to hurl upon’ RV ;

  • – sakha ‘friend, companion’ RA ;
  • – jîvate 3d sing.pass.pres. -jî or -jîA ; -jiA ‘to overpower, oppress, deprive any one (accusative) of property’ RV ,
  • – kadA ‘when? at what time?; at some time, one day; how?; with a following can/a , never at any time; RV , see lex. for others ;
  • 1) enemy : chapter deals about vRtra , eden’s inner-court , so we left enemy as singular ;
    the inner-court breached as SEKER does in lower register in amtuat V, to right ;
    note the “cleaving” in next line , and compare SEKER pushing the wings apart (as the eden-vine) ;
    that dual-essence represented in the shown snakes. The serpent going right has a dual head
    and is speckled (mixture ; -pR’s in RV) ; the serpent going left has a head (‘main’-serpent?) and is eden’s .
    But to be fair , we’d really need to reread V , and see what we have missed , before ;

2. Der heilspendende Clanherr, der Vritratöter, der die Verächter vertreibt, der Gebieter, der Bulle Indra soll uns vorangehen, der Somatrinker, der Sicherheit schafft.
2 Lord of the clan, who brings us bliss, Strong, Warrior, Slayer of the fiend, May India, Soma-drinker, go before us, Bull who gives us peace.
2a svastidÀ viÌas patir vÃtrahÀ vimÃdho vaÌÁ 2c vÃÍendraÏ pura etu naÏ somapÀ abhayaÎkaraÏ
“(Indra,) the averter of enemies / (as) the ruler (-sky) / conferring happiness / , the lord / to cleave / vRtra (inner-court) / ;
he (Indra) to go obtain / the (eden-) citadel (of the east) / ,
Indra (m-realm) to distribute abundantly / to us / , being entitled to drink soma juice / causing safety / ;

  • – svastidA ‘conferring happiness’ RV ;
  • – vi’sas ‘to cut up, dissect, cut down, slaughter, immolate, kill, destroy’ RV
  • – patir
  • – vimRdh ‘”averter of enemies”, Name of indra’ RV ,
  • – va’si stem voc. -va’sin but no RV ‘ several ‘ruler’, perhaps -a’svin inversal ?
    vRtra ‘Name of the Vedic personification of an imaginary malignant influence or demon of darkness and drought (supposed to take possession of the clouds, causing them to obstruct the clearness of the sky and keep back the waters; indra is represented as battling with this evil influence in the pent up clouds poetically pictured as mountains or castles which are shattered by his thunderbolt and made to open their receptacles’ RV ; ‘mt. Tsiun is both ‘a mountain’ as meaning ‘dry place (from matrix-dimensional waters)’ note the ‘castle’ , and also the “made to open the receptacle” ;
  • – vRS+indra ‘to rain down, shower down, pour forth, effuse, shed (“to bestow or distribute abundantly”;
    also with instrumental case =”to rain upon, or overwhelm with” RV
  • – pura ‘fortress, castle, city, town’ MH , -par cluster as ‘enemy, foe, etc’ ; -pura also in compound for -puras, ‘east’ ,
  • – etu 3d pres.sing.imperat. -i – ‘i’ ‘this, that, to go, blow, walk, go to or advance , go away, escape,
    pass, retire, to arise, come from, reach, obtain, appear, approach, ask, request, etc’ RV ;
  • – naH us,we ;
  • – somapa ‘drinking or entitled to drink soma -juice’ RV ,
  • – abhayamkara ‘causing safety’ RV [152] ;
  • 1) to cleave (inner-court) , and citadel : the ‘cleaving’ fits the concept of glyph PESESH , and moreover
    as the “Elam breached through the veil” (page) ; 2) the citadel as eden’s , since roots -par, -pur are negative
    (par ‘enemy’, etc) ; compare how the Watercourse sighs “the Assyrian has destroyed our citadels”) ;
    3) ruler or father also as name of the sky ; and where Indra is the m-realm this can be appropriate ;

3. Jage den bösen Geist fort, die Verächter fort, zerbrich die Backen des Vritra, zerbrich den Grimm des Feindes, der uns nachstellt, o Vritratöter Indra!
3 Drive Rākṣasas and foes away, break thou in pieces Vṛtra’s jaws: O Vṛtra-slaying Indra, quell the foeman’s wrath who threatens us.
3a vi rakÍo vi mÃdho jahi vi vÃtrasya han ruja 3c vi manyum indra vÃtrahann amitrasyÀbhidÀsataÏ
“you go strike / the abandoned – demon(eden-construct) / bird / ,
the bird / (as) vRtra’s (inner-court) / (double) jaw / you go break (open) / ;
Indra / , without / the fury / the smitten vRtra / (as) the enemy to become exhausted instead / ;

  • – vi [root] ‘a bird (also applied to horses, arrows and maruts); RV ; ‘(distinctly) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without’,
  • – rakSa , demon, eden-construct ,
  • – mRdh ‘neglect, forsake, abandon’ RV ,
  • – jahi 2nd sing.pres.imperat. -han ‘to strike, beat (also a drum), pound, hammer (accusative), strike etc. upon etc.; to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy;to hurl (a dart) upon’ RV
  • – hanU , dual stem -hanu ‘jaw’ (strange how dual – as hieroglyphs compare ÂR-T and MAA) ; hanumat ‘”having (large) jaws”, Name of a monkey-chief (one of the most celebrated of semi-divine monkey-like beings [destroying ravana-eden]’ RV RA MH ;
  • – ruja ‘ breaking, crushing, destroying’ RV or 2nd sing.pres.imperat. -ruj ‘ to break, break open, dash to pieces, shatter, destroy’ RV ,
  • – manyu ‘high spirit or temper, ardour, zeal, passion; rage, fury, wrath, anger, indignation’ RV , from -ma (eden) ,
  • – amitra+abhi+ dual 3d plur.pres.imperat. -das ‘to suffer want, become exhausted’ RV ; – adhi ‘instead of’ RV , ‘above, over and above, besides’ ;
  • 1) bird and jaw : there were three -vi’s in first line , making the line Impossible – untill the amtuat connection ; SEKER pushes ‘wings’ apart , where the -vi (also ‘a bird’) should be an integral part of vR (-vir) . However, the “jaw” as eden’s appears strange – the infamous “I will put hooks in your jaw, Gog” (page) suggests a negative term ; as does the sickly-glyph MAA . Budge notes by glyph ÃRT , ‘(double!) jaw’, that “the ancient Egyptians believed the jaw existed out of two parts” , yet here the -hanU álso has a dual stem ! 2) the “opening of the mouth” ritual needs a chisel , to can wring open the jaw ; and the symbology of ‘jaw’ is related to “the mouth”, as the eden-gate ; where also the jaw is related to ‘speech’ , as the R in glyph ÃRT . 3) Another clue may the very small and negative Sanskrit -h chapter (heti, ‘flame-weapon, eden’s, x 165 ; hotR , sacrificial priest ; hvAr serpent; root -hu ‘sacrifice’ ; has ‘to laugh, mock’; haN’sa ‘a mythical bird , able to separate soma from water’ (again this dual theme) , etc ; making us to wonder whether the Sanskrit -h has the same intrensic value as glyph-H (hebrew-H) . 4) though the term “jaw” feels very negative to us , related to violence etc , the eden-colour of the concept must be rather “cheek bone”, as the seat of nobleness (once i have seen a female-adamite-original’s face , for a few seconds , from the side – it was absolutely Adorable ; and i can understand why women here repeat that concept when puting on make-up…) ;

4. Jage uns die Verächter fort, Indra; halte die Angreifer nieder! Wer uns bedroht, den schicke in die unterste Finsternis!
4 O Indra, beat our foes away, humble the men who challenge us: Send down to nether darkness him who seeks to do us injury.
4a vi na indra mÃdho jahi nÁcÀ yacha pÃtanyataÏ 4c yo asmÀÙ abhidÀsaty adharaÎ gamayÀ tamaÏ
“indra / you go smite (the jaw) / the forsaken / bird / (for) us / , you go restrain / the attacker / below / ;
who is / being exhausted instead / you will go destine (?) / (for?) us / ,
you will cause – the (eden-) darkness of illusion – to go away / ;

  • – vi [root] ‘a bird (also applied to horses, arrows and maruts); RV ; ‘(distinctly) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without’,
  • – na likely -nu for next soft vowel ;
  • – nîcA ‘below, down, downward’ RV [or sing.stem -nIca/nyac]
  • – yaccha 2nd sing.pres.imper. -yam ‘ to sustain, hold, hold up, support (“one’s self”;with locative case “to be founded on”); to raise, wield (a weapon etc; to raise, extend or hold (as a screen etc.) over (dative case); to stretch out, expand, spread, display, show; to hold or keep in, hold back, restrain, check, curb, govern, subdue, control,etc. ; to offer ; confer, grant, bestow on, present with to give one’s self up to, be faithful to, obey (dative case); to raise, utter (a sound etc.); to fix, establish; to be firm, not budge’ RV
  • – pRtanya ‘to attack, assail, fight against’ RV ;
  • – abhi+dAsati 3d sing.pres. -das ; + instead
  • – adharam sing.stem -adhara ; 1st sing.pres.imperf. -dhR ‘to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo; to place or fix in, bestow or confer on;to (be) destine for’RV
  • – gamaya 2nd sing. causat,pres.imp. [root] -gam ‘to go, move, go away, set out, come;to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain;
  • – tamaH as -tamas ‘darkness, gloom (also plural)mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error;’ RV ;
  • 1) to destine the bird : the -dhR cluster lacks the colour of ‘slaying, chasing away’ etc ; then it must read that in some way Indra now uses that bird ; considered that several RV chapters are praising vi-vasvat , it is *possible* that now théy control that bird ; and considered “the jaw of Gog , being pulled-down from the North”, it is even possible this bird is in their North now ;
  • 2) the bird : in the phoenix-chapter (RV,X) the ‘bird’ is an energy, an emanation (for lack of words) ; here , this vi- bird may rule the dual-eden-vine ;

5. Halt, Indra, des Hassers Absicht ab, die Mordwaffe des, der uns Gewalt antun will! Breite deinen Schirm vor seinem Grimme aus, lenke die Mordwaffe weit ab!
5 Baffle the foeman’s plan, ward off his weapon who would conquer us. Give shelter from his furious wrath, and keep his murdering dart afar.
5a apendra dviÍato mano ‘pa jijyÀsato vadham 5c vi manyoÏ Ìarma yacha varÁyo yavayÀ vadham
“Indra , – the hostile enemy – (to be) away from / the type man (-kind) / ,
(=the enemy) wishing to overpower / , away from / the destroying thunderbolt (of Indra) / ;
the furious / bird / you go raise and display / (as?) the destroying thunderbolt / farther off / .

  • – apendra as apa+indra ; – apa ‘[separate: away from, on the outside of, without, with exception of] ; away, off, back’
  • – dviSat ‘hating or detesting, hostile, unfriendly, foe, enemy’ RV ,
  • – mano voc.sing. -manu ‘”the thinking creature(?)”, man, mankind (also as opp. to evil spirits ;the Rbhu’s are called manor n/apAtah, the sons of man’ RV [in a previous we suggested ‘Watchers’, the ‘sons of El’ of whom is said ‘but you will die like mortals’] ; ‘the Man par excellence or the representative man and father of the human race (regarded in the as the first to have instituted sacrifices and religious ceremonies’) RV , Henoch describes how several watchers teached [pre-deluge] humanity the arts of warfare, etc ; partially by eden -ma ; into -manas ‘awareness (by eden)’ etc , -manu likely cognant to (hebrew) -ish ;
  • – jijyAsato root -jyâ , j/ijyAsat ‘to wish to overpower’ RV [152] , we had similar in this series ;
  • – vadha ‘one who kills, a slayer, vanquisher, destroyer; a deadly weapon (especially indra’s thunderbolt); the act of striking or killing, slaughter, murder, death, destruction’ RV
  • – manyu ‘high spirit or temper, ardour, zeal, passion; rage, fury, wrath, anger, indignation’ RV , eden’s ,
  • – yaccha 2nd sing.pres.imper. [root] -yam (see previous lines) ,
  • – varias (?) ‘farther, farther off or away;wider space (“than” ablative);free space, freedom, comfort, ease, rest’RV
  • 1) bird and thunderbolt : both the ‘fury’ and ‘thunderbolt’ share root -ma (eden) ; the line suggests strongly that indeed the bird has now become the thunderbolt – farther off (let’s say, in their North) ;
  • 2) type man (-kind) : we had the same problem in scripture pages , between -ish and -adm (adam-type) ; we should conclude that this -manu , ‘type-mankind’ must be the post-eden-pre-deluge type , since pré-eden are always “apes, humanoids” (as well in RV as in spells) “who could nót think” (manas) , that was the whole problem of those apes created by their deities . If this manu-type was post-eden , it can make Sense that ‘they don’t want eden near to it’ , as per line ;

09.09. — submitted — loNe — first series —-