RV X 135 — Adam’s residence between the spirits, in the North

RV X 135

RV X 135 — Adam’s residence between the spirits, in the North

Der Sohn: 1. “Wo unter einem schönbelaubten Baume Yama mit den Göttern zecht, dort schaut sich unser Vater, der Clanherr, nach seinen Altvorderen um”
1. IN the Tree clothed with goodly leaves where Yama drinketh with the Gods, The Father, Master of the house, tendeth with love our ancient Sires.
1a yasmin vÃkÍe supalÀÌe devaiÏ sampibate yamaÏ
1c atrÀ no viÌpatiÏ pitÀ purÀÉÀÙ anu venati

“there where / Yama (Adam) / drinks together / with the gods / [under] the tree / having many beautiful leaves /;
there is (demon as eden-cornerstone) / father / vessel /,
with / the lord of the house and the people / the olden ones (v) / are longing for /;

  • – yasmin ‘in which or that (place)’; -ya [root] ‘who, which’ [where?] RV;
  • – vRkSa ‘tree trunk, any tree’ RV;
  • – supalA’sa ‘having many and beautiful leaves’ RV,
  • – sampibate, no RV; likely -sam ‘together’ and ‘piba’ [2nd person] from -pA ‘to drink’;
  • – atra ‘demon, devourer [rakSaSa,eden-construct]; food; RV; ‘this place, there, then’, we consider linked to vRtra [main demon in RV] vR-atra;
  • – na : either 1) ‘no, not, nor, neither [lest]’ RV; or
    2) as -nau, “we, our” [dual, acc,dat,gen], ór “a ship, vessel” RV;
  • – vi’spati ‘lord of the house or of the people’ RV [eden-term -vi’s],
  • – purANa, ‘old, ancient, etc’ RV,
  • – anu ‘after, along, alongside, near to, under, subordinate to, with’,
  • – venati 3d person (he,they) -ven [root] ‘ to be envious or jealous, to care or long for, be anxious, yearn’ RV,
  • 1) the father : not clear whether Adam or cornerstone; in glyphs is also the frequent ÁT, “divine place-T of hail” (‘father’); we chose “ship, vessel”, as the KHENT’U boat on diagram at homepage, rather as “we”: in next lines he continues this construct,

2. “Unwillig sah ich ihn sich nach seinen Altvorderen umschauen und den so schlimmen Weg ziehen. Ihn verlangte ich zurück.”
2 I looked reluctantly on him who cherishes those men of old, On him who treads that evil path, and then I yearned for this again.
2a purÀÉÀÙ anuvenantaÎ carantam pÀpayÀmuyÀ
2c asÂyann abhy acÀkaÌaÎ tasmÀ aspÃhayam punaÏ

subordinated to my anxiousness for / the olden ones / (he) was occupying / so miserably /,
I observed (?) / him / with / displease /, I desired / home /;

  • – anuven, from -vena in first line, but then with prefix -anu [also in first line],
  • – carantam, -car [root] ‘ to move one’s self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander, to behave, conduct one’s self, act, live, treat, to be engaged in, occupied or busy with’ RV; as verb 3d ?
  • – pApayA ‘badly, miserable, wongly’ RV, [pApayAmuyA ‘so badly, so vilely’, lex.]; pApa ‘sin, evil, a wicked man, wretch, villain, etc’ RV;
  • – asUya ‘ to murmur at, be displeased or discontented with’ RV [X,135=here; dative],
  • – abhi ‘ to, towards, into, over, upon’, [by, before, in front of]
  • – a-cAka’s, as cakSa ‘the eye, observe’ ? un-observed ?
  • – tasma ‘on him, to him’ lex., (dat.),
  • – spRh ‘ to be eager, desire eagerly, long for’ RV + -a “undesiring” [sparheyam 1st sing.
  • – punaH in comp. for punar ‘ back, home, in an opposite direction; again and again, repeatedly; further, moreover, besides’ RV;
  • 1) purana’s note –
    now it makes Sense why the “9 wizards” dictated around 230 AD the ‘puranas’, a Corrupted interpretation of Rg-Veda terms: related to (posted chapter) where “Thoth caused to be remembered” – likely as attempt to Bury the meaning of contents óf the Vedas, by them;

3. “Der neue Wagen ohne Räder, den du Knabe da im Geiste gemacht hast, der nur eine Deichsel hat und nach allen Richtungen weiter fährt, auf dem stehst du, ein Nichtsehender.”
3 Thou mountest, though thou dost not see, O Child, the new and wheel-less car Which thou hast fashioned mentally, onepoled but turning every way.
3a yaÎ kumÀra navaÎ ratham acakram manasÀkÃÉoÏ
3c ekeÍaÎ viÌvataÏ prÀÈcam apaÌyann adhi tiÍÊhasi

“this / (by) awareness-created / un-wheeled (cherub) / new / cart [-construct] /, the son-construct /;
all around / furnished with only one pole / facing east / (you) firmly station yourself /, un-seen /;

  • – kumAra ‘son, etc’ RV (voc.sing.; ‘i don’t know, John’), son-construct, non-eden term,
  • – nava [root] ‘modern, fresh, new’ RV;
  • – manasa ‘awareness’ + kRN untracable, root -kR ‘to make, create’
  • – ekeSa ‘furnished with only one pole’ RV,
  • – vi’svatas, ‘from or on all sides, everywhere, all around, universally’ RV
  • – prāñc,’ in the east, to the east of’ RV, directed forwards or towards, being in front, facing, opposite, make straight, prepare or clear [a path], advance, promote, further, turned eastward, eastern, easterly’ RV, glyph ÁAB;
  • – apa’sya ‘not seing’ RV [un-seen],
  • – tiSTha, 2nd perston present -stha [root] ‘ to stand, stand firmly, station one’s self, stand upon, take up a position’ RV,
  • 1) cart construct; compare previous line about the ‘boat’; we are not sure how to understand exactly the positionings and aspects yet, but perhaps in coming chapters these will be explained better,

4. “Dem Wagen, den du Knabe da den Redekundigen vorgeführt hast, dem folgte das Saman nach, das von da auf das Schiff gesetzt wird.”
4 The car which thou hast made to roll hitherward from the Sages, Child! This hath the Sāman followed close, hence, laid together on a ship.
4a yaÎ kumÀra prÀvartayo rathaÎ viprebhyas pari
4c taÎ sÀmÀnu prÀvartata sam ito nÀvy Àhitam

“the son-construct / which / you make to revolve (forwards?)/,
(being) the cart [-construct] / round-about / the (matrix-) seers /;
(as) this world / revolving (forwards?) / together with / the possessions and wealth /,
this / navigable river [split-off watercourse] / carries near /;

  • – pra+vartaya, 2nd [root] -vRt ‘to turn, turn round, revolve, roll (also applied to the rolling down of tears)’; and [root] -pra ‘before, forward, in front, on, forth’ [usually prefix]; ‘filling, fulfilling, like, resembling; “you make to revolve forwards” ?
  • – viprebhyas, (dat.pl.) vipre ‘ to go forth in different directions, disperse’ RV from
  • -vipra,‘sage, seer, poet, learned one; stirred or excited (inwardly), inspired, wise’ RV, [term also in I,164]; plural;
  • – pari [root] ’round, about, round about, fully, richly, abundantly, from, away from, out of, according to law or right, for the sake of; against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards’, para also ‘enemy, foe’, same theme;
  • – taM from -tad [root] ‘ then, at that time, in that case; this world; 3d person he, she, it, that, this; RV,
  • – sAmAnu, sAman ‘ acquisition, possession, property, wealth, abundance’ RV, multiple;
  • – sam ‘to appease, pacify, soothe, settle; to toil at, to fatigue [oneself by rituals]’ RV;
  • – ito, from -tad or ‘i’; [etos, eti, etc]; ‘i’ ‘this, that, to go, blow, walk, go to or advance, go away, escape, pass, retire, to arise, come from, reach, obtain, appear, approach, ask, request, etc’ RV;
  • – nAvy; nAva ‘shout of joy or triumph’ RV; or from -nau, but a nAv as ‘we’ isn’t listed in tables; nAvya ‘navigable river’ RV [-nau was ‘vessel’];
  • – Ahi ‘to carry near, to obtain (something) by particular effort’ RV,
  • 1) son-construct : compare kumAra [‘son’] to Kubera, flying his vessel (‘space ship’), ruling the northern quarter, MH; root -ku as matrix;
  • 2) their world revolving : as in the spells, by the [raised] cherub wheel;

5. Wer hat den Knaben erzeugt, wer hat den Wagen gefertigt? Wer vermöchte uns denn heute das zu sagen, wie seine Amme war?
5 Who was the father of the child? Who made the chariot roll away?
Who will this day declare to us how the funeral gift was made?
5a kaÏ kumÀram ajanayad rathaÎ ko nir avartayat
5c kaÏ svit tad adya no brÂyÀd anudeyÁ yathÀbhavat

“where (?) was / the not created / cart /, the son construct/,
which is / away from / un-revolving ? /;
which / is indeed / this / devouring / vessel /,
(as) the gift of / the creational-speech / by which manner (you) come into existence /;

  • – ka [kas,kim] ‘who, which, what?’ [interr.]; followed by f.e. -svid, ‘what can; what possibly’,
  • – adya, [root] -ad ‘to devour, consume, to eat’ RV;
  • – kumAra [root] ‘son,etc’ RV, but colour as ‘heir’ MH,
  • – ajana, a-jana ‘un-born, not created’,
  • – nir [perhaps -nis, when next is soft vowel or negative adverb =here] “out of”, “away from”, without, entirely, very’;
  • – avartayat, from -vRt ‘to turn, turn round, revolve, roll’ RV, + -a “not revolve”,
  • – svit; particle; suggested : ‘may, perhaps, indeed, possibly’,
  • – adya ‘day’ cluster [no RV] ‘this-day’ [verb -ad] ‘to eat, consume, devour’ RV,
  • – brU [root] ‘ declare or pronounce to be, call; to call or profess one’s self to be’ RV,
  • – anudeya ‘present’ RV,
  • – yathAbhavat, see next line,
  • 1) un-revolving : the cherub wheel was “in the land” [Ezekiel], but did not revolve; but like a gyroscope turning the one in the other; we interpret the line that the wheel started to revolve, as soon it was raised into the north; the ‘devouring’ object must be eden – compare the -atra eden-tile also as ‘devourer’;

6. Wie seine Amme war? Von da kam der Anfang her. Vorerst wird der Grund gelegt, hinterher wird das Ergebnis gewonnen.
6 When the funeral gift was placed, straightway the point of flame appeared. A depth extended in the front: a passage out was made behind.
6a yathÀbhavad anudeyÁ tato agram ajÀyata [review]
6c purastÀd budhna ÀtataÏ paÌcÀn nirayaÉaÎ kÃtam

” (you all) would not have been createdthe stretched-out / (but by?) the gift / which manner (you) come into existence /;
the deepest part / extended / to the West /, this way / an exit / was accomplished /;

  • – yatha+bhava, 2nd person from -bhû, as -yathâ [root] ‘ in which manner or way, according as, as, like, that, so that, in order that’ RV + come into existence,
  • – tato [comp. for -tas] or -tata [root] ‘ extended, stretched, spread, expanded; performed (a ceremony); father; RV,
  • – agra [root] ‘ foremost, anterior, first, prominent, projecting, chief, best’ no RV,
  • – ajâyate, 2nd p. pl. imp.; “you all would not be created”, or -a as prefix negation, not – being alive [-ja cluster],
  • – purastAd in comp. for -tAt; ‘thus, in this way’ RV,
  • – budhna ‘ bottom, ground, base, depth, lowest part of anything’ RV,
  • – Atata ‘ spread, extended, stretched or drawn; fixed on, clinging to’ RV;
  • – pa’sca [root] ‘being behind, afterward, later, after, western’, no RV, unclear root;
  • – niraya [root], nirayaNa ‘egression’ RV [ a going out; noun ‘exit’]
  • – kRta ‘ done, made, accomplished, performed’ RV, from -kRt ‘ to cut, cut in pieces, cut off, divide, tear asunder, destroy’ RV,

7. Dies ist der Sitz des Yama, der der Götterpalast heißt. Diese seine Flöte wird geblasen, er wird mit Lobliedern verherrlicht.
7 Here is the seat where Yama dwells, that which is called the Home of Gods: Here minstrels blow the flute for him here he is glorified with songs.
7a idaÎ yamasya sÀdanaÎ devamÀnaÎ yad ucyate
7c iyam asya dhamyate nÀËÁr ayaÎ gÁrbhiÏ pariÍkÃtaÏ

“here is / Yama’s [Adam’s] / residence / for (your) divine awareness / whence / to take pleasure in /;
advance / (you) to be present / to blow / the flute [tube] /, this / accompanied with / songs /.

  • – sAdana ‘seat, house, dwelling’ RA,MH; sadana [root] ‘[cause] to settle down, seat, dwelling, residence’ RV,
  • – deva+mana, mana in comp. for [2nd person] -manas ‘awareness’,
  • – yad [root] ‘ who, which, what, whichever, whatever, that’ RV, yad ‘ “so that”,”in order that’, as “wherefore”,”whence”,”as”,”in as much as”,”since”,”because”, when, if’ RV,
  • – uc [root] ‘ to take pleasure in, delight in, be fond of ‘ RV, no other extension;
  • – ijam = based on ‘i’; ‘this, that, to go, blow, walk, go to or advance, go away, escape, pass, retire, to arise, come from, reach, obtain, appear, approach, ask, request,
  • – asya, 2nd person of -as [root] ‘to be, to live, be present, to happen, to dwell, stay, belong to, to throw, cast, shoot’ RV;
  • – dham ‘ to blow (either intrans. as wind [applied also to the bubbling soma]’ RV, ‘to blow [an instrument]’ RV; from -dhî; accusative;
  • – nāḍi ‘any pipe or tube, flute’ RV,
  • – gîrbhi, gir [root] ‘ invocation, addressing with praise, praise, verse, song’ RV,
  • – pariSkRta ‘prepared, adorned, embellished, furnished with, surrounded or accompanied by’ RV, literally pari+kRt, “opposite-made”, read, inversion –

08.20. submitted —- loNe —- very, very first own version of these series

… we feel deeply sorry for all the young guys having had to go there,
into the horrible created play-out wars, good for nothing
– we do the same : fighting Their Eastern fortress, east of this earth,
which is so proudly declared in the Vedas –
but we ‘ll get there. So be it.
credits in yt link