PT 524

PT 524 PT 524 1243c] Forever. [N’s]. the head. [as] [this N’s]. the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [through] Horus’. eye. [for] thou. existence. the word to come for hail., 1243b] [as] the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix). [for this N]. [as] thou. existence. the word to come for hail.; [in order for] thou. existence to make […]

PT 523

PT 523 PT 523 1232c] [for] the spirits. the staff-tá. [in order for] the foremost (kh-house). [of this N]. [by] the staff-tá. to stand upright.; 1232b] [in order for] the words of ãnkh-life. [by means of] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [of] Horus. to stand upright., [for] the speech. alike-adam (miá).; 1232a] [and so for] […]