Ramesseum Papyrus

— — to show you the translation of twenty sections from the oldest papyrus in the world — —

Ramesseum Papyrus


– the oldest known surviving illustrated papyrus roll, most of it presently kept in the British Museum, dates back to around 1980BC, and was found in the Ramesseum, on the west bank of Luxor; it is not our goal to re-run all that information, because it can all be found online; we just desire to cut to the chase, because of the timepressure:
…expectedly so, the same as the older Pyramid texts, on which she is based; and contextually, it cannot possibly be another theme, since Egypt was obsessed with the cosmology of torus and conquered Eden;

– the backside of this papyrus shows a drawing of a temple, as two large rooms connected by a door inbetween them; just like all the temples were constructed, as if setting in stone the new created torus hovering above the southland [see ‘eastern sky according to CT pages‘];

our problem:
…is that there is no original available – except a transliterated one. A host of scholars have studied it, but even then the réal text has been Bent and deformed – since they tried to project ‘an acceptable’ string of events into them, thereby murdering crucial terms, where only the original glyphs can show who-did-what, instead of “translating the original glyph with some similar term”, which they did here, as well.
we came to this papyrus because after the stunning CT607, one of the oldest Coffin Texts; and after having found a few related spells in PT and BD, we searched outside these series, for texts containing more information about the relation between eden’s eye and their white hole; and indeed large sections of this papyrus are about this theme – but we have to conclude that sadly it is too Fragmented – and, connected to the problem mentioned above, at the moment for ús not good enough to can found crucial connections upon; therefore, we show you the lines we did – as a section of this papyrus, so that you can see for yourself the problems with this text.
lines 86 – 60
disclaimer: we do NOT consider this papyrus valid enough to support the theme of this site; it is solemnly to show you the range of terms used;
disclaimer II: we have used the transliteration based upon the opinion of a host of scholars who have studied the same section, which therefore does not hold any copyright – only the interpretátion does – and for that please see attached link, below;
textnotes: we can only give you the corresponding glyphs, according to the vowels presented; therefore we cannot know which help- or stop-glyphs are not included; neither any wrong attachments to eachother, f.i. S TN, instead of ST N, which’ different combination will yield a different meaning, altogether; discarding also the common misreading of the ‘magically-dangerous’ \\ double-slash, seen as multiple, ‘two’ or randomly made into an “i” [y]. We therefore refrain from pouring the sentence in a running line.
copied lines: we followed the presented lines, but by copying onhere errors appeared; please use the original transliteration the link below

suggestion: compare the terms with torus diagram

—- remember: transliteration is written left to right; ours, below that, from right to left —–

(86) Hrw msw Hrw Xtw stS Dd mdw w3H n(.i) s(y) m // irt // w3H Swty // […] w3t Hrw
Horus. the watercourse (eden’s). […] double axis (Shu). \\ the eye.\\ of [=for,by]. m-b-soul-adam adamite soul. to found. the word to command. to say.: Set. the word to return. Horus. the word to birth. Horus.;

(85) […] Hrw Dd mdw sXm.t(w).k // ins(wy) stS // sHm // […]
the god. the watercourse (restored).\\sekhem power.\\ Set. testicle(s) (suggested).\\ thou. word of sekhem-power. the word to command (mdw). to say.: Horus. [..]
(84) DHwty […] Dd [mdw i]ãb n[…] // […] // […]I ãb3[wy] // […]
[..] ãbau sceptres.?.\\ Set. testicles (suggested). they (ad.souls (sn). thou. existence. to offer [mix together] (áãb). the word to command. to say.: [..] Thoth.
(83) Xpr.n iniw ãb3wy w3H(w) Swty n nsw Hrw p[w] [iã]b.f ins(wy) stS sXm[…]
[..] sekhem-power. Set. testicle(s) (suggested). he,it (f). to offer [mix together] (áãb). this (pw). Horus. divine royal south. existence. double axis (Shu). [the word] to found. ãbu sceptres. to become existence of hail (iniu). existence. to transform (khpr).
A] notes:
….the ãbu sceptres are in similar context to the “two horns”, ÃBU, see PT246, BD177, CT83; those are dealing with the theme of Horus’ Eye, as well; but you see that it is, save a few occurrences, to make running lines from these terms;

(82) Hrw DHwty Dd mdw iTi n.k i3ty.k bik irty Hr.k // irty // i3ty bik // wp w3t mH[t]
the thing filled [or ‘northern’] (meh’t). the jackal to open the watercourse [eden’s] (upuat).\\ the falcon. the áat-perch [region] (+i?).\\ eyes (+i?).\\ thou. [an-] face (white or eden’s?). the falcon. thou. existence. áthá (?). the word to command. to say.: Thoth. Horus.

(81) [Xpr.n] dbnB 3X […] H3 i3ty bik Hwty p[w] iTi.f irty Hrw n.f
he (f). existence. Horus. eyes (+i?). he. áthá. this. Thoth. the falcon. áat-perch (region,+i?). the [dimensional] background of Saturn. [..] ‘to flourish’ (?,akh). the word to embrace. to revolve. existence. to transform.
B] notes:
…. we are unable to detect which eye is addressed — the white hole, or eden’s; the term AKH is often used denoting ‘to flourish’;
note: “Horus” can in many lines also be “the word for the anunna-face”, as well as “an-face the god” etc.;
lacking the original, there is no way of knowing how the scholars interpreted the sigil;

[…] Hrw[…] [d mdw] f[3i(.i)] n.k sy.r Hr.k // f[#it] irt Hrw
Horus. eye. the thing of hail to bear up (fait). thou.\\ the [an-] face. speech (mouth?). the most-b-soul-adam adamite soul (sy). thou. existence. hail. hail to bear up. the word to command. to say.: [..] Horus. [..]

(81) DHwty Hrw Dd mdw mn n.k irt.k Htp Hr[…] // dit irt Hrw // […] X[…] //
[..] kh-[..] Horus. eye. thing to give.\\ adamite soul speech for an-face. the peace [of saturn] (h’etep). thou. eye. thou. existence. the word to command. to say.: Horus. Thoth.
(80) Xpr.n f3it Htp n nsw in iryw ioH [wdpw] DHwty pw f3i.f irt Hrw n.f
it (f). existence. Horus. the eye. it. hail to bear up. this (pw). Thoth. ‘stewards’ (wdpw). ‘áãh”. word from most-b-soul-adam to make (áryu). existence of hail (án). the divine royal south. existence. aspect(s) offered in the H’etep-field (s-áaru). thing of hail to bear up (f3it). existence. to transform (khpr).
C] notes:
…just before line [81], at the textnote in link, the author makes the comment [quote] “..Most likely the ancient scribe forgot to copy the lines and only noticed his mistake after he had already written down column 82 – the text was written from right to left (see IV: 30ff.).”[unquote]. At this point, we here will refrain from responding;….the term ÁÃH’ can be only one thing – the divine moon; and the glyph wdpw, UT’PU, can be “word of root to shoot-out (of eden hand)“, or related to the Wormhole/paddle, T’EP; in either case, the context must include the divine moon;

(79) Hrw msw Hrw Xtw stS Dd mdw s3bt.n.f // ir[t] // Sbwt // xry THnw
[land of] crystalline. qerá. [the shrine] of shebut.\\ eye. existence. shabut. the words to command. to say.: Set. the words to return (?,khetu). Horus. the words to birth. Horus.

(78) Hrw msw Hrw Xtw stS Dd mdw m n(.i) irt(.i) THnt Hr(.i) // ir[t] // THnt // xry THnw
[land of] crystalline. qerá.\\ crystalline.\\ the eye.\\ hail. [an-] face. hail. the eye. hail. existence. of [=by,for,as]. the word to command. to say.: Set. words to return (?,khetu). Horus. the word to birth. Horus.
(77) Hrw msw [Hrw] Dd mdw ini n(.i) irt(.i) THnt S3[…].s // irt // THnt S3[bw] // […]
[..].\\ shabu. crystalline.\\ the eye.\\ sha(..)s [likely a ‘to make’]. crystalline. hail. the eye. hail. existence. áná. the word to command. to say.: Horus. the word to birth. Horus.
(76) Xpr.n iniw THnt S3bw Hrw pw wD.f n […].f ini.t(w) n.f irt.f w3Dt m bw nb
all [of]. the solarplane house (bu). of [=for,by,as]. thing of health. h. the eye. he. existence. ánát(u). he. the word to birth. existence. he. decree by law. this (pu). Horus. cord+shabu. crystalline. to become existence of hail (ánáu). existence. to transform (khpr).
D] notes:
….only at the textnote in link, we discover that the glyph SHEBUT [79] ends with a shrine-glyph; showing the meaning “shrine of the sh-pool for aspects tó the solarplane”; many words are untracable here; – the same context of terms land of crystalline and crystalline, are in the complicated CT594 as well;

(75) Hrw stS Dd mdw ini n(.i) irt(.i) Hrs(t).tn.k dSr[t] m r.k // ir[t] dSr[t] // Hs[rt] // Xm
‘letopolis’ [=khesem shrine].\\ carnelian [ad.soul speech an-face] (h’rst).\\thing of eden aether [pyr] (redness,t’eshert). the eye.\\thou. mouth. of [=by,for,as]. [the thing of] eden’s aether (redness,t’esher). thou. this. carnelian (h’rset). hail. the eye. hail. existence. the words to command. to say.: Set. Horus.

(74) Hrw stS Dd mdw psD Hsi.n[.s]n kw // irt // [H]rs[t] […] // […] // Xm
‘letopolis’.\\. [..].\\. [..]. carnelian.\\ the eye.\\ the word of thou. them (ad.souls (sn). existence. h’sá. pestch. the word to command. to say.: Set. Horus.
(73) Hrw stS Dd mdw Sdi.n(.i) irt(.i) Hrst.k // ir[t] // [H]rst // Xm
‘letopolis’.\\. carnelian.\\ the eye.\\. thou. carnelian. hail. hail. the eye. hail. existence. to seize [shet’] (+á?). the word to command. to say.: Set. Horus.
(72) Xpr.n iniw Hrst Hwit [Hrw p]w Sdi.f irt.f m- ã stS
Set. willpower (ã). of [=for,by,as]. he. the eye. it. to seize [shet’] (+á?). this. Horus. foulness (likely;h’uát). carnelian (h’rst). to become existence of hail (ánáu). existence. to transform (khpr).
E] notes:
….the last two lines start to actually be readable; the term ‘seize’ is often used in that same context (but why the Á – is it another term?);
a term like PESTCH [74] is rare, often it is a synonym with the stepdown-cluster PEST’,”backbone” [pillar], and there is no link to a translation as “to turn away” (see link); the same case for H’ESÁ; “foulness” [72] is óur guess of the context of the presented H’UÁT;
– KHESEM is the place of Menu (‘allah’), where the shining backbone starts to rise up;


(71) […]msw [Hrw] Dd [mdw…] // irt Hrw niwt // [i]rp snw[y] // im[t]
the thing within (ámt)., \\. the most-b-soul-adam’s word to copy. the wine [root of speech for hail].\\ thing of the náu [-serpent]. Horus. the eye.\\. [..]. the word to command. Horus. the word to birth. [..]

(70) msw Hrw Hrw Dd mdw mn n.k irt.k r Hr.k Sp{3}[o].t(w) irp m-ã.sn // irt Hrw niwt // irp im[ty] // im[t]
the thing within., \\. m-b-soul-adam thing within. the wine. thing of náu [-serpent]. Horus. the eye.\\ them (adamite souls). willpower. of [=for,by,as]. the wine. shepa (ã) t (u). thou. [an-] face. speech. thou. the eye. thou. existence. stable. the word to command. to say.: Horus. Horus. word to birth.
(69) Xpr.n f3i[t] Spnt nt irp in msw nsw rdit irt Hrw pw n.f in msw.f
he. the word to birt. existence of hail (án). he. existence. this (pu). horus. the eye. ret’át. the divine royal south. the word to birth. existence of hail. the wine (árp). which is (nt). ‘tree’ (?,our guess,shepent). the thing of hail to bear up (f3it). existence. to transform.
F] notes:
…we’d like só much to know the relation between “the wine for the spirits, being the willpower of the adamite soul”, and how that is related to [either] white hole or eden’s eye, but the text contains too many uncertainties still; – the ‘tree from the root P’ is our guess, but would match the “to bear up”;

NÁU is in CT often substituted for NÃU, the serpent of Eden’s willpower — and since the theme of these lines adrésses willpower, we suggest this, but without knowing the original glyphs, it cannot be proven;

(68) msw Hrw gb Dd mdw n […] S3 ny irt.f // ms(w) [Hrw] // dXnw
‘conductors’ [= to hide the Vine].\\. Horus. the word to birth.\\. he. the eye. the most-b-soul-adam-like existence (ny). sha. [..]. existence. the word to command. to say.: Geb [south]. Horus. the word to birth.

(67) Hrw Xtw stS Dd mdw f3i.n(.i) irt(.i) r Hr(.i) // […] Hr.f // f3it X[3iwt] [//] DHwty
Thoth. [\\]. the offering-altar table. the thing of hail to bear up.\\ he. the [an-] face. [..]. hail. the [an-] face. speech (mouth?). hail. the eye. hail. existence. the word to command. to say.: Set. the word to return (guess). Horus.
(66) Xpr.n f3it X3it in wtw msw Hrw [p]w iH.sn n.f ir[t].f
he. the eye. he. existence. them (ad.souls). earth’s moon (?,guess,áh’). this (pu). Horus. word to birth. the words to embalm (utu). existence of hail. offering altar table. the thing of hail to bear up. existence. to transform (khpr).
G] notes:
…that offering table KHAUT, looking like a balance, has in many spells two objects upon it’s ‘arms’; therefore the ÁH” could be very well this earth’s Fake moon [compare the Great Balance theme, MÃKHAIT]; – their Vine is the hand T’, now used for their Kh-house; and ‘SHA’ has a range of meanings, not detectable inhere;

(65) Hrw msw Hrw Dd mdw iri.tn pSnt.f psDw n.Tn Hr.s // ms(w) Hrw // fnXwy
‘carpenters’ (fenkhui?).\\. Horus. the word to birth.\\. the adamite soul (s). the [an-] face. to elevate (then;our guess). existence. pestchu. he. the thing to seperate (pshnt). this (tn). hail. to make. the word to command. to say.: Horus. the word to birth. Horus.

(64) Xpr.n iniw fnXwy Hrw pw mdw.f n msw.f Hr irt.f
he. the eye. the [an-] face. he. the word to birth. existence. he. the word to command. this. Horus. ‘carpenter’ (fenkhui?). to become existence of hail (áunáu). existence. to transform (khpr).
H] notes:
…again two almost readable lines – also yóu can now add the required connecting-words as “by,for,of” etc; – for PESTCH see 72-75; in the link’s notes we saw that the term “carpenter” was used, as ‘fenkhui’, proposedly deriving from knife+axe, [who have however a different meaning ánd term];

(63) Hrw […]H // […]

(62) […] Dd mdw Xw(.i) n.Tn // ms(w) Hrw // iry[w] Xt nsw
divine royal south (nesu). the branch (our guess,khet). the word from the m-b-soul-adam to make (iryu).\\. Horus. the word to birth.\\. to elevate (then;our guess). existence. hail. to protect (khu). the word to command. to say.: [..]
(61) Hrw DHwty Dd mdw in(t).sn Ds. s n // ms(w) Hrw // imnHwy
‘slaughterers’.\\. Horus. the word to birth. existence. adamite soul (=’they’?). the Self (tches). they (adamite souls). thing of existence of hail (?,ánt). the word to command. to say.: Thoth. Horus.
(60) Hrw msw Hrw Dd [mdw…]n pr […]n xr irt // ms(w) Hrw // mhwty
m-b-soul-adam-like thing of family [alike hebrew-H] (meHuti,doubtful).\\. Horus. the word to birth.\\. the eye.’box’ (?,qer). existence. [..] the house (of speech). existence. [..] the word to command. to say. Horus. the word to birth. Horus.
(59) Xpr[.n…] mhwty Hrw […] w[…]
[..] w-(..). [..] Horus. m-b-soul-adam-like thing of family (doubtful). [..] existence. to transform (khpr).
I] notes:
…the term ‘slaughterers’ is presented as ámenh’ui, but it appears it is T’EM-related, with knife and twin-glyph; therefore it has no use to continue this transliteration anymore, since the crucial terms were mutilated;
—-end of section / aborted
Conclusions —
We were so curious about especially the carnelian and redness aspects of the Eyes;
…but eventhough we can make parts of many lines readable,
for example the endlines as “…; [by means of] existence (eden’s). to transform (khpr)“,
and this way creating sections,in order to ‘close in upon’ the rest of the sentence [as we use to work],
at the moment there are just too many lacunae and inconsistencies in this text, to can use her.