Ramayana ch. 21: the mixing of M-realm and Leviathan


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Ramayana ch. 21:

the mixing of M-realm and Leviathan

part II

1. thereafter; Rama; the annihilator of enemies; spreading; sacred grass; on the sea shore; making; a respectful salutation (by joining his palms); to the great ocean; having his face turned east ward; lied down; with his arm; resembling of the body of the snake; as his pillow.

2, 3. His arm formerly; adorned with armlets of gems and gold and the most excellent jewels of pearls; touched; more than once; by excellent women (by Kausalya and other mothers or by royal maids.)

4. formerly; (his arm) was tended; with sandal wood and also; as with saffron pastes; made beautiful; resembling the splendor of a rising sun.

5. in the past (the aforesaid arm); was graced; by the head; of Seetha; on the couch; (it resembled); like the body of Takshaka (A snake); supported on the water of the Ganga.

6, 7. (The aforesaid arm); was long; resembling a yoke; augmented the grief; of his enemies; in battle; was delightful; with his friends; is placed at the shore of the sea.

7, 8, 9. (The aforesaid arm), whose skin had been hardened by the strokes of the bow string; off the left; arm; resembling a great mace; and that mighty; right; arm; that bestowed thousands of cows in charity; who used as a pillow; rama; the competent; and the mighty armed; said thus; today; to me; either crossing; of the ocean; or a death (should occur); making; that resolve; (he); laid down; there; by the great ocean; eshtablished; in silence; and piously disposed; according to tradition.

10. following the scriptural injunction; that; Rama; who was attentive; while sleeping; on the ground; spread with Kusha grass; surpassed a time; of three; nights.

  1. difficult section – but we can start by ‘Kusha grass’:
    “… that this grass came into existence after Samudra Manthan, the churning of cosmic ocean. When demigods and demons got ready to churn the cosmic ocean of milk, there was no one to support the base of Madhara mountain. Lord Vishu took the form of Tortoise [Kurma Avatar] and gave the needed support. During the churning, the hairs of the tortoise came out and washed away to the shore. These hairs turned to Kusha grass. (*)
    which leaves little option but that these are the (glyph) SEKHT ÁARU, ‘field of reeds’;
  2. knowing that, in 1] he spreads it out ‘on the shore’, a common glyph also for the solarplane- shore, ÁT’EB, which is right next to the sheb-eden-dome;
    The next part requires the understanding, that Saturn & Company know very well that [scriptural] Heaven is much more powerful then they are – that is why their main method is the ‘holding hostage of adamite – agáinst Heaven’: hence, the ‘great ocean’, which is the source feeding Eden, can only be ‘scriptural Heaven’. First because he turns ‘eastward’ (and per Henoch, “the East is the face of Heaven”); second because he ‘salutes it’, for the same reason as previous, knowing very well the Crime they are performing;
  3. elaborating on the similar dark lines about ‘his arm’: the serpent must be the staff-TÁ, who is brought into the angle of the K-axis, and indeed ‘their head rests upon that’ (*pic);
    the concept of “arm” then probably being the K- and Q-axis, where his favourite strong arm is then ofcourse their k-axis;
    An allusion could be made here to the (glyph) KA spirit-double, as the construct connecting both K and Q axis – note how the arm is termed “yoke”, and compare (glyph) NEH’EBKAU;
    the arm related to rising sun, can indicate solarplane around the K-axis as backbone, which is indeed ‘the rightside’, because egypt saw our left as rightside; and finally, the arm is placed on the shore of the sea (eden-sheb-dome) (*diagrams)
    [11-16: he waits but the ocean does not respond, and Rama gets angry:]


17. O, Lakshmana! see; now; this ocean; having its water suffocated; with its crocodiles; floated; on all sides; and broken asunder by my arrows.
18. O, Lakshmana! see; here; the coils; of water snakes; the huge bodies; of alligators; and the trunks; of sea elephants; being; shattered; by me.

19. I will make the ocean dry up; with its multitude of conches, oyster shells; and; with its fishes and crocodiles; now; by this great battle.

  1. keeping in mind the description of Henoch, that Eden was inbetwéen the behemoth and leviathan (see pages), and that ‘after eden fell, the M-realm would act as agent in order to mix again with leviathan, the lines are striking:
    eden’s realm will get ‘no air anymore’, because of the crocodiles (typical represent of M- realm), and on the other hand the ‘water snakes and sea-elephants’, typical leviathan,

20. this; ocean; considering; me; as an incapable man; endowed as I am; with forbearance; out with; forbearance; to such; an individual.

21, 22. the ocean; is not appearing; himself; to me; on kind words; O, Lakshmana bring; the bow; and the serpentine; arrows; I shall dry up this ocean; monkeys; can go; by foot.

  1. we do not know if the anger is inserted in a poetic way, or if indeed Saturn was not given an answer by Heaven about his demands: we cannot find clues about this in spells nor scripture: the phrase ‘by foot’ already indicates a stairway,

23, 24. now; being provoked; I will shake; even if unshakable; this ocean; I will force; the ocean; made with a boundary; with banks; and agitated with thousands of waves; bereft of a boundary; by my arrows; I will agitate; the great ocean; through with great demons.

  1. see previous – as cube-H, she had indeed ‘a boundary’,

25. speaking; thus; Rama; with his eyes made larger by anger; and wielding a bow with his hand; became; dreadful; to look at; like a blazing fire at the end of the world.

  1. the bow virtually always ment as in astronomical ceiling pic; compare Revelation (see pages) where the ‘first horserider yielded a bow’, as (glyph) PETCH, ‘outstretched expanse’,

26. swaying; terrific; bow; and making the earth tremble; by his violence; (he) released; the arrows; like powerful thunderbolt; of Indra(god of celestials).

  1. Indra is another form of Rama; the thunderbolt is made by Tvastar, a type blacksmith,
    but resembling very much the character of (glyph) KHEPERÁ, the transformation-deity:
    since Tvastar ‘was the guardian of Soma’ (see part I), and made also this thunderbolt;
    in context, the thunderbolt should be the inversed root (glyph) P, as the very core of KH-P-RÁ being the core-device of their inversed-realm. The weapon has a central sphere (the root), emerging from it to both opposite sides a closed lotus-shape [and possible as the doubled- Djed-pillar] but we will need to investigate the theme further


27. those; excellent arrows; having a great speed; and ablaze; by their splendor; entered; the waters; of the ocean; frightening the water-snakes.

28. that; great; jerk of water; along with fishes and alligators; of the ocean; and; together with the resonance of the wind; became; very much dreadful.

29. immediately; that great ocean; became; shaken by a multitude of huge waves; enveloped by a multitude of conches; in the rolling waves; along with smoke.

  1. it seems as if the beheMoth- and leviathan realm start to mix, in the cube-H;
    the concept of ‘conch shells’ is tricky – but we suspect it are the proto-spirits in several spells: the term ‘multitude’ (glyph) ÃSH is used often for those, and in one CT these proto-spirits are adressed as ‘worms’ (compare the concept of conch shell, in hindu SHANKHA);
    However – the sigil looks very much like the one Anubis is holding when depicted at the Great Balance (glyph) MÃKAT, deciding which realm will be in the dimensional foreground – theirs or eden’s – and the conch-shell-like thing he holds, is the ‘plummet of the balance'(glyph) TEKH: where this shell is also sacred to Vishnu [Anubis]. So both aspects may be correlated,
    in the sence that the realm is now fit for ‘the multitude of shells’,

30. sea snakes; having brilliant faces; and glittering eyes; and greatly valiant demons; residing in nethermost subterranean region; became; perturbed.

31. and; waves; in thousands (so large); resembling Vindhya and Mandhara mountains; jumped up; from the sea; with its crocodiles and sea monsters

32. the ocean; with its multitude of fluctuating waves; with its frightened serpents and demons; with huge crocodiles caused to come out; became full of noise.

  1. the term ‘crocodile’ when referring to eden, is a bit unusual: though in BD 32 are the 8 MESH’U crocodiles against eden’s crocodile SUI, depicting ultimate Masculine power,

33. then; Lakshmana; rushed; towards Rama; (who); in a terrific velocity; was stretching; his incomparable; bow; with a penetrating sigh; crying; no farther, no farther; and took hold of; the bow.

34. even without this destruction; of the ocean; the purpose; now; of you; the greatest hero; will be fulfilled; men like you; do not get; the power of anger; some durable; and noble way; O, honorable man!

  1. Valmiki.net translated it as “..you see some durable and noble alternative”, which could be spot on – since not the destrúction of eden was in Saturn’s mind: but the feeding-off upón it,

35. by brahamana sages; and by celestial sages; abiding in the interior; of the sky; was cried; in a loud; voice; and noise; made; saying No farther, no farther; ah,oh,alas!

  1. the ‘interior of the sky’ makes only sense when cube-H; and context is indeed that the angels of Eden cried out ‘no further’,
———————- end chapter 21

NEXT: chapter 23: the monkey army building a bridge toward Eden >>


(*) punithayatra.blogspot.jp
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