Log Page 2



first anniversary of RPT!

tough year – but step by step we gather
the lineup of the concepts the spells describe. We just got a license
for the next year [though we hope things wont last that long] and are grateful for those of You who supported financially!

that said – we still battle technical problems –
[likely by external cause] – one of those
being the site’s loading time; so if you appreciate the goal,
please consider a donation of any amount.

PT 600 posted today had as theme “the pyramid in the East”,
as nice touch on the name and anniversary —
correct us or advise us: but know that this War is revolving
around “you understánding their constructs”, because that is
the only Legal way to break their imprisonment.

kind regards, the team

27/7: BD 5
  • 23/7: chref=”/bd-cv/”>BD CV


1 billion Hindu’s, and several million ‘western specialists’:
yet none of those have ever transliterated nor Rigveda nor Maharabhata –
apart from some flowery English version of 100 years ago, which misses every context and clue. And you will * NOT* find any useful version online.

All of ’em go on about ‘how precious the RV and MH are’ –
yet no one understands; no one cared to translate, and IF there is any useful version, it is Offline or ‘out of print’.
Sounds familiar..?

We do our job –
after having gathered so far bits and pieces of beforementioned,
we can promise there is liquid gold contained in them [pun]:
and exact the reason why all those Billions never cared to,
and why Canaan knows how to Hush-up any réal translations.

You tell us what to do:
we have but 1 lifetime here, and are under continuous timepressure: we now should go translate texts from fkn Scratch, knówing they will confirm everything of ancient Egypt (as per this site): in spite of 1 (or 2, or 3, since those texts are from 1000 BC!) billion people so non-caring that not even a root-translation is available – about the texts of which all of them Liars say so highly to esteem?

Welcome – to the Tales of saturn’s Crypt.

  • 6/22: Rama-setu, or building the bridge to invade Eden
    — please give us 24 hrs more for next chapter –
    it appeared to be a labyrinth, ‘sanskrit’,
    having a similar connotation-syntax as hieroglyphs




2/21: UPD: Ritual #8: Nasa deflection Ritual: Discovery Beyond Our Solarsystem
2/3: revelation woman Ritual #7: Gov. office wearing badges
2/2: Sixth ritual:
Revelation woman — ritual #6

newsco live
see photo right, “nefertt statue”
2/3: series released:

2/1: Ongoing ritual: the west invoking a Order
2/1: Posted CT 625,612,611,614,615,617,618,621,620,610,607,606,601
1/30: Posted CT 622, 623
1/29: Posted CT 628, 627, 631, 630, 629, 626, 624
1/12: dream: urim and thummim
1/9: posted hour xi
1/8: Ad Hoc ‘4th ritual
see link: [CoffinText 148 – rituals attacking woman of rev]

1/7: past 10 days 3 rituals attacking woman of rev:

CoffinText 148 – rituals attacking woman of rev

Lights and Shadows