Tag Archives: tchãm-sceptre

BD xxxe

rubric:the places. [of] the houses. [of] the mouth (sing.,eden's). of [=as]. the thing to revise (sápt).;[from?] the eye (eden's?). [as] speech. it. to come [as] imprisoned eden's word ['Way'] (ua). [and it] of [=by]. the prisoner (su,cain). to discover (gem)., [via] he. to give. [to] Horus. [in order] me. to make the son [through prisoner] […]

PT 264

——- DRAFT —— last few lines poor —- 350c] the pillar (djedu). of. his. existence. [by] stability-of-adam-within (djed=pun). – [to?] the house of the horizon. of. his. existence. [as] áakhu-spirit.; 350b] The image. of. this. N. [by] the Workplace. [for] existence. dies. nót.; 350a] Osiris’. existence. [to] the prisoner. his (osiris). existence. to give. nót.; – the below. […]

PT 263

——- DRAFT —- 341c] the Tuat. his. one. connected to. birth. – Sirius (sept't). his. secondary (senu).; 341b] the sky of earth. [by] existence. [of] the eastern. side. [of] speech. [by] this. N's. divine firedrill-boat (tcha aáu).; (see note) 341a] The house of the horizon (áakhet). [of] existence. it's. eastern. side. [of] speech. this. N.'s. firedrill-boat.; […]

PT 573

PT 573 PT 573 1484e] hail. [by] the willpower [eden] (ã). [of] adam-within., [for] this. N (candidate). to repulse (khsf). + 1484d] the land (south, eden). [to be] within., [by] the leg [eden mountain] (rt’). [of] adam-within. the word of hail. to give.; 1484c] the kite as place-T of hail of the border [-sky] (tcherát+). […]