Tag Archives: jeremiah

the report: earth to be invaded by the spirits-army of Õn, Jer. 6 — 144k: bring back your hand (executive region) ! —

jer 6 the report: earth to be invaded by the spirits-army of Õn, Jer. 6 — 144k: bring back your hand (executive region) ! — 1 strengthen-you ! sons-of Benjamin from·within-of Jerusalem and·in·Tekoah blow-you ! trumpet and·on Beth~Haccerem lift-up-you ! lifting that evil she-gazes from·north and·breaking great O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to […]

(with)in 1 year of declaring the report, this world will be in war, Jer.51 — ‘it must not be that you want to stay on this earth’ —

(with)in 1 year of declaring the report, this world will be in war, Jer.51 — ‘it must nót be that you want to stay on this earth’ — jer.51 1 thus he-says ieue behold·me ! rousing on Babylon and·to ones-dwelling-of Leb~Kamai wind one-ruining Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and […]

you are asked to declare to them spirits to go move Out, Jer.10

you are asked to declare to them spirits to go move Out, Jer.10 Jer.10 [lines 1-10 upcoming] 11 as·this you-shall-say to·them Elohim·the that heavens·the and·earth·the not they-made they-shall-perish from·earth·the and·from under heavens·the these Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, [even] they shall perish from […]

the real place for this earth being at the entrance of the eden-gate, Jer.19 — the smashing of their cocoon imprisoning this earth —

the real place for this earth being at the entrance of the eden-gate, Jer.19 — the smashing of their cocoon imprisoning this earth — 1 thus he-said ieue to-go and·you-buy bottle-of one-being-potter-of earthenware and·from·old-ones-of the·people and·from·old-ones-of the·priests Thus saith the LORD, Go and get a potter’s earthen bottle, and [take] of the ancients of the […]

the play-out of the siege on Jerusalem, 600BC, for today’s matrix: Jer. 38

21/1/18 first version RESTART 600BC the play-out of the siege on Jerusalem, 600BC, for today’s matrix: Jer. 38 [Jeremiah as (our) Attribute in the well of the outer court] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we […]

4/5 dream – turning out to be sekhet-áaru and Jer.51

4/5 dream – turning out to be sekhet-áaru and Jer.51 dream – turning out to be sekhet-áaru and Jer.51 …it was chaotic and nasty, but one scene clear, and painful; being back in younger age, but the people who anyway never liked me, (as i never liked them) had ploughed the place up, and made […]