RV X, 177 — the winged-disk as Asura

RV X, 177
— the winged-disk as Asura

# trying to understand which concepts are described by the used terms
# comp. X, 189;

RV X, 177

1. Den mit des Asura Zauber bestrichenen Vogel sehen im Herzen, im Geiste die Redekundigen. Inmitten des Ozeans schauen ihn die Seher; die Meister suchen die Spur der Lichtstrahlen.
1. THE sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the Bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might.
Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays
1a pataÎgam aktam asurasya mÀyayÀ hÃdÀ paÌyanti manasÀ vipaÌcitaÏ
1c samudre antaÏ kavayo vi cakÍate marÁcÁnÀm padam ichanti vedhasaÏ

“the winged-disk / (as) the daubed-over / Asura / (of) magic (polluted eden’s) /,
to spiritually see / the interior /, to be acquainted with / the awareness (polluted eden’s) /;
the Seers (Canaanite-souls?) / within / the Torso [in outer court] / observe / the bird /,
they – piously – long for / the rays of light / from the station /;

  • – pataMga ‘flying; spark; the sun’ RV, ‘winged-disk’, see other chapters;
  • – akta ‘driven; smeared over, diffused, bedaubed, tinged, characterized’ no RV,
  • – hRd; instrum. -hRdaya ‘the heart or interior of the body’ RV;
  • – pa’s yanti [root] -pa’s ‘to see with the spiritual eye, compose, invent (hymns, rites etc.)’ RV
  • – vipa’scit ‘inspired, wise, learned, versed in or acquainted with’ RV,
  • – samudra; other chapter ‘sea of waters’, Babylon torso;
  • – anta ‘end, border, limit, frontier; interior, inside, inner part, condition, nature, nearness;
  • – kavi ‘ a singer, bard, poet (but in this sense without any technical application in the veda)’ RV; ‘name of Agni’ RV; ‘a keeper or herd’ RV, kavikratu ‘having the insight of a wise man, full of discernment, wise (said of agni and the soma’ RV; -kavya ‘a sacrificer, sacrificial priest’ RV (= sacrificed priest?), ‘Name of a class of deities associated with aNgiras and Rkvan’ RV, ‘”what must be offered to the wise”, an oblation of food to deceased ancestors’ MH; kavyavAhana ‘conveying oblations to the manes (said of fire)’ RV [furnaces?] ; the whole -kav cluster has but ‘selfish, stingy (RV), armour, mail, cuirass (RA), an impostor and as unworthy to drink of the water, being the son of a slave;it was only when the gods had shown him special favour that he was readmitted to their society'(RV); dead-bodies ? lost-adamite-souls ? adamite-originals ?
    2) we keep ‘Canaanite souls’ for now – since “kavya was a name of a rSi who wrote mandala X chapters [this]; also the Pharaoh’s were Canaanite-souls ‘eden-souls having gone astray’ but got a Ba-soul covering;
  • – vi [root] ‘a bird; RV; ‘(distinctly) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without,
  • – cakSate 3d pl.pres. -cakS ‘to appear, become visible; to see, look at, observe, notice’ RV
  • – marîcî ‘ray of light (of the sun or moon); particle of light, shining mote or speck in the air’RV
  • – icchanti 3d pl. [root] -iS ‘ to cause to move quickly, let fly, throw, cast, swing; to impel, incite, animate, promote; to endeavour to obtain, strive, seek for to endeavour to make favourable; to desire, wish, long for, request; to wish or be about to do anything, intend’ RV
  • – vedhas ‘a worshipper of the gods; pious, religious, virtuous, good, brave (also applied to gods)’ RV;
  • 1) winged-disk as Asura : the term ‘smeared-over Asura (demon)’ coupled with (polluted eden-) magic shows a lot about the nature of the disk-construct; when then also the ‘seers’ are waiting for ‘rays’, we get close to Akhenaten’s ATEN-disk, with all the hands coming out of it – as ‘rays’. The ‘polluted eden awareness’ as -ma (eden) but turned into -mâ; where -mAya is more like ‘illusion’. Now we need to see if ‘savitR’ is indeed the disk,

2. Der Vogel trägt im Geiste die Rede, diese verkündete der Gandharva im Mutterleib. Diese aufblitzende, sonnenhafte Erkenntnis hüten die Seher an der Stätte der Wahrheit.
2 The flying Bird bears Speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it: And at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish this radiant, heavenly-bright invention.
2a pataÎgo vÀcam manasÀ bibharti tÀÎ gandharvo ‘vadad garbhe antaÏ
2c tÀÎ dyotamÀnÀÎ svaryam manÁÍÀm Ãtasya pade kavayo ni pÀnti

“the winged-disk’s / speech / grants / awareness (polluted eden’s) /,
it (speech) is speaking to / this / gandharva (false cherub?) / inside / the (matrix-) womb /;
(to be?) this / shining / sky-abode [Sekht-field?] / (as) the desired concept /,
the general law [MAÃT] / within / the station / the Seers / are following and observing /;

  • – bibharti 3d.sing.pres. [root] -bhR ‘to bear, carry, convey, hold (“on”or”in” locative case); to bear id est contain, possess, have, keep (also”keep in mind”);to bring, offer, procure, grant, bestow etc.; to endure, experience, suffer, undergo; to lift up, raise ‘ RV;
  • – taM from -tad [root] ‘ then, at that time, in that case; this world; 3d person he, she, it, that, this; RV,
  • – avadad [avadah “to burn down from”, expel from (ablative) with heat or fire’ RV?] 3d imperf. [root] -vad ‘to speak, say, utter, tell, report, speak to, talk with, address’ RV
  • – anta ‘end, border, limit, frontier; interior, inside, inner part, condition, nature, nearness;
  • – dyotana ‘shining, glittering’ RV,
  • – svar ‘bright space or sky, heaven (as distinguished from div-,which is regarded as the vault above it; often”heaven”as a paradise and as the abode of the gods and the Blest’ RV, proposed : Sekhet-Áaru, and the doubled-sky above (it);
  • – manISA ‘thought, reflection, consideration, wisdom, intelligence, conception, idea; desire, wish RV
  • – ni ‘down, back, in, into, within’
  • – pAnti 3d plur.pres. [root] -pA ‘watch, keep, preserve, protect from, protect from, defend against; observe, notice, attend, to follow’ RV;
  • 1) line continuity : if previously they watched the station for ‘rays’, the station (as winged-disk) could “emit a type light which they need” [comp. Akhenaten]; we translated -Rta as glyph MAÃT or MAA, the sickle, “reaped eden-sight” (or ‘willpower’, making their ‘general law’), which can be cognate with the ‘rays’ they wait for;
  • 2) gandharva and Sekht-field : it seems that the gandharva is their type cherub; created by their matrix-womb [through those rays?], and this gandharva bearing up the Sekht-field ?; we added (to be?) in attempt to connect the several themes in this line,

3. Ich sah den Hirten auf seinen Wegen hin und her gehen, ohne zu rasten. Er hüllte ich in die Gewässer, die in gleicher und in entgegengesetzter Richtung laufen,
und er bewegte sich hin und her in den Geschöpfen

3 I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways. He, clothed in gathered and diffusive splendour, within the worlds continually travels.
3a apaÌyaÎ gopÀm anipadyamÀnam À ca parÀ ca pathibhiÌ carantam
3c sa sadhrÁcÁÏ sa viÍÂcÁr vasÀna À varÁvarti bhuvaneÍv antaÏ

“I saw / as far as / the untiring / eden-cherub-bull (?) /,
and / (as) the other one (enemy) / wandering / both / paths /;
he / (is) directed to the same centre /, even he / (is) going in different directions /,
for / to bestow (the dimensional garment of light) / to travel (?) / inside / the (matrix-) worlds /.

  • – gopa ‘name of a gandharva’ RV, ‘a protector, guardian’ RV; -gopati ‘the lord of cowherds, leader, chief; a bull’ RV; go was eden-essence; same as Yama’s buffalo -mahiSa ?
  • – anipadyama ‘not falling down (to sleep), untiring’ RV [177,3],
  • – ã ‘near to, near, towards; to, for, out from, among, upto, to, as far as, in, at, on’ RV
  • – ca ‘and, both, moreover’
  • – para ‘another (different from one’s self), a foreigner, enemy, foe, adversary; strange, foreign, alien, adverse, hostile; better or worse than, superior or inferior to, best or worst, highest, supreme, chief; RV [2nd; far, distant, remote (in space), opposite, ulterior, farther than, beyond, on the other or farther side of, extreme’,
  • [root] -car ‘to move one’s self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander;to behave, conduct one’s self, act, live, treat, etc.; to be engaged in, occupied or busy with’ RV;
  • – sadhrî(cî) ‘(directed) to the same goal or centre’ RV
  • – viSUcIna ‘going apart or in different directions, spreading everywhere’ RV
  • – vasana ‘cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire (dual number an upper and lower garment)’ RV; -vasAna in [root] -vas ‘to put on, invest, wear, (clothes etc.), assume (a form etc.), enter into; to cause or allow to put on or wear (clothes), clothe (“one’s self”) with; as [stem] -vas ‘to shine, grow bright (especially applied to the dawn); to bestow by shining upon’ RV;
  • – ã ‘near to, near, towards; to, for, out from, among, upto, to, as far as, in, at, on’ RV
  • – varIvarta from -vRt ? ‘to turn, turn round, revolve, roll (also applied to the rolling down of tears)’ RV; declesnion of -var, -vR, vara ?; we followed Griffith;
  • – bhuvana ‘(3) world; a being, living creature, man, mankind’ RV;
  • – anta ‘end, border, limit, frontier; interior, inside, inner part, condition, nature, nearness;
  • 1) line continuity : juxtaposed to previous gandharva, it makes Sense that now another, an eden cherub is described – who is ‘feeding’ their gandharva; it also makes sense that the eden-cherub provides a dimensional covering for théir worlds; considered the foreleg KHEPESH also the ‘both directions’ seem to fit – yet the intent of ‘going to the centre, and both directions’ is unclear;


# from winged-disk to gandharva,

the only connection we can make, is that the disk ‘belongs to the eden-ox-cherub’; in all ancient texts the last line refers back to the first one, and it can be *possible* that this disk is one of the four rings, or wheels of the four cherubs (Ezekiel pages). To right an Assyrian depiction; in many instances the male [probably the gandharva] is shown as if ‘connecting both sides’ (realms) by standing within the ring. The “legs” of the disk should be the legs RET standing upon both mountains;


02.09. submitted —- loNe — first series